How do I add a units label to a ILNumerics Colorbar - ilnumerics

I would like to display the units in text for the values displayed on the colorbar. I have a colorbar added to my ILSurface and I'd like to show my units in text on the color bar along with the range.
Edit: I want to display text at the bottom of the color bar below the bottom tick just the one label.
I was able to get this to work this way
new ILColorbar()
Children = { new ILLabel("nm") {Position = new Vector3(.2f,.98f,0) } }
I have to say the Position coordinates are not very intuitive. I had to basically adjust the numbers by trial and error until it fit. I knew that the values range 0..1 so the X value was 1 at the bottom but I wanted it up from the border. And the Y value would need to be indented in some but I wasn't sure what was a good value but .2 works.

You can access the axis of ILColorbar and configure it in the usual way. Use the LabelTransformFunc on the ticks to set your own label text. You can use the default transform func and add your unit string.
var cb = scene.First<ILColorbar>();
cb.Axis.Ticks.LabelTransformFunc = (ind, val) =>
return ILTickCollection.DefaultLabelTransformFunc(ind, val) + "nm";
You can read more about the axis configuration here:
Axis Configuration
LabelTransformFunc in ApiDoc
If only one label is needed, then add a new ILLabel object in ILColorbar group as follows:
new ILColorbar() {
new ILLabel("z(nm)") {
Position = new Vector3(0.5,1,0),
Anchor = new PointF(0.5f,0)
The ILColorbar area have the relative coordinates 0..1 over the width and the height of the color bar. So we set position x in the middle of the ILColorbar, and position y at the bottom.
The Anchor position is used as relative position in relation to the Position point.
ILLabel Documentation


plotly: highlight (dim), rather than filter, when clicking on point in legend

I am building plotly figures with R. The figures have legends. Each legend has a colored point that represents a level of the data. Here is a minimal example:
x = ~Petal.Length, y = ~Petal.Width,
color = ~Species,
data = iris)
By default, double-clicking on a point in the legend completely hides all unrelated points. For example, double-clicking on the "versicolor" point in the legend hides all "setosa" and "virginica" points in the plot. In plotly argot, it "filters" the data in the plot.
But I would rather that clicking on a point in the legend highlight points in the plot. For example, I would like clicking (or double-clicking) on the versicolor point in the legend to dim the "setosa" and "virginica" points in the plot, perhaps by reducing their opacity. The versicolor points in the plot would then be "highlighted." Can this behavior be implemented?
I've read through the plotly documentation and searched SO and the plotly forums for related questions. That search suggests two potential solutions, but they seem rather complicated:
Write a custom "click event" function in JS. seems to suggest that this approach can work. I don't know whether I can implement this approach from R.
Disable the default legend (showlegend = FALSE), then create a new legend by adding traces that have customized click events.
Are these the best approaches? If they are, and if more than one is workable, which one should I pursue?
Other notes: I'm not using Shiny. And I know about the itemclick and itemdoubleclick legend attributes, and about highlight_key(), but they don't seem relevant. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
The key is to disable legend-click events in R, and then to write a custom event handler that changes the figure when plotly_legendclick is triggered. Here is an example:
myPlot <- plot_ly(
x = ~Petal.Length, y = ~Petal.Width,
color = ~Species,
data = iris)
# Disable default click-on-legend behavior
myPlot <- layout(
legend = list(itemclick = FALSE, itemdoubleclick = FALSE))
# Add an event handler
"function (el) {
const OPACITY_START = el._fullData[0].marker.opacity;
const OPACITY_DIM = 0.3;
el.on('plotly_legendclick', function (data) {
// Get current opacity. The legend bubble on which we click is given by
// data.curveNumber: data.curveNumber == 0 means that we clicked on the
// first bubble, 1 means that we clicked on the second bubble, and so on.
var currentOpacity = data.fullData[data.curveNumber].marker.opacity
if (currentOpacity < OPACITY_START) { // if points already dimmed
var update = { 'marker.opacity' : OPACITY_START }; // could also set to null
} else { // if points not already dimmed
var update = { 'marker.opacity' : OPACITY_DIM };
Plotly.restyle(el, update, data.curveNumber);
} );
When a user clicks on a legend bubble, this code toggles the corresponding bubbles in the plot between "normal" and "dim" states.
To instead toggle the other bubbles in the plot -- that is, to modify the other traces -- a small modification will be needed. In particular, data.curveNumber is always the number of the trace that corresponds to the clicked bubble in the legend. To instead modify the other traces, we need to pass the other trace numbers to Plotly.restyle(), not the trace that is indexed by data.curveNumber. See the Plotly.restyle() documentation for more on this point.

