AppleTv / TvOS - Resize TopShelf Images in TVContentItems Saved to ImageURL - swift

I am implementing TopShelf in Apple tvOS. I have downloaded images and assigned to imageURL of TVContentItems. The downloaded images aspect ratio does not fit into the TopShelf Images properly. I have tried to change the size by appending width + height to the image link.{width}x{height}
But it didn't work.
Can I do resizing at client end in any other way. In the TVContentItem class I have only have NSURL object. There is no UIImage Object.
Thanks a lot.
Here is Apple's documentation on Image Sizes and shapes
// ~ 2 : 3
// ~ 1 : 1
// ~ 4 : 3
// ~ 16 : 9
// ~ 8 : 3
// ~ 87 : 28
//#property imageShape
//#abstract A TVContentItemImageShape value describing the intended aspect ratio or shape of the image.
//#discussion For Top Shelf purposes: the subset of values which are //valid in this property, for TVContentItems in the topShelfItems property //of the TVTopShelfProvider, depends on the value of the topShelfStyle //property of the TVTopShelfProvider:
valid: TVContentItemImageShapeExtraWide
valid: TVContentItemImageShapePoster
valid: TVContentItemImageShapeSquare
valid: TVContentItemImageShapeHDTV
When the value of this property is not valid for the Top Shelf style, the system reserves the right to scale the image in any way.

You're right saying that the TVContentItem has no UIImage type property. Since TVContentItem also accepts local file URLs in the imageURL property, a workaround can be:
grabbing the UIImage from internet
creating a new image context with the size of the top shelf image
saving it into the NSCacheDirectory
setting the local image URL as imageURL.
Here are the steps:
Let's create our TVContentItem object:
let identifier = TVContentIdentifier(identifier: "myPicture", container: wrapperID)!
let contentItem = TVContentItem(contentIdentifier: identifier )!
Set the contentItem's imageShape:
contentItem.imageShape = .HDTV
Grab the image from Internet. Actually I did this synchronously, you can also try to use other async methods to get that (NSURLConnection, AFNetworking, etc...):
let data : NSData = NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: "")!)!
Prepare the path where your image will be saved and get your UIImage from the data object:
let filename = "picture-test.jpg"
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.CachesDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
let filepath = paths.first! + "/" + filename
let img : UIImage = UIImage(data: data)!
Assuming you've already set the topShelfStyle property, get the size of the top shelf image with the method TVTopShelfImageSizeForShape. This will be the size of your image context:
let shapeSize : CGSize = TVTopShelfImageSizeForShape(contentItem.imageShape, self.topShelfStyle)
Create your image context of shapeSize size and draw the downloaded image into the context rect. Here you can do all your modifications to the image to adjust it into the desired size. In this example I took a square image from Instagram and I put white letterbox bands on the right and left sides.
let imageShapeInRect : CGRect = CGRectMake((shapeSize.width-shapeSize.height)/2,0,shapeSize.height,shapeSize.height)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
In the end, save this image into your NSCacheDirectory and set the image path as contentItem's imageURL.
UIImageJPEGRepresentation(newImage, 0.8)!.writeToFile(filepath, atomically: true)
contentItem.imageURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: filepath)
Complete your TVContentItem with other details (like title, internal link, etc...), run the top shelf extension... et voilà!

I would like to add to Nicola Giancecchi's answer. The Top Shelf extension will run on a non main thread so using methods like UIImageJPEGRepresentation or UIImagePNGRepresentation will sometimes stop the Top Shelf thread printing this in the console:
Program ended with exit code: 0
To fix this you can wrap your code like this:
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
UIImageJPEGRepresentation(newImage, 0.8)!.writeToFile(filepath, atomically: true)
let imageURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: filepath)
if #available(tvOSApplicationExtension 11.0, *) {
contentItem.setImageURL(imageURL, forTraits: .userInterfaceStyleLight)
contentItem.setImageURL(imageURL, forTraits: .userInterfaceStyleDark)
} else {
contentItem.imageURL = imageURL


An image become large in size when it is shared

I am taking an image by device camera and add an autoAdjustmentFilters. Then I compress it's size and save to document directory. Now problem is when I am sharing this image by airdrop, image becomes larger in size. I am facing this problem when I am sharing the image in JPEG format but not in PDF format. Related code is given below:
let aCGImage = inputImage.CGImage;
self.aCIImage = CIImage(CGImage: aCGImage!)
let Filters = self.aCIImage.autoAdjustmentFilters() as [CIFilter]
for Filter in Filters {
Filter.setValue(self.aCIImage, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
self.outputImage = Filter.outputImage!
let CgImage = self.context.createCGImage(self.outputImage, fromRect: self.outputImage.extent)
self.newUIImage = UIImage(CGImage: CgImage!)
let mydata = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self.newUIImage, 0.5)
print(">>>>>>>>>>>>,,,,,,,,,\((mydata?.length)! / 1024) kb")
Then I save this image data in document directory. When I save this image in document directory, it's size is 600kb-1500kb, but after sharing it's size is larger than 10000kb. Don't understand what the problem is.

Changing JUST .scale in UIImage?

