Responsive landing page for Paypal button? - paypal

Using a standard Paypal merchant account to create a pay button, integrated into a "button" on our CMS ( via URL.
Using this standard function, end user lands on a non-responsive form.
Is it possible to create a URL towards a responsive landing page for payment without developping?
Thanks in advance!

The user will only be redirected to responsive landing page if they use mobile device to access it. On desktop, the landing page will stay as it is. Also, note that the responsive page (or mobile-optimized page) will not work under certain circumstances such as if the button has discount amount etc. More information on it:


PayPal smart button - redirect to PayPal website

I use PayPal's smart buttons generator to generate code that will render buttons on my website. This works well and the buttons display properly on my website.
Initially, their behaviour was as follows: User clicks on the "Debit or Credit Card" button and they are taken to the PayPal website where the user would enter their card details etc. For me this is the preferred behaviour.
For some reason this behaviour stopped working and now clicking on the button renders and embedded form to enter credit card details within my webpage.
How can I go back to the previous behaviour that would take the user to PayPal website?
There are a few countries that aren't eligible for the embedded card form, and so will open the PayPal window as a fallback.
All other users will see the embedded form where available, which is the intended functionality for the button. If you won't want the black button, you can append &disable-funding=card to the SDK line, leaving only the regular PayPal experience. There is no way to make the black button open a window, it is not designed or intended to work that way.
The embedded experience is nicer anyway.

Paypal - Custom Logo Appears on Checkout Page But Not on Cart Page

whether i add the 150x50 image via externally hosted https or upload to the profile image in Paypal, it will not show up on the 'cart' page, but it will on the 'checkout' page.
i believe we're simply using the Paypal Website Standard Payment method by creating "buy now" buttons via their button creator tool, then just inserting the given html in to our webpage.
when the user clicks on one of these buttons, it opens a Paypal shopping cart page in a new window/tab. where the logo should go, it just says "Your shopping cart". then when clicking on the checkout button (for either to login & use paypal or to not login & use creditcards) the following pages does have the logo.
note: the cart/checkout system is NOT using either the "classic" nor "enhanced" templates that we could customize. it's using a non-customizable "advanced" view.
FYI - i heard from Paypal Tek Support and they said this is the intended behaviour. logos will not appear on the cart page but will appear on the checkout page.

Facebook page form

I am trying to create a form that will pop up over the top of a facebook page (not profile) when a user clicks onto that page, if the owner of the page has a specific app installed.
The popup would require the user to dismiss the popup/complete the form before they could interact with the page.
Apparently this used to be possible, does anyone know how to go about doing this now?
I suspect what I am after is a custom dialog that can be triggered on page load. Is such a thing possible in facebook?
This will not be possible. Facebook Pages no longer have what were called "Default Landing tabs" which would direct non-fan users to a particular tab app. Even then, this kind of popup behaviour would probably have been undesirable for users, possibly prohibited by Platform policy and likely blocked by most users browsers.
You can still create a Page tab app that can be gated behind any kind of restriction that you wish, however the regular Page content will still be visible to any user.

Displaying iframe content on a facebook page from a custom url

I am trying to create a system which allows customers to add a Facebook page as an add-on to what our business offers. Ideally I want users to click a button from our site which creates a page for them on Facebook which contains an iFrame in which content is served by us from our site.
I've never done any work with Facebook before, I don't really understand how the whole app thing works (I don't really use it personally as well) and I'm not sure what the best way to achieve what we seek. I have read a few tutorials on the fb developer site, which were all completely out of date, but I created an app of type 'App on Facebook' that displays a canvas url with an iframe which displays some content.
However, what I really want is to do one of the following:
1) Create an app that can be added to someone's page, which takes a custom url and displays this url in the iframe on the canvas page.
For example, a user called bob initialises the facebook integration from our site, we automatically create a page for them, add the app we have created, and provide a url like which is a link to some content from our site which is then displayed in the iframe.
2) Another option I thought would be possible would be creating a new app for every user who enables the facebook integration from our site, and just setting the canvas url on creation. But this option doesn't sit well with me, we don't really want to create an app for people, but a page.
You can't create a Facebook Page or an App via the API
If i understand correctly you want page admins to install your app into a tab on their page, and have different content displayed on that page tab depending on which page it is.
Check this document:
The main takeaway you should have is that you can use the signed_request which is sent to your app to determine which Facebook Page the App is being loaded from and decide on your side which content to display based on that

Paypal within iFrame on Facebook

Double iframe here. Within the Facebook Canvas iframe, we're iframing another window to for our egifting section. Problem is, and what use to work, the paypal button will no longer break out of the iframes and render their page before being submitted and back into the iframes. Example, visit and select paypal as an option when you get to it. This use to work ... any idea on why or what's broken/changed??? Any feedback much appreciated. Thank you.
All PayPal URL's will break out of iframes, or return an error depending on whether the browser adheres to X-FRAME-OPTIONS which is set for all pages (including Website Payments Standard) to SAMEORIGIN.
You'd want to use PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution instead, which allows itself to be embedded within an iframe.
You can do transactions on server side as well.
Here is full REST API docs and examples: