Sending a mail in groovy (without additional libs) - email

I'm writing several scripts which are shared within the company. I currently have the requirement that under some conditions a mail should be sent.
This is pretty easy by using the javax.mail.* packages which are unfortunately not part of the default library.
The scripts are shared via VCS and mostly used by business people who open them via double click. (groovy files are on their systems automatically opened with grooovy.bat)
It would be a huge effort the install the libs on all their systems. Everywhere Groovy 2.4.5 and Java 8 is configured.
Is there an easier way of sending a mail? For example by
loading the lib dynamically?
or sending the mail without the lib?
thanks in advance

You can fetch libraries dynamically with the #Grab statement, but you have to ensure that your script will be able to load the lib from a repository.


Export OSB resources without using export wizard on JDeveloper

Using JDeveloper in order to create and manage Oracle Service Bus 12c resources, I am able to export the required resources into a .jar file using the Resources Export Wizard of JDeveloper, selecting one by one those needed, under the tree of each project.
What I want to do though is find a way to export a .jar file based on resources list, given in a file of a commonly used format (JSON, CSV etc), as it can be time saving for a large number of resources. My first thought was to search if JDeveloper provides such way or attempt do this programmatically, yet my search on this has not given me any information of how-to.
Is there an alternative way of doing this?
If you have Oracle OSB or higher you can automate the compilation process for OSB at project level using configjar, here's a whole example of an implementation which include: compilation using configjar, automating the task retrieving the code from GIT using Jenkins and a python script.
You can also do it using ANT, here's a good document of Oracle explaining that. (I've tried it, but found easier to use configjar, this is the only option for versions below
After creating any of those compilation methods you can create a CSV file, parse it with python and loop the compilation.

Netbeans - Open remote folder/new project

I have been using Netbeans for several months now and like it a lot. I am trying to enable a way to create a project which accesses live files on my server to make changes. When I create a project using a remote source, it starts downloading all the server files to my computer. This would be just fine, except for the fact that (a) the server has a few gigs of files on it and (b) there are two of us that will be making changes on the server.
In the past, I have worked with IDEs that just open an FTP or SFTP connection and will download the file you want to edit, and then upload that file back to the server when you save it. Preferably, this is what I would like Netbeans to do.
I have tried adding a FTP folder in Windows, but Netbeans won't open it. I have tried using Swish and setting up an SFTP folder, and Netbeans won't find the Swish folder altogether.
On a side note, I understand what I am doing is horrible practice, but it is a small site and I am usually the only one working on it. I haven't worked on the website in the past several weeks and just thought it would be easier to get access directly than re-downloading the entire server's worth of code/images/videos/etc. Any help would be appreciated.
NetBeans does not support what you want to do. However, if you put your site under Subversion/Git (revision control), you could check out the content, modify it locally and push modification back remotely.
This would also help avoiding code clashes when your friends work on your website too.
Actually Netbeans supports this for php projects.
Just choose :
PHP Application from remote server
(but git is the best solution anw as it gives you version control as well but the above is useful if you want your server files to be updated when you just press ctr+s)

online space to store files using commandline

I require a small space online (free) where I can
upload/download few files automatically using a script.
Space requirement is around 50 MB.
This should be such that it could be automated so I can set
it to run without manual interaction i.e. No GUI
I have a dynamic ip & have no tech on setting up a server.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
A number of online storage services provide 1-2 GB space for free. Several of those have command-line clients. E.g. SpiderOak that I use has a client that can run in a headless (non-GUI) mode to upload files, and there's even a way to download files from it by wget or curl.
You just set up things in GUI mode, then put files into the configured directory and run SpiderOak with right options; files get uploaded. Then you either download ('restore') all or some of the files via another SpiderOak call or get them via HTTP.
About the same applies to Dropbox, but I have no experience with that. gives you a free shell running Linux. I think everyone gets 50mb so you're in luck!

