Getting information on ride requests in sandbox mode - uber-api

Using Uber's API, I managed to make a trip request, and then change it's status to accepted via the PUT command described in the docs.
However, if afterwards I make a GET request to fetch ride's attributes, I get status = accepted, but driver, eta, location and vehicle are null. Thus, I can't test that the whole flow works.
Am I missing something?

Actually, once the trip in sandbox mode is set to status "Accepted" you should be able to see all those attributes. I just tested this myself and it worked fine.
The flow I followed was:
1) POST to (with the proper params and auth headers) to create a sandbox trip
2) PUT to{trip_UUID from step 1) with JSON body: {"status": "accepted"}
3) GET OR GET{trip_UUID from step 1}
Could you provide some more details on the exact flow you followed?

According to the /v1/requests/{request_id} endpoint documentation
Note: The following fields are populated only when a trip is active:
The meaning of the "accepted" status is:
accepted The Request has been accepted by a driver and is "en route"
to the start location (i.e. start_latitude and start_longitude).
I think by "trip is active" they mean the request status needs to be in_progress
in_progress The Request is "en route" from the start location to the
end location.
Try to change the status of the request to in_progress using the PUT /v1/sandbox/requests/{request_id} sandbox endpoint.
After this you should be able to get access to the driver, vehicle, pickup and destination fields.


Verifiable Credential - Presentation request gives an Internal Server Error

Microsoft Entra, a new Home of Microsoft Verifiable Credential is really new and nice feature. While I am playing around the items, I found an issue which I am not sure is an issue from my code rather Its more from the platform.
To give you little detail:
Company A: I have one Microsoft Verifiable Account to create the credentials for Company A employee.
Company B: I have one Microsoft Verifiable Account to verify (who likes to give a discount to those employees who are from Company A).
Step 1: using Company A, I have created the Verifiable Credential and It is stored in my Microsoft Authenticator App successfully.
Step 2: Coming to the next part of the story, Company B generates the presentation request where It likes to verify Company A employees' identity. I am able to create that presentation request and QR code for that as well.
Issue comes: Now, when I scan that presentation QR code using the authenticator app, It finds my stored crednetial is matching with this request. so, It gives me an option to share that credential against this presentation reuqest which is good and correct. But the moment I press "Share" it wait for a second and gives me an error message.
The error message is user friendly: Oops, failed to connect.
It seems there is a problem with one of our services connecting to your device. Check your network connection and try again.
But in technical detail, It says:
Error Code: internalServerError
Error Details: A generic error has occurred on the server.; Not Found; Not Found
TimeStamp: Dec1, 2022 10:02:48 AM EST
Request ID: 438395be97f20bbcc31511351121bbaa
Correlation ID: 3sg46/0ARha0zS/XHYKGfA.6.4
It also gives an option to see the track which is way long and can not be copy in mobile clipboard. But I took a part of that and that is below:
2022-11-30 17:49:33,560 INFO/Broker: [][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Broker Result returned from Bundle, constructing authentication result ThreadPoolExecutor$ [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,562 INFO/App: MSAL acquire token silently success: MsalTokenRefreshManager$getTokenSilentlyAsync$4$1$onTaskCompleted$acquireTokenSilentParameters$1.onSuccess()#567 [main]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,563 INFO/Broker: [][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Id Token type: IdToken ThreadPoolExecutor$ [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,563 INFO/Broker: [][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Constructing LocalAuthentication result, AccessTokenRecord null: false, AccountRecord null: false, RefreshTokenRecord null or empty: false, IdTokenRecord null: false ThreadPoolExecutor$ [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/App: Token result: Success AadRemoteNgcAuthCheckUseCase$checkForAuth$2.invokeSuspend()#88 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-5]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/Broker: [CommandDispatcher:submitSilent][2022-11-30 17:49:33 - thread_name: pool-27-thread-2, correlation_id: b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b - Android 30] Completed silent request as owner for correlation id : **b27725eb-c6fc-4a0f-bdd5-dd5f3f74270b, with the status : COMPLETED is cacheable : true ThreadPoolExecutor$ [pool-14-thread-1]
2022-11-30 17:49:33,564 INFO/App: ListSessionsUseCase request with client request ID: 09871643-7561-4d9a-8e43-567c4d0480cb RemoteAuthenticationManager.listSessions()#201 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-5]
Just to troubleshoot:
I have tried to restart my phone.
Connected with wi-fi and data card.
I tried to check the previous Company A issuer Credential flow is still working and giving me the credential and all are working.
So, it is not an issue from my device and neither is the issue with authenticator connectivity issue from my side.
I think your implementation is based on the following Azure sample.
If so, please comment out the line on VerifierController.cs file under PresentationCallback() method which has a statement like //payload = presentationResponse["issuers"].ToString(). The data in the incoming request payload doesn't have "issuers". Instead of commenting out, you can also use the following:
payload = presentationResponse["verifiedCredentialsData"][0]["issuer"];

Microsoft Graph Api {"code":"ErrorInvalidPropertySet","message":"Set action is invalid for property."}

We use
to update the just created email draft in order to send it later.
During the call we get 400 error with the next text -> '{"error":{"code":"ErrorInvalidPropertySet","message":"Set action is invalid for property."}}'
We get it only for several mailboxes.
What could be the possible reason?
Is it related to the mailbox configuration? What should we pay attention to?
If you are trying to update a message use
PATCH /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/messages/{messageid}
this way. This error mainly occurs when you try to set a read only property. Please check if the payload which you are using is having any property with readonly access. Also go through this document.
The issue was in internetMessageHeaders field.
We used this field in our PATCH payload, but it is not presented in PATCH method at all and sometimes Microsoft Graph API returns 400, but sometimes not.(even in case of no error this field is ignored)
So if you face this issue - just check whether you send the internetMessageHeaders field in your payload or not.
I guess it could be applied to all other readonly fields.

Microfocus ALM OCTANE REST API - Get existing manual test's step details

I am trying to get existing manual test steps from ALM using the below REST API
but I get the following result.
"creation_time": "2020-01-16T14:36:52Z",
"test_version": "{\"id\":1035,\"type\":\"test_version\"}",
"version_stamp": 5,
"last_modified": "2020-01-17T09:38:20Z",
"script": "- Open Browser\n- Type Username\n- Type PAssword\n- Submit\n- #2012 Call <ReqTest1>\n- Login using <Username> and <Password>\n- ?isLoginSuccesfull"
Is there a way to get existing manual test steps with details(like id, description, etc) through REST API?
i know that is six month late , but you could try calling entity test
and once you have latest version you can call entity test_versions with attribute last_version that you got in the last request
and there you will get the steps , also you have to consider that before doing this you need to have stablished connection (requested cookies, etc...) for avoiding 403 error and properly setted headers and parameters for the request. and if you're using microfocus library i didn't find any direct call for test_versions entity
EDIT: also you can request to http://URLdirection:PORT/api/shared_spaces//workspaces//test//script

Using OAuth2 how do I pull the access token into a variable?

I am trying to make a call to an authorization endpoint using OAuth2 with grant type Client Credentials - my call is successful - that is not an issue. However, I, now, want to take the access token that is returned and put it in a variable so I may use it in subsequent calls without having to manually cut-and-paste to my other calls.
When the call returns I see the token I desire to copy in the Access Token field at the bottom of the OAuth2 window (the one shown below that says expires in 42 minutes) AND I see it in the Authorization field on the Timeline tab of the results. I just can't figure out how to get access to it so I may dump it into variable.
The gif on the FAQ goes really fast, and does not provide step by step. Also, I didnt find any answer on YouTube or other websites, so I thought to share step by step for chaining requests on Insomnia.
Create a POST query to obtain your access token. Notice that my access token is returned in the field called "access_token", we will use this in step 3. Your return field may be different.
Create a second GET request for the API that would return the data for you. In my case, I wanted to get all users from a SCIM interface. In the Bearer tab, type in Response => Body Attribute (Insomnia will autofill).
Mouse click on the Request => Body Attribute (the one you just typed in), and select the authentication post in the dropdown "Request" (this is the one you created in step 1), and in the "Filter (JSONPath)" field, type in the $.[attribute name] - where attribute name is the response that returns from authentication call. In my case, it was access_token, see step 1 for yours.
Click No Environment > Manage Environments and you will see a base environment in JSON.
Since this is in JSON, create a { "jwt_token": "Response => Body Attribute" }" pair for your token variable. Please note that "Response => Body Attribute" needs to be configured. When you type response, hit space and this option should be available.
Once done choosing "Response => Body Attribute", it will show with some gibberish content and with red background, no worries... just click it to configure. Make sure you have the same setup.
However... you need to change your request to the route where you get the token from the server and another thing is the Filter (JSONPath or XPath) change it depending on your setup.
You should have the token, stored in jwt_token variable and can use the variable on a route that you like.
If you want to save a token that is returned in a response into an environment variable, you can use request chaining in your environment variable. Take a look at this url for more details on that
Here is what you could do (what I did)
Create an environment variable
For the value of the variable, use the Response => Body Attribute and under Filter (JSONPath or XPath), choose the attribute of the token in your response body (if it is "token" then put $.token).
After that just put the token environment variable wherever you need it in the following requests.
I was not able to resolve this question but was able to get around it by defining the fields in the body of the request and bypassing the OAuth2 tab completely.
You can add it as a header, by referencing the outputs of the OAuth2 request:

REST: Update resource with unknown (server-generated) value

I have a resource foo with the following structure:
GET /foo/1 returns:
"id": 1,
"server-key": "abcdef",
"status": "expired"
Status can either be active or expired. If it is expired I want the server to generate a new one.
Normally I'd issue PUT/PATCH foo/1 with the new key, but client doesn't know the key-generation algorithm.
I could also do a POST foo/1/server-key with no body, but that feels strange (I know this isn't very scientific reason though).
Any good ideas/patterns?
In case when you've got expired entity just make POST call on /foo without any parameters and server should return new entity (and HTTP response code should be 201):
"id": 2,
"server-key": "xyz",
"status": "active"
If some resourece is expired it is unconvinient to make it active again by PUT/PATCH request.
The approach I would adopt is to set a null value to server-key and let the server deal with it, but I do that because it's a consistent behavior in my APIs for the server to fill missing values with defaults.
Other than that, a simple POST to the URI as suggested in the other answer is adequate.
I think that you should use a PUT/PATCH method in your case to ask for generate a token if expired. Generally it's not really RESTful to put an action name within the resource path ;-)
I would see something like that:
Get the element: GET /foo/1
If the status is expired, ask for a new server key to be generated: POST /foo/1. In this case, this method will be used to execute an action to reinitialize the key on the server side
Using the method PUT corresponds to update the complete representation with a new one provided by the client. With the method PATCH, you will do a partial update of the representation.
Here is a link that could give you some hints about the way to design a Web API (RESTful service):
Hope it helps you,