Execute program from upload - perl

This is mainly curiousity. I may implement it, not sure.
I had this idea... Rather than leave a script on a server, per chance a hacker got to it, I could send the full script to the server from a secondary site, run it, and then delete it. OK in theory ...
The LWP::UserAgent on the 'sending' server would need to connect to a script on the 'receiving' server. The way I would do it at present would be to save the incoming param to a file using open filehandle etc, then a "require" to run the script, followed by an unlink to destroy the file.
$d=param('d');open (D, ">sc.pl");print D $d;close(D);require "sc.pl";unlink "sc.pl";
But a hacker could put a suitable "print" between most of those entries, and see what data was being sent.
So I wondered if a similar thing could be achieved WITHOUT writing the code to a file, ie to be executed whilst in memory. It might have something to do with a "while(<>){" or a pipe from STDIN to ???
Just a thought

The goal here seems to not be to secure the server, but to protect your source code from being stolen. That's the first flawed premise: hackers want your data, not your code. Hackers rarely care about your source code except to find security holes (which, if they control your server, they've already found). They're not stealing your code for industrial espionage, they want your data to either sell or hold ransom. Credit cards. Customer information. Passwords. Encryption keys. Any of that.
Second, if this theoretical hacker can alter the server code to add print statements then executing the program from memory or STDIN won't help that. If they control the server code they can print whatever they want no matter where the server reads it from. If they can edit the code, they can replace the entire server program.
This idea is a non-starter. You need to rethink your premises.


Site on two different servers

Im considering taking web server from China to reduce site loading times from China/China users. Problem is, how to sync/keep same data between two sites? When editing content in the site it should update these changes to site in China server.
Server is running Linux, Apache and MySQL. Website is using WordPress.
FYI I'm already using CDN and site loading speed is still too long from China.
Basically your solution would need to...
Copy the entire contents of your http'd directory from the main server to the Chinese server.
Copy the entire contents of your MySQL database from the main server to the Chinese server.
Perform these tasks at a regular interval without manual intervention.
I can guide you to references that will help with each task and sometimes can show you a quick example. However, if you want to get it to work and especially if you want to optimize the process, you're going to have to look through the references yourself.
If I didn't do it this way this answer would get even more horrendously long that it already is.
Before we start you should remember...
Thing 0 - Please Try Not to be Intimidated by the Length of this Answer
I know I've written a lot, perhaps more than I should have, but I guarantee you are capable of implementing this in no more than a day. I have tried to be thorough but that does not mean that what I'm describing is particularly complicated.
Thing 1 - Shutdown your Chinese Server During Transfer
This transfer of data is going to make your Chinese server unusable while it's in progress, as you might have guessed. You need to make sure that you're Chinese server is not operational during the transfer. Otherwise the server might have only partial data available which could cause problems for both client and server, particularly in relation to MySQL.
Thing 2 - Use Compression as much as You Can
As time consuming as compression and decompression can be for large amounts of data, believe me it is nothing compared to the time you will waste sending the uncompressed data to China. Network usage, not processor time, is really going to be the limiting factor in getting the transfer done quickly. Try to send compressed files whenever possible.
Thing 3 - Try to Use Checksums
Sending all your data, particularly in compressed format, will leave it vulnerable to corruption in transit. Whenever you send a file I encourage you to use some kind of checksum on the data to verify that it has not been corrupted. For brevity I will not be showing you how to do this but I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out how to pepper in some verification.
In case you're not familiar with checksums, the Wikipedia article about them is pretty straight forward. The most commonly used are the MD5 and the SHA-1, but both of those are somewhat collision prone. I would recommend the SHA-2 (also called SHA-256/512) or the very new SHA-3.
Copying your Http'd Directory to the Chinese Server
As far as I know (and I could be wrong) there is no built in way to transfer files from one Apache server to another...so you're going to have to write your own script for this.
You're also going to need to have two separate scripts: one for the main server and one for the Chinese server. Here's a breakdown of what each script needs to do.
On your main server...
Log in as you're Apache server's user. (Reference for switching users.)
zip/gzip/tar.gz your http'd directory's contents. (Reference for zip. Reference for gzip. Reference for tar.)
scp (secure copy) the compressed file to your Chinese server. Make sure to copy it to the username that Apache runs under. (Reference for scp.)
Delete the compressed file.
Initiate the Chinese server's script (this will be discussed later).
You will likely be using a shell script for all of this, so I hope you're familiar with the terminal. A simple example would look like this.
## First I'll define some variables to explain this better.
APACHE_USER="whatever your Apache server's username is (usually it's www-data)";
WWW_DIR="your http'd directory relative to ~ (usually it's /var/www)";
CHINA_HOST="the host name/IP address of your Chinese server"
CHINA_USER="Apache's username on the Chinese server";
CHINA_PWD="Apache's user password on the Chinese server";
CHINA_HOME="the home directory of the Apache user on your Chinese server";
## Now to the real scripting. I will be using zip for compression.
su - "$APACHE_USER";
zip -r copy.zip "$WWW_DIR";
rm copy.zip;
## Then you initiate the next step of the process.
## Like I said this will be covered later.
On your Chinese server...
Log in as the Apache user.
Delete the content of the http'd directory (probably /var/www relative to ~).
Decompress the scp'd file (this will change depending on how you compressed it).
Copy the decompressed directory to the http'd directory (this step is unnecessary if you choose to compress with zip).
Deleted the compressed, scp'd file.
Notify main server to continue next step (again, will be discussed later).
This is pretty straight forward and I don't think you need another example for this part.
Copying the MySQL Database Contents
You can find a good reference for how to do this in this article from the MySQL website. Basically copying database contents is a built in feature. Try to make use of the compression options!
Performing these Tasks at Regular Intervals without Manual Intervention
Ok this is where things get kind of complicated.
The first thing you need to know is how to schedule tasks at regular intervals on Linux. This is done with a command line tool called crontab. You can see good examples for setting up cron jobs in this article, and the full crontab documentation here.
However what will take more skill than just scheduling the job at regular intervals will be synchronizing the data transfer. If you simply set one server to send data at a certain time and the other to receive it at a certain time, you will get many bugs. Be sure of that.
My recommendation would be to create a socket in the Chinese server that listens for instructions from the main server.
This can be done in a variety of languages. Because you're using Linux I would recommend doing this in C, but it can be done in almost any language including Bash.
A full example would be too much but basically this will be the flow of what you have to do.
Socket in China listens for connections.
Cron job in main server connects to China socket.
Main server authenticates itself.
Chinese server stops Apache, stops accepting requests.
Chinese server acknowledges authentication approved.
Main server scp's website contents to Chinese server.
Main server tells Chinese server that scp is complete.
Chinese server replaces Apache's http'd directory's contents with the data that has been scp'd.
Chinese server announces success to main server.
Main server copies MySQL data.
Main server tells Chinese server process is complete.
Chinese server resumes Apache service.
Chinese server notify's main server that service is resumed.
Socket is closed.
Chinese server goes back to listening for connection from main server.
I hope this helps!

Recreate a site from a tcpdump?

It's a long story, but I am trying to save an internal website from the pointy hair bosses who see no value from it anymore and will be flicking the switch at some point in the future. I feel the information contained is important and future generations will want to use it. No, it's not some adult site, but since it's some big corp, I can't say any more.
The problem is, the site is a mess of ASP and Flash that only works under IE7 and is buggy under IE8 and 32bit only even. All the urls are session style and are gibberish. The flash objects itself pull extra information with GET request to ASP objects. It's really poorly designed for scraping. :)
So my idea is to do a tcpdump as I navigate the entire site. Then somehow dump the result of every GET into a sql database. Then with a little messing with the host file, redirect every request to some cgi script that will look for a matching get request in the database and return the data. So the entire site will be located in an SQL database in URL/Data keypairs. Flat file may also work.
In theory, I think this is the only way to go about this. The only problem I see is if they do some client side ActiveX/Flash stuff that generates session URLs that will be different each time.
Anyway, I know Perl, and the idea seems simple with the right modules, so I think I can do most of the work in that, but I am open to any other ideas before I get started. Maybe this exist already?
Thanks for any input.
To capture I wouldn't use tcpdump, but either the crawler itself or a webproxy that can be tweaked to save everything, e.g. Fiddler, Squid, or mod_proxy.

How can I communicate across Perl CGI scripts?

I am searching for efficient ways of communication across two Perl
scripts. I have two scripts; Script 1 generates some data. I want my
Script 2 to be able to access that information.
The easiest/dumbest
way is to write the data generated by Script 1 as a file and read it
later using Script 2. Is there any other way than this? Can I store
the data in memory and make it available to Script 2 (of course with
support from my Linux )? Meaning malloc some data by Script 1 and make
Script 2 able to access it.
There is no guarantee that Script 2 will be run after Script 1. So
there should be some way to free that memory using a watchdog timer.
Let me reveal some more context. I am running these scripts on a web-server using CGI-Perl. So at the click of a button Script 1 is run and it generates a html web-page. Now the user can add some inputs to to this generated web-page and click a button on this new page.Now Script 2 should be able to read the data on new web-page.I can post the data back to web-server again but a more efficient way is to keep a copy of generated page in server also and make it available to script 2. Now, I would like to avoid writing down the generated page as a file. I was thinking of storing it in memory
This depends somewhat on your usage... one large set of data? Many small messages? Di you canre at all about data persistance? Is it TOTALLY asynchronous?
Some of the options are:
For any but the most high performace web sites, the best approach is to write our the HTML pages to files!. Unless the intrer-process communication is benchmarked to be the botttleneck in performance, don't both with any of the non-file solutions (shared memory, cache, intermediate server).
Specifically for two CGI scripts on the same server, if you run them under mod_perl or some other arrangement which shares Perl interpreter between 2 CGI processes, you can develop a package to serve as cache, which -with its package level variable - would be preserved in memory by mod_perl as long as mod_perl is running and can thus be used by a writer CGI process and a reader CGI process to communicate. Of course the usual synchronization/deadlock and persistance issues associated with reader/writer need to be considered.
As an alternative, use Apache::Session sessions to store inter-session data.
As you noted, shared memory. For example use IPC::ShareLite, IPC::Cache, or this solution from perlmonks.
Also, please check Chapter 16 Recipe 12 "Sharing Variables in Different Processes" from O'Reilly's "Perl Cookbook" (no link since non-pirated versions aren't online anywhere I know of)
Use a permanent medium. A file is one option. A database is another.
For async, use an intermediate messaging system (MQ, Tibco, something more lightweight). Probably a bit of an overkill in this scenario but a valid option to be aware of. This one is likely to be pretty stablem solid and optmized, but possibly not free and less flexible/tailored.
Or roll your own simple messaging system server - it's not THAT complicated for very simple one you seem to need.
Listen on one port for requests from first process to store data, listen on another port for requests from consumer process to send you that data, store the data in a storage area in memory and purge it when it expires using alarms or separate watcher child process).
You've tagged your question as "cgi". Are they both CGI programs? In that case, they can just talk to each other by making HTTP requests.
However, you'll have to tell a lot more about why you are trying to do this and what you need to accomplish for us to help you. It's certainly easy for Perl programs to communicate with each other in some fashion, but that doesn't mean it's the right answer for you.
When you have complex requirements for interaction among CGI programs, you probably want to move to a web framework that handles a lot of those details for you. Catalyst might be where'd you want to start. There's even a book for it.

