Scala concurrency performance issues - scala

I have a data mining app.
There is 1 Mining Actor which receives and processes a Json containing 1000 objects. I put this into a list and foreach, I log the data by sending it to 1 Logger Actor which logs data into many files.
Processing the list sequentially, my app uses 700MB and takes ~15 seconds of 20% cpu power to process (4 core cpu). When I parallelize the list, my app uses 2GB and ~ the same amount of time and cpu to process.
My questions are:
Since I parallelized the list and thus the computation, shouldn't the compute-time decrease?
I think having only one Logger Actor is a bottleneck in this case. The computation may be faster but the bottleneck hides the speed increase. So if I add more Loggers to the pool, the app time should decrease?
Why does the memory usage jump to 2GB? Does the JVM have to store the entire collection in memory to parallelize it? And after the computation is done, the JVM garbage collector should deal with it?

Without more details, any answer is a guess. However, even a guess might point you to the right direction.
Parallelized execution should decrease the running time but your problem might lie elsewhere. For some reason, your CPU is idling a lot even in the single-threaded mode. You do not specify whether you read the input from disk or the network or where you write your output to. You explicitly say that you write logs to a lot of files. Disk and network reading/writing might in your case take much longer than data processing. Most probably your process is idle due to this I/O waiting. You should not expect any speedups from parallelizing a job that spends 80% of its time waiting on I/O. I therefore also suspect that loggers are not the bottleneck here.
The memory usage might jump if your threads allocate a lot of memory each. In that case, the more threads you have the more memory will be required. I don't know what kind of collection you are parallelizing on, but most are stored in memory, completely. Yes, the garbage collector will free any resources that do not require you to explicitly free them, such as files.

How many threads for reading and writing to the hard disk?
The memory increases because I send messages faster than the Logger can write, so the Mailbox balloons in size until the Logger has processed the messages and the GC kicks in.
I solved this by writing state to a protocol buffer file. Before doing any writes, I compare with the protobuf file because reads are significantly cheaper than writes. My resource usage is now 10% for 2 seconds, and less than 400MB RAM.


About how many fibers can I create in ZIO on one machine?

I realize the exact number depends on a whole lot of things, so I’m really looking for an order of magnitude on say, a MacBook Pro.
Is it 100s of 1000s? Millions? More?
For example I’ve calculated I can run about 1M goroutines on this machine and I’m trying to get a sense of ZIO fibers would be about the same or more…
The primary resource consumption from a fiber is going to be the heap memory it consumes, plus (arguably) the memory consumed by the closure capturing its state. Because JVMs (and even different GC algorithms within a JVM) differ in how many bytes in memory a given object will take up, and this can even depend on runtime settings (e.g. if the heap is 32GiB or smaller, object references can be encoded in 32 bits, while a heap larger than that will require more space for each object reference).
On "typical" JVMs, the memory overhead of fibers is in the low hundreds of bytes. This is also approximately the overhead of an Akka actor (which can, like a goroutine, a ZIO fiber, a Cats Effect fiber, or a Scala future, be considered a means of modeling a process in a more efficient way than a thread (this ignores the substantial philosophical differences in the particulars of the respective models)), and it's well-established that substantially greater-than a million actors can be created per GiB of heap, so it's reasonable to expect that multiple millions of fibers can be created per GiB of heap.
It should be noted that it's impossible for more fibers to be consuming CPU at any point in time than you have cores/threads, so it's absolutely possible, if you have far more fibers/goroutines/actors ready to consume CPU, you may see a substantial latency effect from fibers waiting to be scheduled (so-called "thread starvation").

Multi core machine - cpu load metric

In a multi core machine what is the best metric to understand whether cpu is loaded or not ?
I have a web application that sends a post request to apache CGI server. CGI server loops over the post data and launches perl process for each of the item in the loop. Since requests from clients ends up hitting a single endpoint, I am concerned if I end up creating lots of processes which my server can't handle. Hence I wanted to understand what system metric should I check before launching a new process from loop.
Note: I have a 20 core machine.
The reason the answer isn't easy to find, is that it depends on the nature of your processes, and which system constraint is your limiting factor.
For CPU intensive work, then the metric to look at is load average - load average is a measure of processes in a runnable state - very roughly if LA is the same as number of cores, then you're running your CPUs at maximum.
However, it's increasingly the case that CPU is not the limiting factor - you may have a finite amount of memory, and memory hungry processes will consume it. 'spare' memory is used for caching, so filling the whole lot up actually starts to slow things down (because you have a smaller cache). Over spilling the available will either cause swapping or OOMkiller.
But as you mention apache and web, then chances are pretty good that your network pipe is a limiting factor - controlling bandwidth from the local host is actually surprisingly hard.
And then there's disk IO - which may also be a factor - I think that's unlikely for a web server, because your outbound network will usually be a tighter limit.
It all depends what your processes are doing - if they're lightweight 'helpers' that are mostly idle, or heavyweight 'grinders' that all introduce noticeable load.
So the best answer I can give is a very vague estimate - if your processes are CPU intensive, cap them at 2 per core. If your processes are memory, aim to consume about 50% of your system RAM. If your processes are IO intensive, aim to consume about 50% of your IO (either network or disk).

How to distribute data to worker nodes

I have a general question regarding Apache Spark and how to distribute data from driver to executors.
I load a file with '' into collection. Then I parallelize the collection with 'SparkContext.parallelize'. Here begins the issue - when I don't specify the number of partitions, then the number of workers is used as the partitions value, task is sent to nodes and I got the warning that recommended task size is 100kB and my task size is e.g. 15MB (60MB file / 4 nodes). The computation then ends with 'OutOfMemory' exception on nodes. When I parallelize to more partitions (e.g. 600 partitions - to get the 100kB per task). The computations are performed successfully on workers but the 'OutOfMemory' exceptions is raised after some time in the driver. This case, I can open spark UI and observe how te memory of driver is slowly consumed during the computation. It looks like the driver holds everything in memory and doesn't store the intermediate results on disk.
My questions are:
Into how many partitions to divide RDD?
How to distribute data 'the right way'?
How to prevent memory exceptions?
Is there a way how to tell driver/worker to swap? Is it a configuration option or does it have to be done 'manually' in program code?
How to distribute data 'the right way'?
You will need a distributed file system, such as HDFS, to host your file. That way, each worker can read a piece of the file in parallel. This will deliver better performance than serializing and the data.
How to prevent memory exceptions?
Hard to say without looking at the code. Most operations will spill to disk. If I had to guess, I'd say you are using groupByKey ?
Into how many partitions to divide RDD?
I think the rule of thumbs (for optimal parallelism) is 2-4x the amount of cores available for your job. As you have done, you can compromise time for memory usage.
Is there a way how to tell driver/worker to swap? Is it a configuration option or does it have to be done 'manually' in program code?
Shuffle spill behavior is controlled by the property spark.shuffle.spill. It's true (=spill to disk) by default.

Most efficient memory type for kdb+

I am currently configuring a server that will run a kdb+ tickerplant with several subscription processes. Is there an optimal physical memory type for realtime kdb data?
Checkout the type sizes at
Answer depends on what you mean by "efficient" - by the far the largest hit you take in latency is memory allocation, so the less you have to allocate the better. That means smaller types.
But of course you have to weigh that up against your use cases.
For your realtime always make sure the tickerplant inserts the time column so that #s is maintained on the time column for efficient querying.
The tickerplant itself publishes on a timer - the longer the timer the less hit on cpu, but then the tp is collecting data for a while before publishing. Again, weigh up against use cases. BTW make sure your tickerplant is writing the log file to a fast local disk so as to decrease pub delay and iowait.
If you're operating high load from multiple sources, consider OS tweaks too like tcp quickack ( There's similar tweaks for memory allocation and disk i/o.

Reading Multiple Files in Multiple Threads using C#, Slow !

I have an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and i was reading 3 files from my C: drive and showing
some matching values from the files onto a EditBox on Screen.The whole process takes 2 minutes.Then I thought of processing each file in a separate thread and then the whole process is taking 2.30 minutes !!! i.e 30 seconds more than single threaded processing.
I was expecting the other way around !I can see both the Graphs in CPU usage history.Some one please explain to me what is going on ?
here is my code snippet.
foreach (FileInfo file in FileList)
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessFileData));
where processFileData is the method that process the files.
The root of the problem is that the files are on the same drive and, unlike your dual core processor, your hard drive can only do one thing at a time.
If you read two files simultaneously, the disk heads will jump from one file to the other and back again. Given that your hard drive can read each file in roughly 40 seconds, it now has the additional overhead of moving its disk head between the three separate files many times during the read.
The fastest way to read multiple files from a single hard drive is to do it all in one thread and read them one after another. This way, the head only moves once per file read (at the very beginning) and not multiple times per read.
To optimize this process, you'll either need to change your logic (do you really need to read the whole contents of all three files?). Or purchase a faster hard drive/put the 3 files in three different hard drives and use threading/use a raid.
If you read from disk using multiple threads, then the disk heads will bounce around from one part of the disk to another as each thread reads from a different part of the drive. That can reduce throughput significantly, as you've seen.
For that reason, it's actually often a better idea to have all disk accesses go through a single thread, to help minimize disk seeks.
If your task is I/O bound and if it needs to run often, you might look at a tool like "contig" to make sure the layout of your files on disk is optimized / contiguous.
If you processing is mostly IO bound and CPU bound it make sense it take same time or even more.
How do you compare those files ? You should think what is the bottleneck of you application? IO output/input, CPU, memory ...
The multithreading is only interesting for CPU bound processing. i.e. complex calculation, comparison of data in memory, sorting etc ...
Since your process is IO bound, you should let the OS do your threading for you. Look at FileStream.BeginRead() for an example how to queue up your reads. Your EndRead() method can spin up your next request to read your next block of data pointing to itself to handle each subsequent completed block.
Also, with you creating additional threads, the OS has to manage more threads. And if a different CPU happens to get picked to handle the completed read, you've lost all of the CPU caching where your thread originated.
As you've found, you can't "speed up" an application just by adding threads.