Spark: difference of semantics between reduce and reduceByKey - scala

In Spark's documentation, it says that RDDs method reduce requires a associative AND commutative binary function.
However, the method reduceByKey ONLY requires an associative binary function.
sc.textFile("file4kB", 4)
I did some tests, and apparently it's the behavior I get. Why this difference? Why does reduceByKey ensure the binary function is always applied in certain order (to accommodate for the lack of commutativity) when reduce does not?
Example, if a load some (small) text with 4 partitions (minimum):
val r = sc.textFile("file4k", 4)
r.reduce(_ + _)
returns a string where parts are not always in the same order, whereas: => (1,x)).reduceByKey(_ + _).first
always returns the same string (where everything is in the same order than in the original file).
(I checked with r.glom and the file content is indeed spread over 4 partitions, there is no empty partition).

As far as I am concerned this is an error in the documentation and results you see are simply incidental. Practice, other resources and a simple analysis of the code show that function passed to reduceByKey should be not only associative but commutative as well.
practice - while it looks like the order is preserved in a local mode it is no longer true when you run Spark on a cluster, including standalone mode.
other resources - to quote Data Exploration Using Spark from AmpCamp 3:
There is a convenient method called reduceByKey in Spark for exactly this pattern. Note that the second argument to reduceByKey determines the number of reducers to use. By default, Spark assumes that the reduce function is commutative and associative and applies combiners on the mapper side.
code - reduceByKey is implemented using combineByKeyWithClassTag and creates ShuffledRDD. Since Spark doesn't guarantee the order after shuffling the only way to restore it would be to attach some metadata to the partially reduced records. As far as I can tell nothing like this takes place.
On a side note reduce as it is implemented in PySpark will work just fine with a function which is only commutative. It is of course just a detail of an implementation and not a part of the contract.

According to the code documentation, recently updated/corrected. (thanks #zero323) :
reduceByKey merges the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function. This will also perform the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly to a "combiner" in MapReduce.
So it was in fact actually a documentation error like #zero323 pointed out in his answer.
You can check the following links to the code to make sure :


Is it possible to only evaluate the Key when reading a SequenceFile in Spark?

I'm trying to read a sequence file with custom Writable subclasses for both K and V of a sequencefile input to a spark job.
the vast majority of rows need to be filtered out by a match to a broadcast variable ("candidateSet") and the Kclass.getId. Unfortunately values V are deserialized for every record no matter what with the standard approach, and according to a profile that is where the majority of time is being spent.
here is my code. note my most recent attempt to read here as "Writable" generically, then later cast back which worked functionally but still caused the full deserialize in the iterator.
val rdd = sc.sequenceFile(
).filter(a => candidateSet.value.contains(a._1.getId))```
Turns out Twitter has a library that handles this case pretty well. Specifically, using this class allows to evaluate the serialized fields in a later step by reading them as DataInputBuffers

Spark Dataset aggregation similar to RDD aggregate(zero)(accum, combiner)

RDD has a very useful method aggregate that allows to accumulate with some zero value and combine that across partitions. Is there any way to do that with Dataset[T]. As far as I see the specification via Scala doc, there is actually nothing capable of doing that. Even the reduce method allows to do things only for binary operations with T as both arguments. Any reason why? And if there is anything capable of doing the same?
Thanks a lot!
There are two different classes which can be used to achieve aggregate-like behavior in Dataset API:
UserDefinedAggregateFunction which uses SQL types and takes Columns as an input.
Initial value is defined using initialize method, seqOp with update method and combOp with merge method.
Example implementation: How to define a custom aggregation function to sum a column of Vectors?
Aggregator which uses standard Scala types with Encoders and takes records as an input.
Initial value is defined using zero method, seqOp with reduce method and combOp with merge method.
Example implementation: How to find mean of grouped Vector columns in Spark SQL?
Both provide additional finalization method (evaluate and finish respectively) which is used to generate final results and can be used for both global and by-key aggregations.

Spark: Distributed removal/addition of elements in a set?

I am trying to convert a ML algorithm to Spark Scala to take advantage of my cluster's power. The relevant bits of pseudo-code are the following:
initialize set of elements
while(set not empty) {
while(...) { remove a given element from the set }
while(...) { add a given element to the set }
Is there any way to parallelize such a thing?
I would intuitively say that this is not implementable in a distributed fashion (the number of iterations being unknown), but I have been reading that Spark allows implementation of iterative ML algorithms.
Here is what I tried so far:
Originally used a mutable Set and removed/added elements during the loops in simple Scala. It runs correctly, but I feel like the whole code will just be executed on the driver which limits the interest of using Spark?
Made the set a RDD, and replaced the var during every iteration by a new RDD with subtracted/added element (which I suppose is super heavy?). No error appears but the variable doesn't actually get updated.
mySetRDD = mySetRDD.subtract(sc.parallelize(Seq(element)))
Looked up Accumulators for a way to keep a set of elements upated on its content (presence/absence of elements) across multiple executors, but they do not seem to allow things other than simple updates of numerical values.
Create PairRDD and then repartitionByKey say x partitions.
After that you can use
PairRdd1.zipPartition() to get the iterator over partition of rdds. Then you can write a function which will work over two iterators to produce third or output iterator.
Since you have repartition the rdd by key you need not keep track of the removals across partitions., boolean, scala.Function2, scala.reflect.ClassTag, scala.reflect.ClassTag)

Spark: groupBy taking lot of time

In my application when taking perfromance numbers, groupby is eating away lot of time.
My RDD is of below strcuture:
JavaPairRDD<CustomTuple, Map<String, Double>>
This object contains information about the current row in RDD like which week, month, city, etc.
public class CustomTuple implements Serializable{
private Map hierarchyMap = null;
private Map granularMap = null;
private String timePeriod = null;
private String sourceKey = null;
This map contains the statistical data about that row like how much investment, how many GRPs, etc.
<"Inv", 20>
<"GRP", 30>
I was executing below DAG on this RDD
apply filter on this RDD and scope out relevant rows : Filter
apply filter on this RDD and scope out relevant rows : Filter
Join the RDDs: Join
apply map phase to compute investment: Map
apply GroupBy phase to group the data according to the desired view: GroupBy
apply a map phase to aggregate the data as per the grouping achieved in above step (say view data across timeperiod) and also create new objects based on the resultset desired to be collected: Map
collect the result: Collect
So if user wants to view investment across time periods then below List is returned (this was achieved in step 4 above):
<timeperiod1, value>
When I checked time taken in operations, GroupBy was taking 90% of the time taken in executing the whole DAG.
IMO, we can replace GroupBy and subsequent Map operations by a sing reduce.
But reduce will work on object of type JavaPairRDD>.
So my reduce will be like T reduce(T,T,T) where T will be CustomTuple, Map.
Or maybe after step 3 in above DAG I run another map function that returns me an RDD of type for the metric that needs to be aggregated and then run a reduce.
Also, I am not sure how aggregate function works and will it be able to help me in this case.
Secondly, my application will receive request on varying keys. In my current RDD design each request would require me to repartition or re-group my RDD on this key. This means for each request grouping/re-partitioning would take 95% of my time to compute the job.
<"market1", 20>
<"market2", 30>
This is very discouraging as the current performance of application without Spark is 10 times better than performance with Spark.
Any insight is appreciated.
[EDIT]We also noticed that JOIN was taking a lot of time. Maybe thats why groupby was taking time.[EDIT]
The Spark's documentation encourages you to avoid operations groupBy operations instead they suggest combineByKey or some of its derivated operation (reduceByKey or aggregateByKey). You have to use this operation in order to make an aggregation before and after the shuffle (in the Map's and in the Reduce's phase if we use Hadoop terminology) so your execution times will improve (i don't kwown if it will be 10 times better but it has to be better)
If i understand your processing i think that you can use a single combineByKey operation The following code's explanation is made for a scala code but you can translate to Java code without too many effort.
combineByKey have three arguments:
combineByKey[C](createCombiner: (V) ⇒ C, mergeValue: (C, V) ⇒ C, mergeCombiners: (C, C) ⇒ C): RDD[(K, C)]
createCombiner: In this operation you create a new class in order to combine your data so you could aggregate your CustomTuple data into a new Class CustomTupleCombiner (i don't know if you want only make a sum or maybe you want to apply some process to this data but either option can be made in this operation)
mergeValue: In this operation you have to describe how a CustomTuple is sum to another CustumTupleCombiner(again i am presupposing a simple summarize operation). For example if you want sum the data by key, you will have in your CustumTupleCombiner class a Map so the operation should be something like: CustumTupleCombiner.sum(CustomTuple) that make CustumTupleCombiner.Map(CustomTuple.key)-> CustomTuple.Map(CustomTuple.key) + CustumTupleCombiner.value
mergeCombiners: In this operation you have to define how merge two Combiner class, CustumTupleCombiner in my example. So this will be something like CustumTupleCombiner1.merge(CustumTupleCombiner2) that will be something like CustumTupleCombiner1.Map.keys.foreach( k -> CustumTupleCombiner1.Map(k)+CustumTupleCombiner2.Map(k)) or something like that
The pated code is not proved (this will not even compile because i made it with vim) but i think that might work for your scenario.
I hope this will be usefull
Shuffling is triggered by any change in the key of a [K,V] pair, or by a repartition() call. The partitioning is calculated based on the K (key) value. By default partitioning is calculated using the Hash value of your key, implemented by the hashCode() method. In your case your Key contains two Map instance variables. The default implementation of the hashCode() method will have to calculate the hashCode() of those maps as well, causing an iteration to happen over all it elements to in turn again calculate the hashCode() of those elements.
The solutions are:
Do not include the Map instances in your Key. This seems highly unusual.
Implement and override your own hashCode() that avoids going through the Map Instance variables.
Possibly you can avoid using the Map objects completely. If it is something that is shared amongst multiple elements, you might need to consider using broadcast variables in spark. The overhead of serializing your Maps during shuffling might also be a big contributing factor.
Avoid any shuffling, by tuning your hashing between two consecutive group-by's.
Keep shuffling Node local, by choosing a Partitioner that will have an affinity of keeping partitions local during consecutive use.
Good reading on hashCode(), including a reference to quotes by Josh Bloch can be found in wiki.

With parallel collection, does aggregate respect order?

in scala, i have a parallel Iterable of items and i want to iterate over them and aggregate the results in some way, but in order. i'll simplify my use case and say that we start with an Iterable of integers and want to concatenate the string representation of them in paralle, with the result in order.
is this possible with either fold or aggregate? it's unclear from the documentation which methods work parallelized but maintain order.
Yes, order is gauranteed to be preserved for fold/aggregate/reduce operations on parallel collections. This is not very well documented. The trick is that the operation you which to fold over must be associative (and thus capable of being arbitrarily split up and recombined), but need not be commutative (and so not capable of being safely reordered). String concatenation is a perfect example of an associative, non-commutative operation, so the fold can be done in parallel.
val concat =
For folds: foldRight and foldLeft cannot be processed in parallel, you'll need to use the new fold method (more info there).
Like fold, aggregate can do its work in parallel: it “traverses the elements in different partitions sequentially” (Scaladoc), though it looks like you have no direct influence on how the partitions are chosen.
I THINK the preservation of 'order' in the sense of the comment to Jean-Philippe Pellets answer is guaranteed due to the way parallel collections are implemented according to a publication of Odersky ( IFF the part that splits your collection is behaving well with respect to order.
i.e. if you have elements a < b < c and a and c end up in one partition it follows that b is in the same partition as well.
I don't remember what exactly was the part responsible for the splitting, but if you find it, you might sufficient information in its documentation or source code in order to answer your question.