SSO from ADAL in WPF Client to ADFS 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2 - single-sign-on

I am trying to write an WPF client which uses ADAL to authenticate against ADFS on a Windows Server 2012 R2. I have successfully implemented this using "Forms Authentication" where the user is prompted for the domain username and password. However, I want to take advantage of SSO and use the currently logged on domain user to authenticate against the ADFS.
Unfortunately, I'm only getting an error message saying:
This method overload is not supported by '< ADFS servername>'
I have done a lot of searching, but find some of the information contradictive:
This SO post about a Windows Store App (any differences to WPF?) where Vittorio Bertocci links to a blog on how to achieve it:
ADAL for Windows Store SSO
This SO post where Vittorio Bertocci claims that silent authentication is only possible with Windows Server 2016:
Authenticate with ADFS inside Console App silently
Is it a fact that Windows Server 2016 is required to perform SSO in conjunction with ADAL?
Is there any other way to do it?
After upgrading to the latest alpha of ADAL (3.9.302111717-alpha) I'm getting the more detailed error message
MSIS9611: The authorization server does not support the requested 'grant_type'. The authorization server only supports 'authorization_code' or 'refresh_token' as the grant type.
The code I'm executing is this:
string authority = "";
string resourceURI = "http://myApp/";
string clientId = "XXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX";
string clientReturnUri = "http://anarbitraryreturnuri/";
var ac = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
var token = await ac.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceURI, clientId,new UserCredential());
I was able to implement a working solution using WS-Trust, so I am confident that the machine I'm running on has the privacy settings to enable the app to find the currently logged on user.
The Oauth2 endpoint looks as follows:
Also, my global authentication policy is set up like this:

Windows Server 2016 is only required for the password grant - in which you provide raw username and password. Your question seems to suggest you want to sign on with the currently signed in user, which would leverage Kerberos instead.
Kerberos based authentication should work with ADFS "3" and ADFS 2016 indifferently - as long as your client is connected to the domain network, the local machine does not have privacy settings that prevent your app from finding out the domain user currently logged in and the correct endpoints are enabled on the ADFS instance.


Office365 SMTP with OAUTH2 client credentials flow returns "Authentication unsuccessful"

We have been trying to use Office365 SMTP OAUTH2 authentication with client credentials flow without success.
The documentation claims that SMTP should work
but also states the following:
<<Note As per the current test with SMTP Oath 2.0 client credential flow with non-interactive sign in is not supported.">>
We can generate a token using the code interactive flow and with the delegation dynamic scope
The resulting token has scope "SMTP.Send" which can be used in JavaMail to successfully send emails from a specific user.
We are building a non-interactive application, the above does not work for us.
When we try to generate a token with the client credential flow, the only scope format supported is {resource}/.default
HTTP POST{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token
There are no application's permissions for SMTP we can set under the Microsoft Office API.
Authentication always returns "535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful"
This should work like IMAP does.
The only option we have found is to disable Security Defaults under
Azure Active Directory
-> Properties
-> Manage Security Defaults
Which enables PLAIN TEXT authentication.
You also need make sure that your emailbox does not have Smtp Client Authentication disabled with the following powershell command
Set-CASMailbox -Identity -SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled $false
after these two changes JavaMail can authenticate using user/pwd and can send emails.
Note As per the current test with SMTP Oauth 2.0 client credential flow with non-interactive sign in is not supported.
I just discovered this myself.
The Microsoft Graph API is an alternative option and I have confirmed it does work with the Client Credentials flow, but it has other limitations related to volume and file attachments to be considered.

Is Windows (process) Authentication possible using Spring LDAP?

I have an application which uses LDAP authentication against AD, which works fine. However the UserDN and password for accessing LDAP are in clear text in the config files, and I would like to avoid clear text passwords.
In Softerra LDAP browser you have the option to authenticate with "Currently logged in user", does anyone know if this type of Windows Authentication is possible with Spring LDAP? Or is there perhaps another way to avoid credentials in config files (like using the credentials of the user trying to authenticate)?
With Microsoft SQL server, it is possible to do Windows Authentication via JDBC, since Microsoft provides some native code, has anyone heard about a similar functionality when using LDAP against AD?
"Currently logged in user"
this may mean that Kerberos based SASL authentication is used
You may check
The latter shows how the Kerberos ticket cache can be used.

Sign In using ADFS 3.0 SSO in SharePoint 2013 gives errors

I am using ADFS 3.0 for SSO on SharePoint 2013, I have followed the instructions at
but every time I login using the ADFS login page I receive the below error
No strong authentication method found for the request from urn:sharepoint:ontrack.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Authentication.AuthenticationPolicyEvaluator.
this is the configuration of authnetication policies
Enabling ADFS tracing will likely give you further insight. I received this error and it related to not having a custom multifactor authentication provider installed on a particular ADFS node.
Is your SharePoint RPT setup for multifactor authentication? If so, you may ensure that the appropriate MFA provider displays and is enabled on the Multi-factor tab.

ADFS and Form Authentication

I have an ADFS single sign on application. Can we also have form authentication using login credential from a database on the same application? In other words, I need single-sign-on for people who have windows account and form authentication for people who do not have windows account. I did some research on this topic but I have no lead. Is there any suggestion?
Out of the box ADFS can only authenticate against Active Directory (The latest version of ADFS (vNext) do supports LDAP v3-compliant directories).
You need to build your own Custom Authentication Provider for ADFS if you would like to plugin your custom code.
Some pointers for further reading:
Understanding WIF 4.5
Create a Custom Authentication Provider for Active Directory Federation Services

Configuring SSO utilizing ADFS 2.0, SAML 2.0, and simpleSAMLphp

My knowledge of these systems is not large so please forgive me if I am asking dumb questions.
I hope to achieve the following:
Idp (AD FS 2.0) -> SAML 2.0 -> Sp (simpleSAMLphp)
*I don't need anything more fancy than to simply authenticate a user.
I have attempted to configure Windows Server 2008 with AD FS 2.0 (domain A) as an Identity provider and have it handle authentication requests from a service provider on a different domain (created using simpleSAMLphp (domain B)).
The AD FS 2.0 Management application allows me to add raw meta XML from the SP to configure the idp. And my SP has the facility to do the same. So I figure that If I setup the idp (AD FS 2.0) correctly then I will simple just have to make the SP interpret the metadata of the idp.
Currently I feel that I am close to a solution (but then again I am probably wrong!). Currently it seems everything is find right up to the point when the Idp asks for your login credentials, and I enter my credentials, it appears that the session has started, but I get a 'Not Authorized - HTTP Error 401. The requested resource requires user authentication.' message after entering the correct login credentials.
Could someone please explain how to fix this? or if it's quicker a step by step setup to make AD FS 2.0 authenticate using SAML 2.0 for simply authenticating a username and password.
Thankyou in advance for any hints!
Have you established a claims provider trust within ADFS 2.0 management? Your system needs to accept claims-bearing tokens from a trusted claims provider. That is, whatever STS -- "Security Token Service" -- you have in front of your user repository. ADFS can both a "Relying Party" -- RP -- or a STS. You need both a relying party and a STS.
Check out Eugenio Pace's MSDN blog for more details: