Leaflet markercluster- change color of coverage on hover - leaflet

I'm trying to change the color of the coverage on hover (showCoverageOnHover) in the Leaflet markercluster plugin. I can't find this in the documentation.
What I want to achieve is to change the color of the coverage on hover from blue to something else. For example, when you hover with the mouse over a cluster icon in this example.

OK, using polygonOptions is the right answer, like that:
var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
polygonOptions: {
fillColor: '#1b2557',
color: '#1b2557',
weight: 0.5,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.5

Quoting from the docs:
polygonOptions: Options to pass when creating the L.Polygon(points,
options) to show the bounds of a cluster. Defaults to empty, which
lets Leaflet use the default Path options.


Add Maki Icon instead of Mapbox Geocoder Marker

Just a quick question, if anyone has ever replaced the Mapbox default marker with a Maki icon. I've only seen examples of using Maki icons for point tilesets/layers, but I'm wanting to use it for non-tileset features, specifically replacing the marker that adds after geocoding, at the location of the address just geocoded.
Or, trying to find something that is similar to Google Maps symbols below. Any suggestions appreciated.
var pinImage = {
path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
fillColor: '#ff4b00',
fillOpacity: .9,
scale: 5,
strokeColor: '#CDDC39',
strokeWeight: 0,
strokeOpacity: .5
The MapboxGeocoder control has a marker option https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-geocoder/blob/master/API.md#parameters which controls the marker placed on the map when you select a result.
There is an example at https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/custom-marker-icons/ to create a Marker with a custom icon.
So you could create an HTML Element which contains either an SVG or PNG icon from Maki and use that as your element in your custom Marker passed to the MapboxGeocoder control.
I think this sample is what you are looking for Use a custom render function with a geocoder
It allows you to add a custom render function including the icon...
var geocoder = new MapboxGeocoder({
accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,
types: 'poi',
// see https://docs.mapbox.com/api/search/#geocoding-response-object for information about the schema of each response feature
render: function(item) {
// extract the item's maki icon or use a default
var maki = item.properties.maki || 'marker';
return (
"<div class='geocoder-dropdown-item'><img class='geocoder-dropdown-icon' src='https://unpkg.com/#mapbox/maki#6.1.0/icons/" +
maki +
"-15.svg'><span class='geocoder-dropdown-text'>" +
item.text +
mapboxgl: mapboxgl

How to avoid polygon distortion when zooming?

Here is a full jsfiddle example
I use a custom series and draw a polygon:
data = [
[80.9251933067, 207.9047427038],
[52.8853803102, 337.7443022089],
[25.9926385814, 120.3586150136]
I use echarts.graphi.clipPointsByRect() (like in this echarts-example) to make sure, the polygon is not drawn outside of the grid.
echarts.graphic.clipPointsByRect(points, {
x: params.coordSys.x,
y: params.coordSys.y,
width: params.coordSys.width,
height: params.coordSys.height
Initially the polygon is drawn correctly, like this:
But when I zoom in, the polygon is distorted: e.g. you can click the zoom part buttom below the chart to zoom from 40 to 60 - in this case I'd expect to see the part of the shape (like highlighted in yellow in the image above) - but instead I see this distorted image:
Maybe this function is not meant for this use-case, or is this a bug?
Is there another function for this use-case or does anyone know a workaround?
Version 4.4.x contains a new clip feature. This makes it easy to avoid the distortion:
in the render function we don't need to clip our shapes: i.e. no need to call clipPointsByRect()
instead we just activate clip on the custom series:
New series definition with clip: 'true':
series: [{
type: 'custom',
clip: 'true',
renderItem: renderItem,
data: data
Here is an updated jsfiddle expample
Original Version
it seems that the function is really not working as expected - see echarts-source code comment:
export function clipPointsByRect(points, rect) {
// FIXME: this way migth be incorrect when grpahic clipped by a corner.
// and when element have border.
I've created an issue #10222 for the e-charts project
A workaround for now is to use a custom clipping function
e.g. lineclip supports the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping
Here is the updated jsfiddle-example that shows the correct result when you zoom in:

How to Add a border around a State In leaflet Map

I am working with this example of US map http://leafletjs.com/examples/choropleth.html.
I am Highlighting the map of a state using a color. But the problem is there are some markers that were clickable before the addition of this highlighting color now becomes non clickable. How can I make the markers clickable even after keeping the map highlighted? Any solution? By the way I am using the following code to highlight the map:
function getColor(d) {
if(d === "Iowa")
return '#800026';
return '#ffffff';
function style(feature) {
return {
//fillColor: getColor(feature.properties.name),
weight: 4,
opacity: .1,
color: getColor(feature.properties.name),
dashArray: '3',
fillOpacity: 0.3
L.geoJson(statesData, {style: style}).addTo(map);
It seems you have the fillColor option commented out. If you remove the // before fillColor it should work.

How to apply css on polylines : leaflet

I am working with the application which uses leaflet api.
I needed to draw different types of fences, using decorators i can somewhat apply good visuals to the polylines but not much.
I was willing to show twisted wires instead of dashes, dots or plain lines and I know the twisted wire line will be an image but can't find help about applying custom css to polylines.
Script Example
var fence2Icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'xxxx.png',
iconSize: [5, 20]
iconAnchor: [5, 18]
// Add coordinate to the polyline
var polylineFence2 = new L.Polyline([], { color: 'red' });
function fencePlace2(e) {
// New marker on coordinate, add it to the map
new L.Marker(e.latlng, { icon: fence2Icon, draggable: false }).addTo(curr);
// Add coordinate to the polyline
var decorator = L.polylineDecorator(polylineFence2, {
patterns:[{offset:5,repeat:'20px',symbol:new L.Symbol.Dash({pixelSize:5})
L.easyButton('fa-flash', function () {
$('.leaflet-container').css('cursor', 'crosshair');
map.on('click', fencePlace2);
polylineFence2 = new L.Polyline([], { color: 'red' });
If someone know anything about polyline or another way please do help.
Thanks for your time:-)
You can add a class in the options of your polyline ...
var polyline = L.polyline(latlngs, { className: 'my_polyline' }).addTo(map);
and add your own settings in the CSS ...
.my_polyline {
stroke: green;
fill: none;
stroke-dasharray: 10,10;
stroke-width: 5;
Here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/FranceImage/9dggfhnc/
You can also access some options directly ...
var polyline = L.polyline(latlngs, { dashArray: '10,10' }).addTo(map);
See Path Options
If you create a polyline you're in fact adding an element to the SVG element which Leaflet uses to draw it's overlays. Styling SVG path elements is different from styling regular HTML elements. There's no such thing as border and background-color etc. It has different properties, if you're interested here's a nice read on the matter:
You can style Leaflet's path elements when you instanciate them via options or via CSS using the properties (related to styling) described in the documentation here:
Via options:
new L.Polyline([...], {
weight: 3,
color: 'red',
opacity: 0.5
Via CSS:
new L.Polyline([...], {
className: 'polyline'
.polyline {
weight: 3,
color: red,
opacity: 0.5
However, what you want, using an image simply isn't possible. You can use images as fill for SVG paths, but it would be impossible for your usecase. You'de need to add a pattern definition to the SVG Leaflet is using and then you could use that id as the fill property as outlined in this answer:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/3798797/2019281 but will always fill/tile the image horizontally which won't work if your polyline is vertical.

Leaflet get the current style of a layer

In leaflet javascript library i can't get the style value of a layer.
I have looked at the documentation but i can't see any way to do this!
Here how i set the style :
weight: 5,
color: '#666',
dashArray: '',
fillOpacity: 0,
opacity: 0.9,
There is a methode setStyle but not getStyle ... How can i check for those values?
I need this to know the state of a layer to know what to do if the layer is "red" etc ...
Thank you!
layer.options contains those values.