Recursive procedure for sum of squares of first n odd numbers? - racket

I'm trying to implement recursive procedure for sum of squares of first n odd numbers on Racket
(starting with 1)
e.g., (sum-alt-squares-recursive 0) is 0
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 1) is 1 (1^2)
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 2) is 10 (3^2 + 1^2)
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 3) is 35 (5^2 + 3^2 + 1^2)

This is a recursive procedure that uses a linear iterative process
(define (sum-alt-squares-recursive x (y 1) (z 0))
(if (zero? x)
z ; if x is zero, return accumulator z
(sum-alt-squares-recursive (- x 1) ; x goes down by 1 each iteration
(+ y 2) ; y starts at 1 and goes up by 2 each iteration
(+ z (* y y)) ; z, goes up by y^2 each time
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 1) ; => 1
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 2) ; => 10
(sum-alt-squares-recursive 3) ; => 35


Racket Scalar-Vector Multiplication

I was trying to make a function that does scalar to vector multiplication using map, but doesn't seem to work.
(define (f k m)
(map (lambda (x) (map * k x)) m))
Example usage would be (f 2 '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))) which would give '((2 4 6) (8 10 12) (14 16 18)).
You are near the solution, which requires two maps, since you have a list of lists:
(define (f k m)
(map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y) (* k y))
(f 2 '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)))
; => '((2 4 6) (8 10 12) (14 16 18))

Best way to implement rook moves and possible moves in Lisp

I have board [8,8] and I'm trying to implement the horizontal movement and vertical movement based on the movements up, down, left and right, movements of a rook on a chessboard and I am having difficulty in how to move piece to square with the number of square to move.
(defun board ()
'((64 35 74 26 21 57 12 28)
(43 15 47 53 24 56 42 29)
(51 41 71 31 17 45 55 30)
(67 66 22 T 54 75 32 38)
(13 11 16 23 25 27 33 20)
(34 36 37 44 46 52 61 48)
(10 49 59 69 68 70 50 40)
(62 63 65 72 73 76 77 58)))
The Rook moves horizontally and vertically any number of squares, forwards or backwards. In the diagram the Rook can move to any of the highlighted squares.
Function to check if the coordinates are valid
(defun position-valid (x y)
(and (>= x 0) (>= y 0) (< x 8) (< y 8)))
Function that will move the tower according to the coordinates (x, y)
(defun move-piece (x y dx dy board)
(let ((new-board (copy-tree board))
(new-x (+ x dx))
(new-y (+ y dy))
(piece (nth x (nth y board))))
(setf (nth x (nth y new-board)) nil
(nth new-x (nth new-y new-board)) piece)
Function that moves the piece down
(defun DOWN (x y board)
((equal (position-valid (+ x 1) (+ y 0)) 'T)
(move-piece x y 1 0 board))
(T NIL)))
Function that moves the piece to up
(defun UP (x y board)
((equal (position-valid (- x 1) (+ y 0)) 'T)
(move-piece x y -1 0 board))
(T NIL)))
Function that moves the piece to the left
(defun LEFT (x y board)
((equal (position-valid (+ x 0) (- y 1)) 'T)
(move-piece x y 0 -1 board))
(T NIL)))
Function that moves the piece to the right
(defun RIGHT (x y board)
((equal (position-valid (+ x 0) (+ y 1)) 'T)
(move-piece x y 0 1 board))
(T NIL)))
now the goal is to implement the vertical and horizontal movements based on the movements mentioned above so that the piece is moved and in this case, I think that we still need to implement the possible moves based on the type of movement and how many squares to move
I implemented this list of operators for horizontal and vertical movement but it is not working
Function that moves the Tower horizontally
(defun HORIZONTAL (x y n mov board) ;;n is number of square to move
((and (equal (position-valid (+ x 0) (- y 1)) 'T) ;;left
(equal (position-valid (+ x 0) (+ y 1)) 'T));;right
((equal mov 'LEFT) (LEFT x y board))
((equal mov 'RIGHT) (RIGTH x y board))
(T (HORIZONTAL x y (1- n) mov board))))
(T NIL)))
Function that makes the Tower move in the vertical direction,
(defun VERTICAL(x y n mov board) ;;n is number of square to move
((and (equal (position-valid (- x 1) (+ y 0)) 'T) ;;up
(equal (position-valid (+ x 1) (+ y 0)) 'T));;down
((equal mov 'DOWN) (DOWN x y board))
((equal mov 'UP) (UP x y board))
(T (VERTICAL x y (1- n) mov board))))
(T NIL)))
and how to get the possible moves of the tower on the board based on the type of moves
Anny suggestion?
It seems to me that you are building too many functions which are unnecessary. What I would do is to have a MOVE function, based on move-piece, which would do both horizontal and vertical displacement. Since you have the parameter mov, which can be UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT, the horizontal and vertical movements are already implicit, so there is no need to have a separate function for each direction.
So this is what I would do:
(setq board
'((64 35 74 26 21 57 12 28)
(43 15 47 53 24 56 42 29)
(51 41 71 31 17 45 55 30)
(67 66 22 T 54 75 32 38)
(13 11 16 23 25 27 33 20)
(34 36 37 44 46 52 61 48)
(10 49 59 69 68 70 50 40)
(62 63 65 72 73 76 77 58)))
(defun position-valid (x y)
(and (>= x 0) (>= y 0) (< x 8) (< y 8)) )
(defun move-piece (x y dx dy board)
(let ((new-board (copy-tree board))
(new-x (+ x dx))
(new-y (+ y dy))
(piece (nth x (nth y board))) )
(when (position-valid new-x new-y)
(setf (nth x (nth y new-board)) nil
(nth new-x (nth new-y new-board)) piece ))
(defun MOVE (x y n mov board) ;; n is number of squares to move
(case mov
(UP (move-piece x y 0 (- n) board))
(DOWN (move-piece x y 0 n board))
(LEFT (move-piece x y (- n) 0 board))
(RIGHT (move-piece x y n 0 board))
(otherwise NIL) ))
And then, if you want to get a list of all possible moves:
(defun valid-moves (x y board)
(let (result)
(dolist (mov '(up down left right) result)
(dotimes (n 7)
(when (move x y n mov board)
(push (list n mov) result) )))))

