How to show the foundation datepicker inline? just want to show the calander on load without clinking the textbox?
When Mui MobileDatePicker was clicked, calendar likes picture 1.(left)
but I want to show calendar like picture 2(right) to the user.
how can i change the calendar?
The reason I want to use MobileDatePicker is to remove the calendar icon next to textfield in DatePicker.
If there is a way to get rid of the icon and make the calendar appear when the text is clicked, DatePicker would be great.
use showToolbar props to show/hide toolbar in MobileDatePicker. for more customization check
How can I show my items like the datepicker? At the moment, I just see a popup where I can choose from. I want it to be scrollable
with this native plugin you can use the native date picker of the underlying OS.
I'm using a sap.m.DateTimeInput in my XML View. When the input is clicked the DatePicker Popup is opened. Now I want to add a Button beside the DateTimeInput, and let open the Date popup on button click. DateTimeInput provides no method to open the Popup as far as i know. I'using SAPUI5 version 1.28.
How can i achieve this ?
I'm a little bit lost in Borwser Events, handlers and so on.
Check out the Date Picker control. I think that this control is what you want.
Date Picker Control
Hi I am using JQuery DatetimePicker and want this to be in JQuery Modal dialog box as "inline" with two external buttons not of dialog box. On button click I want to return the date and time to parent window's input box.
How this can be done.
You should be able to access that through a normal JQuery.
Should work.
I am able to show datepicker. But on native application User click the textfield and date picker is open .So I need to implement that functionality using titanium platform. can you suggest a way or give some example .When user click textfield it don't show keyboard only show datepicker ?
Its simple just add a datepicker in runtime.
Go through this link Demonstrates all
Datepicker on click of text box
You have to set the editable property of your textfield to false, then call your picker in the "click" callback of the textfield.
var textfield = Ti.UI.createTextField ({
editable: false // That way the keyboard won't show up
//your other textfield properties
textfield.addEventListener('click', function(e) {