Get Output of a PowerShell Script in a HTA - powershell

I am trying to call a powershell script from HTML Application [HTA] as :
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set retVal = WshShell.Exec("powershell.exe C:\PS_Scripts\test.ps1")
Where the test.ps1 just has the process count returning
return (Get-Process).Count
I want to get the output of this powershell script and then store it in a local variable or display on HTA. How can this be done ?
I tried using :
result = retVal.StdOut.ReadAll()
But the printed result value is null.
Please help me how to achieve this.

This works for me:
(Get-Process).Count | Out-File c:\temp\output.txt -Encoding ascii
<title>HTA Test</title>
<script language="VBScript">
Sub TestSub
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
return = WshShell.Run("powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File test.ps1", 0, true)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
End Sub
<input type="button" value="Run Script" name="run_button" onClick="TestSub"><p>

This is another example showing you how to get the output result in a textarea while you execute a powhershell file with a HTA !
<title>Execution a powershell file with HTA by Hackoo</title>
APPLICATIONNAME="Execution a powershell file with HTA by Hackoo"
<script language="VBScript">
Option Explicit
Sub Run_PS_Script()
ExampleOutput.value = ""
btnClick.disabled = True = "wait" = "wait"
Dim WshShell,Command,PSFile,return,fso,file,text,Temp
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Temp = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Temp%")
Command = "cmd /c echo Get-WmiObject Win32_Process ^| select ProcessID,ProcessName,Handle,commandline,ExecutablePath ^| Out-File %temp%\output.txt -Encoding ascii > %temp%\process.ps1"
PSFile = WshShell.Run(Command,0,True)
return = WshShell.Run("powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File %temp%\process.ps1", 0, true)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(Temp &"\output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
file.Close = "default" = "default"
btnClick.disabled = False
End Sub
<body bgcolor="123456">
<textarea id="ExampleOutput" style="width:100%" rows="37"></textarea>
<center><input type="button" name="btnClick" value="Run powershell script file " onclick="Run_PS_Script()"></center>

You can use the Exec method of WScript.Shell to avoid intermediate files. Unfortunately it opens a new window when it runs, but the code is much cleaner and gives you access to the StdOut and StdErr streams. Paste this into an .HTA file (with header and body if desired) to test:
<script language="Javascript">
var proc; //global scope
function execWithStatus(cmdLine){//Can't run minimized with Exec. Can't capture StdOut/StdErr with Run.
proc = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmdLine);
setTimeout("writeOutLine()",100);//pause for 100 ms to allow StdOut to stream some data
proc.StdIn.Close();//must close input to complete a powershell command
function writeOutLine(){
if(!proc.StdErr.AtEndOfStream) {txtResults.value += "ERROR: " + proc.StdErr.ReadAll() + "\n";}
if(!proc.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) {txtResults.value += proc.StdOut.ReadLine() + "\n";writeOutLine();}
<textarea id=txtCmd style="width:90%" rows=1>
powershell.exe -noninteractive -command return (Get-Process).Count</textarea>
<button onclick="execWithStatus(txtCmd.value)">Run</button>
<br><textarea id=txtResults style="width:100%" rows=20></textarea>
Part of your problem may have been that Exec isn't blocking waiting for StdOut to start filling up. Adding the timer corrected that issue for me.


SimplyAgree App Integration using JWT Oauth

I'm new to creating apps and intgrations as a whole and learning this as I go. I've been attempting to get this to work within our Demo account for a few days. The issue I'm running into now using the QuickStart for Powershell when the code below runs and I Allow, it doesn't pass back to Powershell with the access token file created. Powershell just hangs with the flashing cursor until I force quit. This is keeping me from being able to make the calls in Demo before pushing the app over into our Prod account. Any advice you can provide is appreciated.
Code contained in jwt.ps1:
# Step 1. Request application consent
$PORT = '8080'
$IP = 'localhost'
$state = [Convert]::ToString($(Get-Random -Maximum 1000000000), 16)
$authorizationEndpoint = ""
$redirectUri = "http://${IP}:${PORT}/authorization-code/callback"
$redirectUriEscaped = [Uri]::EscapeDataString($redirectURI)
$authorizationURL = "
Write-Output "The authorization URL is: $authorizationURL"
# Write-Output ""
# Request the authorization code
# Use Http Server
$http = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener
# Hostname and port to listen on
$http.Prefixes.Add($redirectURI + "/")
try {
# Start the Http Server
catch {
Write-Error "OAuth listener failed. Is port 8080 in use by another program?" -
ErrorAction Stop
if ($http.IsListening) {
Write-Output "Open the following URL in a browser to continue:" $authorizationURL
Start-Process $authorizationURL
while ($http.IsListening) {
$context = $http.GetContext()
if ($context.Request.HttpMethod -eq 'GET' -and $context.Request.Url.LocalPath -match
'/authorization-code/callback') {
# write-host "Check context"
# write-host "$($context.Request.UserHostAddress) => $($context.Request.Url)" -f 'mag'
[string]$html = '
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
Ok. You may close this tab and return to the shell. This window closes automatically
in five seconds.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ( )
}, 5000 );
# Respond to the request
$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($html) # Convert HTML to bytes
$context.Response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.Length
$context.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length) # Stream HTML to browser
$context.Response.OutputStream.Close() # Close the response
Start-Sleep 4

How to kick off ExtendScript JSX script from Powershell

I want to be able to execute an Adobe Illustrator ExtendScript via Windows Powershell. I believe this should be possible due to this answer that describes using VB via COM.
This is my Powershell script:
$illustratorRef = New-Object -ComObject Illustrator.Application
$conversionScript = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
$scriptFile = $conversionScript.OpenTextFile("C:\ws\ArtConversion\alert-test.jsx")
$fileContents = $scriptFile.ReadAll()
$fileToRun = $fileContents + "main(arguments)"
$args = "line1", "line2"
$illustratorRef.DoJavaScript($fileToRun, $args, 1)
Here is the alert-test.jsx script:
function main(argv) {
alert('message: ' + argv[0]);
return argv[0];
Running the Powershell script opens Illustrator, but throws the following error upon encountering $illustratorRef.DoJavaScript:
Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))
I am using Adobe Illustrator 2019 CC (64bit) and Powershell 5.1.16299.666
I achieved my goal, but wasn't able to do it 100% with Powershell.
The 2017 Adobe Illustrator Scripting Guide contains this statement on page 22:
In VBScript, there are several ways to create an instance of Illustrator.
When referring to JavaScript however, it says:
Information on launching Illustrator from JavaScript is beyond the scope of this guide.
I couldn't find any official documentation on how to programmatically start Illustrator on Windows using other languages besides VB, so I ended up letting my Powershell script handle the heavy lifting of directory traversal and logging, while having it open Illustrator by means of a Visual Basic script.
The call from Powershell into VB looks like this:
$convertFile = "cmd /C cscript .\run-illustrator-conversion.vbs $arg1, $arg2"
$output = Invoke-Expression $convertFile
The VB script ended up looking like this:
Dim appRef
Dim javaScriptFile
Dim argsArr()
Dim fsObj : Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim jsxFile : Set jsxFile = fsObj.OpenTextFile(".\script-to-run.jsx", 1, False)
Dim fileContents : fileContents = jsxFile.ReadAll
Set jsxFile = Nothing
Set fsObj = Nothing
javascriptFile = fileContents & "main(arguments);"
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application.CS5")
ReDim argsArr(Wscript.Arguments.length - 1)
For i = 0 To Wscript.Arguments.length - 1
argsArr(i) = Wscript.Arguments(i)
Wscript.Echo appRef.DoJavaScript(javascriptFile, argsArr, 1)
Note: Check scripting guide to get correct string for your version of Illustrator.

Qlikview Macro VBScript to print pdf and email will not run consistently - Fails in email

I have been tearing my hair out over the last few days in trying to get this macro to work consistantly on the Windows scheduler.
Basically the workflow is as follows:
1) Windows Scheduler - Daily, uses Admin user credentials
2) Batch file - Reloads using /l
3) Reloads Qlikview application, which has triggers on post reload to save a pdf and email it using PDF Xchange and an html formatted e-mail to cover mobile.
I am getting such inconsistent behaviour that I cannot isolate the problem to any particular one thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. More often than not it fails on the Windows scheduler. There is no error since QV has just thrown up the VBScript window in the hidden process.
I've been changing permissions, which helped me reach a level of inconsistent performance as opposed to no performance.
In addition, it appears that you cannot pass variables to the PDF Xchange printer.
The code in the macro is as follows:
sub ExportPDF
printReportPDF "\\SGH-SRV-FPS1\S-Drive\eCommerce\Data Analyst\Reporting\Daily E-Commerce Report\E-Commerce Daily Report.pdf"
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 2000
ActiveDocument.PrintReport "RP01", "PDF-XChange 3.0"
ActiveDocument.GetApplication.Sleep 8000
end sub
Function printReportPDF(pdfOutputFile)
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange 3.0\OutputFile", pdfOutputFile, "REG_SZ"
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange 3.0\BypassSaveAs", "1", "REG_SZ"
Set WSHShell = nothing
End function
Sub ExportEmail
Dim strvDest 'as string
strvDest = ActiveDocument.Variables("vDestination").GetContent().String
Define report variables
get the date as a serial for the filename output
Export an Object
Set obj = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX25")
Set obj1 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX17")
Set obj2 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX18")
Set obj3 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX15")
Set obj5 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("CH62")
Set obj6 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX16")
Set obj8 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("CH58")
Set obj9 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("TX31")
Set obj10 = ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.SheetObjects("CH69")
msgbox("defined objects")
obj.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\MainLogo.jpg"
obj1.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\MainHeader.jpg"
obj2.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\DateRange.jpg"
obj3.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader.jpg"
obj5.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\DailySiteDetail.jpg"
obj6.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader2.jpg"
obj8.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\WeeklySiteDetail.jpg"
obj9.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader3.jpg"
obj10.ExportBitmapToFile "D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\WeeklySiteDetailLW.jpg"
msgbox("created objects")
Dim objEmail
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2 Send the message using SMTP
Const cdoAnonymous = 0 Do not authenticate
Const cdoBasic = 1 basic (clear-text) authentication
Const cdoNTLM = 2 NTLM
Const SMTPServer = "xxxx" ' changed for public consumption
Const SMTPPort = 25 ' Port number for SMTP
Const SMTPTimeout = 120 ' Timeout for SMTP in seconds
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objConf = objEmail.Configuration
Set objFlds = objConf.Fields
With objFlds
SMTP server details
removed the html links down to this being my first post
End With
allow the passing of a variable from the load script to define the distribution list
if len(strvDest) > 0 then
msgbox("variable exists "&strvDest)
objEmail.To = strvDest
msgbox("variable does not exist")
objEmail.To = "xxxx" 'changed for public consumption
end if
objEmail.From = "xxxx" 'changed for public consumption
objEmail.Subject = "Daily Reporting"
HTML = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"">" & chr(13) & chr(10)
HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
HTML = HTML & "<title>Automated Emails!</title>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body bgcolor=""#FFFFFF"">"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:MainLogo.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:MainHeader.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:DateRange.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:SecondaryHeader.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:DailySiteDetail.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:SecondaryHeader2.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:WeeklySiteDetail.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:SecondaryHeader3.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<br> <img src=""cid:WeeklySiteDetailLW.jpg"" >"
HTML = HTML & "<p>"
HTML = HTML & "</p>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"
HTML = HTML & "</html>"
Set objBP = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\MainLogo.jpg", "MainLogo.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<MainLogo.jpg>"
Set objBP1 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\MainHeader.jpg", "MainHeader.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP1.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<MainHeader.jpg>"
Set objBP2 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\DateRange.jpg", "DateRange.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP2.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<DateRange.jpg>"
Set objBP3 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader.jpg", "SecondaryHeader.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP3.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<SecondaryHeader.jpg>"
Set objBP5 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\DailySiteDetail.jpg", "DailySiteDetail.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP5.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<DailySiteDetail.jpg>"
Set objBP6 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader2.jpg", "SecondaryHeader2.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP6.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<SecondaryHeader2.jpg>"
Set objBP8 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\WeeklySiteDetail.jpg", "WeeklySiteDetail.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP8.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<WeeklySiteDetail.jpg>"
Set objBP9 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\SecondaryHeader3.jpg", "SecondaryHeader3.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP9.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<SecondaryHeader3.jpg>"
Set objBP10 = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\WeeklySiteDetailLW.jpg", "WeeklySiteDetailLW.jpg", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBP10.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<WeeklySiteDetailLW.jpg>"
Set objBPDoc = objEmail.AddRelatedBodyPart("D:\QlikView\SGP-UDA\QVS_Source\UserApp\Qlikview Printing.pdf", "Qlikview Printing.pdf", CdoReferenceTypeName)
objBPDoc.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Content-ID") = "<Qlikview Printing.pdf>"
objEmail.HTMLBody = HTML
msgbox("attached objects")
Set objFlds = Nothing
Set objConf = Nothing
Set objEmail = Nothing
End Sub
I cannot ask questions so I will try to give you an answer of the bat.
Firstly, does it reload manually from the QV Document? If yes then
Then you are most probably using 2 differant usernames to reload, please make sure that the username used to reload via scheduler has permissions on every single file the VB is accessing.
Did you set the permissions on the VB side to the following:
Requested Module Security = System Access
Current Local Security = Allow system access
Lastly, On the General screen of the scheduled task, under security options at the bottom. Make sure "Run with highest privileges" is unticked, this sometimes causes issues.

How to Insert Record and Upload file using the FreeASPUpload Script

I want to Insert record and upload file at the same time, right now im using FreeASPUpload Script. When i submit the form it returns this error
Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead
Here is the Full Source Code of my page
option explicit
Response.Expires = -1
Server.ScriptTimeout = 600
Session.CodePage = 65001
<!-- #include file="UploadClass.asp" -->
Dim uploadsDirVar
uploadsDirVar = server.MapPath("Files_Uploaded")
function OutputForm()
<form name="frmSend" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="utf-8" action="form.asp" onSubmit="return onSubmitForm();">
<input type="hidden" name="ApplicationForm" value="Insert" />
Name: <input type="text" name="name_insert" value="" size="30" />
<B>File names:</B><br>
File 1: <input name="attach1" type="file" size=35><br>
<input style="margin-top:4" type="submit" value="Submit">
end function
function TestEnvironment()
Dim fso, fileName, testFile, streamTest
TestEnvironment = ""
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if not fso.FolderExists(uploadsDirVar) then
TestEnvironment = "<B>Folder " & uploadsDirVar & " does not exist.</B><br>The value of your uploadsDirVar is incorrect. Open uploadTester.asp in an editor and change the value of uploadsDirVar to the pathname of a directory with write permissions."
exit function
end if
fileName = uploadsDirVar & "\test.txt"
on error resume next
Set testFile = fso.CreateTextFile(fileName, true)
If Err.Number<>0 then
TestEnvironment = "<B>Folder " & uploadsDirVar & " does not have write permissions.</B><br>The value of your uploadsDirVar is incorrect. Open uploadTester.asp in an editor and change the value of uploadsDirVar to the pathname of a directory with write permissions."
exit function
end if
If Err.Number<>0 then
TestEnvironment = "<B>Folder " & uploadsDirVar & " does not have delete permissions</B>, although it does have write permissions.<br>Change the permissions for IUSR_<I>computername</I> on this folder."
exit function
end if
Set streamTest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
If Err.Number<>0 then
TestEnvironment = "<B>The ADODB object <I>Stream</I> is not available in your server.</B><br>Check the Requirements page for information about upgrading your ADODB libraries."
exit function
end if
Set streamTest = Nothing
end function
function SaveFiles
Dim Upload, fileName, fileSize, ks, i, fileKey
Set Upload = New FreeASPUpload
' If something fails inside the script, but the exception is handled
If Err.Number<>0 then Exit function
SaveFiles = ""
ks = Upload.UploadedFiles.keys
if (UBound(ks) <> -1) then
SaveFiles = "<B>Files uploaded:</B> "
for each fileKey in Upload.UploadedFiles.keys
SaveFiles = SaveFiles & Upload.UploadedFiles(fileKey).FileName & " (" & Upload.UploadedFiles(fileKey).Length & "B) "
SaveFiles = "No file selected for upload or the file name specified in the upload form does not correspond to a valid file in the system."
end if
SaveFiles = SaveFiles & "<br>Enter a number = " & Upload.Form("enter_a_number") & "<br>"
SaveFiles = SaveFiles & "Checkbox values = " & Upload.Form("checkbox_values") & "<br>"
SaveFiles = SaveFiles & "List values = " & Upload.Form("list_values") & "<br>"
SaveFiles = SaveFiles & "Text area = " & Upload.Form("t_area") & "<br>"
end function
<TITLE>Test Free ASP Upload 2.0</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
BODY {background-color: white;font-family:arial; font-size:12}
function onSubmitForm() {
var formDOMObj = document.frmSend;
if (formDOMObj.attach1.value == "")
alert("Please press the Browse button and pick a file.")
return true;
return false;
<div style="border-bottom: #A91905 2px solid;font-size:16">Upload files to your server</div>
Dim diagnostics
if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") <> "POST" then
diagnostics = TestEnvironment()
if diagnostics<>"" then
response.write "<div style=""margin-left:20; margin-top:30; margin-right:30; margin-bottom:30;"">"
response.write diagnostics
response.write "<p>After you correct this problem, reload the page."
response.write "</div>"
response.write "<div style=""margin-left:150"">"
response.write "</div>"
end if
response.write "<div style=""margin-left:150"">"
response.write SaveFiles()
response.write "<br><br></div>"
end if
<!-- #include file="" -->
Dim objConn, objRs
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="& server.MapPath("db/Job_database.mdb") &";Mode=ReadWrite|Share Deny None;Persist Security Info=False"
If Request("ApplicationForm") = "Insert" Then
Set InsCom=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
InsName = Trim(request("name_insert"))
InsName = replace(InsName,"'","''")
InsCom.CommandText = "Insert into applications(aname)Values(?)"
InsCom.Parameters.Append InsCom.CreateParameter("#name_insert", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, InsName)
End If
I have been searching for this problem, but couldn't make it work. although what i found is that i have to use the Form Collection provided by FreeASPUpload. therefore i change
If Request("ApplicationForm") = "Insert" Then
to this
If Upload.Form("ApplicationForm") = "Insert" Then
But it also returns an error, that says: Variable is undefined: 'Upload'
If i change the Request method, it only Uploads the file not inserts the record
If Request.QueryString("ApplicationForm") = "Insert" Then
What i understands is that my insert query is in wrong place or so...
Please help me solve this problem.. thanks
I haven't used AspFreeUpload much so I'm guessing a bit here.
It would appear that using the Request object isn't an option so you're stuck with having to use the Upload.Form. As your code stands, the Upload object is only defined and set within the context of your SaveFiles function.
Try moving your database insert code to within the SaveFiles function. This would mean cutting everything from the line
Dim objConn, objRs
and pasting it just before 'End Function'
You may also need to move your include directive to somewhere before the function was called. The most logical place would be on the line immediately below your other include directive = for uploadclass.asp

How can you create pop up messages in a batch script?

I need to know how to make popup messages in batch scripts without using VBScript or KiXtart or any other external scripting/programming language.
I have zero clue about this... had no starting point even.
I am aware of NET SEND but the Messenger service is disabled in my current environment.
msg * "Enter Your Message"
Does this help ?
With regard to LittleBobbyTable's answer - NET SEND does not work on Vista or Windows 7. It has been replaced by MSG.EXE
There is a crude solution that works on all versions of Windows - A crude popup message can be sent by STARTing a new cmd.exe window that closes once a key is pressed.
start "" cmd /c "echo Hello world!&echo(&pause"
If you want your script to pause until the message box is dismissed, then you can add the /WAIT option.
start "" /wait cmd /c "echo Hello world!&echo(&pause"
You can take advantage of CSCRIPT.EXE or WSCRIPT.EXE (which have been present in every version of Windows since, I believe, Windows 95) like this:
echo msgbox "Hey! Here is a message!" > %tmp%\tmp.vbs
cscript /nologo %tmp%\tmp.vbs
del %tmp%\tmp.vbs
echo msgbox "Hey! Here is a message!" > %tmp%\tmp.vbs
wscript %tmp%\tmp.vbs
del %tmp%\tmp.vbs
You could also choose the more customizeable PopUp command. This example gives you a 10 second window to click OK, before timing out:
echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > %tmp%\tmp.vbs
echo WScript.Quit (WshShell.Popup( "You have 10 seconds to Click 'OK'." ,10 ,"Click OK", 0)) >> %tmp%\tmp.vbs
cscript /nologo %tmp%\tmp.vbs
if %errorlevel%==1 (
echo You Clicked OK
) else (
echo The Message timed out.
del %tmp%\tmp.vbs
In their above context, both cscript and wscript will act the same. When called from a batch file, bot cscript and wscript will pause the batch file until they finish their script, then allow the file to continue.
When called manually from the command prompt, cscript will not return control to the command prompt until it is finished, while wscript will create a seprate thread for the execution of it's script, returning control to the command prompt even before it's script has finished.
Other methods discussed in this thread do not cause the execution of batch files to pause while waiting for the message to be clicked on. Your selection will be dictated by your needs.
Note: Using this method, multiple button and icon configurations are available to cover various yes/no/cancel/abort/retry queries to the user:
Few more ways (in all of them the script waits for button pressing unlike msg.exe).
1) The geekiest and hackiest - it uses the IEXPRESS to create small exe that will create a pop-up with a single button (it can create two more types of pop-up messages).Works on EVERY windows from XP and above:
;#echo off
;set ppopup_executable=popupe.exe
;set "message2=%~1"
;del /q /f %tmp%\yes >nul 2>&1
;copy /y "%~f0" "%temp%\popup.sed" >nul 2>&1
;iexpress /n /q /m %temp%\popup.sed
;rem del /q /f %ppopup_executable% >nul 2>&1
;exit /b 0
Example Usage (if you save the script as expPopup.bat):
call expPopup.bat "my Message"
2) Using MSHTA. Also works on every windows machine from XP and above (despite yhe OP do not wants "external" languages the jsvascript here is minimized).Should be saved as .bat:
#if (true == false) #end /*!
#echo off
mshta "about:<script src='file://%~f0'></script><script>close()</script>" %*
goto :EOF */
alert("Hello, world!");
or in one line:
mshta "about:<script>alert('Hello, world!');close()</script>"
mshta "javascript:alert('message');close()"
mshta.exe vbscript:Execute("msgbox ""message"",0,""title"":close")
3) Here's parametrized .bat/jscript hybrid (should be saved as bat) .It again uses jscript despite the OP request but as it is a bat it can be called as a bat file without worries.It uses POPUP which allows a little bit more control than the more populae MSGBOX.It uses WSH ,but not MSHTA like in the example above.
#if (#x)==(#y) #end /***** jscript comment ******
#echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "%~nx0" %*
exit /b 0
#if (#x)==(#y) #end ****** end comment *********/
var wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var args=WScript.Arguments;
var title=args.Item(0);
var timeout=-1;
var pressed_message="button pressed";
var timeout_message="timedout";
var message="";
function printHelp() {
WScript.Echo(title + "[-title Title] [-timeout m] [-tom \"Time-out message\"] [-pbm \"Pressed button message\"] [-message \"pop-up message\"]");
if (WScript.Arguments.Length==1){
if (args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-help" || args.Item(1).toLowerCase() == "-h" ) {
if (WScript.Arguments.Length % 2 == 0 ) {
WScript.Echo("Illegal arguments ");
for (var arg = 1 ; arg<args.Length;arg=arg+2) {
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-title") {
title = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-timeout") {
timeout = parseInt(args.Item(arg+1));
if (isNaN(timeout)) {
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-tom") {
timeout_message = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-pbm") {
pressed_message = args.Item(arg+1);
if (args.Item(arg).toLowerCase() == "-message") {
message = args.Item(arg+1);
function runPopup(){
var btn = wshShell.Popup(message, timeout, title, 0x0 + 0x10);
switch(btn) {
// button pressed.
case 1:
// Timed out.
case -1:
example usage (it will wait 10 seconds to press the yes button):
jsPopup.bat -title CoolTitile -t 10 -tom "time out" -pbm "press the button please" -message "love and peace"
4) and one hybrid (should be saved as .bat) .This time it uses .NET and compiles a small .exe file that could be deleted:
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end /****** silent jscript comment ******
#echo off
::: compile the script ::::
::if exist "%~n0.exe" goto :skip_compilation
:: searching the latest installed .net framework
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /s /a:d /o:-n "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v*"') do (
if exist "%%v\jsc.exe" (
rem :: the compiler
set "jsc=%%~dpsnfxv\jsc.exe"
goto :break_loop
echo jsc.exe not found && exit /b 0
call %jsc% /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~f0"
::: end of compilation ::::
"%~n0.exe" %*
exit /b 0
****** end of jscript comment ******/
import System;
import System.WIndows;
import System.Windows.Forms
var arguments:String[] = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
Example usage:
netPopUp.bat "Roger That"
5) and at the end one single call to powershell that creates a pop-up (can be called from command line or from batch if powershell is installed):
powershell [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("""System.Windows.Forms""");[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show("""Hello World""", """My PopUp Message Box""")
6) Though msg solution is already post as answer here's a better way to be used:
msg * /self /w "hello world"
/self is a not documented switch that will force msg to send the message only to the current user.
msg * Hello world
works for me..
So, i present cmdmsg.bat.
The code is:
#echo off
echo WScript.Quit MsgBox(%1, vbYesNo) > #.vbs
cscript //nologo #.vbs
echo. >
del #.vbs
exit /b
And a example file:
#echo off
call cmdmsg "hi select yes or no"
if exist "" call :yes
if exist "" call :no
if exist "" del
if exist "" del
echo you selected yes
pause >nul
exit /b
if exist "" del
if exist "" del
echo aw man, you selected no
pause >nul
exit /b
I put together a script based on the good answers here & in other posts
You can set title timeout & even sleep to schedule it for latter & \n for new line
also you get back the key press into a variable (%pop.key%).
Here is my code
Your best bet is to use NET SEND as documented on Rob van der Woude's site.
Otherwise, you'll need to use an external scripting program. Batch files are really intended to send messages via ECHO.
This is very simple beacuse i have created a couple lines of code that will do this for you
So set a variable as msg and then use this code. it popup in a VBS message box.
#echo off
echo %msg% >vbs.txt
copy vbs.txt vbs.vbs
del vbs.txt
start vbs.vbs
timeout /t 1
del vbs.vbs
This is just something i came up with it should work for most of your message needs and it also works with Spaces unlike some batch scripts
It's easy to make a message, here's how:
First open notpad and type:
msg "Message",0,"Title"
and save it as Message.vbs.
Now in your batch file type:
Message.vbs %*
msg * message goes here
That method is very simple and easy and should work in any batch file i believe. The only "downside" to this method is that it can only show 1 message at once, if there is more than one message it will show each one after the other depending on the order you put them inside the code. Also make sure there is a different looping or continuous operator in your batch file or it will close automatically and only this message will appear. If you need a "quiet" background looping opperator, heres one:
pause >nul
That should keep it running but then it will close after a button is pressed.
Also to keep all the commands "quiet" when running, so they just run and dont display that they were typed into the file, just put the following line at the beginning of the batch file:
#echo off
I hope all these tips helped!