How to enable response logging in standalone wiremock - rest

How to enable verbose response logging in standalone wiremock?

The --verbose CLI flag will do this in the 2.x versions.
Unfortunately this isn't possible in 1.x.

In the current latest version 2.11.0. You can do it in this way
WireMockServer wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(new WireMockConfiguration().port(8080).notifier(new Slf4jNotifier(true)));
.withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
You need to keep the body json file in src/test/resources/__files/ directory


Proxy authorization not working with JettyConnectorProvider for Jersey 2.x(2.25.1)

I am trying to use JettyConnectorProvider with jersey 2.x for proxy support, but it seems that proxy authorization is not working, i have recently upgraded from Jersey 1.x to 2.x.
Please find below the code :
ClientBuilder clientBuilder= ClientBuilder.newBuilder();
final ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
config.connectorProvider(new JettyConnectorProvider());, proxyURI);, user);, password);
this.restClient =;
need help, please let me know if i am missing out something.
I can not use ApacheConnectorProvider as it has dependency on Apache HttpClient 4.x and this may require big changes for my system and this is a production issue.

Unable to download embedded MongoDB, behind proxy, using automatic configuration script

I have a Spring Boot project, built using Maven, where I intend to use embedded mongo db. I am using Eclipse on Windows 7.
I am behind a proxy that uses automatic configuration script, as I have observed in the Connection tab of Internet Options.
I am getting the following exception when I try to run the application. Could not open inputStream for
at ~[de.flapdoodle.embed.process-2.0.1.jar:na]
at ~[de.flapdoodle.embed.process-2.0.1.jar:na]
MongoDB gets downloaded just fine, when I hit the following URL in my web browser:
This leads me to believe that probably I'm missing some configuration in my Eclipse or may be the maven project itself.
Please help me to find the right configuration.
What worked for me on a windows machine:
Download the zip file (
manually and put it (not unpack) into this folder:
Indeed the problem is about your proxy (a corporate one I guess).
If the proxy do not require authentication, you can solve your problem easily just by adding the appropriate -Dhttp.proxyHost=... and -Dhttp.proxyPort=... (or/and the same with "https.[...]") as JVM arguments in your eclipse junit Runner, as suggested here :
One solution to your problem is to do the following.
Download MongoDB and place it on a ftp server which is inside your corporate network (for which you would not need proxy).
Then write a configuration in your project like this
public IRuntimeConfig embeddedMongoRuntimeConfig() {
final Command command = Command.MongoD;
final IRuntimeConfig runtimeConfig = new RuntimeConfigBuilder()
.artifactStore(new ExtractedArtifactStoreBuilder()
.download(new DownloadConfigBuilder()
return runtimeConfig;
With the property mongo.proxy you can control whether Spring Boot downloads MongoDB from your ftp server or from outside. If it is set to true then it downloads from the ftp server. If not then it tries to download from the internet.
The easiest way seems to me to customize the default configuration:
DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer mongoProxyCustomizer() {
return configBuilder -> {
configBuilder.proxyFactory(new HttpProxyFactory(host, port));
Got the same issue (with Spring Boot 2.6.1 the spring.mongodb.embedded.version property is mandatory).
To configure the proxy, I've added the configuration bean by myself:
private String proxyDomain;
private Integer proxyPort;
RuntimeConfig embeddedMongoRuntimeConfig(ObjectProvider<DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer> downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers) {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".EmbeddedMongo");
ProcessOutput processOutput = new ProcessOutput(Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.INFO), Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.ERROR), Processors.named("[console>]", Processors.logTo(logger, Slf4jLevel.DEBUG)));
return Defaults.runtimeConfigFor(Command.MongoD, logger).processOutput(processOutput).artifactStore(this.getArtifactStore(logger, downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers.orderedStream())).isDaemonProcess(false).build();
private ExtractedArtifactStore getArtifactStore(Logger logger, Stream<DownloadConfigBuilderCustomizer> downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers) { downloadConfigBuilder = Defaults.downloadConfigFor(Command.MongoD);
downloadConfigBuilder.progressListener(new Slf4jProgressListener(logger));
downloadConfigBuilderCustomizers.forEach((customizer) -> {
DownloadConfig downloadConfig = downloadConfigBuilder
.proxyFactory(new HttpProxyFactory(proxyDomain, proxyPort)) // <--- HERE
return Defaults.extractedArtifactStoreFor(Command.MongoD).withDownloadConfig(downloadConfig);
In my case, I had to add the HTTPS corporate proxy to Intellij Run Configuration.
Https because it was trying to download:
Please keep in mind this is a (DEV) setup.

