How do I rewrote this peace of code in swift 2 - swift

I am trying to make my first app and I am stuck. I don't know how to rewrite this piece of code from an earlier version of Swift in Swift 2.
func rowCheck(value value:Int) -> (location :String,pattern :String)?{
let acceptableFinds = ["101","110","011"]
var findFunc = [checkGornjiR,checkSrednjiR,checkDonjiR,checkLevuK,checkSrednjuK,checkDesnuK,checkLevuD,checkDesnuD]
for algorithm in findFunc{
let algorithmResults = algorithm(value:value)
if find(acceptableFinds,algorithmResults.pattern) { // Error on this line
return algorithmResults
return nil
In "if" line I am getting error:
"Optional type 'C.index?' cannot be used as a boolean; test for '!=nil' instead
A bit of help would be nice! Thanks!

you van use contains which return Bool value like this:
if acceptableFinds.contains(algorithmResults.pattern) {


Why does my code work on Playgrounds but not CoderPad?

I have a very simple func in Xcode playgrounds which works when I run it. But when i try to run the same code in CoderPad it gives me the following error Solution.swift:18:1: warning: result of call to 'isPalindrome(word:)' is unused
Here is the code
import Foundation
func isPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool{
var oddCharacters: Set<Character> = []
for char in word {
if oddCharacters.contains(char){
return oddCharacters.count <= 1
I really do not understand why this is happening.
Try this:
import Foundation
func isPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool{
var oddCharacters: Set<Character> = []
for char in word {
if oddCharacters.contains(char){
return oddCharacters.count <= 1
all you had to do was print it, hope this helped
That means, that the "left-hand-side" result of the call to your function isPalindrome(word: "racecar") is unused ("wasted").
It seems that for a debugging, testing, try-out environment like a Playground it's just okay to find out the result of this call (true) without storing it inside a variable. However, when doing that in other development environments, the compiler will be complaining about that. I can give you four options that would prevent the error from being thrown, just to give you a better idea of why the compiler is complaining:
If you want to use it in your further code below, just store the result and change your calling line to let isPalindrome = isPalindrome(word: "racecar"). But if you don't use it, the compiler will give you a warning again saying that you're never using your isPalindrome variable... --> Option 2
If you don't need the result, you can also just say: _ = isPalindrome(word: "racecar"). That will explicitly tell the compiler "bro, it's okay if the result is just ignored". It wouldn't make much sense for this function, though.
You can add the #discardableResult keyword prior to your function declaration, so it would say: #discardableResult func isPalindrome(word: String) -> Bool { ... That would kinda just silence your thrown error and like option 2 just tell the compiler that it's okay to just ignore the result of this function.
Just use the result in any way like:
if isPalindrome(word: "racecar") {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
// or
print("racecar is a palindrome: \(isPalindrome(word: "racecar")")
and everything will just be fine. I hope that helps you!

Swift 4: 'subscript' is unavailable error

I'm using the MapBox navigation framework that hasn't quite been updated to Swift 4. I have one 'subscript' error that I can't quite get around. Here's the code. I'd really appreciate any help. Thank you.
private func extractNextChunk(_ encodedString: inout String.UnicodeScalarView) throws -> String {
var currentIndex = encodedString.startIndex
while currentIndex != encodedString.endIndex {
let currentCharacterValue = Int32(encodedString[currentIndex].value)
if isSeparator(currentCharacterValue) {
let extractedScalars = encodedString[encodedString.startIndex...currentIndex]
encodedString = encodedString[encodedString.index(after: currentIndex)..<encodedString.endIndex]
return String(extractedScalars)
currentIndex = encodedString.index(after: currentIndex)
throw PolylineError.chunkExtractingError
The error message is misleading. The real problem is that subscripting
a String.UnicodeScalarView with a range returns a String.UnicodeScalarView.SubSequence, so you cannot assign that back to
One solution would be to create a String.UnicodeScalarView
from the subsequence:
encodedString = String.UnicodeScalarView(encodedString[encodedString.index(after: currentIndex)...])
Alternatively (and perhaps simpler) go the other way around and
remove the initial part of encodedString instead:
In either case, you can take use "one-sided ranges", compare

