Eclipse Mars disable 'revert file' button - eclipse

When I right click and go to save my class I have accidentally clicked this a couple of times, making it rather annoying. Is there a way I can move/disable this option?

If you are talking about the Revert menu item on the File menu, you can remove it by customizing the current perspective. To do this:
Open Window=>Perspectives=>Customize Perspective
Select Menu Visibility tab
Click the '>' in front of File
Uncheck the Revert item
Click OK


VSCode "Open Editors" panel not showing

I don't know what I have done but I cannot see the "Open Editors" panel in the Explorer view
I note also that clicking on the three dots (Views and More Actions...) to the right of the word Explorer at the top of the explorer panel the word Folders is greyed out
Can anyone point me to the setting I need to change in order to rectify this situation?
Just in case anyone else has the same problem here is how I resolved my issue. I won't bore you with how I discovered the solution.
Right-click in the activity bar, this will bring up a context menu with the entry for Open Editors listed but not marked with a tick
Activity bar context menu.
Clicking on "Open Editors" in this context menu brings up a new icon in the activity bar that looks like an open book
Open Editor icon
Right-clicking on this new icon reveals another context menu that includes the option to reset the location of the Open Editors panel.
Open Editor context menu
Selecting this option resolves the problem.
How I got into the problem in the first place is still difficult to ascertain. With the activity bar in its default configuration I must have dragged the "Open Editors" header to somewhere on the activity bar, that clearly removes it from the Explorer side bar but how I inadvertently right clicked this new icon and selected "Hide 'Open Editors'" without realising remains a mystery.
Go to view and click on Open View and the on Open Editors.
3 dots on extreme right hand side has an option - keep editors open --> set it to default view. Once done the open editor will be be visible on the left.
This is considering you have default vs code layout...
I am currently using version: 1.68.1
In VS Code, go to Settings and in the search box, type explorer.openEditors.visible. Set the value in the dialogue box to any number greater than 0 and you are good to go. Refer to the image below.

What is the IntelliJ equivalent from Eclipse, show file in the package explorer view

I am more familiar in Eclipse and need the IntelliJ equivalent. In Eclipse, I could open a java class, right click, show file in package explorer and it would highlight the file on the left. What is the IntelliJ equivalent.
You can highlight a file you have open in the editor in a number of views using the Select that can be opened using ALT-F1 when the editor window has the cursor.
The most usual ones (Project/Packages) are found under the menu opened by ALT-F1 and then right arrow.
You can also double click the circle/cross button ontop of the Project view
it will show you the current active file in the project structure
You can turn on Autoscroll from source in Project Tool Window so that the file/class to the left is scrolled to as soon as you open a file for edit.
If this option is on, IntelliJ IDEA automatically navigates from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, etc.) in the Project tool window.
Note that selecting this option makes the Scroll to Source button unavailable.
It is called "select in project view".
You'd better edit your keymap ! (alt+F1 right arrow is not very efficient...)
file > settings > keymap > select in project view : alt+E for example
You can press Alt-Home, it goes to the navigation bar.
Go to or select the package by pressing left arrow.
Press F4 now to see it in the project view.

eclipse egit: Menu item and keyboard shortcut for Team -> Show in History

Is there a way to get the git log, ie: "Team -> Show in History" appear as a menu item on the main menu bar and to have a shortcut for it?
I'd like this menu item/shortcut to work when selecting a project or project resource in Package Explorer.
You could use Shift+Alt+W (that brings up the Show In submenu) and then press H to activate the History entry.
Otherwise, you can also consider linking the History view to the selection by activating the toolbar icon with the two arrows in the History view.
The command "Team -> Show History" cannot be processed unless it's associated with a module or a folder.
That's why it's a right click menu option.
You should be able to bind the Show In (History) command to a key in the Preferences>General>Keys page. You have to select something before you execute it (like a git repo or a project in the explorer).

Hide Eclipse Menu Bar (auto-hide)

I'm trying to hide Eclipse menu bar to save some screen real estate. I found I can do this using perspectives but that would permanently take out the menu from that perspective. The behavior that I want to get is something along of auto-hide, so that the menu remains hidden until I hit ALT+F for example or any other ALT key combo.
Is there's a setting or a plugin that can do this?
This is just a work around. Create two perspectives.
First one named - With Menu.
Second one named - Without Menu.
In the "Without Menu" perspective remove all menu items and Save.
To create the effect of hiding and showing, switch between perspectives by using
Theres a fast view option- just right click the tab and select Fast View. It'll bring the entire window down to the eclipse taskbar. You can recover the window by just clicking on it's icon.
Have a look here Is there a Macro Recorder for Eclipse? You could set up the macro so respond to ALT+F possibly.

How to open the 'Projects' panel in Netbeans

In Netbeans, to the top left of where the code is, there used to be two panels, one called 'Projects' where you could click a project name to open a tree of all the directories and files in it, and you could double click a file to edit it.
Below it is the navigation panel which shows the class names, methods, etc contained in the file you're viewing.
I accidently clicked the close button on the projects panel and can't figure out how to get it to open again, any ideas?
In Netbeans 6.8 on Windows, going to Window -> Projects brings it back for me. CTRL + 1 works as the shortcut.
Click Window > Reset Windows will give you back the old state of all windows!
just go to Window in menu bar and select Projects
Window -> Projects
In NetBeans 8.2 Go to Window->Navigator in menu bar or press Ctrl+7 and select Projects
it will open a folder as work space .