PowerShell wait application to launch - powershell

I have the following script to launch an application:
add-type -AssemblyName microsoft.VisualBasic
add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$args = "arguments"
$proc = Start-Process -PassThru "path" -ArgumentList $args
start-sleep -Seconds 5
I use this script to launch several windows forms applications that need user interaction to start (i.e. push a start button). So far I've been sleeping the script 5 seconds to allow the application to launch. I tried to run this script in a variety of computers with different processing capabilities, but did not work in all computers, some launch the application slower than others, when the app took more than 5 seconds to launch the app the script fails, because the AppActivate could not find the PID.
I don't want to try different sleeping times for each computer, because I have to run this script in more than 100 computers at boot time.
I would like to know if there is a way to wait for the application to launch in a event driven way.
The WaitForInputIdle does not work in all applications I tried to start. It returns immediately (successfully because it's returning true) and the AppActive method throws an exception.

I suggest you to avoid using "Sleep" to synchronize system objects (it's never a good solution). As far as you are starting Windows Forms application I suggest you to use Process.WaitForInputIdle Method.
$p = [diagnostics.process]::start("notepad.exe", "D:\temp\1mbfile.txt")
using it in a loop you can test alternatively test if the input is idle (application is started and waiting) or if the application is stopped ($p.HasExited -eq $true).
if ($p.HasExited -eq $true)
} while ($p.WaitForInputIdle(5000) -ne $true)

So, I finally wrote this workaround since WaitForInputIdle does not work with all my applications and I was not able to figure out why.
if ($proc.MainWindowHandle -ne 0)
} while ($true)
I am not sure if this is the best approach; anyway, I wanted to share this.

Neither of the other answers waited long enough for my script, so I came up with this, which waits until the process stops using the cpu.
$ProcCpu = $Process.CPU
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until($ProcCpu -eq $Process.CPU)


How do I start and stop several IIS Applicationpools at once with a PowerShell script

I would like to create a PowerShell script that can Start and Stop several IIS Applicationpools at once.
I already found a similar article about this: How to start and stop application pool in IIS using powershell script
But I would like to create a PowerShell script where I can define more than one IIS Application to stop them all at once through that script.
Thank you in advance for the help
The link you provided already has a solution very close to what you need; look for "Stop all application pools script".
If you want to start/stop only some AppPools, put them in an array: replace $AppPools=Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools | Where {$_.State -eq "Started"} with $AppPools=#('server1', 'server2', 'server3'):
$AppPools=#('server1', 'server2', 'server3')
ForEach($AppPool in $AppPools) {
Stop-WebAppPool -name $AppPool.name

Creating a watchdog service with PowerShell

Is it possible to make a watchdog service on Windows Server using PowerShell? If yes, how can I do it?
I am trying to create a watchdog service. It will control services and installation code inside the watchdog and check it if it is working or not. Could you share any material?
You won't be able to create a service as such, but you could have a scheduled task that runs on server startup (as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) that executes a PowerShell script which is essentially a loop that repeats forever. Inside the loop you would, periodically, get the state of other services you're interested in monitoring and start/stop them as required based on what you want to happen.
Example code (though there are probably better ways of writing this and it has no error handling):
# This file contains a two-column list like so:
# servicename,desiredstate
# CryptSvc,running
# AdobeARMservice,stopped
$services = import-csv c:\scripts\services.csv
$loop = $true # loop forever
foreach($service in $services)
$svc = Get-Service $svc.servicename
if($svc.Status.ToString().ToLower() -ne $service.desiredstate)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 300 # wait 5 minutes after each loop has ended
} while ($loop -eq $true)

Powershell AcceptTcpClient() cannot be interrupted by Ctrl-C

I am writing a simple TCP/IP server using Powershell. I notice that Ctrl-C cannot interrupt the AcceptTcpClient() call. Ctrl-C works fine after the call though. I have searched around, nobody reported similar problem so far.
The problem can be repeated by the following simple code. I am using Windows 10, latest patch, with the native Powershell terminal, not Powershell ISE.
$listener=new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener([system.net.ipaddress]::any, 4444)
write-host "listener started at port 4444"
$tcpConnection = $listener.AcceptTcpClient()
write-host "accepted a client"
This is what happens when I run it
ps1> .\test_ctrl_c.ps1
listener started at port 4444
(Ctrl-C doesn't work here)
After getting #mklement0's answer, I gave up my original clean code. I figured out a workaround. Now Ctrl-C can interrupt my program
$listener=new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener([system.net.ipaddress]::any, 4444)
write-host "listener started at port 4444"
while ($true) {
if ($listener.Pending()) {
$tcpConnection = $listener.AcceptTcpClient()
start-sleep -Milliseconds 1000
write-host "accepted a client"
Now Ctrl-C works
ps1> .\test_ctrl_c.ps1
listener started at port 4444
(Ctrl-C works here)
(As of PowerShell 7.0) Ctrl-C only works while PowerShell code is executing, not during execution of a .NET method.
Since most .NET method calls execute quickly, the problem doesn't usually surface.
See this GitHub issue for a discussion and background information.
As for possible workarounds:
The best approach - if possible - is the one shown in your own answer:
Run in a loop that periodically polls for a condition, sleeping between tries, and only invoke the method when the condition being met implies that the method will then execute quickly instead of blocking indefinitely.
If this is not an option (if there is no such condition you can test for), you can run the blocking method in a background job, so that it runs in a child process that can be terminated on demand by the caller; do note the limitations of this approach, however:
Background jobs are slow and resource-intensive, due to needing to run a new PowerShell instance in a hidden child process.
Since cross-process marshaling of inputs to and outputs from the job is necessary:
Inputs and output won't be live objects.
Complex objects (objects other than instances of primitive .NET types and a few well-known types) will be emulations of the original objects; in essence, objects with static copies of the property values, and no methods - see this answer for background information.
Here's a simple demonstration:
# Start the long-running, blocking operation in a background job (child process).
$jb = Start-Job -ErrorAction Stop {
# Simulate a long-running, blocking .NET method call.
$completed = $false
try {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Waiting for background job to finish. Press Ctrl-C to abort."
# Note: The output collected won't be *live* objects, and with complex
# objects will be *emulations* of the original objects that have
# static copies of their property values and no methods.
$output = Receive-Job -Wait -Job $jb
$completed = $true
finally { # This block is called even when Ctrl-C has been pressed.
if (-not $completed) { Write-Warning 'Aborting due to Ctrl-C.' }
# Remove the background job.
# * If it is still running and we got here due to Ctrl-C, -Force is needed
# to forcefully terminate it.
# * Otherwise, normal job cleanup is performed.
Remove-Job -Force $jb
# If we got here due to Ctrl-C, execution stops here.
# Getting here means: Ctrl-C was *not* pressed.
# Show the output received from the job.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Job output received:"
If you execute the above script and do not press Ctrl-C, you'll see:
If you do press Ctrl-C, you'll see:

How do I run Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet from third party program?

I have been trying to get this to work via a game control panel TCAdmin.
$ModPg1 = Invoke-WebRequest "http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=731604991"
$ModVer1 = ($ModPg1.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where{ $_.className -eq 'detailsStatRight' } ).innerText | Select -Last 1
If I run this cmdlet via a program like TCAdmin (or task scheduler), I get the following error....
Invoke-WebRequest : The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available, or Internet Explorer's first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again.
Explorer is installed, and set up. The script works just fine if I run it manually.
My guess is there is a way to get TCAdmin to run the scripts the same way I would as a windows User.
Cant find a way nearly as simple to scrape the info 'm looking for.
As for this...
get TCAdmin to run the scripts the same way I would as a windows User.
For any app to run as a user, that users profile must be used on the host where the code is to be run. You cannot natively run PoSH on a host as another user context. This is not a PoSH issue, it is a Windows User Principal security boundary. There are tools that let you do this. For example SysInternal PSExec and AutoIT. Yet as stated that error is pretty specific. The user profile for Internet Explorer has not been created and that only happens when you use IE at least once.
So, as Adam points, out, use the setting the error message states to use or use your code to start IE at least once.
$SomeUrl = 'https://stackoverflow.com'
$ie = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application
$ie.visible = $true
while ($ie.Busy -eq $true) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } # Wait for IE to settle.
Again, if trying to run this in the context of another user, the two above tools will get you there, but you still have to fire up IE to have a profile for it.

Determining when machine is in good state for Powershell Remoting?

Update - the original question claimed that I was able to successfully perform an Invoke-Command and then shortly after was unable to; I thought it was due to processes going on during login after a windows upgrade.
It turns out the PC was actually starting, running a quick batch/cmd file, and then restarting. This is what was leading to being able to do PS Remoting and then suddenly not. The restart was quick enough after first boot that I didn't realize it was happening. Sorry for the bad question.
For the curious, the machine was restarting because of a remnant of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit in-place upgrade process. The way MDT completes its task-sequence post-upgrade is problematic for many reasons, and now I've got another to count.
Old details (no longer relevant, with incorrect assumption that machine was not restarting after first successful Invoke-Command):
I'm automating various things with VMs in Hyper-V using powershell and powershell remoting. I'll start up a VM and then want to run some commands on it via powershell.
I'm struggling with determining when I can safely start running the remote commands via things like Invoke-Command. I can't start immediately as I need to let the machine start up.
Right now I poll the VM with a one second sleep between calls until the following function returns $true:
function VMIsReady {
$heartbeat = $vm.Heartbeat
Write-Host "vm heartbeat is $heartbeat"
if (($heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsHealthy') -or ($heartbeat -eq 'OkApplicationsUnknown'))
Invoke-Command -VMName $vm.Name -Credential $(GetVMCredentials) {$env:computername} | out-null
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]
Write-Host 'Caught expected automation runtime exception'
return $false
Write-Host 'remoting ready'
return $true
This usually works well; however, after a windows upgrade has happened, there are issues. I'll get Hyper-V remoting errors of various sorts even after VMIsReady returns $true.
These errors are happening while the VM is in the process of first user login after upgrade (Windows going through "Hi;We've got some updates for your PC;This might take several minutes-Don't turn off your PC). VMIsReady returns true right as this sequence starts - I imagine I probably should be waiting until the sequence is done, but I've no idea how to know when that is.
Is there a better way of determining when the machine is in a state where I can expect remoting to work without issue? Perhaps a way to tell when a user is fully logged on?
You can use Test-WSMan.
Of run a script on the invoke that will receive a response from the server.
[bool]$Response | Out-Null
$Response = Invoke-Command -ComputerName Test-Computer -ScriptBlock {return $true}
return $false
if ($Response -ne $true){
return $false
return $true