How to create a UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>

I'm working with a C API from Swift and for one of the methods that I need to call I need to give a
More Info:
Swift Interface:
public func presage_predict(prsg: presage_t, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> presage_error_code_t
Original C:
presage_error_code_t presage_predict(presage_t prsg, char*** result);
Generally, if a function takes a UnsafePointer<T> parameter
then you can pass a variable of type T as in "inout" parameter with &. In your case, T is
which is the Swift mapping of char **. So you can call the C function
var prediction : UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>> = nil
if presage_predict(prsg, &prediction) == PRESAGE_OK { ... }
From the documentation and sample code of the Presage library I
understand that this allocates an array of strings and assigns the
address of this array to the variable pointed to by prediction.
To avoid a memory leak, these strings have to be released eventually
To demonstrate that this actually works, I have taken the first
part of the demo code at presage_c_demo.c and translated it
to Swift:
// Duplicate the C strings to avoid premature deallocation:
let past = strdup("did you not sa")
let future = strdup("")
func get_past_stream(arg: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return UnsafePointer(past)
func get_future_stream(arg: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return UnsafePointer(future)
var prsg = presage_t()
presage_new(get_past_stream, nil, get_future_stream, nil, &prsg)
var prediction : UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>> = nil
if presage_predict(prsg, &prediction) == PRESAGE_OK {
for var i = 0; prediction[i] != nil; i++ {
// Convert C string to Swift `String`:
let pred = String.fromCString(prediction[i])!
print ("prediction[\(i)]: \(pred)")
This actually worked and produced the output
prediction[0]: say
prediction[1]: said
prediction[2]: savages
prediction[3]: saw
prediction[4]: sat
prediction[5]: same
There may be a better way but this runs in playground and defines a value r with the type you want:
func ptrFromAddress<T>(p:UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
return p
var myInt:Int8 = 0
var p = ptrFromAddress(&myInt)
var q = ptrFromAddress(&p)
var r = ptrFromAddress(&q)
What's the point of defining ptrFromAddress, which seems like it does nothing? My thinking is that the section of the Swift interop book which discusses mutable pointers shows many ways to initialize them by passing some expression as an argument (like &x), but does not seem to show corresponding ways where you simply call UnsafeMutablePointer's initializer. So let's define a no-op function just to use those special initialization methods based on argument-passing
While I believe the method above is correct, it was pointed out by #alisoftware in another forum that this seems to be a safer and more idiomatic way to do the same thing:
var myInt: Int8 = 0
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&myInt) { (var p) in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&p) { (var pp) in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&pp) { (var ppp) in
// Do stuff with ppp which is a UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>
It's more idiomatic because you're using the function withUnsafeMutablePointer which is supplied by the Swift standard library, rather than defining your own helper. It's safer because you are guaranteed that the UnsafeMutablePointer is only alive during the extent of the call to the closure (so long as the closure itself does not store the pointer).

Why is this guard statement throwing me an error?

So I'm following a tutorial form for making a iOS app with Swift and when I plug this line of code in, it's throwing me errors:
guard let text:String = addressBar.text else
The error I get is:
Consecutive statements on line must be separated by ';'
Once I have Xcode fix it, these are the errors I get:
Expected expression.
Use of unresolved identifier 'guard'.
Expression resolves to an unused function.
Braced block of statements is an unused closure.
I'm really new to Xcode and Swift so any help would be awesome! Thanks!
Because you using outdated xcode and swift language. Latest version is xcode 7 and swift 2.
May be you are using a wrong version of Xcode(version 7.0)
Try it too:
Be certain you are using guard statement in the right conditions. E.g:
class AddressBar {
var text: String? = ""
var addressBar = AddressBar()
addressBar.text = nil
//addressBar.text = "text"
func test() {
guard let _text: String = addressBar.text else {
print("I reach this point")

Why doesn't this base type extension work?

Trying to play with extensions, but am having issues getting the following to work:
let value = -13
extension Int {
var abs:Int {
return abs(self) // -> Cannot invoke 'abs' with an argument list of type '(Int)'
The compile error is weird, because it demonstrably runs the abs() function directly above with an Int as an argument. I've still got some light bulbs to trigger for generics I guess. Enlighten me.
The Swift compiler is confused that you use the abs variable as a function, which it cannot do. Now you could look at all the answers and rename your variable, but these do not give insight in how Swift functions work.
Swift automatically imports the Swift framework, where it defines its static functions. To use these functions, you usually do not need to specify that it's from the framework, but in cases like this, you should specify that you want to use the abs method from the Swift framework.
So after all the explanation, here's your code, which will work:
let value = -13
extension Int {
var abs: Int {
return Swift.abs(self)
It appears just a call resolution problem. This will work:
let value = -13
extension Int {
var abs1:Int {
return abs(self)
And this will work too:
extension Int {
var abs:Int {
return self < 0 ? -self : self
The problem here is that you are extending Int to add a variable named abs -- which is also the name of the function you are calling.
When you try to call the function abs() on the Int, it sees the variable abs that you created and it is confused because it thinks you are trying to return that variable and doesn't understand why you are sending it a parameter.
If you rename your variable to absoluteValue or anything else really, it should work.
let value = -13
extension Int {
var absoluteValue:Int {
return abs(self)
Update: As others have stated, you can also solve the disambiguation of the use of abs by explicitly calling the function within the Swift framework. This should work just as well as the above solution.
let value = -13
extension Int {
var abs:Int {
return Swift.abs(self)
Though, personally, I would still rename my new function to absoluteValue as in the first example so that its clear that you aren't calling the Swift.abs() when you use your abs variable.
Thanks to the direction of the original two answers (clash between global free function and the var I was defining), they have to be disambiguated. Rather than do my own inline implementation of abs or be forced to use a different name, I can properly scope the inside abs() using the Swift namespace.
extension Int {
var absoluteValue:Int {
return Swift.abs(self)
This gives me the best of both worlds (IMO).