Loop to change block position

I have a Matlab script that creates a Model Block for each element i found in a text file.
The problem is that all Models are created on each other in the window. So i'm trying to make a loop like:
for each element in text file
I add a Model block
I place right to the previous one
So it can look like this:
As you can see on the left, all models are on each other and I would like to place them like the one on the right.
I tried this:
m = mdlrefCountBlocks(diagrammeName)+500;
add_block('simulink/Ports & Subsystems/Model',[diagrammeName '/' component_NameValue]);
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue), 'ModelFile',component_NameValue);
size_blk = get_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position');
X = size_blk(1,1);
Y = size_blk(1,2);
Width = size_blk(1,3);
Height = size_blk(1,4);
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position',[X+m Y X+Width Y+Height]);
Inside the loop but it returns an error Invalid definition of rectangle. Width and height should be positive.
Thanks for helping!
The position property of a block does actually not contain its width and height, but the positions of the corners on the canvas (see Common Block Properties):
vector of coordinates, in pixels: [left top right bottom]
The origin is the upper-left corner of the Simulink Editor canvas before any canvas resizing. Supported coordinates are between -1073740824 and 1073740823, inclusive. Positive values are to the right of and down from the origin. Negative values are to the left of and up from the origin.
So change your code to e.g.:
size_blk = get_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position');
set_param(sprintf('%s/%s',diagrammeName,component_NameValue),'Position', size_blk + [m 0 0 0]);

JAVAFX CHARTS: Setting origin point on category axis

I am in need to add a zero point for category axis in javafx line chart. In the image I want some "T0" to represent the zero mark of origin on the x axis, so that I can mark point on y axis as on the chart.
sample line chart ( looks like bar chart !)
I'm not completely clear what you're asking, but if you want the pixel coordinates of the left end of the x-axis, you can do
Category xAxis = ... ;
// ...
double leftEnd = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(value0) - xAxis.getCategorySpacing();
where value0 is the x-value of the first data point.

Gradient not rendering correctly on a Unity3D GUI object

I am attempting to apply a gradient effect on a Unity3D(5.2) gui object but its as if one of the gradient color keys is being completely ignored. I have tried with both instantiating a new gradient field and declaring a gradient field public and edit its keys in the editor but yet the effects remain the same.
I'm beginning to think that I am not supposed to use Gradients in a BaseMeshEffect in the way I am using it. If only have 2 keys, the colors render properly. Where am I wrong?
Here is a code sample followed by a screen shot.
public class GradientUI : BaseMeshEffect
public Gradient Grad;
public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh)
if (!IsActive())
List<UIVertex> vertexList = new List<UIVertex>();
void ModifyVertices(List<UIVertex> vertexList)
int count = vertexList.Count;
float bottomY = vertexList[0].position.y;
float topY = vertexList[0].position.y;
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
float y = vertexList[i].position.y;
if (y > topY)
topY = y;
else if (y < bottomY)
bottomY = y;
float uiElementHeight = topY - bottomY;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
UIVertex uiVertex = vertexList[i];
float percentage = (uiVertex.position.y - bottomY) / uiElementHeight;
// Debug.Log(percentage);
Color col = Grad.Evaluate(percentage);
uiVertex.color = col;
vertexList[i] = uiVertex;
Screen shot
Your script is actually OK, no problem with it. The problem here is that UI elements simply don't have enough geometry for you to actually see the whole gradient.
Let me explain. In a nutshell, each UI element is actually a mesh made of several 3D triangles, each one rotated to face the camera exactly with its front so it looks 2D. You filter works by assigning a color value to each vertex of those triangles. The color values in the middle of triangles are interpolated based on the proximity to each of the colored vertices.
If you look at UI element in wireframe, you will see that its geometry is very simple. This is for example how a sliced image looks:
As you can see, all of its vertices are concentrated at the corners, and there are no vertices in the middle. So, lets assume your gradient is 2 keys WHITE=>RED. The upper vertices get value WHITE or close to WHITE, the bottom values get value RED or close to RED. This works OK for 2 keys.
Now assume you have 3 keys WHITE=>BLUE=>RED. The upper value is WHITE or close to WHITE, the bottom values get value RED or close to RED, the BLUE value is supposed to be somewhere in the middle, but there is no vertex in the middle, so it is not assigned to anything. So you still get WHITE to RED gradient.
Now, what you can do:
1) You can add some more geometry programmatically, for example by simply subdividing the whole mesh. This may help you: Pay attention that in this case, the more keys your gradient has, the more subdivisions are required.
2) Use texture that looks like a gradient gradient.

How to format a minimalist chart with jFreeChart?

I generate a transparent chart that lets the background of a web page be seen through it.
So far I've done this (omited the populating of dataset for brevity):
CategoryPlot p = lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot();
Color trans = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0);
for (int i=0;i<=3;i++){
lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(i, new BasicStroke(3.0f));
Which renders this:
I cannot find a way of:
Removing border of plot (1)
Removing border of leyend as well as making it transparent (3)
Making the labels on the X axis (2) to behave intelligently as the labels of Y axis do (A). Labels of Y axis space themselves so as to not clutter the graph, for example if I rendered the graph smaller, it would show fewer labels, like this:
Edit: X label domain is dates.
For (1) try:
For (2), a common reason for having too many categories along the x-axis is that the data is actually numerical, in which case you should be using XYPlot rather than CategoryPlot. With XYPlot, the x-axis scale adjusts in the same way that the y-axis does.
Edit from OP: Using a TimeSeriesChart with a TimeSeriesCollection as XYDataSet did the work! (fotgot to say X domain is dates)
For (3) try:
LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend();
legend.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));