Here, I'm creating a typical graphic (it's full-screen size, on all devices) on the fly...
func buildImage()->UIImage
let wrapperA:UIView = say, a picture
let wrapperB:UIView = say, some text to go on top
let mainSize = basicImage.bounds.size
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(mainSize, false, 0.0)
basicImage.drawHierarchy(in: basicImage.bounds, afterScreenUpdates:true)
wrapperA.drawHierarchy(in: wrapperA.bounds, afterScreenUpdates:true)
wrapperB.drawHierarchy(in: wrapperB.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let result:UIImage? = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
// so we've just created a nice big image for some reason,
// no problem so far
print( result?.scale )
// I want to change that image to have a scale of 1.
// I don't know how to do that, so I actually just
// make a new identical one, with scale of 1
let resultFixed:UIImage = UIImage(cgImage: result!.cgImage!,
scale: 1.0,
orientation: result!.imageOrientation)
print( resultFixed.scale )
print("Let's use only '1-scale' images to upload to things like Instagram")
// return result
return resultFixed
// be sure to ask on SO if there's a way to
// just "change the scale" rather than make new.
I need the final image to be .scale of 1 - but .scale is a read only property.
The only thing I know how to do is make a whole new image copy ... but set the scale to 1 as it's being created.
Is there a better way?
Handy tip -
This was motivated by: say you're saving a large image to the user's album, and also allowing UIActivityViewController so as to post to (example) Instagram. As a general rule, it seems to be best to make the scale 1 before sending to (example) Instagram; if the scale is say 3 you actually just get the top-left 1/3 of the image on your Instagram post. In terms of saving it to the iOS photo album, it does seem to be harmless (perhaps, better in some ways) to set the scale to 1. (I only say "better" as, if the image is, example, ultimately say emailed to a friend on PC, it can cause less confusion if the scale is 1.) Interestingly though, if you just use the iOS Photos album, and take a scale 2 or 3 image, and share it to Instagram: it does in fact appear properly on Instagram! (perhaps Apple's Photos indeed knows it os best to make it scale 1, before sending it to somewhere like Instagram!).
As you say, the scale property of UIImage is read-only – therefore you cannot change it directly.
However, using UIImage's init(cgImage:scale:orientation) initialiser doesn't really copy the image – the underlying CGImage that it's wrapping (which contains the actual bitmap data) is still the same instance. It's only a new UIImage wrapper that is created.
Although that being said, you could cut out the intermediate UIImage wrapper in this case by getting the CGImage from the context directly through CGContext's makeImage() method. For example:
func buildImage() -> UIImage? {
// ...
let mainSize = basicImage.bounds.size
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(mainSize, false, 0.0)
defer {
// get the current context
guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return nil }
// -- do drawing here --
// get the CGImage from the context by calling makeImage() – then wrap in a UIImage
// through using Optional's map(_:) (as makeImage() can return nil)
// by default, the scale of the UIImage is 1.
return context.makeImage().map(UIImage.init(cgImage:))
btw you can change scale of result image throw creating new image
let newScaleImage = UIImage(cgImage: oldScaleImage.cgImage!, scale: 1.0, orientation: oldScaleImage.imageOrientation)

Making a GIF from images using Swift (macOS)

I was wondering if there was a way to convert an array of NSImages using Swift in macOS/osx?
I should be able to export it to file afterwards, so an animation of images displayed on my app would not be enough.
Image I/O has the functionalities you need. Try this:
var images = ... // init your array of NSImage
let destinationURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/image.gif")
let destinationGIF = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(destinationURL, kUTTypeGIF, images.count, nil)!
// The final size of your GIF. This is an optional parameter
var rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 350, 250)
// This dictionary controls the delay between frames
// If you don't specify this, CGImage will apply a default delay
let properties = [
(kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary as String): [(kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime as String): 1.0/16.0]
for img in images {
// Convert an NSImage to CGImage, fitting within the specified rect
// You can replace `&rect` with nil
let cgImage = img.CGImageForProposedRect(&rect, context: nil, hints: nil)!
// Add the frame to the GIF image
// You can replace `properties` with nil
CGImageDestinationAddImage(destinationGIF, cgImage, properties)
// Write the GIF file to disk

How to get and save GIF Image from NSImageView to disk

Currently I am working on an NSImageView, on which the user drags and drops an image, and the images gets saved to the disk. I am able to save png and jpeg images, but while saving GIF images, all that is saved is a single frame from the gif. The imageView is able to display the whole animated gif though.
My current implementation to save image from NSImageView to disk is:
let cgRef = image.CGImageForProposedRect(nil, context: nil, hints: nil)
let newRep = NSBitmapImageRep(CGImage: cgRef!)
newRep.size = image.size
let type = getBitmapImageFileType(imageName.lowercaseString) // getBitmapImageFileType: returns NSBitmapImageFileType
let properties = type == .NSGIFFileType ? [NSImageLoopCount: 0] : Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
let data: NSData = newRep.representationUsingType(type, properties: properties)!
data.writeToFile(link, atomically: true)
How should I modify this code to be able to save all the frames of GIF to the disk.

Swift: Render CALayers to UIImage

I currently have a custom progress view in my application. I am attempting to draw the progress view and then take a "snapshot" of it so I can pass this along where needed. So once I have drawn my layers, I want to then convert them into a single UIImage.
Here is my current code, which also includes an attempt to save to the documents directory in order to view the image.
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
let documentsDirectory = paths[0] as String
let data:NSData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) as NSData
data.writeToFile(documentsDirectory, atomically: true)
I am relatively new to using CGContext and such, so I may be way off with this. Any help would be great, thanks!
Just render the layer of the superview. It should include all subviews and sublayers.