API key not allowed when using Weather service - ibm-cloud

I built a simple Node.js app that worked with the Weather service. It worked fine for a while, but about 24 hours ago started returning this error:
{"metadata":{"version":"1","transaction_id":"1:1362317376","status_code":401},"success":false,"errors":[{"error":{"code":"AGW-0210","message":"Api not allowed for this api key."}}]}
I've double checked my authentication information and it is correct.

The 401 response indicates authentication failed. But it may also have been the service unavailable or a plan limit reached. Are you still seeing this problem? Is it intermittent? or continuously failing?
There is a brief explanation of the throttling of the API when it hits the limits of the plan that you selected. See here, in the bottom paragraph of the first section.
You can check the status of the Bluemix platform here.

I found a workaround for me, just delete the old service and create a new one.
This works fine for me.


Rest API (wordpress) being blocked on cloudflare?

For a week now, we had issues connecting Zapier to our WordPress account as it always show the 503 error. Also, on site health, we have loopback and rest api errors. We decided to pause cloudflare for the site and it is working fine now.
My question is, is there a way to prevent cloudflare from blocking rest api?
thank you for the insight that you gave it helped me understand a bit more about the 503 error. I stumbled upon an article and the issue was similar to mine. It seems that the issue came from enabling Bot Fight Mode. Here is the article just in case some of you might encounter the same issue: https://journeybytes.com/wordpress-cron-error-503-by-cloudflare

Google smart action

We develop an app to be used with Google assissant. All works fine in develop envirnoment, than when we deploy in test envirnoment on aws we have these errors from Google:
these when we answer to a Sync request.
The account link and the First Sync are working fine!
Any idea?
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED - This generally happens when an intent request times out waiting for a response. If you're seeing these errors during account linking, it may also be related to the time taken to issue the OAuth token in addition to the initial SYNC.
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - This happens when you call Request Sync more than once concurrently for a given agentUserId. For more details see the Error responses section of the Request Sync developer guide.

The QR Code generated with the QR string via a JWT turns out to be invalid

The problem is that I've gone through the API documentation of authy. Now there can be trust issues with the users to provide me their PII.
So I tried the Non-PII approach. For which I need a QR code to be scanned by my users.
Even though I've followed the exact process mentioned in the documentation after doing a test-drive of my application I tried scanning the QR code which gets generated in a php file that I've made. However the authy app after scanning the QR code says:
Account couldn't be added. Please contact your service provider
P.S. I will provide the PHP code that I've made which generates the QR code. However I just want to know if this is a known issue about Not being able to add an account to my Twilio authy application.
I'm seeing the same error. Have not been able to get a response from Authy dev support on what the error means (if it's a config issue, or issue with my code, etc). But, https://jwt.io/ says the token is correct, so I'm assuming it's an Authy config issue.
Ensure you have expiration date <= (issuing date + 15 minutes) on your JWT token.
That was a reason I had an error 'Account couldn't be added. Please contact your service provider'.

Trying to do `askForSignIn` fails for linked account

I'm trying to implement account linking against our OAuth service.
I tried logging in using gala-demo.appspot.com and that seems to work.
Calling askForSignIn() seem to fail when invoked, i don't get any calls back to my web service so the error seems to be upstream.
The response i see in the debug info when using the assistant simulator is:
expected_inputs[0].possible_intents[0]: intent 'actions.intent.SIGN_IN' is only supported for version 2 and above.
Any ideas?
On another note; If i set signInRequired on the action configuration for the welcome intent, it seems to get further but gives a bad sign in redirect link in simulator and on a device it opens a dialog that just disappears (looks like a successful login) but no response back to the web service.
That happens because you're probably using the old v1 API. I suggest you to check the migration guide:
Sign in intent doesn't work at the moment as clearly explained in the docs, it's just something you can use for test in the emulator, but it's not available in production

401 Unauthorized - Exception

I face a problem today regarding the connectivity with Orion public instance #http://orion.lab.fi-ware.org:1026/ngsi10/contextEntities/{entity_id}. While, two days ago, I got always connection to the orion public instance, always by using the same Authentication Token, I got from FI-WARE, Today when I'm trying to connect I get an error: "GET http://orion.lab.fi-ware.org:1026/ngsi10/contextEntities/urn:smartsantander:testbed:3337 returned a response status of 401 Unauthorized".
I was and continue to use the Jersey REST API so as to connect with NGS10 Orion REST API Implementation.
Is there any idea about what I have to do to solve the problem? Is this a problem in Orion Server side with the Authentication Service?
Thank you in advance!
Probably the token has expired. You can re-generated a fresh token runing the token_script.sh script, as described in the following document.
EDIT: the normal behaviour of the system is to cancel the token from time to time, so the best approach is regenerate it with a given periodicity (e.g. 24 hours). However, note that although you can manually regenerate the token and recofigure your application to use the new one as described above, it is better to program your application to do it automatically.
Please, have a look to the OAuth course in FI-WARE education platform and the Refresh Token section in the OAuth 2.0 RFC for more information.