Swift: programmatically enumerate outgoing segues from a UIVIewController - swift

I want to list the outgoing segues from a UIViewController, as described in Programmatically enumerate outgoing Segues for a UIViewController, but in Swift. (Swift 2, Xcode 7, iOS8+).
I can do
override func viewDidLoad() {
let s = valueForKey("storyboardSegueTemplates")
print("switchingVC: segues: \(s)")
and that produces output like
switchingVC: segues: Optional((
"<UIStoryboardPresentationSegueTemplate: 0x1754a130>",
"<UIStoryboardPresentationSegueTemplate: 0x17534f60>",
"<UIStoryboardPresentationSegueTemplate: 0x17534fc0>"
but I struggle to produce anything after that. I can't find any definition of the UIStoryboardPresentationSegueTemplate. How can I persuade Swift to tell me what's inside it? How can I find the segue identifier?

this valueForKey("storyboardSegueTemplates") is UNDOCUMENTED property and UIStoryboardPresentationSegueTemplate is UNDOCUMENTED class. Beware of rejection from App Store if you are uploading application to App Store.
If you want to use this in your in-house projects, use as following
for template in (valueForKey("storyboardSegueTemplates") as? [AnyObject])! {
if let identifier = template.valueForKey("identifier") as? String {
print("identifier - " + identifier)
else {
print("no identifier for \(template)")
Found from https://github.com/JaviSoto/iOS9-Runtime-Headers/blob/master/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIStoryboardSegueTemplate.h

As per Swift 4.2 and from https://stackoverflow.com/a/35060917/1058199. Thanks /johnykutty.
import UIKit
extension UIViewController {
// Segue aids in Swift
#objc func isValidSegue(_ segueId: String?) -> Bool {
let filteredArray = (value(forKey: "storyboardSegueTemplates") as? NSArray)?.filtered(using: NSPredicate(format: "identifier = %#", segueId ?? ""))
let isValid = (filteredArray?.count ?? 0) > 0
return isValid
#objc func segues() -> Array<Any>? {
let segues = self.value(forKey: "storyboardSegueTemplates")
return segues as! Array<Any>?
#objc func segueNames() -> Array<AnyHashable> {
var segueNames = Array<Any>()
let filteredArray = (value(forKey: "storyboardSegueTemplates") as? NSArray)?.filtered(using: NSPredicate(format: "identifier != nil" ))
for template in filteredArray! as [AnyObject] {
if let identifier = (template.value(forKey: "identifier") as? String) {
else {
segueNames.append("no identifier for \(template)")
return segueNames as! Array<AnyHashable>
I know my use of predicates could be better, but Swift is such a PITA when dealing with iterating arrays. Please feel free to improve this.


SourceView and SourceRect is depreciated?

I'm trying to fix all my warnings for my project, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
The warning I am given is:
'sourceView' was deprecated in iOS 13.0: renamed to 'UIContextMenuInteraction'
I have read the documentation here but i still cant figure out how to fix this warning?
Here is the code it is talking about:
extension CollectionsViewController: UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate {
func previewingContext(_ previewingContext: UIViewControllerPreviewing, viewControllerForLocation location: CGPoint) -> UIViewController? {
let tableView = previewingContext.sourceView as! UITableView
if let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForRow(at: location) {
let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! CollectionCell
let touch = cell.convert(location, from: tableView)
if let productResult = cell.productFor(touch) {
previewingContext.sourceRect = tableView.convert(productResult.sourceRect, from: cell)
return self.productDetailsViewControllerWith(productResult.model)
} else if let collectionResult = cell.collectionFor(touch) {
previewingContext.sourceRect = tableView.convert(collectionResult.sourceRect, from: cell)
return self.productsViewControllerWith(collectionResult.model)
return nil
func previewingContext(_ previewingContext: UIViewControllerPreviewing, commit viewControllerToCommit: UIViewController) {
self.navigationController!.show(viewControllerToCommit, sender: self)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
UIViewControllerPreviewingDelegate protocol changed as documented:
UseUIContextMenuInteractionDelegate instead.
So you need to remove previewingContext delegate method rather than change its parameter sourceview etc. Instead of this method you need to pick from the new protocol UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate of its
delegate methods as Apple indicated.
In other words your extension is totally outdated and you need to rewrite according to new protocol.

NSTouchBar integration not calling

I am integrating TouchBar support to my App. I used the how to from Rey Wenderlich and implemented everything as follows:
If self.touchBarArraygot filled the makeTouchBar() Method returns the NSTouchBar object. If I print out some tests the identifiers object is filled and works.
What not work is that the makeItemForIdentifier method not get triggered. So the items do not get created and the TouchBar is still empty.
Strange behavior: If I add print(touchBar) and a Breakpoint before returning the NSTouchBar object it works and the TouchBar get presented as it should (also the makeItemForIdentifier function gets triggered). Even if it disappears after some seconds... also strange.
#available(OSX 10.12.2, *)
extension ViewController: NSTouchBarDelegate {
override func makeTouchBar() -> NSTouchBar? {
if(self.touchBarArray.count != 0) {
let touchBar = NSTouchBar()
touchBar.delegate = self
touchBar.customizationIdentifier = NSTouchBarCustomizationIdentifier("com.TaskControl.ViewController.WorkspaceBar")
var identifiers: [NSTouchBarItemIdentifier] = []
for (workspaceId, _) in self.touchBarArray {
touchBar.defaultItemIdentifiers = identifiers
touchBar.customizationAllowedItemIdentifiers = identifiers
return touchBar
return nil
func touchBar(_ touchBar: NSTouchBar, makeItemForIdentifier identifier: NSTouchBarItemIdentifier) -> NSTouchBarItem? {
if(self.touchBarArray.count != 0) {
for (workspaceId, data) in self.touchBarArray {
if(identifier == NSTouchBarItemIdentifier("com.TaskControl.ViewController.WorkspaceBar.\(workspaceId)")) {
let saveItem = NSCustomTouchBarItem(identifier: identifier)
let button = NSButton(title: data["name"] as! String, target: self, action: #selector(self.touchBarPressed))
button.bezelColor = NSColor(red:0.35, green:0.61, blue:0.35, alpha:1.00)
saveItem.view = button
return saveItem
return nil
self.view.window?.makeFirstResponder(self) in viewDidLoad() did solve the problem.