Apache Spark: I always got org.apache.axis.AxisFault: (404)Not Found when using google-spark-adwords

I'm still a newbie in Apache Spark dev.
I'm using apache spark to query data from google ads words using spark-google-adwords. But, I always got this org.apache.axis.AxisFault: (404)Not Found
I'm using Scala 2.11 and latest stable Apache Spark. I've tried to look for the solution for this problem, but I still couldn't find out the cause.
This issue was resolved by adding a copy of axis2.xml to classpath and overriding few connection manager params as follows:
HttpConnectionManagerParams params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams();
params.setDefaultMaxConnectionsPerHost(20); //SET VALUE BASED ON YOUR REQUIREMENTS/LOAD TESTING etc
MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager);
ConfigurationContext configurationContext = ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("**PATH TO COPY OF AXIS2.XML**");
configurationContext.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CACHED_HTTP_CLIENT, httpClient);
credit :

How to enable verbose logging in non standalone wiremock

I see that there are instructions on enabling verbose logging for wiremock when running it in standalone fashion at (see --verbose).
How do I enable the same when starting it from a java code?
If you're using a JUnit Rule, you can set the notifier to verbose mode like this:
public WireMockRule serviceMock = new WireMockRule(new WireMockConfiguration().notifier(new Slf4jNotifier(true)));
WireMock uses SLF4J. Set the level of the category com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock to TRACE. Consult the SLF4J manual to find out how to accomplish this in your case.
Set Notifier to ConsoleNotifier(true).
WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(WireMockConfiguration.options().port(8080).httpsPort(443)
.notifier(new ConsoleNotifier(true)).extensions(new ResponseTemplateTransformer(true)));

How to check if ElasticSearch is running properly

I am new to ElasticSearch and I am facing issues while connecting to ElasticSearch. Please find below details:
hq plugin and head plugin are showing different results:
Output of HQ Plugin:
Output of Head Plugin:
When I try to connect from my scala code, I get following error:
org.elasticsearch.client.transport.NoNodeAvailableException: None of the configured nodes are available: []
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService.ensureNodesAreAvailable(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClientNodesService.execute(
at org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient.index(
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.Executable$class.injectFuture(Executable.scala:21)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.injectFuture(IndexDsl.scala:20)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.apply(IndexDsl.scala:23)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.IndexDsl$IndexDefinitionExecutable$.apply(IndexDsl.scala:20)
at com.sksamuel.elastic4s.ElasticClient.execute(ElasticClient.scala:28)
Here is my Code which I use for connection:
val settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("", "elasticsearch")
val client = ElasticClient.remote(settings, ElasticsearchClientUri("elasticsearch://"))
I also checked my connection and I am able to successfully telnet on both 9200 and 9300 ports
I read somewhere that the problem might be with http.cors, So I added following lines to /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file on the server:
http.cors.allow-origin: "/.*/"
http.cors.enabled: true
Please suggest what am I doing wrong ?
-- Update --
Thanks # Evaldas Buinauskas, It was version problem, I had installed elastic version 2.0 and was using libraries and plugins of version 1.7. I downgraded my elastic to version 1.7 and everything worked!
The issue comes from different Elasticsearch, head plugin and Scala client versions.
In pre 2.0 Elasticsearch still supported deprecated _status endpoint (deprecated in 1.2.0)
Version 2.0 completely dropped it and replaced it with _recovery.
Both head and Scala weren't upgraded and tried to call dropped api.