Restore Postgres database dump - postgresql

Unable to restore Postgres db dump
I have used following commnands
sudo psql my_database_name < feb9.sql
ERROR: relation "admin_tools_dashboard_preferences" already exists
ERROR: relation "admin_tools_dashboard_preferences_id_seq" already exists
ERROR: relation "admin_tools_menu_bookmark" already exists
ERROR: relation "admin_tools_menu_bookmark_id_seq" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_group" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_group_id_seq" already exists
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "product_rateclass_code_uniq"
DETAIL: Key (code)=(0) already exists.
CONTEXT: COPY product_rateclass, line 1: "40787 0 Tariff Rates"
(1 row)
ERROR: relation "admin_tools_menu_bookmark_user_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_group_name_like" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_group_permissions_group_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_group_permissions_permission_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_permission_content_type_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_user_groups_group_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_user_groups_user_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_user_user_permissions_permission_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_user_user_permissions_user_id" already exists
ERROR: relation "auth_user_username_like" already exists
I have received the above error logs (I have such logs running into hundreds of lines, I have used several lines for reference).
Post execution of the command, the database is still containing old records, instead of new records.

I dropped the existing database and created the new one.
$dropdb development_db_name
$ createdb developmnent_db_name
Then I restored the db using
sudo psql my_database_name < feb9.sql


when i restore my data i use pg_restore but it gives me error i tried all the solution

pg_restore: error: COPY failed for table "ir_ui_view_group_rel": ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ir_ui_view_group_rel_view_id_group_id_key"
DETAIL: Key (view_id, group_id)=(245, 5) already exists.
CONTEXT: COPY ir_ui_view_group_rel, line 1

Can't create schema in postgres

I'm trying to create schema with query:
but following error occurred:
2019-09-10 13:47:37.025 UTC [129] ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_namespace_nspname_index"
2019-09-10 13:47:37.025 UTC [129] DETAIL: Key (nspname)=(hdb_catalog) already exists.
2019-09-10 13:47:37.025 UTC [129] STATEMENT:
How it is possible with IF NOT EXISTS?
That looks like you have catalog corruption.
With some luck, only the index is affected. You can try to repair it using
REINDEX pg_catalog.pg_namespace;
Like in all cases of corruption, it is commendable to create a new cluster with initdb and use pg_dump/pg_restore to copy the database there. There might be more problems.
Also, try to find out what caused the corruption. Often it is bad hardware.

Why is liquibase deleting databasechangelog rows and trying to create a renamed database table?

I am using postgres 10.5 and liquibase 3.6.2 on a Mac.
I nuke & re-create my database, run liquibase update, and it works.
But a second liquibase update fails with an exception that the pkey already exists.
After the first liquibase update, the databasechangelog table contains 97 entries. After the second, it contains 10, and the time and deployment ids for those are different than they were after the first update!
Table foo was created in an early change.
Later it was changed to be named bar, but the pkey is still foo.pkey.
Liquibase-update should not be trying to re-create foo, but it does, and fails because foo.pkey already exists.
A) In general, how can I get liquibase to output more info about what it's doing? I tried both of the commands:
liquibase --logLevel=debug --logFile=`pwd`/foo.log update
liquibase --logLevel debug --logFile `pwd`/foo.log update
Both seem to work the same, and foo.log isn't created and there's no more output in the terminal.
B) How can I stop liquibase from trying to re-make this and nuking my databasechangelog?
I tried to make a small example that fails, but this seems to work... Others here are using it with postgres 9.5.10 with no problem...
All I see in the terminal is:
Starting Liquibase at Wed, 14 Nov 2018 13:06:44 PST (version 3.6.2 built at 2018-07-03 11:28:09)
Unexpected error running Liquibase: ERROR: relation "cant_change_pkey" already exists [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE nuss.cant_change (message_id UUID NOT NULL, origin VARCHAR(4), type VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT CANT_CHANGE_PKEY PRIMARY KEY (message_id), UNIQUE (message_id))]
liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for change set db/changelog/changelog-new1.xml::first-one::rstrauss:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: relation "cant_change_pkey" already exists [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE nuss.cant_change (message_id UUID NOT NULL, origin VARCHAR(4), type VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT CANT_CHANGE_PKEY PRIMARY KEY (message_id), UNIQUE (message_id))]
at liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet.execute(
at liquibase.changelog.visitor.UpdateVisitor.visit(
at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.doMigration(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.main(
Caused by: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: relation "cant_change_pkey" already exists [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE nuss.cant_change (message_id UUID NOT NULL, origin VARCHAR(4), type VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT CANT_CHANGE_PKEY PRIMARY KEY (message_id), UNIQUE (message_id))]
at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor$ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement(
at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor.execute(
at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor.execute(
at liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase.execute(
at liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase.executeStatements(
at liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet.execute(
... 7 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "cant_change_pkey" already exists
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeInternal(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeCachedSql(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.execute(
at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor$ExecuteStatementCallback.doInStatement(
... 12 common frames omitted
For more information, please use the --logLevel flag

Permission denied after pg_upgrade on RDS

After trying to upgrade a shadow-copy of our PostgreSQL 9.6.6 RDS instance to 10.4, most operations on the database, including those done with a "root" user (the one created when setting up the database), result in an error like this:
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for schema public
Position: 15
Another example is a query like select * from example_table limit 100; which results in the error:
SQL Error [42P01]: ERROR: relation "example_table" does not exist
Position: 15
ERROR: relation "example_table" does not exist
Position: 15
ERROR: relation "example_table" does not exist
Position: 15
However, I am able to execute SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'; which correctly lists all my tables
The upgrade logs don't seem to show anything unusual. I've been unable to find any RDS-specific instructions on upgrading from 9.x to 10.x so I assumed that the normal upgrade procedure in the interface (which I've used in the past and seems to be using a pg_upgrade operation) would "just work". Is there anything I'm missing?

Many syntax and permissions errors on postgres sql dump import

I am trying to import a .sql database dump into my postgres 9.6.1. I've tried in command line as well as the Postico GUI but get a ton of errors (like thousands of lines of errors) on import.
The SQL dump is from a coworker running postgres 9.4.5 and the SQL looks valid.
My Postgres Version:
PostgreSQL 9.6.1 on x86_64-apple-darwin, compiled by
i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc.
build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00), 64-bit
I've tried the following imports:
psql -U postgres dbname < ~/Desktop/dbname_local_db_20161122.sql
Then logging in and trying it:
psql -U postgres dbname
dbname=# \i ~/Desktop/dbname_local_db_20161122.sql
Errors: (there are way more than this)
Password for user postgres:
ERROR: schema "public" does not exist
ERROR: extension "citext" does not exist
ERROR: schema "public" does not exist
ERROR: extension "pg_trgm" does not exist
ERROR: function "add_session_metric" already exists with same argument types
ERROR: role "myrole" does not exist
ERROR: function "session_metrics_partition_creation" already exists with same argument types
ERROR: role "myrole" does not exist
ERROR: function "session_metrics_partition_function" already exists with same argument types
ERROR: role "myrole" does not exist
ERROR: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.messages"
DETAIL: System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.
ERROR: relation "messages" does not exist
ERROR: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.Message_id_seq"
DETAIL: System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.
ERROR: relation "Message_id_seq" does not exist
ERROR: relation "Message_id_seq" does not exist
ERROR: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.sessions_users"
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \N
invalid command \.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "2"
LINE 1: 2 hello 3 1 2015-11-12 09:25:14.646-07 2015-11-12 09:25:14.64...
ERROR: syntax error at or near "1"
LINE 1: 1
ERROR: relation "external_session_info_sessions" does not exist
invalid command \.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "2528"
LINE 1: 2528 1
invalid command \.
ERROR: relation "feedback_id_seq" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT pg_catalog.setval('feedback_id_seq', 1, false);
Like I said, the SQL file looks valid. I've checked for compatibility issues from 9.4.5 to 9.6.1 but don't see any.
I do see PERMISSION DENIED but I am running the command as user postgres which has super user permissions:
First, the recommended way is to use pg_dump from the higher (target) database version to create the dump, because that version of pg_dump knows about incompatible changes that happened since and can create a dump that will restore correctly.
Some of the errors are normal if you restore a dump into a database that already has objects with the same names in it; often that is a sign that the dump should actually have been created with pg_dump -C to include a CREATE DATABASE statement.
However, your SQL script seems seriously messed up, and I doubt that it is an unmodified dump of a 9.4.5 database.
pg_dump will never dump any objects in pg_catalog. This schema can only contain system objects which are not included in a dump (they are created by CREATE DATABASE), and as you have seen, not even a superuser may create an object in that schema (unless allow_system_table_mods is on, which it really shouldn't be).