firefox extension content script not reload for multiple page? - firefox-addon-sdk

i work with firefox addon sdk, i develop an extension and i have problem with content script i want to include content script in multiple page in same website whitout reload of script, with pagemod we can include script for all match pattern :
include : "*",
contentScriptWhen: "ready",
contentScriptFile : "myscript.js"
but i don't find the way to load myscript.js in multiple page (for example : or whitout reload myscript.js ?

pageMod will load the script every time a tab/window is opened, page is refreshed or url changes and matches the requirements in the include.
you can try the tabs api. From the setup I threw together real quick, it will reload if the page is refreshed, a url is manually entered, but not when a user clicks a link.
in the "index.js" file
var self = require('sdk/self');
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
tabs.on('ready', function (tab) {
var url = tab.url;
if(url.indexOf('') != -1){
contentScriptFile: ['./index.js']
in the content script file I had a timer outputting to the console.
var cnt = 0;
}, 1000);


Squarespace + PayPal - custom form with fee added issue with displaying total

I'm helping with a Squarespace site and it has a custom form added in code on a particular page. The form collects the payer's info, then can enter any amount in the "Total to charge" field, then it is supposed to display the 2.7% fee. However, I can ONLY get the fee to display if I refresh the page (chrome, safari, either one). Click here to see the page...let me know
here is a snippet of code:
$(document).ready(function () {
var $amount = $('input[name="amount_1"]');
var $fee = $("#fee");
var $total = $("#total");
var $amount_2 = $("input[name='amount_2']");
var processing_fee = .027;
var isCurrency = function (inval) {
var regex = /^[1-9]\d*(((,\d{3}){1})?(\.\d{0,2})?)$/;
if (regex.test(inval)) {
return true;
return false;
$amount.on('input propertychange', function () {
if (isCurrency($amount.val())) {
var fee = ($amount.val() * processing_fee).toFixed(2);
var total = (Number(fee) + Number($amount.val())).toFixed(2);
$fee.text('$' + fee);
$total.text('$' + total);
$amount.on('blur', function () {
$amount.val($amount.val().replace("$", ""));
if (!isCurrency($amount.val())) {
submitHandler: function (form) {
When a custom script only runs on page refresh, the cause is likely to be Squarespace's AJAX loading:
Occasionally, Ajax may conflict with embedded custom code or anchor
links. Ajax can also interfere with site analytics, logging hits on
the first page only.
Disabling AJAX is often a simple solution:
You can disable Ajax in the Style Editor, with some exceptions:
Ajax can't be disabled in Skye, Foundry, or Tudor.
Ajax can't be disabled on the blog landing page for Farro and Haute. If you uncheck Enable Ajax Loading in these templates, they
will still use Ajax to load the Blog Page.
To enable or disable Ajax:
In the Home Menu, click Design, and then click Style Editor.
Scroll down to Site: Loading.
Check or uncheck Enable Ajax Loading.
If you do not want to disable AJAX, then see "Option 2" here for how to write your code so that it will work on initial page load and on AJAX page loads.

Protractor page object definition not working as expected

I apologize for the slightly vague title, I'm not sure how exactly to word this.
I have my Page Object which, with one exception, works perfectly. Here's the excerpt:
module.exports = function(){
this.facilityList = element('facility')).all(by.tagName('option'));
this.randomFacility = element('facility')).all(by.tagName('option')).count().then(function(numberOfItems) {
var rnum = parseInt(Math.random() * numberOfItems);
return rnum;
}).then(function(randomNumber) {
I can access and use facilityList just fine. But then I realized that I'm almost always doing the same thing to facilityList so why don't I just create another line to make it choose a random one. So I create randomFacility using the code from the main conf.js.
It didn't work. The error I see displayed is:
Failed: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "both angularJS testability and angular testability are undefined. This could be either because this is a non-angular page or because your test involves client-side navigation, which can interfere with Protractor's bootstrapping. See for details"
I'm confused. Is this saying I can't do all that processing in the page object to get the random one or do I simply have to manipulate facilityList in the conf.js and be done with it?
You nee to know the mechanism about how protractor to find element. Protractor only to start find element from page when protractor's action API be called, like getText(), click(), count() etc.
So when you define variable to represent certain element on page, when Nodejs execute this line, protractor won't to start find element from page:
// page object
module.exports = function LoginPage(){
this.sumbitButton = element(by.css('#submit'));
this.countName = element.all(by.css('.username')).count();
// use page object in conf.js
var LoginPage = require('./');
var loginPage = new Loginpage();
When Nodejs execute line var loginPage = new Loginpage();, all lines in function LoginPage will be executed.
When execute the first line, protractor not to find element from current open page,
When execute the second line, protractor will find element from current open page, But at this time point, protractor is possible to launching browser with a blank page, the target page have not been opened or navigated to.
To fix your problem, you need to define randomFacility as class's Method, rather than Property:
module.exports = function() {
this.facilityList = element('facility')).all(by.tagName('option'));
this.randomFacility = function() {
return element('facility'))
.then(function(numberOfItems) {
console.log('count: '+numberOfItems);
var rnum = parseInt(Math.random() * numberOfItems);
console.log('random index: '+rnum);
return rnum;
.then(function(randomNumber) {
console.log('argument randomNumber: '+randomNumber);
return element('facility'))
// how to use

How do I embed a Facebook Feed in the new Google Sites (using Apps Script)?