Perl application move causing my head to explode...please help

I'm attempting to move a web app we have (written in Perl) from an IIS6 server to an IIS7.5 server.
Everything seems to be parsing correctly, I'm just having some issues getting the app to actually work.
The app is basically a couple forms. You fill the first one out, click submit, it presents you with another form based on what checkboxes you selected (using includes and such).
I can get past the first form once... but then after that it stops working and pops up the generated error message. After looking into the code and such, it basically states that there aren't any checkboxes selected.
I know the app writes data into .dat files... (at what point, I'm not sure yet), but I don't see those being created. I've looked at file/directory permissions and seemingly I have MORE permissions on the new server than I did on the last. The user/group for the files/dirs are different though...
Would that have anything to do with it? Why would it pass me on to the next form, displaying the correct "modules" I checked the first time and then not any other time after that? (it seems to reset itself after a while)
I know this is complicated so if you have any questions for me, please ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability :).
Btw, total idiot when it comes to Perl.
I've removed the source as to not reveal any security vulnerabilities... Thanks for pointing that out.
I'm not sure what else to do to show exactly what's going on with this though :(.
I'd recommend verifying, step by step, that what you think is happening is really happening. Start by watching the HTTP request from your browser to the web server - are the arguments your second perl script expects actually being passed to the server? If not, you'll need to fix the first script.
(start edit)
There's lots of tools to watch the network traffic.
Wireshark will read the traffic as it passes over the network (you can run it on the sending or receiving system, or any system on the collision domain).
You can use a proxy server, like WebScarab (free), Burp, Paros, etc. You'll have to configure your browser to send traffic to the proxy server, which will then forward the requests to the server. These particular servers are intended to aid testing, in that you'll be able to mess with the requests as they go by (and much more)
As Sinan indicates, you can use browser addons like Fx LiveHttpHeaders, or Tamper Data, or Internet Explorer's developer kit (IIRC)
(end edit)
Next, you should print out all CGI arguments that the second perl script receives. That way, you'll know what the script really thinks it gets.
Then, you can enable verbose logging in IIS, so that it logs the full HTTP request.
This will get you closer to the source of the problem - you'll know if it's (a) the first script not creating correct HTML, resulting in an incomplete HTTP request from the browser, (b) the IIS server not receiving the CGI arguments for some odd reason, or (c) the arguments aren't getting from the IIS server and into the perl script (or, possibly, that the perl script is not correctly accessing the arguments).
Good luck!
What you need to do is clear.
There is a lot of weird excess baggage in the script. There seemed to be no subroutines. Just one long series of commands with global variables.
It is time to start refactoring.
Get one thing running at a time.
I saw HTML::Template there but you still had raw HTML mixed in with code. Separate code from presentation.

How can I encrypt or hide passwords in a Perl script?

I am working on Perl script that uses Expect to login via telnet to remote machines (don't ask, gotta use telnet). I also do perforce p4 login operations as necessary and use expect to pipe in the correct passwords. For now I just read passwords from clear text environment variable, i.e. export PASSWORD=password, which I know is no good security wise.
What's the best way to store passwords for scripts like these that need a lot of passwords for multiple systems? Encrypted in a text file somehow? Or something else?
Keep in mind I can't easily change the existing systems, like for example I can't really install SSH or anything like that.
Probably your best way is to put the passwords in a separate file, and lock the security for that file down so only you have read access. Unfortunately, if you store an encrypted password in your script, you'll also have to store the decryption method, so an attacker can run the decryption and recover your password.
There was a very similar question earlier, see my answer to it.
In short, a human has to kick off the chain of trust. Everything else is obfuscation.
Why worry about the passwords in the script if you're using telnet? A presumptive attacker is going to find it as easy or easier to capture the data off the wire than off the remote machine, and there really isn't anything you could do about it in any case.
This sounds like a case of trying to put bars in the window and leaving the door swinging open.
Since you're already using expect, you should look into being able to redirect a gpg -d on an encrypted file that contains your passwords. Storing passwords in a system environment variable is just plain wrong. The password that would be used to decrypt the gpg file would be entered on start then load all passwords from the file and run your stuff. Then you're done, so the passwords only exist in plaintext while the application is running.
Edit just as a side note, putting any passwords in a script is badness; remember that the script is just a plaintext file which makes seeing that password easy as anything. Likewise even applications that you compile can be reversed with "strings" which can look for strings that are contained in the code (usually passwords).
On the off chance that you're using Mac OS X, I found this nifty way to grab usernames and passwords from your Keychain.
Update: The link seems to be broken as of July 22, 2013. The following bash code snippet shows how I use the technique (to download iTunes sales data):
pass=$(security find-internet-password -ws $domain -a $user)
I like the solution mentioned already of putting passwords in a separate file. In addition you could hash the actual passwords, much like whats done in /etc/passwd. Although you might use the same hash key for all of them depending on how your application. Obviously the drawback to this is someone has to enter the hashkey in order to run your script and thats not gonna work in a batch environment.
One place to start learning something about hashing is from this stackoverflow question