Is it possible to use the Tumblr API to search globally across Tumblr? - tumblr

I am looking at the Tumblr API but having trouble understanding whether it's possible to use it to search globally across Tumblr, rather than aiming it at a particular user?
Here is the information that I would like to collect:
10 or so most commented posts ever, globally across all users
10 or so most liked posts ever, globally across all users

Tumblr API provides
Blog Methods - information about the blog
User Methods - user's account information
Tagged Method - Get Posts with Tag
Tagged Methods fits your need for searching globally across Tumblr, rather than aiming it at a particular user.
However, Request Parameters and Responses specified in the Tumblr API does not support the condition that you are looking for.


Searching through facebook posts based on keywords Facebook API

Can I go find a user's posts and comments based on a certain keyword?
No, there is no API for that.
What you can still search for via API, is pretty limited these days.

Subscribe via webhook to a Facebook user's Activity Feed?

I'd like to use the GraphAPI and Webhooks to subscribe to a user's activity feed and extract information such as metadata and stats about the shared posts they like. (Yes, I am well aware of the privacy concerns and this will be handled extremely carefully.)
The closest question I could find is here:
Extract Links from Facebook activity feed
The other answers are not relevant, as they either discuss the old FQL or plugins or are specific to Pages.
I've been reading the GraphAPI documentation and the User Likes information only relates to the Pages they like (which doesn't change much). So this is a subset of the info needed - I need likes for Posts, not just Pages.
What I am really interested in is the objects to which a given user has reacted. You can easily see the reactions for everyone to a given post with a GET /v2.8/{post-id}/reactions HTTP/1.1 call. But this is "reactions by post" and I need "reactions by user".
The best solution I can figure out so far is to subscribe to their feed with a webhook and then collect a list of object IDs and then subscribe to their reactions for a certain period and filter by the user. This is not ideal or very efficient as it requires a fair number of subscriptions, and also only accounts for posts in the user's feed and not other posts they might have stumbled upon via some other means.
So - how to extract all User Like info?

Facebook graph api search displaying users in Facebook but not in graph [duplicate]

I'm using Facebook graph Api to search users and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI. For example search response of User interface is friends, mutual friends and other related data in first. How can i query to get related data for current user ( i.e friends and mutual friends in first place).
Here is query that i'm using to search users.,name,picture.type(normal)&limit=50&q={q}&type=user&access_token={token}
and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI
That’s because those are two completely different things.
The search functionality offered via the UI is called Graph Search. But the powerful possibilities that offers are not exposed via API. (To protect user privacy, and keep apps from doing extended user profiling via that data.)
Searching via API is limited to what is listed here:
That’s not much – but it’s all you get.

Facebook Graph api users search

I'm using Facebook graph Api to search users and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI. For example search response of User interface is friends, mutual friends and other related data in first. How can i query to get related data for current user ( i.e friends and mutual friends in first place).
Here is query that i'm using to search users.,name,picture.type(normal)&limit=50&q={q}&type=user&access_token={token}
and data that i get is kinda different from that i get from Facebook UI
That’s because those are two completely different things.
The search functionality offered via the UI is called Graph Search. But the powerful possibilities that offers are not exposed via API. (To protect user privacy, and keep apps from doing extended user profiling via that data.)
Searching via API is limited to what is listed here:
That’s not much – but it’s all you get.

Reading user's posts to pages

For a given Facebook user, is there a possibility to read all posts that he's made to any pages? On FB web, these can be found in the activity log, but so far I couldn't find a method to get them via API.
Both /user/posts and /user/feeds only contain status and profile updates, not posts to pages. I know I can read /page/feed and use paging to find this user's posts for any page the user likes, but how about those he doesn't?
No, outside of FQL, there is nothing in the API that accomplishes this. I'd imagine this to be a pretty data intensive call with minimal use cases however, so I don't think this will be introduced anytime soon.