Unable to authenticate facebook login with web api - facebook

I have searched and searched but i can't find anything to help me use the default web API external login service. I have seen lots of sites but i am getting more confused. As of now, i have used Facebook .NET client to retrieve the user's access token. But i want to use the default individual authentication that comes out of the box with Web API. I also tried to hit the /api/Account/ExternalLogin from postman but i get:
error: invalid_request
Can anyone please help me out. I want directives as to how to handle and use the default external login services that comes out of the box. And also, how can i hit the /api/Account/ExternalLogin endpoint.


How can I get a Server Token for access to Uber's API?

Or, how can I access an Uber Development Representative?
For my app, I need a server token.We have tried all the hints we could find so far with no luck.

How to test a custom API which implements OAuth without building a front-end?

I'm building a Rails API with a proper front-end to go along with it (probably React). I'm currently implementing the API and haven't written a single line of front-end. I'm trying to implement OAuth with Facebook as explained in #a14m's answer for this post.
However the problem is that my API would require an authentication code so that it can exchange it for an access token with Facebook. As far as I understand, the code is obtained via a login dialog on the front-end. Now I want to test whether or not my API is getting a valid access token from Facebook in exchange for the code. But to get the code I have to open a dialog on the "front-end" which I have not implemented yet.
Any way I could open the dialog for Facebook login and get the code without writing the front-end? I probably think Postman would help but I don't know how. Also if there is a way to obtain the token without triggering the dialog would also get my job done. So I just want a way to access the code without a front-end.
You can definitely use Postman for this. I write Rails APIs often and I always use Postman to hit the endpoints without having a front-end. All you have to do is find out what you need to send to the Facebook API and set it up as a form body on Postman.

LinkedIn Ads Rest API - I can connect to /v1/people/~ but not the /v2/adAnalyticsV2?

I can connect to the /v1/people/~ API URL perfectly with my Access Token but trying the same Token on the /v2/adAnalyticsV2? gives me a 403 error (without further explanation). I read through all the LinkedIn documentation about their Rest API and I just don't get it.
Please help.
Based on the error code, it looks like you do not have the proper permission to access this endpoint.
Has your application been given access to use LinkedIn's Marketing Analytics API? If not, you can apply for access here: https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/marketing-partners/become-a-partner
If you already have access, you should check if your application is requesting the required permission when requesting authorization codes. You would do this either by selecting it in the Default Application Permissions section when setting up your application, or by explicitly requesting it through the scope parameter in the authorization step
I got a note from the engineering team that I can't locate now mentioning something about disabling analytics from v2 of the API for some reason. Worth reaching out to your contact at LI, for sure, but most likely it was removed recently.

Advice on Facebook Registration Plugin

Ok so I am wanting to add the ability for users to use their facebook accounts to register to a site. I have gone through the dev files and various tutorials online. The issue is that no matter what method I follow I have yet been able to get it to work.
I have tried using source from here as well:
Is there some dependency that I need for the site, some other system for facebook to load right?
Here is the test version of the site: http://ohmsgaming.com/Misc/nstdt/v2/
Your page show an error like "'redirect_uri' should be an absolute url."
Use absolute Uri in redirect Url field of request query to fix the issue.
You can use Open Authentication technique to set up authentication system in your site. And once the user is authenticated you will get the publicly shared information of the user. This information can be registered in website at first login.
I successfully implemented the same in http://www.nowrunning.com using brickred's social auth code.

No details for authentication in Authlogic & Facebook Connect

After following the guide to add Facebook Connect to an Authlogic-enabled Rails app (see http://github.com/kalasjocke/authlogic_facebook_connect), I get the following error when I click on the Facebook's "Connect" button:
You did not provide any details for authentication.
It seems that UserSession.create(params[:user_session]) is trying to authenticate with the standard user and password, but the only params available are the authenticity token.
What additional configuration am I missing?
UPDATE: I've made some discoveries. First, the cookie is named fbsetting_{api_key}, instead of fbs_{api_key} (which is what Facebooker expects), for some reason related to API version. Also, the contents of the cookie don't seem to be what Facebooker expects. I don't know if there's a way to select a specific Facebook API version to prevent this from happening.
Having similar issues here. Lots of the options on http://facebooker.pjkh.com/fb-init-options/app_settings_demo_ifuser work nicely for me, but authlogic facebooker out of the box does not work.
UPDATE: It was my app settings on facebook itself, meant authentication was never being setn back to my site... removing site domain sorted it.