MapView showRoute() function for Smartface 4.5 version is not drawing the route on the map -

This is duplicate of issue at: showRoute() Smartface 4.5 version is not drawing the route on the map
I was hoping someone can answer this ASAP.
Code that fails is simply:
Pages.Page1.MapView1.showRoute(41.06, 24.05,24.08,41.10);
When I try to run this code, the MapView zooms in to the endpoint(24.08,41.10) at the maximum zoom level of 21 and only draws route from endpoint to the edge of the zoomed in window of the MapView. When I zoom out from this view, I can clearly see how the route gets "chopped off".


flutter_map zooming and pannig is freezing

I'm developing a flutter web application using, to load some shapes in geojson format. Everything is fine when the user zooms in or out, but when trying to pan the map (panning behavior), it doesn't seem to move until I zoom again.
Any helps?

Bing Maps default pushpins are offset on map

Ok, so I'm having to use Bing Maps for a client, and I'm having issues with default pushpins.
When I add pushpins and set enableHoverStyle = true, it appears that the pushpin is below the mouseover area by 1.5 times the height of the pushpin.
So when the map renders and pins are added, the pushpin doesn't display the hover state unless the mouse is fairly high above the pin.
Here's an image of the issue:
Is there any way to get the hover area to accurately position over the pin?
I'm not able to reproduce this behavior. Can you try the following sample and see if it reproduces for you there:
If it doesn't then there is likely something in your application causing an issue. Could you provide a small sample that reproduces your issue.

Google Map SDK Swift, Zooming in and out like Uber's Map

I am trying to implement the Google Map SDK, and so far I have implemented a marker. I made the marker in a way that it follows as it is located in the center when I move the camera position.
The problem is that I can't zoom in and out while the marker's location is not changing. I would like to make the zooming experience like Uber in which the location does not change.. Thank you for your help.
You can use this line allowScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom to your GMSMapview. It controls whether rotate and zoom gestures can be performed off-center and scrolled around. The default value of this is YES.
mapView.settings.allowScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom = false // NO for obj-c and false for swift
So by setting it by NO/false, you can now perform zooming while the marker location is not moving. For more information, check this thread.

how to get current location as i slide the MapView?

I am using CLLocationManager to retrieve current location in my app and display using MapView, i want to slide the map so that the current location should also change to the new location where the map slides and it should annotate to the new location, how to do it? Please give your suggestions with sample code.
You probably don't mean "the current" since that means where the phone actually is, unless you want to transport the phone to another place when using this app which would be quite a feat. So, how about drawing a layer over the top of your map that keeps a pin drawn at the centre so it looks as if the pin is moving over the map, but really the map is moving under the pin.

OpenStreetMap/iOS: Markers and Routes Don't Work Together

I am a newbie to OpenStreetMap, but have a fair amount of iOS development experience. I'm working on an app that will have an OpenStreetMap map on it, with markers that respond to a touch, and a route generated programmatically from an array of locations. I can make all the pieces work, but together: not so good.
Following examples, I put the markers on the map, and hook the mapView to a delegate, so I can respond to touches on the markers. Then, again following examples, I create a CMRoute and add it as a sublayer ([mapView.contents.overlay addSublayer:walkRoute.path];). Doing that essentially hides the markers under the route sublayer; they no longer respond to a touch.
Can anyone point me in a direction that will give me the means to have a mapView and a route sublayer and still be able to detect marker touches? I don't ask for code (though that would be nice) but thoughts on how this could be accomplished.