IntelliJ: Keep junit running during Integration Testing - eclipse

With Eclipse and Spring Tool Suite when creating a Debug configuration we can check the Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging. Because we're using the SpringJUnit4ClassRunner and loading the Spring app before running, startup time before these test can run is significant so this is a huge time saver for rerunning tests and even hotswapping basic changes.
However, I recently switched to IntelliJ and I'm unable to find an equivalent option for this feature. Can someone tell me where it is?

You can achieve something very similar to Eclipse's "Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging" by doing the following:
Create a new JUnit Run/Debug configuration with Test kind set to
Method and Repeat to Until Stopped
Choose your test class and the method you plan to test and save the configuration
Now, start the test in Debug mode using the configuration you just created. You will notice that the test will run over and over again without reloading the Spring context.
Hit the sort a-z button in the Debug tab so that the latest JUnit test run is always shown at the top
Pause the test from the Debug or Run tab (the || button on the left)
Make your changes to the code and then build. Changes will be hot swapped. For the best results, I recommend also using HotSwap Agent or JRebel
Resume the test from the Debug or Run tab
Rinse and repeat from 5 to 7 until you are done with the test
Note that pausing the test is optional, changes will be reloaded anyway between test runs.
The only downside of this strategy is that you can only keep-alive test one method at a time.


How to (automatedly) test different ways to close an application with SWTBot (with Tycho)

Probably there is a simple answer to this, but I'm finding it hard to figure it out myself: How can I test different ways to exit an application with SWTBot?
In my application based on the Eclipse RCP 3.x, you can close the application in three different ways:
Per mouse click on menu items (File > Exit)
Per keyboard shortcuts on a menu (Alt+F X)
Per shortcut (Ctrl+Q)
I'm currently writing unit tests for this behaviour with the help of SWTBot. Running them I have a simple and very real problem: Once one way of closing the application is tested, the application is closed and hence all the other tests fail.
All tests are currently residing in one test class.
My question therefore is: How can I run all tests successfully, from Eclipse for starters. But also: How can I have them run by Tycho during the build, so that following tests won't automatically fail due to the application not being open anymore?
In short, you cannot test closing an application with SWTBot.
As you already found out, closing the application will terminate the VM as well. And since your tests run in the same VM as the application under test, the tests will be terminated as well.
Aside from these implications, you shouldn't test closing an application. The three ways to close an application that you mention are all provided by the platform and hence the platform should have tests for that functionality, not your application.

Eclipse - "Keep JUnit running after a test when debugging"

In Eclipse there is an option under Run/Debug configuration Keep JUnit running after a test when debugging.
Googling for that phrase only returns one hit, a bug report at Eclipse (61174), that is no manual, instruction or similar. Hence I have two questions:
What does this option affect?
The reason I found this option was that I was looking for a way to make running a test faster. Currently it takes 35 seconds for JUnit to start while running the actual tests usually just takes a few seconds. This is very annoying when I debug test cases and need to start/stop them frequently. Is there a way to make JUnit launch faster?
Yes, I've ran into this myself:
A JUnit launch configuration has a "keep alive" option. If your Java virtual machine supports "hot code replacement" you can fix the code and rerun the test without restarting the full test run. To enable this option select the Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging checkbox in the JUnit launch configuration.
From the site:

Improving productivity with Scala test cycle

It would be great to improve test driven development productivity by automatically firing of tests whenever there is a code change.
This is what I'm hoping for.
Whenever a Scala file is saved, SBT (or a shell script) should execute the ScalaTest or Specs2 specifications.
If the tests complete, the system should play a sound indicating success or failure
I'm using Scala IDE to do development and SBT to run my test specs at the moment, so just autimating the steps above would save a person from switching to the console, running the test specs and waiting for the result.
Any ideas automatically firing of the tests and playing a 'succeed' or 'fail' sound would be great.
Why not create a custom SBT task that depends on the test task. You could add the code for playing the sound to your build definition.
See here how to run a custom task after another task.
To automatically re-run tests, simply prefix the newly define task with a ~ in the SBT shell before running it.

Eclipse output execution time after every run

I know we can use System.printTimeinMillis() method at the start and end of the program. But imagine having this for every executable in the project and checking in that code in CVS.
When Junit test cases are run i see execution time of the test case as 14.662s from the attached. When you run your program over and over making code changes its a great means to see if there is any improvement.
Is there any way(inbuilt option or plugin) i can have eclipse printing out time taken after every execution on console?
I have come across a plugin but its not working on Eclipse Juno 4.1 version.

Eclipse grails run as JUnit test

I'm new to using Eclipse for Grails (using STS) and I'm trying to figure out an easy way to run the unit tests. I've seen that I can do it by right clicking Run As > Grails Command (test-app). This works but is slow and the test output goes to the test report html page and has no apparent clickable stack traces.
I can also do Run As > JUnit Test, which appears to be much faster and gives me the traditional JUnit console available in non-Grails tests. When running unit tests, is there a difference in the two? Is the grails command setting up other things or doing anything else?
You are performing a full blown test with all bells and whistles on. :)
According to the docs:
test-app: Runs all Grails unit and integration tests and generates reports.
Setting up the container for the integration tests is what makes it more 'expensive'.
You can limit the test cases that are being run by using 'unit:' as a parameter to indicate that only unit tests need to be run. (When not using JUnit directly from eclipse)
In your case you could do:
test-app unit:
or for a specific FooBarTests.groovy file:
test-app unit: FooBar
optionally you can add -echoOut or -echoErr to get more verbose output.
Check out the docs for more info and different phases of testing.