CQ5 same template for two pages - aem

I am using a template "home-template" for two pages.
First page is root page called "CompanyABC"
root page child page is "english"
"english" child page is "home"
"CompanyABC" and "home" pages created using same template "home-template"
"home" page is working as expected.
But "CompanyABC" page is having following errors in browser console and page is not working as expected ( All parsys and included components divs have "display : none" )
Following is the error in browser console
I really appreciate if anyone could shed some light on this, If I create any new root page, or immediate child page with the ANY template the issue is reproduced.

A corrupt/missing jcr:content node somewhere in your page hierarchy could cause this issue. See CQ5 sidekick elements disabled.
I recommend using Content Explorer as an admin and looking at each node in your /content directory all the way down to the pages where you see issues to make sure each one has the jcr:content node it should.


Prevent Component reloading - AEM

I have 2 pages in my web application. Lets say an home page and news feed page. When user clicks a hyperlink on home page then she/ he gets redirected to News feed page. I have 2 separate components in each page like
Home Page --- Header Component & Home Page Details Component.
News Feed Page --- Header Component & News Feed Details Component.
Both the pages has a common component Header. Can I prevent component reloading for the header component when users reaches the second page by clicking link on the first page.
By component reloading I mean the HTML code (HTL) code in the component should not be updated again with updated data instead for the second page, I just want to show the same data associated with header component in the first page.
A new page will always be loaded as a whole, because of just how [HTML] page loads work. What you are looking for is a single page application. They are possible with AEM but are a pain to design, especially the authoring mode behaviour.
This is a very common HTML pattern and possible duplicate of related questions such as: How to auto refresh a section of a page
There are two general approaches, the first being far preferred and supported in various frameworks, all based on JavaScript (AJAX):
Break page into different DIV tags that are independently updated (header separate from body sections, each loaded via AJAX such that only part of the page that has changed is updated).
Use iFrames such that effectively there are different pages - each loaded separately from the other.

TYPO3 CMS Page Tree Copying Isn't Working

I'm trying to copy a working TYPO3 page tree from one location to other. I can copy.. But while pasting only the first page is getting loaded, that is the root page.
I've increased the level of page copy settings in 'User Settings' Tab of the user. But still not working!! If anybody do have a clue.. Please share.
Using TYPO3 v7.6.15.

common component across all CQ5 pages

I have created menu component, through which authors enter name, url field values.The component script renders the menu based on name, url entries.
Question : how to make this menu component common across all CQ5 pages, so it is not drag and dropped on each page.
Thank you,
ACS AEM Commons now supports this functionality without use of an iparsys - Shared Component Properties (http://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/shared-component-properties.html)
Configure your menu with Shared and/or Global properties and you can simply template it directly onto all of your pages (no iparsys required). You can then edit the menu from any page on the site and it will by updated on all pages.

CQ5 sidekick elements disabled

I have an issue where at a specific path the sidekick items are disabled and I can't edit components on those pages. I'm logged in as admin and from the siteadmin I can't delete or move pages. If I go a node level lower or switch websites I have all of these permissions.
All if the items in the sidekick are visible but are greyed out. I can't see page properties when I'm on the siteadmin page either.
After reviewing the javascript console I see this happening:
charset=utf-8&cq_ck=1389020093589">http://testsetver.com:4502/home/users/a/admin.permissions.json?path=%2Fcontent%2Fwebsite&charset=utf-8&cq_ck=1389020093589 404 (Not Found) widgets.min.js:19516
I've seen similar behaviour when we had content moved via a package and it ended up creating a page without an associated jcr:content node. This doesn't have to be on the page that you are having problems with, it could be a sibling page. I would check the integrity of the pages under that website.

How to create a new psml page?

I've encountered a .psml page in a portlet app and I don't know how it was created. There exists no physical file for the .psml page. In jetspeed is it possible to create a page via portlet UI, if so how is this achieved ?
Yes you can create a page in JetSpeed through the UI. To do this
Log in using your administrator account.
Click 'edit' (the little pencil icon that shows on each page)
You will see the Page, Folder and Layout configuration on that page.
My understanding is that .psml files are supposed to live inside the pages folder in your Jetspeed home.
Interestingly though, you say your .psml page is inside your app. I am not sure why this would be. If this is the case, perhaps the page was put there by accident?