Difference between 'for index' and traditional 'for loop' - swift

I'm new to Swift and pretty new to programming. I'm not sure if it's because it's 2:34 am but can somebody help me identify the difference between these two loops?
The first one is resulting in the values I want yet uses (as the Swift documentation explains) a 'traditional C loop' where the one after is using what seems like a Swift preferred 'for index' loop (which I personally like as it is clearer to me), the problem is that this loop returns every number rather than meeting the conditional.
func findLargestPrimeFactor(number: Int) {
for var i = 2; i < number; i += i {
if number/i % 1 > 0 {
} else {
Below is returning every number to 13195
func findLargestPrimeFactor(number: Int) {
for i in 2...number {
if number/i % 1 > 0 {
} else {

I've realised how stupid my mistakes were, first of all I have no idea why I was doing i += i, that just didn't make sense at all.
Also, my conditional was never being met because I declared it as an Int when really I needed a Float because I care about remainders!
Edit: I've updated my code yet again (taken everyones feedback into consideration), I feel a bit better with this and will continue working on the solution.
Thanks to everyone for your help!
Updated code
func findLargestPrimeFactor(number: Int) {
for i in 2...number {
var n = Float(number)
var count = Float(i)
if n/count % 1 > 0 {
print("not divisible")
} else {


Swift - for loop statement not taking an absolute value

Such a weird question, but I set up this code in a playground:
let currentNumber = "1999999999"
let absNumber = abs(Double(currentNumber)!)
var digitCount = 0
if absNumber > 999999999 {
for n in currentNumber {
if n.isNumber {
digitCount += 1
} else {
As written, this code gets evaluated and my for loop runs...however, if is set my string to "-1999999999", the for loop doesn't run. The absolute value of -1999999999 is 100% greater than 999999999, so what did I miss?
The thing you did not understand is the control flow operator. You can get the expected behavior just change a single line:
if n.isNumber {
digitCount += 1
} else {
break // here change to continue
to this:
if n.isNumber {
digitCount += 1
} else {
However, I highly recommend you try LLDB in an Xcode Project, either a Commandline tool or app. The stepover tool is quite useful for such a logical problem.

Rolling a dice in swift using a while function and printing results until the result is 1

I'm really new to Swift and I have a task asking me to create a while loop that simulates rolling a 6-sided dice repeatedly until a 1 is rolled. After each roll, print the value.
In just about every iteration I've tried over the last 2 hours I keep ending in an infinite loop that explodes Xcode.
Any help would be fantastic!
var dieRoll = Int.random(in: 1...6)
while dieRoll <= 6 {
print (dieRoll)
if dieRoll == 1 {
print ("You win!")
Got it to this point, it no longer runs endlessly but it acts weird and returns values of 1 without printing "You win!"
func dieRoll(x: Int) -> Int {
return Int.random(in:1...6)
while dieRoll(x: 0) > 1 {
print(dieRoll(x: 0))
if dieRoll(x: 1) == 1 {
print("You win!")
else {
Your dieRoll variable is declared AS A VARIABLE yet you never change it! Try “rerolling” within the While Loop
Also, there’s always the chance that a 6 never gets rolled... idk if you want to mess with “real” probabilities but if you’re finding issues you may want to institute a “max number of rolls”... personally I wouldn’t but hey you never know
TDLR: last line of the while-loop should reroll your dieRoll var
Okay, so I got away from the string text and focused on what the code was saying versus what my typing was saying. Ended up with this (probably a monstrosity to you experienced folks) but it looks something like this.
var rolling = Int.random(in: 1...6)
while rolling > 1 {
if rolling == 1 {
} else {
rolling = Int.random(in: 1...6)
And every time I run it it ends on a 1 so it does what it needs to!

function containing 2 loops

Have a sorting function here and when I change the -- decrementer to -= 1 that gets rid of one error but I still get the syyntax error.
func iSortBort(myList: Array) -> Array {
var extract = myList
for firstIndex in 0..<extract.count {
let key = extract[firstIndex]
for var secondIndex = firstIndex; secondIndex > -1; secondIndex--1 {
In case of doubt, any C-style for, regardless of its position or nesting level, can be trivially changed to a while loop:
var secondIndex = firstIndex
while secondIndex > -1 {
defer { i -= 1 }
// loop body
though you might be able to get away with stride in your case. (I don't remember how to use it off my head though, especially not in Swift 3.)
stride is indeed the way to go. Also, it seems like you would benefit from using enumerate(). Try this:
for (firstIndex, key) in extract.enumerate() {
for secondIndex in firstIndex.stride(through: 0, by: -1) {
check this out: http://bjmiller.me/post/137624096422/on-c-style-for-loops-removed-from-swift-3
like for decrementing:
for secondIndex in (0...firstIndex).reverse() {
print("comparing \(key) and \(myList[secondIndex])")
if key < extract[secondIndex] {
extract.removeAtIndex(secondIndex + 1)
extract.insert(key, atIndex: secondIndex)
The correct answer is to just use the included Swift sort function. That's all your code does so why re-invent the wheel? (Poorly btw, your code compares each element to itself which is totally unnecessary, and it loads up extract and then moves the elements around in it when it would be better to just build up the array as you go along.)

