Redshift select * vs select single column - database-performance

I'm having the following Redshift performance issue:
I have a table with ~ 2 billion rows, which has ~100 varchar columns and one int8 column (intCol). The table is relatively sparse, although there are columns which have values in each row.
The following query:
select colA from tableA where intCol = ‘111111’;
returns approximately 30 rows and runs relatively quickly (~2 mins)
However, the query:
select * from tableA where intCol = ‘111111’;
takes an undetermined amount of time (gave up after 60 mins).
I know pruning the columns in the projection is usually better but this application needs the full row.
Is this just a fundamentally bad thing to do in Redshift?
If not, why is this particular query taking so long? Is it related to the structure of the table somehow? Is there some Redshift knob to tweak to make it faster? I haven't yet messed with the distkey and sortkey on the table, but it's not clear that those should matter in this case.

The main reason why the first query is faster is because Redshift is a columnar database. A columnar database
stores table data per column, writing a same column data into a same block on the storage. This behavior is different from a row-based database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. Based on this, since the first query selects only colA column, Redshift does not need to access other columns at all, while the second query accesses all columns causing a huge disk access.
To improve the performance of the second query, you may need to set "sortkey" to colA column. By setting sortkey to a column, that column data will be stored in sorted order on the storage. It reduces the cost of disk access when fetching records with a condition including that column.


Will removing unused columns make postgres queries faster?

I have a table that contains both metadata about the row as well as some numeric information. The metadata is much bigger (URLs and free text versus just a few numbers for the other part).
Most of my queries ignore the metadata, e.g. they are just adding up some subset of the numbers.
If I split metadata into a different table, would that make these queries meaningfully faster? My table has about 30 million rows.
Selecting all the columns of the table will reduce the query performance.
Selecting only the required column will not affect the query performance
SELECT column1, column2 FROM TABLE1;
Disadvantages of having too many columns in PostgreSQL explained here

Best performance method for getting records by large collection of IDs

I am writing a query with code to select all records from a table where a column value is contained in a CSV. I found a suggestion that the best way to do this was using ARRAY functionality in PostgresQL.
I have a table price_mapping and it has a primary key of id and a column customer_id of type bigint.
I want to return all records that have a customer ID in the array I will generate from csv.
I tried this:
select * from price_mapping
where ARRAY[customer_id] <# ARRAY[5,7,10]::bigint[]
(the 5,7,10 part would actually be a csv inserted by my app)
But I am not sure that is right. In application the array could contain 10's of thousands of IDs so want to make sure I am doing right with best performance method.
Is this the right way in PostgreSQL to retrieve large collection of records by pre-defined column value?
Generally this is done with the SQL standard in operator.
select *
from price_mapping
where customer_id in (5,7,10)
I don't see any reason using ARRAY would be faster. It might be slower given it has to build arrays, though it might have been optimized.
In the past this was more optimal:
select *
from price_mapping
where customer_id = ANY(VALUES (5), (7), (10)
But new-ish versions of Postgres should optimize this for you.
Passing in tens of thousands of IDs might run up against a query size limit either in Postgres or your database driver, so you may wish to batch this a few thousand at a time.
As for the best performance, the answer is to not search for tens of thousands of IDs. Find something which relates them together, index that column, and search by that.
If your data is big enough, try this:
Read your CSV using a FDW (foreign data wrapper)
If you need this connection often, you might build a materialized view from it, holding only needed columns. Refresh this when new CSV is created.
Join your table against this foreign table or materialized viev.

Deleting rows in Postgres table using ctid

We have a table with nearly 2 billion events recorded. As per our data model, each event is uniquely identified with 4 columns combined primary key. Excluding the primary key, there are 5 B-tree indexes each on single different columns. So totally 6 B-tree indexes.
The events recorded span for years and now we need to remove the data older than 1 year.
We have a time column with long values recorded for each event. And we use the following query,
delete from events where ctid = any ( array (select ctid from events where time < 1517423400000 limit 10000) )
Does the indices gets updated?
During testing, it didn't.
After insertion,
total_table_size - 27893760
table_size - 7659520
index_size - 20209664
After deletion,
total_table_size - 20226048
table_size - 0
index_size - 20209664
Reindex can be done
Command: REINDEX
Description: rebuild indexes
Considering #a_horse_with_no_name method is the good solution.
What we had:
Postgres version 9.4.
1 table with 2 billion rows with 21 columns (all bigint) and 5 columns combined primary key and 5 individual column indices with date spanning 2 years.
It looks similar to time-series data with a time column containing UNIX timestamp except that its analytics project, so time is not at an ordered increase. The table was insert and select only (most select queries use aggregate functions).
What we need: Our data span is 6 months and need to remove the old data.
What we did (with less knowledge on Postgres internals):
Delete rows at 10000 batch rate.
At inital, the delete was so fast taking ms, as the bloat increased each batch delete increased to nearly 10s. Then autovacuum got triggered and it ran for almost 3 months. The insert rate was high and each batch delete has increased the WAL size too. Poor stats in the table made the current queries so slow that they ran for minutes and hours.
So we decided to go for Partitioning. Using Table Inheritance in 9.4, we implemented it.
Note: Postgres has Declarative Partitioning from version 10, which handles most manual work needed in partitioning using Table Inheritance.
Please go through the official docs as they have clear explanation.
Simplified and how we implemented it:
Create parent table
Create child table inheriting it with check constraints. (We had monthly partitions and created using schedular)
Indexes are need to be created separately for each child table
To drop old data, just drop the table, so vacuum is not needed and will be instant.
Make sure to have the postgres property constraint_exclusion to partition.
VACUUM ANALYZE the old partition after started inserting in the new partition. (In our case, it helped the query planner to use Index-Only scan instead of Seq. scan)
Using Triggers as mentioned in the docs may make the inserts slower, so we deviated from it, as we partitioned based on time column, we calculated the table name at application level based on time value before every insert and it didn't affect the insert rate for us.
Also read other caveats mentioned there.