Synchronise files between Eclipse and FTP Site

I am currently coding with Eclipse PDT, and I need to synchronise the files on my workstation with the files on the FTP server.
I've installed RSE, but I can only download and edit files as far as I can see it. What I want to happen is when I hit save, the file is saved locally, and the file to be updated on the FTP site.
Any ideas of how I can achieve this?
Create an ant builder on your project. See this article about how to do that. The important things you should know after you read the article:
You can use Ant FTP task to
transfer the files.
You can define properties given by
the Eclipse platform to get project
root, list of changed files, change
type (add, modify, delete) and so on.
Use them wisely. You will need
project_loc, resource_loc and so on.
See picture at end to see how to get
other available variables that can be
passed to the script.
Tune your Ant script, since if it run
for each file update, then it can be
slow. If it is slow anyway, then you can create a builder plugin for eclipse, which is not so complicated. I created some before.
Be prepared, that ant script can get
not only one file as changed, but a

How to setup a DotNetNuke Development Environment with Source Control?

My team is developing a new DotNetNuke web application and would like to know what is recommended to setup a development environment with source control and automated builds? We would like to keep the DNN source code separate from our custom modules and extensions source code.
The DotNetNuke Compiled Module template for Visual Studio wants us to store the source code in the DesktopModules directory of the DNN source code and output to the DNN source code bin directory. Is this the recommended structure? I would rather keep the files in different locations, but then it becomes more difficult to run and debug locally as it would require an install of the module for each change. Also, how should an automated build deploy any changes?
How have others set this up? Is there a recommended best practice?
For my source control, I develop modules in their own project. This contains the module code, test code, data provider code (if applicable) and anything else. This is checked into source control like any other project. Note that the module project contains no links to a specific DNN website, and DNN references are made in the project to a common "bin" directory that references your target build. For example, in my projects folder, I have \bin460 , \bin480, \bin510, \bin520 etc. Each of these folders holds a set of binaries for a specific DNN version. That way you can build against a particular version but test against any version you like.
The problem with source-controlling a module in place in a dnn install is
- sometimes not all of the module code is easily isolated under a single parent directory
- doesn't lend well to a PA module approach
- not easy to shift the project to a different DNN Version for development or testing
- easy to inadvertently source control parts of the DNN solution, particularly with integrated VS source control solutions.
This approach compiles quickly because you're not trying to compile the entire project. For test deployment I have a build script that copies the various parts of the module into a target website. This can be done via the compile (link the build script) or just run after you've had a successful compile in a cmd window. My build script has a 'target' environment switch, so that I can say 'dnn520' to deploy the build to my test dnn520 install. Note that you need to manually create the module configuration first before this will work, but this is a one-time effort, and you can use the export feature to create your .dnn module manifest.
To build your module package, invest the time in a comprehensive script which will take the various parts from your source directory, and zip them into an install package. Keep all of the parts in your source control folder, and copy them into a temp directory, then run a command-line zip utility (I use an ancient version of pkzip) to pack it into an installable file.
The benefits of this approach is :
- separation of module code from installed code
- simple way of keeping only the module code in source control (don't have to exclude all the website code)
- ability to quickly test out modules in different dnn versions
- packaging script allows you to quickly and easily build a new version of a module for install testing/deployment
The drawbacks are
- can't use the magic green 'go' button in VS (have to manually attach debugger)
- more setup time than developing in-place
We typically stick to keeping the module code in a folder under DesktopModules and building to the website's bin directory.
In source control, we just map the individual modules, rather than the entire website. Depending on what we're working on, a module may be an entire project in source control, or we may have multiple related modules in the same project, living next to each other.
Automatically deploying changes is somewhat difficult in DNN. It's highly recommended to have a build script that packages your module into an installable form. You can then copy installable packages into the website's Install/Module folder, and get the URL /Install/Install.aspx?mode=InstallResources, which will install any packages in that folder.
In response to bduke's answer. You should, and don't want to build projects in the DesktopModules folder.
That's where all of the source code for the site out of the box goes.
That's where you modules will be "installed" and thus if someone "updates" or re-installs one, then it will be overwritten
It can make upgrading your Application far more difficult. Many developers don't understand that the idea of not touching the original source code files to modify their behavior. BECAUSE it will just be overwritten when you perform an upgrade.
If you want to build modules, create a solution folder called Modules and place your seperate project modules there.
If you want to debug them, make the target debug output point to the web\bin folder.
If you want to install/deploy them. Build it in release mode and install them through the Module/Extension filter.