How to share USB 3.0 Hard Disk directly over a local network - ethernet

Like the title object, I'm looking for a way to share my external hard disk (which have a usb 3.0 connectors) over a local network without a computer. I think that a NAS adapter should be the perfect solution but I don't want to spend too many money on that so I'm looking for a cheaper solution.

Some kind of standalone Linux board with network capability is likely the cheapest option here. It does require you to google setup details, but is a very elastic option when it comes to what you can use it for in future. It might be harder to benefit from full USB 3.0 throughput, so if you care about performance, better to invest in some ready solution.
Personally I can recommend having a look at RaspberryPi model B board for that purpose:


In Linux device drivers what is the difference between mmc, mtd?

MTD memory technology devices is driver part dealing with flash kind of memory.
MMC is also flash memory in it's driver core it also has functions to deal with configuring boot partition. What is the difference between these two in their features and functionality and when to use which driver apis
I am a newbie to linux device driver.
If my customized embedded system hosts embedded linux in the SD/MMC card, do I have to look for and modify the files present in kernel source in the path /drivers/mtd or /drivers/mmc or both to adopt my hardware for functionalities like partitioning the card,formatting the card to required filesystem etc,..? If /drivers/mmc is needed to look for, then inside it /drivers/mmc/host or /drivers/mmc/core is needed for the functionalities related to hosting the OS with my above said needs.
Please anybody clarify my doubt.
This my doubt and not related to any of my experiments

Is it required to use an OPC Server to Communicate with Controllogix?

I'm wondering if for simply communicating with a PLC, like reading and writing tags, do I need all of the other heavy lifting that comes with an OPC-UA server?
I've tried writing a simple server in Python that talks to the PLC, but I get denied when requesting information from the PLC.
The Controllogix PLC I'm attempting to communicate with uses Ethernet/IP to communicate, so why doesn't a simple server/client script work? What is required exactly to communicate with an Allen Bradley PLC or PLC's in general?
There is quite a bit required to communicate with a PLC.
Each vendor has a driver, there are firmware compatibility considerations. Different protocols to think about.
OPC-UA makes it a bit more generic, but OPC-UA still has a set of things to work around when setting up communications.
Most of the OPC products I've worked with, needs to have their security adjusted to allow anonymous communication. It's generally bad practice to do this. (A network intrusion would be able to read/write to your automation layer) There is certificate signing and some encryption business that needs to be turned off if you're looking for simple communication. (Again, not a good practice but ok for learning)
After all that you have to have a notion of how your PLC is set up on your OPC server, there are channels, devices, namespaces etc. You'll point the OPC client to some opc.tcp://:
If you got this far you're almost done, I'm assuming your OPC server is running and has tags configured at this point. You can use your OPC-UA API to do a read. It can return just the value, or you can get an object back with tag health, timestamp, and a bunch of other data. Depends on the implementation. After that you can do subscriptions, writes...whatever else you need.
TLDR: OPC server not required, but may be the easiest method. Turn off security. (But turn it back on before exposing your control layer to the net)
I am also a little late to this conversation. If you are interested in coding your own solutions and don't want to use any of the commercially available standards, AdvancedHMI is a "mostly" open source solution written in VB.NET which is 100% free and provides communications to many different PLCs including the ControlLogix platform. Since I see you are programming in Python you may also be interested to know that the project does work under Mono on the Linux OS. I have used it to write gateways between EthernetIP and ModbusTCP and to pull data serially from OEM devices and push this data to a CLX PLC.
The forum is full of many helpful hints and is very active and supported.
Just trying to give you another option. DDE, NetDDE, FastDDE, OPC, DCOM, Suitelink.... These are all good, but mostly a pay to play adventure. As a programmer, it seems ridiculous to have to pay such an excessive amount of money just to talk to my hardware, IMHO. Sorry for the rant. Have Fun!
Update - Just wanted to also suggest the following open source project written in python:
I have used this to write small programs for communicating with CompactLogix and ControlLogix. (Even to/from a RaspberryPi!)
Depends on several factors, if you want something simple to program you can opt for Modbus/TCP I think some AB PLC supports it without extra hardware.
However if you want something with more security for example for industrial use then OPC UA would be better choice but the programming has a complexity far higher than Modbus, even using the libraries of OPC Foundation or others. There is the option of using a commercial or free (if any) OPC UA server to save work, then you will need to program the client side only.
With Ethernet/IP it should also be possible, but the problem is that there is no clear specification and even different AB models talk different Ethernet/IP dialect ! , it is also far more complex to program than Modbus.
I am a little late to this discussion, but there are a couple commercial tools that make this a bit easier. The one that comes to mind for me when you say you are using python is Cogent's data hub. It is certainly not the cheapest tool out there, but they have already done all of the heavy lifting for PLC/PC communications & security.
If trying to read CLX data using Python, there are several open source implementations that will save you a lot of work. Such as this:
If you use .NET and Visual Studio, you can use AdvancedHMI
to be able to read and write OPC Tags to ControlLogix platform is done via its communication Driver RSLinx. RSLinx acts as an OPC Server, it will need to be configured to communicate with the PLC and run on a networked PC on the same LAN. Several flavours of RSLinx are available (for WAN/VLAN also) but essentially this is the communications driver you need to talk to AB PLC's

What is the best way to start programming with Real Time Linux?

Although I have implemented many projects in C, I am completely new to operating systems. I tried real time linux on Discovery board (STM32) and got the correct results for blinking LED but I didn't really understand the whole process since I just followed the steps and could not find whole description for each step on the internet.
I want to implement scheduling on real time linux. What is the best way to start? Any sites, books, tutorials available?
Complete RTLinux process description will be appreciated.
Thanks in adv.
The transition from "bare metal" to OS based programming is something that I experienced in reverse. I started out a complete software guy, totally into the OS side of things and over time I have moved to the opposite of that (even designing circuits in VHDL!). My advice would be to start simple. Linux is pretty complex, and everywhere you look there are many layers of things all working together to deliver the final product. If you are dead set on a real time linux extension, I'd be happy to suggest which is a real time extension for linux.
However, to more specifically address your question about implementing scheduling in Linux, you can, but it will be a large amount of work and can be very complicated. The OS uses a completely fair scheduling process ( ) and whenever you spin up a thread, it simply gets added to the list to run. This can differ slightly if you implement your code in kernel space as a driver, rely on hardware interrupts, etc., but in general, this is how Linux works. Real time generally means that it has the ability to assign threads one of several different priorities and utilize thread preemption fully at any given time which are concepts that aren't really a part of vanilla Linux. It has some notion of this, but it has limitations that can cause problems when you are looking for real time behavior from Linux.
What may be helpful to you is an RTOS. If you are looking for a full on Real Time Operating System, check out FreeRTOS . It has a large community and supports a lot of different devices out of the box with a large amount of example code. They even support your specific board with an example package, so you can give it a shot with nothing to lose! . It gives you access to many OS ish constructs like network APIs, memory management, and threading without the overhead and latency of a huge OS. With an RTOS, you create tasks and assign them priorities so you become the scheduler and are no longer at the mercy of the OS. You run the OS, not the OS runs you (if that makes sense). Plus, the constructs offered within an RTOS will feel much like bare metal code and thus will be much easier to follow, understand, and fully learn. It is a more simple world to learn the base building blocks of a full blown OS such as Linux or Windows. If this option sounds good, I would suggest looking through the supported devices on FreeRTOS website and picking one you would like to experiment with and then go for it. I would highly recommend this as a way to learn about scheduling and OS constructs in general as it is as simple as you can get and open source. Once you have the basics of an RTOS down, buying a book about Linux specifically wouldn't be a bad idea. Although there are many free resources on the web related to learning about Linux, they are commonly contradictory, and can be misleading. Pile on learning Linux specific knowledge along with OS in general, and it can feel overwhelming. Starting simpler will help keep you from getting burnt out and minimize the amount of time you spend feeling lost. Linux is definitely a learning process, but like with any learning process, start simple, keep your ultimate goal in mind, make a plan, and take small, manageable steps along that plan until you look up and find yourself exactly where you want to be. Then go tackle the next mountain!
The real-time Linux landscape is quite confusing. 99.99% of the information out there is just plain obsolete.
First, there are lots of "microkernels" that run Linux as one task. (Such as the defunct RTLinux). The problem is that you must write your real-time task to a different API, and can't depend on anything in Linux, because Linux will be frozen in the background while your task runs. So unless your task is dead-simple ("stop the motors when I press this button"), this approach will cause more pain than gain.
Next, there is the realtime Linux patch set. This hasn't been doing so well. because of the next item:
Lastly, the current Linux kernel has gotten rid of the problems that caused people to need realtime in the past. You can even turn off Linux on one of your processors to have full control of the CPU. See also this paper.
To answer your question: I see two different paths you could take:
1) Start with a normal 3.xx Linux kernel and explore the various APIs and realtime techniques (i.e. realtime priorities, memory pinning, etc.) This can get you "close enough" for 99% of what people want "realtime" for. If it's good enough for high frequency trading, it's probably good enough for you.
2) If you have a hard realtime requirement and you are worried that Linux won't cut it, then (as Nick mentioned above), just go buy a processor and write your realtime code with no OS. By splitting up your "realtime" and "non-realtime" code onto different CPUs, you will make the whole system simpler and much more robust.
If you want to learn real-time operating systems then I suggest that you get an FPGA, for example the Altera DE2, and experiment with your own operating system and ucos. You can read a good text about embedded RTOS here.
You could also get a Linux Raspberry and write your own operating system for that.