First steps in Swift, performance issue when allocating small objects in a BST

In trying to learn Swift 2.2, I am facing a serious performance drop when trying to allocate many small objects (fundamentally, a BST of 262144 elements). My current benchmark is a Java 1.8.0_74 compile of an old snip that I wrote some years ago, which, on my 2012 Retina Macbook Pro executes in 59 seconds (59036178 microsecond). The Issue I can observe via Instruments is that I get literally dozens of swift_retain_ and swift_release per iteration. Not sure how to avoid them:
import Foundation
import Darwin;
import Foundation
public class BinarySearchTree<T : Comparable> {
private var _value : T?;
private var _leftTree : BinarySearchTree<T>?;
private var _rightTree : BinarySearchTree<T>?;
public init(value : T) {
_value = value;
var value : T? {
get {
return self._value;
set {
self._value = newValue;
var leftTree : BinarySearchTree<T>? {
get {
return self._leftTree;
set {
self._leftTree = newValue;
var rightTree : BinarySearchTree<T>? {
get {
return self._rightTree;
set {
self._rightTree = newValue;
public func add(newValue : T) -> BinarySearchTree<T> {
var navigator : BinarySearchTree<T>?;
var subtree : BinarySearchTree<T>?;
var done : Bool?;
done = false;
navigator = self;
while (!done!) {
if (newValue < navigator?.value) {
subtree = navigator?.leftTree;
if (subtree != nil) {
navigator = subtree;
} else {
let newNode = BinarySearchTree<T>(value: newValue);
navigator!.leftTree = newNode;
done = true;
} else if (newValue > navigator?.value) {
subtree = navigator?.rightTree;
if (subtree != nil) {
navigator = subtree;
} else {
let newNode = BinarySearchTree<T>(value: newValue);
navigator?.rightTree = newNode;
done = true;
} else {
done = true;
return self;
} /* cut remove/search methods */
And this is the test code I wrote for the test run
let count : Int32 = 262144;
let base : Int32 = 65536;
let target : Int32 = count + 1;
var info = mach_timebase_info(numer:0, denom:0);
var timebase = mach_timebase_info(&info);
let numer = UInt64(info.numer);
let denom = UInt64(info.denom);
let norm = UInt64(numer/denom);
let check1 = (mach_absolute_time() * norm);
var root = BinarySearchTree<Int32>(value:base);
for var loop in 0 ... count-1 {
if (loop % 1000 == 0) {
root = root.add(loop);
let check2 = (mach_absolute_time() * norm);
print("Creation phase microseconds: [" + String((check2 - check1) / 1000) + "]");
I tried searching for the specific swift release/retain issue with no luck, I am not sure how to proceed. Thanks everyone
The issue, as you note is the retain/release (though it isn't really, retain/release is insignificant next to the power of ummm... we'll get there at the end). This isn't really related to allocations. You're not allocating extra objects, you're just retaining them briefly and then releasing them. I'll start with Kenneth's code, which optimizes out a lot of performance problems in the original, but still has this issue. (I'm not considering the recursive code because it crashes in your current use case. It does dodge some redundant retains, though.)
It is worth saying that Kenneth's code is good and is generally the way you should do things (as you'll see even more as we go along).
First note: when you mentioned -Ofast, that's for ObjC, not Swift. The flag for Swift is just -O. You also want -whole-module-optimization, but that doesn't really help anything here.
One more little thing, then we're get to it. Mark classes final any time you can. This makes sure there's no dynamic dispatch. This doesn't matter very much here compared the retain/release, but hey, take the easy stuff.
Does 30% off sound good?
OK, now a big one, and it's a trick. I find that I can knock out about 30% of the time (from ~6min to ~4min for the full import) by rewriting this:
guard let subtree = navigator.leftTree else {
navigator.leftTree = BinarySearchTree<T>(value: newValue)
navigator = subtree
As this:
let subtree = navigator.leftTree
if subtree == nil {
navigator.leftTree = BinarySearchTree(value: newValue)
navigator = subtree!
This is a something to be very careful with. It turns out to be faster in this case, but that may not be as fast across other inputs. That may not be as fast across changes to the optimizer (the SIL generation is a bit weird, and I suspect may actually be a mistake because it seems to double-retain navigator in the second case, but only after the if has succeeded). But it does seem to currently be faster. (EDIT: The Swift team was surprised by this finding, and there is now a bug opened against it. Do not expect this to work in the future.)
How about 85% How's that sound?
But like you said, couldn't we avoid all this with structs? But it'd be insanely expensive to copy the whole tree every time we touch it. Of course we could dramatically improve that with copy-on-write like Array uses. But COW is pretty complicated. If only there were a way to reuse the existing stuff. What if we use Array?
private struct Node<Element: Comparable> {
let value: Element