Redshift time-series table loading questions

Redshift documentation identifies time-series tables as a best practice:
However, it doesn't address any of the following issues:
how many tables within a union-all view is reasonable - hundreds? (unanswered)
any method of writing to the union-all view and having redshift direct those inserts to the correct underlying tables? (Answer: no)
most effective method of loading underlying tables? Perhaps using firehose to insert into a staging table then periodically inserting those rows into appropriate table within union-all view? (unanswered)
any way to enable redshift to eliminate some underlying partitions (tables) when querying the union-all view if their date range is outside of a query's criteria? (Answer: No)
can redshift support dropping old tables, adding new tables and rebuilding union-all view within a transaction? (unanswered)
My situation:
100 million rows added daily, which will grow to 500 million in 3 years
12 month retention desired
Estimated 99% of all queries will hit the most recent 1-7 days
Data is written to existing table via kinesis firehose to s3 which then triggers a copy to redshift table.
My proposed solution:
Create a year of daily tables with a union all view, along with a dist_key of sensor_id (100,000+ uniq values) and a sort_key of (timestamp, sensor_id).
Have firehose load into staging table
Create separate process that once an hour queries staging table to discover dates of data within table, then performs an insert into 'appropriate table' select * from where timestamp = table's timestamp.
This hourly writer can probably wrap a table rename, multiple insert-selects, and table recreate in a transaction to be invisible to firehose.
Once a month drop old tables, create next month of tables, and rebuild view.
This union-all view maintenance can probably be wrapped in a transaction to avoid impacts to users.
Once a night run the vacuum analyzer.
EDITS: added notes identifying which issues have been answered, and added some detail to the proposed solution.
Your proposed process sounds quite good! While I can't answer all your questions, here is some information:
Any method of writing to the union-all view and having redshift direct those inserts to the correct underlying tables?
Views are read-only. It is not possible to write to a view, nor is it possible to insert data while expecting Redshift to send it to an appropriate table (eg a specific table for the given day).
Any way to enable redshift to eliminate some underlying partitions (tables) when querying the union-all view if their date range is outside of a query's criteria?
Redshift will not exclude specific tables from the query, but it will avoid reading particular disk blocks through the use of Zone Maps. Each block of data written to disk is associated with a specific table and column. The block has a Zone Map, which indicates the minimum and maximum values of that field stored within the block.
If a query includes a WHERE clause, Redshift can skip blocks that do not contain relevant data. This is particularly powerful when used on the SORTKEY column, since similar ranges of data are grouped together.
Given that you are using a date as the SORTKEY, Redshift will read very few disk blocks if the query includes a WHERE clause based on that column. This is very similar to the idea of skipping tables, but it actually skips reading disk blocks.

Redshift query a daily-generated table

I am looking for a way to create a Redshift query that will retrieve data from a table that is generated daily. Tables in our cluster are of the form:
.. and so on.
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid operation):
SELECT * FROM concat('event_table_', to_char(getdate(),'YYYY_MM_DD'))
Any suggestions on how this can be performed are greatly appreciated!
I have tried writing a query that appends the current date to the
table name, but this does not seem to work correctly (invalid
Redshift does not support that. But you most likely won't need it.
Try the following (expanding on the answer from #ketan):
Create your main table with appropriate (for joins) DIST key, and COMPOUND or simple SORT KEY on timestamp column, and proper compression on columns.
Daily, create a temp table (use CREATE TABLE ... LIKE - this will preserve DIST/SORT keys), load it with daily data, VACUUM SORT.
Copy sorted temp table into main table using ALTER TABLE APPEND - this will copy the data sorted, and will reduce VACUUM on the main table. You may still need VACUUM SORT after that.
After that query your main table normally, probably giving it a range on timestamp. