Responsive converse.js UI - converse.js

I want converse.js such that it should work properly in mobile browser.
websocket_url: webSocketUrl, // ConnectionUrl
keepalive: true,
message_carbons: true,
message_archiving: 'roster',
//play_sounds: true,
auto_login: true,
jid: user,
password: password,
show_controlbox_by_default: false,
allow_logout: false,
allow_registration: false,
Can we set in config?

I finally got the answer , i removed "this.chatboxviews.trimChats();" from $(window).on("resize") function in converse.js.The main issue was when we open the chat box it opens the android keyboard on focus which resizes the window and minimize the chat box ,where as in IOS it doesnt happen like that it doesnt open keyboard on focus. So, finding the main cause of the issue solved my problem.


How can I open read-only webpage on Flutter App

Can you show me the right way to solve my problem?
I want to run a webpage in the application and disable the screen response to user actions. (read only)
I run the page using the code:
String _url = '
await launch(
enableJavaScript: true,
forceWebView: true,
forceSafariVC: true,
But I can't cope with making this page insensitive to user actions (buttons, zooming, etc.). I've tried:
Enable "launch" in ignoring or absorbing. Did not work.
I tried to run a URL as a background and then put an inactive transparent button on it. I failed to.
I have no idea how to bite it.
use webview_flutter instead it gives you more control over the web screen

Meteor React using TinyMce with react-tinymce problems with iPad

I have an app with Meteor React using TinyMce through react-tinymce (as per instructions at
I have a form component with TinyMCE which is called from an orderedlist to allow users to add comments. It works as expected except in the following situation:
When using either an iPad or iPhone (works fine on desktops and Android mobile).
The first instance of the form works as expected, however with subsequent attempts to add comments the cursor does not show up in TinyMCE and the user cannot enter their comments.
Without an external keyboard, when the form is opened the keyboard pops up - I have found that by manually closing the keyboard, then tapping in the textarea again it works.
With an external keyboard (on iPad), clinking the link in the menubar (I am using the link plugin) and then closing it and tapping in the textarea again it works.
I have attached code to show how TinyMCE is initiated (and removed), as well as how it is called in the form.
Any suggestions as to what I can try to get this to work properly on an iPad/iPhone would be greatly appreciated.
componentDidMount() {
selector: '.addComments,
plugins: "autoresize link paste",
paste_as_text: true,
autoresize_bottom_margin: 10,
relative_urls: false,
link_title: false,
default_link_target: "_blank",
height: 200,
autoresize_max_height: 200,
toolbar: 'underline italic numlist link',
menubar: '',
skin: "lightgray",
statusbar: false,
content_css : '/css/content.css'
componentWillUnmount() {
And it is rendered as follows:
<div className="AddComments" id={`background${this.props.meetingId}`} onChange={this.handleEditorChange}></div>
I found that others are having problems with TinyMCE on an iPad so I have switched to react-quill and it works fine across all platforms.

Buttons on the app don't work in an app made by Smartface App Studio

I was viewing my app on a mobile testing site and when I click on the buttons on my app they don't do what they are meant to do which is to navigate a page in the app. This is the code I used for the button:
The show method have some parameters to work. These parameters are:
show(motionEase, transitionEffect, transitionEffectType, fade, reset, duration);
Obs: duration parameter is optional.
If you don't know what to put in these parameters, just type SMF.UI.ParameterHere. You can do this with motionEase, transitionEffect and transictionEffectType. Eg:
show(SMF.UI.MotionEase.plain, SMF.UI.TransitionEffect.downToUp, SMF.UI.TransitionEffectType.cover, false, false, 350);
By the way, you can use Smartface's API to search before asking here, you'll have faster results. :)

fullpage.js can't move to next section on touch device

I've set up a website using fullpage.js.
I have now problems on touch-devices: When autoScrolling is enabled I often can't swipe to an other section. It's like your already on the bottom of the page.
I have this issue on all touch-devices I've tried (Ipad & Iphone with Chrome and Safari, Android with Chrome). On a desktop computer i don't have this problem.
Visit to see the issue.
My settings for fullpage.js:
$(document).ready(function() {
anchors: ['home', 'approach', 'work', 'services', 'company', 'team', 'contact'],
menu: '#menu',
'autoScrolling': true,
'controlArrows': true,
'slidesNavigation': false,
'verticalCentered': false,
'touchSensitivity': 5,
'css3': true,
'fixedElements': '#fixedHeader',
'scrollOverflow': true,
'normalScrollElements': '#map_canvas',
'sectionsColor': ['#3df945', '#000', '#fff', '#3df945', '#000', '#fff', '#3df945'],
'onLeave': function(){
What could the problem be? How can I fix it?
'normalScrollElements': #map_canvas',
helped me to get rid of the issue.
Just wondering if the original poster ever figured out what was up.
I recently started using fullPage.js and it's not working as intended on mobile Chrome after inserting anchors for better navigation.

fbAsyncInit is not Firing

See this Page Tab (its only a test page, just fan it :-)
its working in FF. But not in IE.
You should see 2 Alert boxes, one from fbAsyncInit and one from getLoginStatus. in IE neither ist coming. but now to the funny part. Press F12 to open the DeveloperTools from IE. and click on "iPad Gewinnspiel" again. now its working.
Right klick on the icon of "iPad Gewinnspiel" to open the page in a new tab. -> not working. again with F12 and it will work.
Does anyone have any idea what i could do to fix this ?
You need to initialise the FB object inside the async function
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : 'YOUR_ID',
status : true,
cookie : true,
xfbml : true,
oauth: true
// Do stuff with FB object here
I should really not use console.log in the code when i want to test IE.....
as soon as this for IE unknown commands are out of the code is working as expected.
Funny enough when the developer console is open this function exists and are working. stupid IE developer who thought of such nonsense.
see What happened to console.log in IE8? for more information.