Setting up a distributed computing grid on local network using .NET

In our firm we run complex simulations using our own software developed in .NET. These simulations are well-suited to parallel computation and we currently make much use of the various multi-threading features native to .NET. Even so, simulations often take hours or days.
We'd like to explore the potential of distributing computation over our local network of high-performance (24 core) workstations to access more CPU power. However we have no experience in this area.
Searching on Google reveals a few MPI-based options such as Pure MPI, MPI.NET, plus some commercial software such as Frontier.
Which solution should we consider for something that is ideally well-suited to a .NET environment and is relatively easy to set up?
Multithreading != grid computing, so you will need to rewrite some parts of your application regardless of what you will choose in the end.
I don’t know your network infrastructure but it sounded to me, like you would want to use normal desktop workstations to run distribute the code. I wouldn’t use MPI for that. MPI was rather developed for clusters and supercomputers where the network supports high bandwidth and low latency. Those aren’t the properties of a traditional office network (unless I understood something wrong).
The next thing you have to deal with is the fact that users shouldn’t turn off their machines if computations are performed on them. No grid computing platform (including MPI) deals with these kind of issues, as it is usually running on server hardware which has little failures and are running 24/7.
I don’t think there is a simple and inexpensive solution to this. You could have a service running on each machine which could execute code from DLLs with predefined parameters and send responses. Those assemblies could be downloadable from some windowsshare. But you want to have really huge peaces of work to be distributed like this. You wouldn’t get almost any improvements if the application runs only for a minute or less.
In the end you’d need also a service to find those services which are online or not, some kind of in memory DB where every service could write the IP address and that it’s online so that the clients would know to whom they can distribute the work. This could be done using RavenDB (as you said you are working with .Net), Redis or an application which was actually written for these kind of problems, Zookeeper.

VM cloud based OS possible?

"A process virtual machine (also, language virtual machine) is
designed to run a single program, which means that it supports a
single process. Such virtual machines are usually closely suited to
one or more programming languages and built with the purpose of
providing program portability and flexibility (amongst other things).
An essential characteristic of a virtual machine is that the software
running inside is limited to the resources and abstractions provided
by the virtual machine—it cannot break out of its virtual
environment. quote from the Wikipedia Article"
I've been studying usage of virtual machines, especially with their importance in Cloud Computing, and I want to know if it would be possible to develop a VM based operating system that could be scaled dynamically to use the processing power of connected servers? Use it's own local hardware for fast processing, but also boost it's performance by sending processes that don't need to return immediate responses to a cloud service.
Is this possible, or is that concept flawed?
Basically, the OS scaling with the connected cloud servers. The processes that are ok to send to the cloud servers for a latent response would be up to the developers of each program.
At first, I could see this being effective only for corporations in need of cost-effective massive computation. But as internet speeds increase, even front-end interface animation calculations might be possible, having less local hardware, relying more heavily on cloud services.
If it's possible, it would allow many scientific simulations that would otherwise need super computer time to be possible from any location in the world, at no more cost than exactly what processing is done at a specific speed. And would lead eventually to consumer devices being extremely small, 'scaleably' powerful, and very cheap, allowing people to pay for processing the same way they pay for internet service today.
Is this possible, or is that concept flawed?
Both. ;)
What you are talking about seems like what used to be called "Grid Computing". (Sun even sold it in the early 90's.) The concept was that you put a magic library on all your boxes, and your app will be able to scale out with no further work by the programmer.
This is useful -- but only if your problem is "embarrassingly parallel" (i.e. lots of independent calculations that don't affect each other.).
MPI is one such popular way to do this:
Unfortunately, most of the time people have problems that are more lumpy (grab a bunch of data from database, do some calculations, generate PDF.) In these cases, it's simpler to figure out a good strategy and manually code it up, than try to use a magic library which can be hard to debug, and even harder to work around performance problems. I know a lot of people using AWS, and none of them use a 'magic grid library' like you are talking about. They communicate between servers using simple protocols like Queues or HTTP interfaces.
That's not because your idea won't work. It's just that their needs can be satisfied by something much simpler to debug/run/tune.
Another neat idea in the same vein: