BusyDialog's strange behavior - sapui5

I try to use the above mentioned control in my app.
The problem is that the dialog is not showing up when it should.
Here is a problem example code (and here is the link to jsbin):
function freeze(){
for (var i = 0; i < 500000000; i++){
new sap.m.Button({
text:"press to start",
var oBusyDialog = new sap.m.BusyDialog({
oBusyDialog.setText("STILL WORKING..........");
The problem is that when I press the button, the screen freezes (while doing the freeze() function), then I see the second message of the dialog, but the first message is never displayed.
Originally, I wanted to show the dialog while doing synchronous XMLHttpRequests calls (instead of freeze()) and I see the same buggy functionality of the dialog.
How do I make the dialog work properly?

The BusyDialog uses an sap.ui.core.Popup internally. The Popup will open animated.
You have to realize that javascript is (normally) singlethreaded. The animation events will be executed only if the thead is idle. Which is not the case: It's incrementing i like hell. So the BusyDialog is stuck at the begining of the fade in animation.


Opening dialog on showing sap.m.Page

Having some trouble opening a Dialog after navigating to a page. The intention is to always open the dialog when a user lands on this page.
Simplified, I have a controller that looks like this:
onInit: function() {}
this.myRouter.getRoute("orderscreate").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this);
_onObjectMatched: function() {
this.dialog = sap.ui.xmlfragment("myDialog", this);
When I put a debugger in, this works great: I can see the dialog is open.
THEN, the navigation animation kicks in, does the slide animation, and upon completion the dialog is closed again. I'm not sure why it insist on navigating after the view has rendered.
This happens when using navTo as well. Dialog opens, animation starts, dialog is closed again. sap.m.Page does not have another way of executing code after showing, as far as I'm aware.
Any advice?
Unless told otherwise the TargetHandler will close all open dialogs.
TargetHandler, a class used for closing dialogs and showing transitions in NavContainers when targets are displayed.
Try adding the following code after your router has been initialized

Wicket AjaxLink javascript handler shows strange behaviour

I have a ListView that displays a list of Panels, one below the other. Every panel features a button (implemented via AjaxLink) that closes the panel and removes it from the list.
This is how the ListView is initalized and how the panels are created:
panelsList = new ArrayList<MyPanel>();
pnlContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("pnlContainer");
ListView<MyPanel> pnlItems = new ListView<MyPanel>("pnlItems", panelsList) {
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<MyPanel> item) {
item.add(new AjaxLink<Void>("pnlClose") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.add(pnlContainer); // repaint panel container
This works so far - the actions that trigger adding new panels (usually also AjaxLinks) do what they should and the new panel is added and displayed correctly. But I have problems getting the close button to fully work.
Please see the following steps:
1) I start the server and navigate to the main page. The ListView is initially populated with one panel.
Close-button-code of this panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClose7" href="javascript:;">Close</a>
Searching the page code for pnlClose7 finds the following javascript code that makes the button work as expected:
Note: I do not press the button now, if i would, it would work as expected (thoroughly tested).
2) I trigger an action that opens a second panel. The panel is displayed below the first one as expected.
Close-button of the first panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClosef" href="javascript:;">X</i></a>
Close-button of the second panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClose10" href="javascript:;">X</i></a>
But now, neither searching for pnlClosef nor pnlClose10 finds some javascript code. The buttons (both!) do not work. I can still find the javascript code for pnlClose7.
3) I reload the page via pressing F5.
The button IDs change to pnlClose1a and pnlClose1b. Both IDs have javascript counterparts and work.
4) I press the first button (upper panel, ID pnlClose1a). The panel is closed as expected.
The remaining button's ID changes to pnlClose1c, again without a javascript counterpart. Javascript code for pnlClose1a and pnlClose1b is still present.
To make a long story short, the javascript handlers for my AjaxLinks seem to have shyness issues and only appear after I press F5 or reload the whole page in any other manner. I guess thats because repainting the pnlContainer changes the IDs of the current panels - but why is the linked javascript not updated at the same time? Is there anything I can change in my code to update the whole page without completely reloading it?
Wierd thing is that I am pretty sure this worked before... But I checked the whole class history and can't find any major change that would have triggered that. The ListView-code is mainly static since I added it.
I was had similiar problem. if you have any hardcoded javascript code in your page or panels html file (using <script> tag) remove it and set that js code in renderHead of your panel.

Google Closure add onclick to button after adding this button with custom editor plugin

I am making a custom plugin for the editor provided by Google Closure. The plugin makes it able to add a button.
I am having problems by setting an onclick on the button, the other values are nicely set.
button.innerHTML = event.label;
button.className = event.initialClass;
var extraClasses = event.extraClasses;
if (extraClasses)
button.className += ' ' + extraClasses
button.onclick = function() { event.onclick };
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix this?
After creating a button it is added to the editors SeamlessField. A second problem that I currently have is that after creating the button, my pointer is inside the button and I can't seem to get it out of there.
I've got the follow piece of code for handling this at the moment. The var button is the created button. button contains: <button class="orange">test</button>
// We want to insert the button in place of the user's selection.
// So we restore it first, and then use it for insertion.
var range = this.fieldObject.getRange();
button = range.replaceContentsWithNode(button);
// Done making changes, notify the editor.
// Put the user's selection right after the newly inserted button.
goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(button, false);
// Dispatch selection change event because we just moved the selection.
Any ideas about how I could fix this second problem aswell?
For the first, it does not look like you have begun using Google Closure event code. Wiring up the button to the 'click' event in Google Closure would be as follows:
goog.events.listen(button, goog.events.EventType.CLICK, event.onclick)
You should also be investigating the goog.dom and goog.dom.classes namespaces if you'd like to use Google Closure's wrappers around standard CSS class and text DOM manipulation.
For the second, were you testing in Chrome? If so, you might have ran into a range issue in Webkit, documented within the Closure code itself:
I have gotten around this in the past by inserting an empty <span> element as a sibling after the offending element (the button, in your case), and placing the cursor next to the <span> instead. However, there's nothing stopping the user from moving the cursor back inside your button. You'll have to add more logic to prevent a user from placing the cursor within the button's text.

Skillbuilders save before exit with Skillbuilders modal page

I am having troubles trying to understand how to use "Save before Exit" plugin with the Modal Page plugin in Oracle ApEx v4.1.1.
I basically would like to know how to attached the 'X' close button to the "Save before Exit" plugin when a user makes a change to a select list or text area field on the page (I also have classes associated to these fields), used within the modal page?
Here are links to the two plugins that I am trying to link together:
Important note: i tested this plugin with the latest version available: 3.0.2. The change detection routine there is modificationDetected, where in 3.0.0 it was changeDetected! Check which version you use!
When i have to integrate things like these, i want to avoid altering provided code such as the plugin code. Doing this will break your stuff if you don't remember in the future and install a new version (unless you're actually fixing something of course).
Create a dynamic action on the page that calls the modal dialog, fire on load:
var default_colorbox_close = $.colorbox.close;
$.colorbox.close = function(){
iframejQ = $("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.apex.jQuery;
iframeDoc = iframejQ($("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.document);
apex.debug("Colorbox close attempt - check changes");
var hasChange = iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit("modificationDetected");
apex.debug('Modal contains changes: '+hasChange);
$( "<div title='Unsaved changes!'>There are unsaved changes. Close the popup anyway?</div>" ).dialog({
resizable: false,
modal: true,
stack: true,
zIndex: 9999,
buttons: {
"Don't close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
"Close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
} else {
apex.debug('Close modal with default colorbox close');
The save before exit plugin works by using the browser window.onbeforeunload event. It does trigger when the popup is closed (at least in FF it does), but by then it is way too late: the popup is gone and the markup too.
My first thought was to simply tap that onbeforeunload event by redirecting the page to a generic page which would hold onload code to close the popup. The onbeforeunload would spring in action as soon as the redirect would be attempted. There would be no dynamic action or plugin altering. But oh well, i decided against that. (Note though: most of the code in this snippet would have to be reused in that case too, save change detection and dialog).
Instead i choose to check for changes in the iframe document when a close event happens, and display a dialog, which can be modified too, and clearly indicates that you are performing an action on the popup and not on "the page" (which could be interpreted as the parent page of the modal).
So what is needed is to catch the modal popup close event. Note that the plugin is based of the jQuery Colorbox plugin. The Skillbuilder modal does not provide a pre-close event and can not without altering the colorbox plugin.
Colorbox provides a close option in the form of the "X" and also the ESC-key. I want to catch both(/all).
I didn't opt for unbinding the click on the X and binding a new click.
what i did first is save the default colorbox close event, and
then override the default.
var default_colorbox_close = $.colorbox.close;
$.colorbox.close = function(){
Next up: this piece of code will get the jQuery instance of the modal
page. I then fetch the document element of the page with this jquery
iframejQ = $("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.apex.jQuery;
iframeDoc = iframejQ($("iframe").get(0).contentWindow.document);
Next up is checking the iframe (modal popup) for changes
var hasChange = iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit("modificationDetected");
So if the page has changes, a warning has to be displayed. I do this
by using jQuery-UI Dialog. It will have "Unsaved changes!" as title,
and 2 buttons ("Don't close" and "Close"). When closing, the save
before exit plugin has to have its default warning disabled! If not,
you'd still get prompted by the onbeforeunload message! Then the
colorbox has to be closed (which will remove the iframe). Finally
the dialog (prompt) has to be closed.
$( "<div title='Unsaved changes!'>There are unsaved changes. Close the popup anyway?</div>" ).dialog({
resizable: false,
modal: true,
stack: true,
zIndex: 9999,
buttons: {
"Don't close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
"Close": function() {
$(this).dialog( "close" );
If there are no changes, then the modal can simply be closed.
} else {
apex.debug('Close modal with default colorbox close');
Hope some of that sticks ;)
Example on http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=11128:1
And some big thanks to Dan McGhan for helping in the OTN thread :)
I would like to add something to the answer. I've noticed that the items that changed are not highlighted. So I've added this line to the "Don't Close" right before closing the dialog box.
iframeDoc.apex_save_before_exit('modifiedItems', {highlight:true});
And it highlights the items as it should!

hide keyboard in iphone safari webapp

I'm creating a webapp for the iPhone, based in HTML/CSS/JS. I'm using forms to receive input and pass data to the script, but a problem I'm encountering is that the keyboard won't disappear. The user will enter the information, hit submit, and since it's JavaScript the page doesn't reload. The keyboard remains in place, which is a nuisance and adds another step for users (having to close it).
Is there any way to force the keyboard in Safari to go away? Essentially, I have a feeling this question is equivalent to asking how I can force an input box to lose focus or to blur. Looking online, I find plenty of examples to detect the blur event, but none to force this event to occur.
Even more simply, you can call blur() on the currently focused element. $("#inputWithFocus").blur()
You could try focus()ing on a non-text element, like the submit button.
Here's a small code snippet that always hides the keyboard whenever the focus is in an input or textarea field and the user taps outside of that element (the normal behaviour in desktop browsers).
function isTextInput(node) {
return ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(node.nodeName) !== -1;
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
if (!isTextInput(e.target) && isTextInput(document.activeElement)) {
}, false);
To detect when the return button is pressed use:
$('input').bind('keypress', function(e) {
if(e.which === 13) {
I came across this issue and have spent some time until getting a satisfactory solution. My issue was slightly different from the original question as I wanted to dismiss the input event upon tapping outside input element area.
The purposed answers above work but I think they are not complete so here is my attempt in case you land this page looking for the same thing I was:
jQuery solution
We append a touchstart event listener to the whole document. When the screen is touched (doesn't matter if it's a tap, hold or scroll) it will trigger the handler and then we will check:
Does the touched area represent the input?
Is the input focused?
Given these two conditions we then fire a blur() event to remove focus from the input.
ps: I was a little bit lazy so just copied the line from above response, but you can use the jQuery selector for document in case you want to keep consistency of code
$(document).on('touchstart', function (e) {
if (!$(e.target).is('.my-input') && $('.my-input').is(':focus')) {
Hammer.JS solution
Alternatively you can use Hammer.JS to handle your touch gestures. Let's say that you want to dismiss that on a tap event but the keyboard should be there if the users is just scrolling the page (or let's say, hold a text selection so he can copy that and paste into your input area)
In that situation the solution would be:
var hammer = new Hammer(document.body);
hammer.on('tap', function(e) {
if (!$(e.target).is('.search-input') && $('.search-input').is(':focus')) {
Hope it helps!
using the CSS attribute for focused element, this blurs any input that currently has focus, removing the keyboard.
Be sure to set, in CSS:
body {
cursor: pointer;
otherwise, your event handler calling document.activeElement.blur() will never get fired. For more info, see: http://www.shdon.com/blog/2013/06/07/why-your-click-events-don-t-work-on-mobile-safari
For anyone using Husky's code in AngularJs here is the rewrite:
function isTextInput(node) {
return ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(node.nodeName) !== -1;
angular.element($document[0]).on('touchstart', function(e) {
var activeElement = angular.element($document[0].activeElement)[0];
if(!isTextInput(e.target) && isTextInput(activeElement)) {
In my case, I have an app:
AppComponent -> ComponentWithInput
and with the html:
<div class="app-container" (click)="onClick()">
And everything I do is adding (click)="onClick()"
You can leave the method empty as I did:
onClick() {
This works for me.