Maximum and minimum numbers in the list

I am using DrRacket.
How can I write a function for the difference between the maximum and minimum number in the list using accumulators and mutually recursive functions.
For instance, (list 10 2 3 -5 4 1 -6)) 9). The list has at least one element in the list.
Do I need two accumulators?
Version 1: An accumulator based solution that's mutually recursive. Since the input list is assumed to be non-empty, we start of with the first element being max and min. As we go through the list, we pick new max and mins by comparing the current element with the accumulators.
#lang racket
; [NEList-of Number] -> Number
(define (max-min-diff.v1 nelst)
(max-min-diff/t.v1 (rest nelst) (first nelst) (first nelst)))
; [List-of Number] -> Number
(define (max-min-diff/t.v1 l max min)
(cond [(empty? l) (- max min)]
[else (get-new-max-min (rest l) (first l) max min)]))
; [List-of Number] Number Number Number -> Number
(define (get-new-max-min rst fst max min)
(max-min-diff/t.v1 rst
(if (> fst max) fst max)
(if (< fst min) fst min)))
(max-min-diff.v1 '(0 33 2 32 4 8 3 3 5))
; => 33
(max-min-diff.v1'(1 3 9 4 7 2 2 5 11))
; => 10
Version 2: An accumulator based solution that's not mutually recursive. More abstract because we pass the comparators to a generic helper.
; [NEList-of Number] -> Number
(define (max-min-diff.v2 nelst)
(max-min-diff/t.v2 (rest nelst) (first nelst) (first nelst)))
; [List-of Number] -> Number
(define (max-min-diff/t.v2 l max min)
(cond [(empty? l) (- max min)]
[else (max-min-diff/t.v2 (rest l)
(f-if (first l) max >)
(f-if (first l) min <))]))
; X X [X X -> Boolean] -> X
(define (f-if n1 n2 func)
(if (func n1 n2) n1 n2))
(max-min-diff.v2 (list 0 33 2 32 4 8 3 3 5))
; => 33
(max-min-diff.v2 (list 1 3 9 4 7 2 2 5 11))
; => 10
Version 3: Small version. No explicit recursion.
(define (max-min-diff.v3 nelst)
(- (apply max nelst) (apply min nelst)))
(max-min-diff.v3 (list 0 33 2 32 4 8 3 3 5))
; => 33
(max-min-diff.v3 (list 1 3 9 4 7 2 2 5 11))
; => 10

inner and outer reduction, same result?

