Is NUnit Test tool for windows is removed from NUnit 3.0.1 - nunit

In old times we used Nunit window test tool.
Right now I am facing some issue with Nunit test adapter & it's not displaying tests in Visual Studio. Unsupported test framework error in NUnit
Now I can find only NUnit Console and no window tool. Any tool available to open NUnit test project out of visual studio for execution & results?
I have installed Nunit 3.0.1 (latest available) on my machine.

There is a new GUI Runner currently under developement - version 0.1 is expected soon. This is the replacement for the GUI you're currently using.
The other option, as Johan said, is to use Visual Studio's built in Test Runner, and install the NUnit3 Test Adapter, either as a Nuget Package, or a Visual Studio Extension.

To run NUnit 3.0 tests in Visual Studio you need to use the NUnit3 Test Adapter.


NUnit 3.4.1 how to open the tool and test?

I have installed Nunit 3.4 version using Nuget pacakage manager in visual studio 2013. there is only nunit.framework.DLL is available, so not sure how to open the tool and test the tester project that i have written. please help
Install the NUnit 3 Test Adapter for Visual Studio and you can run the tests from the Visual Studio Test Explorer. You can also install the NUnit 3 Console app from and run your tests from the command line.
Go to NUnit -> Tools -> Settings -> IDE Support -> Visual Studio -> Enable Visual Studio Support. Now you can use File -> Open Project to add sln files into NUnit

Run protractor tests in Eclipse or Visual Studio

I'm new on protractor and i got a few tests running (i did in Webstorm 30 day trial). But now i'm trying to do it in Eclipse to integrate with TFS or VS itself, so i can associate with our test cases. Does anyone know how to? Do i have to use an especific IDE or something like that?
In visual studio itself, you can write protractor tests (Protractor for .NET is built on top of Selenium WebDriver C# binding.) by installing protractor package and Nunit, then you can integrate with TFS if you want.
For more information, you can look into this link.
You have to use Eclipse Neon.
Probably yow will have to downgrade your protractor because it works only till 4.10(It doesn't work with latest version)

Open source file from NUnit's GUI Test Runner

Is there a plugin or configuration option that will open a source file in Visual Studio when the relevant line is clicked in NUnit's GUI test runner? It displays it in NUnit, but that still leaves me searching for the file in Visual Studio to actually fix the error.
You can use
NUnit adapter for integrated test execution under Visual Studio 2012
(all updates),and Visual Studio 2013 (all updates). Compatible with
NUnit 2.0 through 2.6.3.

how to use nunit with visual studio

Visual studio has a built-in unit test framework. I am wondering if I can use nunit instead?
Yes, TestDriven.Net, Nunit and Resharper provide integration with VS. More details in the two posts below (in response to the same question).
Unit test, NUnit or Visual studio?
Unit test, NUnit or Visual studio?
Using NUnit without extensions
This answer is long overdue, but I'm using NUnit in Visual Studio without any additional extensions (that are mainly also not free).
The whole idea is to configure your test project (a usual Class library project actually) so that when you hit F5 or Ctrl-F5 it automatically starts NUnit GUI and starts test execution.
The main benefit of this project configuration (all configuration steps are described with images) is that it's easy to also debug your tests if you need to when you have bugs in them.
Here's a free Visual Studio addin for NUnit: NUnitAddin

How do I create a deployment package for CodedUI Tests recorded in Visual Studio 2010 beta?

A few test scenarios have been recorded using CodedUI test template for my web application in Visual Studio 2010 beta. These run from within the Visual Studio successfully without any issues. I was looking for instructions to create a deployment package.
Configure an environment with a "standalone" MSTest
A series of new test tools is being introduced with Visual Studio 2010. Team Agents provides a very small footprint and includes MSTest (it will be installed in a Visual Studio path).
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\mstest.exe
You can copy the contents of your test project(s) bin\ directory to the machine with Team Agents installed and execute MSTest against your test container.
mstest /testcontainer:x:\test-project\automated-tests.dll"
Coded UI tests use namespaces within libraries that are part of Visual Studio e.g. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting
This is unlike UI Automation which is part of the core .NET framework e.g.
Therefore as I understand it you cannot package Coded UI tests to run in an environment that does not have Visual Studio installed.