protocols & viewControllers, passing info using protocols on the same action Func Swift 3 & 4

I have this code to pass info between viewControllers using protocols, I have my models and with the first protocol work perfectly but the second one I have some issues, the data pass nil, or do nothing, already use tabBarController & UINavigationBar... the protocols... I create one in my ViewController(RecordViewController) and have the button & action and one protocol, this is:
protocol RecordViewProtocol {
func newTrackInstrument(item: SampleCarouselsRecord)
func newInstrumentTrackCell(item: SampleTrackCellRecord)
extension RecordViewController: RecordViewProtocol {
func newTrackInstrument(item: SampleCarouselsRecord) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleCarouselItemsRecord.count - 1, section: 0)
self.instrumentCarousel.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
func newInstrumentTrackCell(item: SampleTrackCellRecord) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleTrackRecord.count - 1, section: 0)
self.trackInstrument.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
the other protocol, on another ViewController(MixerViewController):...
protocol MixerViewProtocol {
func newCarouselItem(item: SampleCarouselMixer)
extension MixerViewController: MixerViewProtocol {
func newCarouselItem(item: SampleCarouselMixer) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleCarouselMixer.count - 1, section: 0)
self.mixerCarouselInstrument.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
so, when wanna go the view and put the info to my models.. I put this code in the action Button to go into the view where is the function to put the info models:
#objc func goToAddView() {
let addTrackViewController = AddNewTrackView()
let addTrackView = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addTrackViewController)
addTrackViewController.recordViewControllerProtocol = self as RecordViewProtocol
present(addTrackView, animated: true, completion: nil)
and work good with the first protocol.. but with to the other protocol nothing.. I don't know why or I don't know wath I have to do... look, I have the delegate protocols inside on the AddNweTrackView:
var recordViewControllerProtocol: RecordViewProtocol?
var delegateMixerView: MixerViewProtocol? <- this is I think, put into the action button like the firstone:
here on the same action where the first protocol already is
#objc func goToAddView() {
let addTrackViewController = AddNewTrackView()
let addTrackView = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addTrackViewController)
addTrackViewController.recordViewControllerProtocol = self as RecordViewProtocol
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = MixerViewController.self as? MixerViewProtocol
present(addTrackView, animated: true, completion: nil)
but return nil... and I try with diferents forms.. I try put this:
let mixerViewController = MixerViewController()
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = mixerViewController as? MixerViewProtocol
and try with this but the error Is obvious:
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = self as MixerProtocol
and the same... I think, here at this point, it's where Im failing .. someone can help?

How to get stringValue from a NSTextView

I am creating a OSX Cocoa Application using Swift. I am trying to get the input from a NSTextView to my paste board.
#IBOutlet var issues: NSTextView!
#IBAction func button(_ sender: Any) {
let stringvalue = "Issue: \(issues.StringValue)"
let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general()
pasteboard.declareTypes([NSPasteboardTypeString], owner: nil)
pasteboard.setString(stringvalue, forType: NSPasteboardTypeString)
The only error that I am getting is "Value of type 'NSTextView' has no member 'stringValue'.
I don't want to use NSTextField since that only lets me use one line.
NSTextView is a subclass of the NSText class. So you need to get your string using NSText string property:
if let string = issues.string {
let stringvalue = "Issue: \(string)"

Why do I need to force the type using this Swift generic function?

I had some repetitive UIViewController boiler-plate scattered around that I wanted to encapsulate, so I defined this generic UIViewController extension method:
extension UIViewController {
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(
storyboardName: String? = nil,
identifier: String? = nil
) -> T {
let storyboard: UIStoryboard!
if let name = storyboardName {
storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: name, bundle: nil)
else {
storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "\(T.self)", bundle: nil)
let vc: T!
if let identifier = identifier {
vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: identifier) as! T
else {
vc = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController()! as! T
return vc
However, when I use this extension like so:
class ChildViewController: UIViewController { /*...*/ }
class ParentViewController: UIViewController {
private var childVC: ChildViewController!
func setupSomeStuff() {
self.childVC = self.instantiateChildViewController() //<-- Compiler error
let vc: ChildViewController = self.instantiateChildViewController() //<-- Compiles!
self.childVC = vc
I get the compiler error Cannot assign value of UIViewController to type ChildViewController! on the line with the comment above. However, if I use an intermediate variable that I explicitly give a type to it works.
Is this a Swift bug? (Xcode 8.1) My interpretation of how generics work is that in this case T should equal the more specific ChildViewController, not the less constrained UIViewController. I get the same issue if I defined childVC as private var childVC: ChildViewController?, the only work-around I've found is the local variable, which obviously makes the extension less compelling, or to do an explicit cast like:
self.childVC = self.instantiateChildViewController() as ChildViewController
I've seen this too. I think there's some weird behavior around Optionals the compiler isn't dealing with as expected.
If you change the return value of the function to an optional value it should work without a problem.
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(//whateverParams) -> T!
func instantiateChildViewController<T: UIViewController>(//whateverParams) -> T?
Also, your childVC should be a var rather than a let if you're going to set it anyplace other than an initializer