Does inner and outer reduction always create the same value, if not what would cause different ones?
I am talking about Racket, a functional language.
There are I know possibilities where it is more efficient like in Racket but actually causing a different result. I wasn't able to create a case where that happens, but I feel like it should be possible and may be. dangerous not to know.
;inner reduction
(sqr (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))))
->(sqr (* 3 (+ 1 (* 2 2))) ;(sqr)
->(sqr (* 3 (+ 1 4)) ;(*)
->(sqr (* 3 5)) ;(+)
->(sqr 15) ;(*)
->(* 15 15) ;(sqr)
->225 ;(*)
;outer reduction
(sqr (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))))
->(* (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) ;(sqr)
->(* (* 3 (+ 1 (* 2 2))) (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) ;(sqr)
->(* (* 3 (+ 1 4)) (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) ;(*)
->(* (* 3 5) (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) ;(+)
->(* 15 (* 3 (+ 1 (sqr 2))) ;(*)
->(* 15 (* 3 (+ 1 (* 2 2))) ;(sqr)
->(* 15 (* 3 (+ 1 4))) ;(*)
->(* 15 (* 3 5)) ;(+)
->(* 15 15) ;(*)
->225 ;(*)
I don't know Racket, but in general you can run into trouble if any of your expressions have side effects, such as modifying variables, doing input/output, etc.
Take the following example:
(define x 1)
(sqr (begin (set! x (add1 x)) x))
Inner reduction:
; x = 1
(sqr (begin (set! x (add1 x)) x))
; x = 2
(sqr (begin x))
; x = 2
(sqr (begin 2))
; x = 2
(sqr 2)
; x = 2
(* 2 2)
; x = 2
I.e. the result is 4 and the final value of x is 2.
With outer reduction, you get:
; x = 1
(* (begin (set! x (add1 x)) x)
(begin (set! x (add1 x)) x))
; x = 2
(* (begin x)
(begin (set! x (add1 x)) x))
; x = 2
(* 2
(begin (set! x (add1 x)) x))
; x = 3
(* 2
(begin x))
; x = 3
(* 2
(begin x))
; x = 3
(* 2
; x = 3
I.e. the result is 6 and the final value of x is 3.
There's another difference. With inner reduction it's possible that you don't get a result at all:
(define (my-if c t e)
(if c t e))
(define (loop)
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
With outer reduction:
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
; definition of 'my-if'
(if #t 42 (loop))
; built-in 'if'
With inner reduction:
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
; definition of 'loop'
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
; definition of 'loop'
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
; definition of 'loop'
(my-if #t 42 (loop))
; definition of 'loop'
This never terminates.

Netlogo reduce polynomial example

In the Netlogo dictionary for "reduce" they show an example with one "+" operator
reduce [?1 + ?2] [1 2 3 4]
which they expand as equivalent to (((1 + 2) + 3) + 4).
Later they give this example:
;; evaluate the polynomial, with given coefficients, at x
to-report evaluate-polynomial [coefficients x]
report reduce [(x * ?1) + ?2] coefficients
;; evaluate 3x^2 + 2x + 1 at x = 4
show evaluate-polynomial [3 2 1] 4
=> 57
What is the equivalent expansion (using parentheses) for that evaluation?
observer> show (4 * ((4 * 3) + 2)) + 1
observer: 57
The key to understand it is to do it step by step. reduce starts by taking the first two elements of the list and plugging them into ?1 and ?2, so
(x * ?1) + ?2
(x * 3) + 2
That whole expression then becomes ?1, and the last element of the list, 1, becomes ?2. Replacing ?1 and ?2 in the initial expression again, we get:
(x * ((x * 3) + 2)) + 1
All that's left is to replace x with 4:
(4 * ((4 * 3) + 2)) + 1