Resolving properties via eureka in Spring Cloud - spring-cloud

I have a simple #EnableSidecar for postgres app. with virtual-host-name: and sidecar.port: 5432. Can I in another #EnableDiscoveryClient app. have spring cloud resolve #Value("${}") or do I have to do the resolving manually via a EurekaClient?

#Value("${}") won't work. You can use EurekaClient directly or use which is an abstraction.


Can a Spring Cloud Gateway App be Enabled as a Cloud Config Server?

I'm trying to enable a Spring Cloud Gateway app to automatically refresh its routing config yml on the fly. I have been able to set up a Cloud Config server to host the route YAML and enabled the Spring Cloud Gateway to automatically refresh its config via a #Scheduled contextRefresher.refresh() usage. However, this requires two running apps, and we want to try to minimize the number of additional servers needed to support this requirement.
The Spring Cloud Config Server documentation suggests any boot app can be embedded with a config server via the #EnableConfigServer annotation:
However, when attempting to introduce the spring-cloud-config-server module in my Gateway's build.gradle, I run into the following error on startup:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.http.codec.ServerCodecConfigurer' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {}
From the discussion here ( it seems that the issue above arises because spring-boot-starter-web is incompatible w/ Gateway; Gateway is a Netty app and spring-boot-starter-web uses tomcat/servlets. When trying to exclude spring-boot-starter-web from the cloud-config-server module, the app fails again w/:
onfigReactiveWebServerApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to process import candidates for configuration class []; nested exception is class path resource [org/springframework/web/servlet/config/annotation/WebMvcConfigurerAdapter.class] cannot be opened because it does not exist
Is it the case that a Spring Cloud Gateway app cannot be enabled as a CloudConfig server? Or am I missing something.
FWIW my sprincCloudVersion is Finchley.SR1
They can not. Config server is based on spring MVC (servlets), gateway is based on spring webflux and Netty. They are not compatible and cannot be run together.

Spring cloud config properties not honouring config properties

I wish to use consul strictly as a config source.
I am using spring-cloud-consul-config to get my config.
I am using git2consul to load files into consul and read them.
As per the spring cloud documentation I have added the following to my build.gradle
compile ("")
and have the following in my
The problem I am facing is that the expected properties are not being loaded into the ConfigurationProperties beans. On further debugging in the ConsulPropertySourceLocator::locate(Environment environment) method, I see that the object is still loaded with KEY_VALUE enum.
This led me to ConsulConfigBootstrapConfiguration class, where the ConsulConfigProperties bean is being instantiated using a constructor.
Is this the problem or do I have something wrong in my setup.
If someone has a working setup of git2consul and spring cloud config, please can you point me to it for reference.
These values that you have in
need to be in

Not able to get the Metric charts displayed using Hystrix dashboard in Bluemix

I am trying to use Hystrix to implement service proxy to implement circuit breaker pattern. I did implement the Hystrix Commands and also package the Hystrix servlet to provide the Hystrix stream. To monitor the services, I am using the Hystrix Dashboard 1.5.0. All works fine on a local Tomcat server. I am able to see the metrics charts
However, when I deploy the same on Bluemix, the Dashboard does not show the charts. Instead it says 'Unable to connect to Command Metric Stream.'. I also checked the stream using Chrome browser. I am able to see the messages as below:
{ "0":0,
Any idea, why the Dashboard is not able to connect to stream when deployed on Bluemix. Any help is appreciated.
I have the same exact problem trying to run on Bluemix. I also run fine locally using Spring Tools Suite. Has there been a resolution to this problem?
My situation:
I used the Spring Initialzr to create a Spring Cloud application (Eureka, Hystrix, REST controller). I have deployed this to Bluemix (Cloud Foundry). Everything works fine except the Hystrix dashboard. I get "Unable to connect to Command Metric Stream." on the dashboard.
I can curl the stream url - it takes a really long time but data does come back.

Does Feign retry require some sort of configuration?

I just tried to do a attempted a seamless upgrade of a service in a test setup. The service is being accessed by a Feign client. And naively I was under the impression that with multiple instances available of the service, the client would retry another instance if it failed to connect to one.
That, however, did not happen. But I cannot find any mention of how Feign in Spring Cloud is supposed to be configured to do this? Although I have seen mentions of it supporting it (as opposed to using RestTemplate where you would use something like Spring Retry?)
If you are using ribbon you can set properties similar to the following (substituting "localapp" for your serviceid):
ps underneath Feign has a Retryer interface, which was made to support things like Ribbon.
see if property works - OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true
You can refer application ->
Spencer was quick...was late by few minutes :-)

Binding to MongoDB service from Grails application deployed on Cloudfoundry

I'm currently writing a Grails app using Grails 2.2.2 and MySQL, and have been deploying it to Cloudfoundry.
Until recently I've just used a single MySQL datasource for my domain, which Cloudfoundry detects and automagically creates and binds a MySQL service instance to.
I now have a requirement to store potentially large files somewhere, so I figured I'd take a look at MongoDB's GridFS. Cloudfoundry supports MongoDB, so I'd assumed Cloudfoundry would do some more magic when I deployed my app and would provide me with a MongoDB datasource as well.
Unfortunately I'm not prompted to create/bind a MongoDB service when I deploy my app, and I think this may be down to the way I'm connecting to Mongo.
I'm not using the MongoDB plugin, as this conflicts with another plugin I'm using, and in any case I don't need to persist any of my domain to Mongo - just some large files - so I'm using the Mongo java driver directly (similar to this -
I'm unsure how Cloudfoundry detects that your application requires a particular datasource, but I'd assumed it would figure this out somehow from DataSource.groovy.
Mine looks like this...
environments {
development {
dataSource {
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
dbCreate = "create-drop"
dataSourceMongo {
host = "localhost"
port = 27017
dbName = "my_mongo_database_name"
Is there something I'm missing? Or do I need to manually bind the MongoDB service somehow?
Using answer instead of comments for better formatting. :)
I guess you have already followed step to create the MongoDB service in Cloudfoundry as mentioned here otherwise this has to be done. Plus, it will be lot easier if you use the Groovy wrapper of the Java Driver of MongoDB called GMongo. Refer the GitHUb Source and this Mongo blog for more details.