I've read that you can make a Google Apps Script that shows a Facebook Feed, and then embed this in a Google Site, but I can't find any more information on how to do it and I can't figure it out myself.
When I try to make an Apps Script web app with a Facebook feed I get errors like:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set the 'domain' property on 'Document': Assignment is forbidden for sandboxed iframes.
This is from copying the "Facebook Javascript SDK" and "Page Feed" from Facebook Developers into an HTML file and deploying it as a web app. I gather it has something to do with how Apps Script sandboxes your code but I don't know what I have to do here.
For that matter, even if I try to make a simpler Apps Script with some static HTML, when I try to embed it from Drive into the site I get an error "Some of the selected items could not be embedded".
The New Google Sites doesn't support Google Apps Script.
Related question: Google App Scripts For New Google Sites Release
The new Google Sites does now support embedding apps script (make sure to deploy the apps script as a web app, set the right permissions, and use the /exec url and not your /dev one to embed).
I found I couldn't use the facebook SDK for videos because of the sandboxing. I used an iframe solution instead for videos, but maybe you could try something like this for the feed (I'm assuming you've registered your app in fb so you can get generate tokens):
In apps script, create a .gs file and an html file, roughly along the lines below (I haven't actually worked with returning feeds, so check the returned data structure and adjust accordingly)
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService
function getToken() { //use your fb app info here (and make sure this script is protected / runs as you
var url = ''
+ '/oauth/access_token'
+ '?client_id=0000000000000000'
+ '&client_secret=0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x'
+ '&grant_type=client_credentials';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var json = response.getContentText();
var jsondata = JSON.parse(json);
return jsondata.access_token;
function getFeed() {
var url = ''
+ '/your-page/feed'
+ '?access_token=' + encodeURIComponent(getToken());
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var json = response.getContentText();
var jsondata = JSON.parse(json);
//Logger.log(jsondata); //check this and adjust following for loop and html showFeed function accordingly
var posts = {};
for (var i in jsondata) {
posts[i] = {"post":jsondata[i].message};
return posts;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<script src="//"></script>
// The code in this function runs when the page is loaded (asynchronous).
$(function() {
.getFeed(); //this function is back in .gs file and must return an array or object which gets auto-passed to the showFeed function below
function showFeed(posts) { //parameter name must match array or object returned by getFeed in gs file
var html = '';
for (var p in posts) {
html += '<p>' + posts[p].post + '</p>'; //instead of a string, you can build an array for speed
$('#feed').empty().append(html); //if you used an array for the html, you'd split it here
function onFailure(error) {
$('#feed').empty().append("Unable to retrieve feed: " + error.message); ;
<div id="feed">

Issue with document.ready function in jQuery

I am having one issue with document.ready jQuery function.
On load the document.ready function is working fine. When I click on the button or href link, I want to reconnect with the document.ready function where I have set of code in JavaScript file.
Here is the actual scenario. Please find below sample JS code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var title = "This is your title";
var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";
alert(shortText );
After clicking submit button i am adding the input fields data in the below table row. In which description texts are also added in one of table row columns. If description field has more than 100 character, I am pushing the above mentioned JavaScript code from external .JS file. How can i refresh the Java script function without refreshing the page? Anyone have idea?
Please share your opinion.
Create a function, that you can call both in document.ready, and also anywhere else, such as a buttons click event:
function myfunc(){
var title = "This is your title";
var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";
alert(shortText );
$(document).ready(function() {
//call when document is ready
//call again when button is clicked

How to get dynamic element HTML use Addon SDK with Timers?

I want to scrape a page, the HTML content of this page auto change in a time frame. So i want to use pageMod and Timers of Addon Sdk to get the element innerHtml which change often.
Here are my scripts :
In main.js :
var tag = "container1";
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
var timer = require("sdk/timers");
var i = 0;
function scrapeData()
i = i + 1;
console.log("Begin pageMod : " + i);
include: "*",
contentScriptFile: data.url("element-getter.js"),
contentScriptWhen: 'ready',
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.emit("getElements", tag);
worker.port.on("gotElement", function(elementContent) {
console.log("End pageMod : " + i);
timer.setInterval(scrapeData, 10000);
And in data/element-getter.js :
self.port.on("getElements", function(tag) {
var elements = document.getElementById(tag);
self.port.emit("gotElement", elements.innerHTML);
After install this Firefox Add-on, when timers is running, it can only get the innerHtml one time, and the other time, it only display Begin pageMod and End pageMode in console log. Please help.
What you're currently doing is attaching the same page mod multiple times.
What you should do is move the timer inside the content script:
function scrapeData() {
var elements = document.getElementById(tag);
self.port.emit("gotElement", elements.innerHTML);
setInterval(scrapeData, 10000);
If you really want to keep the timer in the main page, then you need to maintain an array of worker instances, and loop through this array to emit your custom event. See this answer for more details.
(PS. Depending on your use case, the sdk/frame/hidden-frame module might be of interest.)