var leftIndex = -1 // Ugly, but ~25% faster than using Int? in my tests
var rightIndex = -1
init(_ value: Element) { self.value = value }
// This works exactly the same if you make it a `final class`. Your choice.
public struct BinarySearchTree<Element: Comparable> {
private var storage: [Node<Element>] = []
init(value: Element) { storage.append(Node(value)) }
public mutating func add(newValue: Element) {
if storage.isEmpty {
var index = 0
while (true) {
let node = storage[index]
if (newValue < node.value) {
if node.leftIndex < 0 {
storage[index].leftIndex = storage.count - 1 // Don't use node here; remember value types!
index = node.leftIndex
} else if (newValue > node.value) {
if node.rightIndex < 0 {
storage[index].rightIndex = storage.count - 1
index = node.rightIndex
} else {
This takes ~45s to run on my system. Of course this makes delete a bit more complicated. You'd either have to accept "leaked" memory (possibly with periodic repacking), or you'd need to maintain a freelist. But a freelist wouldn't be too hard to add.
Let's try 99.97% improvement with no changes to add().
And of course it's important to remember that this is a nearly pathological case for BST. Even if you were often handed data in order, you'd be better off applying a shuffle prior to inserting it, even including the cost of the shuffle. For example, using shuffleInPlace (and counting its time), inserting exactly the same values:
var values = Array(0 ... count - 1)
for (loop, value) in values.enumerate() {
if (loop % 1000 == 0) {
This takes us from 45s to about 0.1s. (Kenneth's version and my "!" version are about about 0.2s under this metric; I'd probably use Kenneth's solution, with final added. Even your original code, which has a lot of inefficiencies that Kenneth fixed, only takes 0.5s with this change. Remember, the Kenneth-optimized version with in-order add was 6 minutes on my system.)
It's worth it to shuffle before inserting. If you get things over time, it could be worth it to batch them up and shuffle them before inserting. If the tree changes over time, it'd be worth checking if it's gotten too deep and rebuilding it periodically. Keeping the tree depth reasonable overwhelms every other optimization. Clever ways of working around Swift memory management couldn't touch this one change.
Fix the algorithm. Everything else is peanuts in comparison.
I simplified your code, removing some Optionals and your getter/setters because they were unnecessary and could contribute to slow code.
I profiled both your code and mine and got this result on the same data set of random elements:
1000 elements:
Yours: Creation phase microseconds: [28680771]
Mine : Creation phase microseconds: [8564279]
10000 elements:
Yours: Creation phase microseconds: [426233689]
Mine : Creation phase microseconds: [126725800]
Here is my code:
public class BinarySearchTree2<T : Comparable> {
public init(value : T) {
self.value = value
var value : T
var leftTree : BinarySearchTree2<T>?
var rightTree : BinarySearchTree2<T>?
public func add(newValue : T) -> BinarySearchTree2<T> {
var navigator = self
while (true) {
if (newValue < navigator.value) {
guard let subtree = navigator.leftTree else {
navigator.leftTree = BinarySearchTree2<T>(value: newValue)
navigator = subtree
if (newValue > navigator.value) {
guard let subtree = navigator.rightTree else {
navigator.rightTree = BinarySearchTree2<T>(value: newValue)
navigator = subtree
return self
} /* cut remove/search methods */
I also did a more optimum balanced tree test where I created a data set of 1001 sequential elements, removed the middle element, used a Fisher-Yates shuffle to randomize the order, initialized the root with the middle element, and ran both sets. Here are my results:
Yours: Creation phase microseconds: [27648219]
Mine: Creation phase microseconds: [8332361]
Edit 2:
I switched the add() method to use recursion with significant gains in speed:
Before (my original code): Creation phase microseconds: [8088804]
After : Creation phase microseconds: [1179398]
Here is the new code:
public class BinarySearchTree3<T : Comparable> {
public init(value : T) {
self.value = value
let value : T
var leftTree : BinarySearchTree3<T>?
var rightTree : BinarySearchTree3<T>?
public func add(newValue : T) {
if (newValue < self.value) {
if self.leftTree?.add(newValue) == nil {
self.leftTree = BinarySearchTree3<T>(value: newValue)
if (newValue > self.value) {
if self.rightTree?.add(newValue) == nil {
self.rightTree = BinarySearchTree3<T>(value: newValue)
} /* cut remove/search methods */

Using multiple outlets in swift

func lampPressed(Rij: Int, Kolom: Int){
for var i = 1; i < 3; i++ {
if status[Rij][i] == "aan" {
rij\(Rij)kolom\(i)LBL.text = "Uit"
I want a easy way to switch between 9 different labelOutlets.
Is there a way to make this happen.
Or else an other way to make this faster
I now have put all my button in a collections:
collectionOfButtons[(Rij-1)*3+i].titleLabel?.text = "uit"
and made the fund got from 1 to 3
SaiCyli had the right answer.
I have just made a 3x3 array.
For the index:
index = row * 3 + column