mongodb database connection to my database - mongodb

I connect to mongodb database like this
bin]$ ./mongo --host
Connecting to test
mongo>use my_database
How do I connect to my_database directly instead of the default ?

Omit --host and append /<dbname> to the host name to provide a "db address":
bin]$ ./mongo


Error when trying to create dump of mongodb database

i tried to create a dump of a mongodb database on remote server which is running centos,nginx,mongodb v4.0.18 using the following command..
mongodump --host localhost:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin --username <uname> --password <password> --db <db> --out <path to dump>
but im getting the following error
Failed: error connecting to db server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
I just replaced --host localhost:27017 for --port 27017. My db is in localhost too. I omitted --db <db> --out <path to dump> too. I point to my db with the --authenticationDatabase flag.
I hope this helps.

Unable to export MongoDB database from a remote server

mongoexport --host=hostname --port=27017 --db=dbname --collection=
collection_name --out=path/data.json
Here is the error which I'm getting
error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
you need to fill a remote hostname or a remote ip, username and password if required.
mongoexport --host hostname --port 27017 --username user --password "pass" --collection collectionName --out=path/data.json
try read the official mongodb docs

Mongodump from secure Mongo database

In order for me to connect to this [secure] Mongo instance I have to run the following command:
mongo --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509
I am trying to do a mongodump command to get the data but I keep running into the following errors:
Attempt 1
mongodump -d mydb
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
Attempt 2
Can't create backup mongodump with --db. Authentication failed
mongodump -d mydb --authenticationDatabse '$external'
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
Attempt 3 Using the same command as how I connect.
mongodump -d mydb --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509
Failed: error getting collections for database 'mydb': error running 'listCollections'. Database: 'mydb' Err: not authorized on 'mydb' to execute command {listCollections: 1, cursor: {} }
I have tried the same command with sudo but it still returns the same error.
Attempt 4 Minimum permission for using mongodump (to dump a specific db)
mongodump -d mydb --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509 --excludeCollection=system.indexes
Failed: error getting collections for database 'mydb': error running 'listCollections'. Database: 'mydb' Err: not authorized on 'mydb' to execute command {listCollections: 1, cursor: {} }
I am stuck and I am eventually going to run mongorestore but I do not want to run this without making sure I am able to backup first. I imagine the solution for mongodump will resolve any possible issues I may have with mongorestore (if any).
I found the solution thanks to this blog post , looks you have to set the -u value with the CN when using 509 and $external.
mongodump --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile user.pem --sslCAFile cap.pem --sslAllowInvalidHostnames --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509 --authenticationDatabase '$external' --host "rsTmpCloudManager/,," -d testJoce -u "CN=???,OU=???,O=???,L=???,ST=???,C=??"

Authentification fail with mongodump

I try to create a backup of my MongoDB replicaset but I have an authentication problem :D .
So when I try to use mongodump
root#e03c2a89ac31:/# mongodump -u myBackupAccount -p 123456 --host mongo1 --out /home/backup
2017-01-17T11:00:41.069+0000 Failed: error connecting to db server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
root#e03c2a89ac31:/# mongodump -u myBackupAccount -p 123456 --host mongo1 --authenticationDatabase admin --out /home/backup
2017-01-17T12:37:45.819+0000 Failed: error connecting to db server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
But if I try with a mongo shell, I can connect to my instance
root#e03c2a89ac31:/# mongo -u myBackupAccount -p 123456 --host mongo1
MongoDB shell version v3.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://mongo1:27017/
MongoDB server version: 3.4.1
My backup user was created with that command
root#e03c2a89ac31:/# mongo -u myUserAdmin --authenticationDatabase "admin" -p 123456
MongoDB shell version v3.4.1
connecting to: mongodb://mongo1:27017/
MongoDB server version: 3.4.1
REPLICASET_NAME:PRIMARY> db.createUser({user: "myBackupAccount", pwd: "123456", roles: [ { role: "backup", db: "admin" } ]})
So do you know why it isn't working ?
I did somethings bad ? :p
Thanks in advance for your help ;)

MongoDB connecting to authenticationdatabase using shell command

When i connect using from the OS shell,
mongo --port 27017 -u "testusr" -p "testpwd" --authenticationDatabase "testdb"
Instead of switching taking me to testdb, it always logs me into test database?
What I am missing here?
db.auth("testusr","testpwd") is working wihtout any authentication issues?
How do I redirect to the correct database?
The following works for me
mongo localhost:27017/testdb -u "user" -p "pass" --authenticationDatabase "testdb"
You can find help(i used in linux)
mongo --help
usage: mongo [options] [db address] [file names (ending in .js)]
db address can be:
foo foo database on local machine foo database on machine foo database on machine on port 9999