when using strict, perl can't find a child class method - perl

I am having an issue when using strict in perl. I have a parent class called FlowStep and I have a child classes FlowStep_* which I want to inherit from FlowStep. FlowStep is loaded by perl immediately when I run. Depending on what flow step the user wishes to run, there is code to dynamically load the particular package for that step. For example, if the user runs "myFlowManager -step foo", the made flow manager code will run, determine the package for step foo, and load it.
So basically some code that says something like:
sub runPerlModule {
my $this = shift;
my $PMfullPath = $$this{"subPM"} ;
my $path = dirname($PMfullPath);
my $module = basename($PMfullPath, ".pm");
# dynamically load the module
push(#INC, $path);
eval "require $module";
# create a new object
my $obj = $module->new();
# call the child class's init code
One example flow step is called FlowStep_RunTiming. In FlowStep_RunTiming, I have the following:
use FlowStep;
use strict;
package FlowStep_RunTiming;
use base qw(FlowStep); #i think this is the only command needed to setup inheritance
sub new {
# some code to create
sub run {
# some code to run
I am having a problem when using strict in FlowStep_RunTiming. If there are no syntax errors in FlowStep_RunTiming, there are no issues. If however there is a typo in FlowStep_RunTiming, then when I run the program, perl just complains that there is no run() method defined for FlowStep_RunTiming.
The package FlowStep_RunTiming is dynamically selected, so execution begins before perl can lint it. There must be a way though for perl to report the real issue, ie report the syntax error and line number with the error in FlowStep_RunTiming. Right now have to run, fail, and find the syntax error by eye.
Am I not setting up the child class correctly? Is there a way to make perl report the real syntax error and not give the "false" message that run() isn't defined. Anyone have any example of how to set this up correctly?
Thanks for your help.

Change eval "require $module"; to
unless (eval "require $module") {
die "Error in $module: $#";
Or do whatever else you want to when there's a typo.
See perldoc perlvar and perldoc -f eval.

In the child I do this; Service is the parent perl
use Service;
our #ISA= qw( Service );
sub new
my ($class, $args) = #_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($args );
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub prerun{ #something calling run
my ($self) = #_;
$self->run(); #self becomes the first argument to run
and you need to pass the class/object into each function
in parent;
sub run
my ($self) = #_;
Then from the child


How can I ensure my method calls use the right method name on the right object?

I am working on a program which makes multiple attempts at processing, storing to a new log each time it tries (several other steps before/after).
use strict;
for (my $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
my $loggerObject = new MyLoggerObject(tag => $i);
#.. do a bunch of other things ..
#.. do a bunch of other things ..
sub Process
my ($logger,$thingToLog) = #_;
sub Logger { $logger->Print($_[0]); }
Logger("Processing $thingToLog");
package MyLoggerObject;
sub new
my $package = shift;
my %hash = (#_); my $self = \%hash;
return bless $self, $package;
sub Print
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
print "Entering into log ".$self->{tag}.": $value\n";
To avoid having to do a bunch of $self->{logger}->Print() and risk misspelling Print, I tried to collapse them into the local subroutine as seen above. However, when I run this I get:
perl PerlLocalMethod.pl
Entering into log 0: Processing 0
Entering into log 0: Processing 1
Entering into log 0: Processing 2
instead of:
perl PerlLocalMethod.pl
Entering into log 0: Processing 0
Entering into log 1: Processing 1
Entering into log 1: Processing 2
I am presuming the problem is that the Logger method is 'compiled' the first time I call the Process method with the object reference I used on the first call but not afterwards.
If I did $logger->Print(), misspelling Print, and hit a codepath I can't reliably test (this is for an embedded system and I can't force every error condition) it would error out the script with an undefined Method. I suppose I could use AUTOLOAD within logger and log any bad Method calls, but I'd like to know any other recommendations on how to make sure my Logger() calls are reliable and using the correct object.
In Perl, subroutines are compiled during compile time. Embedding a named subroutine declaration into a subroutine doesn't do what one would expect and isn't recommended.
If you are afraid of typos, write tests. See Test::More on how to do it. Use mocking if you can't instantiate system specific classes on a dev machine. Or use shorter names, like P.
You can declare the Logger in the highest scope as a closure over $logger that you would need to declare there, too:
my $logger;
sub Logger { $logger->Print($_[0]) }
But it's confusing and can lead to code harder to maintain if there are many variables and subroutines like that.
If you had used use warnings in your code you would have seen the message:
Variable "$logger" will not stay shared at logger line 24.
Which would have alerted you to the problem (moral: always use strict and use warnings).
I'm not entirely sure why you need so many levels of subroutines in order to do your logging, but it seems to me that all of your subroutines which take the $logger object as their first parameter should probably by methods on the MyLoggerObject (which should probably be called MyLoggerClass as it's a class, not an object).
If you do that, then you end up with this code (which seems to do what you want):
use strict;
use warnings;
for my $i (0 .. 2) {
my $loggerObject = MyLoggerClass->new(tag => $i);
#.. do a bunch of other things ..
#.. do a bunch of other things ..
package MyLoggerClass;
sub new {
my $package = shift;
my $self = { #_ };
return bless $self, $package;
sub Process {
my $self = shift;
my ($thingToLog) = #_;
$self->Logger("Processing $thingToLog");
sub Logger {
my $self = shift;
sub Print {
my $self = shift;
my ($value) = #_;
print "Entering into log $self->{tag}: $value\n";
Oh, and notice that I moved away from the indirect object notation call (new Class(...)) to the slightly safer Class->new(...). The style you used will work in the vast majority of cases, but when it doesn't you'll waste days trying to fix the problem.
As already explained above, using lexical defined variables in these kinds of method is not possible.
If you have to "duct-tape" this problem you could use global Variables (our instead of my).
sub Process
our ($logger,$thingToLog) = #_;
sub Logger { $logger->Print($_[0]); }
Logger("Processing $thingToLog");
But be aware that $logger and $thingToLog are now global variables accessible outside this function.

Trouble passing an IO::File handle to a Perl class

If I pass it as an argument I get the error:
'Can't locate object method "getline" via package "Bad" at Bad.pm line 27.'
But if I insert it in the module it works.
This is the boiled down code. bad.pl uses the module Bad.pm. Set $CAUSE_ERROR to see the problem.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This is bad.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Bad; # use the bad module "Bad.pm"
sub Main {
my $filename = "bad.pl";
warn "About to parse '$filename'\n";
my $MyWord = Bad->new(); # Create a new object.
my $io = IO::File->new($filename, "r");
my $CAUSE_ERROR = 1; # Set to 0 it does NOT cause an error. Set to 1 it DOES.
$MyWord->Parse($MyWord, $io);
} else {
$MyWord->{fd} = $io;
This is Bad.pm
package Bad;
# This is Bad.pm
use warnings;
use strict;
sub new {
my ($class, $args) = #_;
my $self = {
fd => undef,
return bless($self, $class); # Changes a function to a class
sub Parse {
my ($MyWord, $io) = #_;
$io = $MyWord->{fd};
while ( defined(my $inputline = $io->getline) ) {
print "${inputline}";
} else {
while ( defined(my $inputline = $io->getline) ) {
print "${inputline}";
Using Perl v5.22.3 under Cygwin.
Originally I had Bad.pm in a sub directory but I simplified it.
Thank you for you time.
To summarize:
$MyWord->Parse($MyWord, $io);
Given that $MyWord is a reference blessed into the Bad class (i.e, it's an instance of Bad), this calls Bad::Parse with the arguments ($MyWord, $MyWord, $io). That is, it behaves as if you'd called:
Bad::Parse($MyWord, $MyWord, $io)`.
However, Bad::Parse() is written to expect the arguments ($MyWord, $io), so $io gets set to the second $MyWord, and Bad::Parse() throws an error when it tries to call $io->getline because the Bad module doesn't implement that method.
The fix is simple:
Call the function as $MyWord->Parse($io).
Change the variable name for the first argument in Bad::Parse() from $MyWord to $self. This isn't strictly necessary -- you can technically call this variable whatever you want -- but it's conventional, and will make your code much more readable to other Perl programmers.
To summarize errors in the posted code: The class name is passed to the constructor behind the scenes, as is the object to methods; we do not supply them. We do pass the filehandle to new, so that it is assigned to object's data and it can thus be used by methods in the class.
Here is a basic example. I try to stick to the posted design as much as possible. This does not do much of what is needed with I/O objects, but is rather about writing a class in general.
The class is meant to process a file, having been passed a filehandle for it. We expect to have one filehandle per object. Since we get it open the reponsibility to close it is left to the caller.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use IO::File;
use ProcessFile;
my $filename = shift || $0; # from command line, or this file
say "About to parse '$filename'";
my $io = IO::File->new($filename, "r") or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
my $word = ProcessFile->new($io); # Create a new object, initialize with $io
# OR, by chaining calls
#my $word = ProcessFile->new($io)->parse();
say "Have ", ProcessFile->num_objects(), " open filehandles";
The package file ProcessFile.pm
package ProcessFile;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Scalar::Util qw(openhandle);
# Example of "Class" data and methods: how many objects (open filehandles)
our $NumObjects;
sub num_objects { return $NumObjects }
sub DESTROY { --$NumObjects }
sub new {
my ($class, $fh) = #_; # class name, arguments passed to constructor
# To also check the mode (must be opened for reading) use Fcntl module
croak "No filehandle or not open or invalid " if not openhandle $fh;
my $self = { _fh => $fh }; # add other data that may make sense
bless $self, $class; # now $self is an object of class ProcessFile
return $self;
sub parse {
my ($self, #args) = #_; # object, arguments passed to method (if any)
# Filehandle is retrieved from data, $self->{_fh}
while ( defined(my $inputline = $self->{_fh}->getline) ) {
print $inputline;
# Rewind before returning $self (or not, depending on design/#args)
# Can do more here, set some data etc, as needed by class design
seek $self->{_fh}, 0, 0;
return $self;
A few comments on the above code follow. Let me know if more would be helpful.
Class data and methods don't belong to any one object, and are used for purposes that relate to the class as a whole (for example, to track all objects in play).
The DESTROY method runs when an object is destroyed, for example when it goes out of scope. Here we need it in order to decrease the count of existing objects. Try: place the code creating an object in a block { ... }; and see what count we get after the block.
We use openhandle from Scalar::Util to test whether the filehandle is open. We should really also test whether it is open for reading, since that is the fixed purpose of the class, using Fcntl.
In the sole, example method parse we read out the file and then rewind the filehandle, before returning the object. That is a placeholder for saving and/or setting the state for repeated use. What is done depends on the purpose and design of the class, and can be controlled by arguments.
Documentation: tutorial perlootut and reference perlobj on object-oriented work in Perl, perlmod for modules (a class is firstly a package), and a tutorial perlreftut for references.
There are also many informative SO posts around, please search.

Is it possible to get all valid methods for a particular Perl class?

Is it possible to get all valid methods for a particular Perl class?
I am trying to manipulate the symbol table of a class and get all of its methods. I found I can separate out the subroutines from the non-subroutines via the $obj->can($method), but that doesn't do exactly what I think it does.
The following returns:
subroutine, Property, croak, Group, confess, carp, File
However, subroutine isn't a method, (just a subroutine), and croak, confess, and carp were all imported into my package.
What I really want to print out is:
Property,Group, File
But I'll take:
subroutine, Property,Group, File
Below is my program:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $sections = Section_group->new;
say join ", ", $sections->Sections;
package Section_group;
use Carp;
sub new {
return bless {}, shift;
sub Add {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub Sections {
my $self = shift;
my #sections;
for my $symbol ( keys %Section_group:: ) {
next if $symbol eq "new"; # This is a constructor
next if $symbol eq "Add"; # Not interested in this method
next if $symbol eq "Sections"; # This is it's own method
push #sections, $symbol if $self->can($symbol);
return wantarray ? #sections : \#sections;
sub subroutine {
my $param1 = shift;
my $param2 = shift;
sub Group {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub File {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub Property {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
This is fairly trivial. We only want to keep those sub names that were originally defined in our package. Every CV (code value) has a pointer to the package where it was defined. Thanks to B, we can examine that:
use B ();
if (my $coderef = $self->can($symbol)) {
my $cv = B::svref_2object $coderef;
push #sections, $symbol if $cv->STASH->NAME eq __PACKAGE__;
# Output as wanted
That is, we perform introspection using svref_2object. This returns a Perl object representing an internal perl data structure.
If we look into a coderef, we get a B::CV object, which represents the internal CV. The STASH field in a CV points to the Stash where it was defined. As you know, a Stash is just a special hash (internally represented as a HV), so $cv->STASH returns a B::HV. The NAME field of a HV contains the fully qualified package name of the Stash if the HV is a Stash, and not a regular hash.
Now we have all the info we need, and can compare the wanted package name to the name of the stash of the coderef.
Of course, this is simplified, and you will want to recurse through #ISA for general classes.
Nobody likes polluted namespaces. Thankfully, there are modules that remove foreign symbols from the Stash, e.g. namespace::clean. This is no problem when the CVs of all subs you are calling are known at compile time.
What are you trying to do? Why does it matter how a class defined or implements a method it responds to?
Perl is a dynamic language, so that means that methods don't have to exist at all. With AUTOLOAD, a method might be perfectly fine and callable, but never show up in the symbol table. A good interface would make can work in those cases, but there might be cases where a class or an object decides to respond to that with false.
The Package::Stash module can help you find defined subroutines in a particular namespace, but as you say, they might not be defined in the same file. The methods in a class might come from an inherited class. If you care about where they come from, you're probably doing it wrong.

Can a function tell which module it was called from?

package Bar;
use Foo;
sub bar { fooit "hello from bar"; }
package Foo;
sub fooit {
# Somehow I want this function to know it was called
# from the "Bar" module (in this case).
Preferably, this would be done without explicitly passing an argument containing the calling module's name.
The builtin caller function can be used to get information about the current call stack.
sub fooit {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
print STDERR "fooit was called from the $pkg package, $file:$line\n";
caller with no argument in scalar context will return the caller's namespace.
my $caller = caller();
print caller()."\n"; # '.' forces scalar context
print "".caller(), "\n"; # '.' forces scalar context
It's very rare that you need that, unless you're trying to replicate the behaviour of one of Carp's subs.
Using the builtin caller should be the easiest and the most straightforward way to do this, but Devel::Backtrace is also a worth to see CPAN module, which can provide more detail information with an elegant interface.
package Foo;
use Devel::Backtrace;
sub fooit {
my $backtrace = Devel::Backtrace->new;
print $backtrace->point(1)->package, "\n\n";
print $backtrace;
package Bar;
sub bar {
Foo::fooit('hello from bar');
package main;
Devel::Backtrace::new called from Foo (test.pl:5)
Foo::fooit called from Bar (test.pl:14)
Bar::bar called from main (test.pl:19)

Perl, dynamically include package

Let's say I have a perl module file and I want to include and use it dynamically at runtime. Said module includes a class that I need to instantiate without knowing its name until runtime.
For example,
#inside module.pm
package module;
sub new {
#setup object
#inside main.pl
#get module.pm as argument
my $module_var = #load reference to module using text argument?
my $module_instance = $module_var->new();
This can be done without eval as follows:
my $module_name = 'Some::Module';
(my $require_name = $module_name . ".pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
require $require_name;
my $obj = $module_name->new();
If you need to do this many times, just wrap up that code in a subroutine:
sub load_module {
for (#_) {
(my $file = "$_.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
require $file;
load_module 'Some::Module', 'Another::Module';
my $module_var = 'module';
eval "use $module_var; 1" or die $#;
my $module_instance = $module_var->new();
Note that the eval is a possible security hole. If $module_var contains code, it will get executed. One way around this is to use Class::MOP. Replace the eval line with:
use Class::MOP;
If you don't want to require Class::MOP, you could copy the _is_valid_class_name function from it into your code, and just make sure that $module_var contains a valid class before you eval it. (Note that if you're using Moose, you're already using Class::MOP behind-the-scenes.)
You can do this with eval.
my $module = "Foo";
eval "use $module;1" or die($#); # Couldn't load module