Epos2Printer SDK: Swift - swift

I have been trying for a while now and cannot seem to connect to my Epson TM-T88V printer from my app built with Swift. I have tried what I learned here https://github.com/Shoptree/epsonPrintSDK/issues/3 and was able to make a connection, but it is a dated SDK and I need more printers to be compatible. I have also looked at the Epson pdf guide written in Obj-C and the Java version.
I have tried many variations of the following. (Note: I have no problem bridging the headers and getting access to the library.
var printer = Epos2Printer(printerSeries: 0, lang: 1)
printer.connect("TCP:192.168.X.X", timeout: 10000)
printer.addText("Hello World")
Thanks in advance!

I am not sure if you still have this problem, but according to your code I can suggest couple of fixes:
Put correct printer series.
Add couple of feed lines. Some Epson printers don't print if there is no enough lines to print (6-8 lines enough).
Call beginTransaction after adding text and cut.
Call sendData and endTransaction at the end.
Here is updated code:
var printer = Epos2Printer(printerSeries: EPOS2_TM_T88.rawValue, lang: EPOS2_MODEL_ANK.rawValue)
printer.connect("TCP:192.168.X.X", timeout: 10000)
printer.addText("Hello World")


Crash inside http_client constructor (Casablanca SDK)

I'm trying to use Casablanca to consume a REST api.
I've been following the microsoft tutorial, how ever i'm getting a crash and I cannot figure it out.
I'm using visual studio 2017 with C++11
I've codded a function GetRequest() that do work when used in a new empty project, but when I try to use it on my Project (Very big project with millions of code lines).
I'm crashing in the constructor of http_client, in the file xmemory0 line 118.
const uintptr_t _Ptr_container = _Ptr_user[-1];
This is a link to the callstack : https://i.imgur.com/lBm0Hv7.png
void RestManager::GetRequest()
auto fileStream = std::make_shared<ostream>();
// Open stream to output file.
pplx::task<void> requestTask = fstream::open_ostream(U("results.html")).then([=](ostream outFile)
*fileStream = outFile;
// Create http_client to send the request.
http_client client(U("XXX/XXX.svc/"));
// Build request URI and start the request.
uri_builder builder(U("/IsLive"));
builder.append_query(U("q"), U("cpprestsdk github"));
return client.request(methods::GET, builder.to_string());
// Handle response headers arriving.
.then([=](http_response response)
printf("Received response status code:%u\n", response.status_code());
// Write response body into the file.
return response.body().read_to_end(fileStream->streambuf());
// Close the file stream.
return fileStream->close();
// Wait for all the outstanding I/O to complete and handle any exceptions
catch (const std::exception &e)
printf("Error exception:%s\n", e.what());
EDIT : I just want to add that the http_client constructor is the issue. It always crash inside it no matter what I send as parameter.
The wierd thing is that it's not crashing when i just make a main() that call this function.
I guess it must be due to some memory issues, however I have no idea how could I debug that.
Does anyone would have an idea about it?
Thanks and have a great day!
I've experienced a similar issue on ubuntu. It works in an empty project, but crashes randomly when put into an existing large project, complaining memory corruptions.
Turns out that the existing project loaded a proprietary library, which is using cpprestsdk (casablanca) internally. Even cpprestsdk is static linked, its symbols are still exported as Weak Symbols. So either my code crashes, or the proprietary library crashes.
Ideally, my project can be divided into several libraries, and load them with RTLD_LOCAL to avoid symbol clashes. But the proprietary library in my project only accept RTLD_GLOBAL, otherwise it crashes... So the import order and flags become important:
dlopen("my-lib-uses-cpprest", RTLD_LOCAL); //To avoid polluting the global
dlopen("proprietary-lib-with-built-in-cpprest", RTLD_GLOBAL); //In my case, this lib must be global
dlopen("another-lib-uses-cpprest", RTLD_DEEPBIND); //To avoid being affected by global
"it will probably never concern anyone."
I agree with that.
I guess this issues was very specific, and it will probably never concern anyone, but still I'm going to update on everything I found out about it.
On this project, we are using custom allocator, if i'm not wrong, it's not possible to give our custom allocator to this lib, which result to many random crash.
A good option to fix it would be to use the static version to this lib, however, since we are using a lot of dynamic lib, this option wasn't possible for us.
If you are on my case, I would advice to use the libcurl and rapidjson, it's a bit harder to use, but you can achieve the same goal.

Xuggler write and read video via H.264 to/from Sockets

I want to be able to send BufferedImages generated from my java program over the local network in real time, some my second application can show them.
I have been looking through a lot of websites over the last 2 days but I wasn't able to find anything. Only thing I found was this:
Can I use Xuggler to encode video/audio to a byte array?
I tried implementing the URLHandler but problem is, MediaWriter still wants an URL and as soon as I add a VideoStream, it opens the container a second time with the url and then in crashes.
I hope you can help me and thanks in advance.
Code I have right now:
val clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
val container = IContainer.make()
val writer = ToolFactory.makeWriter("localhost", container)
container.open(VTURLProtocolHandler(clientSocket.getOutputStream()), IContainer.Type.WRITE, IContainerFormat.make())
writer.addVideoStream(0, 0, ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_H264, width, height)

Scripting Bridge classes with Swift 3

I am trying to instantiate a SB class using Swift but it doesn't seem to work:
if let messageClass = (mail as! SBApplication).class(forScriptingClass:"outgoing message") {
let message = (messageClass as! SBObject.Type).init(properties: ["subject": "message subjects"]) as MailOutgoingMessage
print("Subject: \(message.subject)")
print("Outgoing messages: \(mail.outgoingMessages!().count)")
All I get in the output is:
Subject: nil
Outgoing messages: 0
I know that I should cast the message to a MailOutgoingMessage.type and not SBObject.type but I couldn't access the init method otherwise.
Someone has experience using Scripting Bridge with Swift? Clues?
Scripting Bridge is nasty, obfuscated and broken. If you have to use SB, Tony Ingraldi wrote some helper tools for Swift users. TBH, I recommend using AppleScript-ObjC over SB simply because AppleScript at least works.
For a native Swift-AE bridge, see SwiftAutomation. I'm still working on the documentation, but the code itself descends from appscript which is the only AppleScript alternative of the last 20 years that actually works right, so is just about beta-quality now.
Swift (and AppleScript) users who'd like to see Apple adopt SwiftAutomation in 10.3 are strongly encouraged to submit duplicate Radar tickets to bugreport.apple.com requesting it, e.g. here's one already copied to OpenRadar if you want to copy-paste it as-is (include the original rdar:// to help the Radar team resolve it quicker): openradar.appspot.com/29332915

How do I detect if XenApp Client is installed on user machine?

We are upgrading from Citrix Metaframe to XenApp, and I need to know if there's a way to programmatically detect if the XenApp Web Plugin v11.0 is already installed on a client machine when it contacts our webserver for login -- this was previously done for the Metaframe Web Client by attempting to instantiate the ICA client in an ASP script, which used the results to determine whether to offer the client as a download/install.
The current code for this detection is:
Set icaObj = CreateObject("Citrix.ICAClient")
The above code does not find the XenApp plugin.
I continued my research after posting this question and I finally found the answer. Only 3 views on this question since I posted it, but despite the disinterest I believe I should answer my question, "Just in Case" someone else has this problem.
I was mistaken in my statement in question that the code I posted didn't find the XenApp plugin. In fact, it does. It returns a valid object in the presence of both Metaframe and XenAppWeb. I posted this question on Citrix's own forums, and no answers there either.
What I did to find the answer was to create a VS2008 project to which I added a COM reference to the Citrix ICA library -- both of them, installed separately one at a time. I found that both had a COM library named WFICALib, and searched through both of them to see if there was something that might distinguish them. What I found was a property, ClientVersion, which was 9.0.xxx for Metaframe, and 11.0.xxxx for XenAppWeb.
From this I cut the following code to return the version as a function in VBScript:
Function GetVer()
Dim icaObj, Ver
On Error Resume Next
Set icaObj = CreateObject("Citrix.ICAClient")
if err.number = 0 then
if IsObject(icaObj) then
GetVer = icaObj.ClientVersion
GetVer = 0
end if
set icaObj = nothing
GetVer = 0
end if
End Function
Since posting this answer, I have discovered that this script in the newer versions of Internet Explorer (e.g. IE9) is not reliably detecting the plugin -- sometimes it worked, and other times not! What I did to fix the problem was to switch the script to JScript instead of JavaScript, and the new version looks like this:
<script type="text/jscript">
function GetCitrixVersion() {
try {
var icaObj = new ActiveXObject("Citrix.ICAClient");
return icaObj.ClientVersion;
catch (e) {
return 0;
Note the script type is text/jscript, not text/javascript.

iRobot Create not returning sensor data

I am trying to stream sensor data from the iRobot Create. I get tuple out of range errors when I try
bot.stream_sensors(somenumber) and bot.poll_sensors(somenumbers). Whenever I input bot.sensors, I just get an empty array {}. I have even tried sending bot.sensors while pushing in on the bump sensor, still getting an empty array. I am connected to the bot through the Serial port with a serial-to-usb converter on my side. The only code before trying to get the sensor data is
import openinterface
bot = openinterface.CreateBot(com_port="/dev/ttyUSB0", mode="full")
Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this issue? Everywhere else just uses stream_sensors(6) and it seems to work fine.
P.S. I posted a question similar to this topic not too long ago, but no one responded. Not trying to spam, but now I have a more clear question and what the apparent-problem is so I thought I would try again.
I downloaded openinterface.py from this site: which included some sample programs. I'd suggest you take a step back, try the sample code, try to find other, more sophisticated, sample code and play with that first before moving on to your real code. You may be missing a step somewhere.
I may be a bit late to answer this, but for reference purposes. Directly controlling the iRobot is simplified greatly by using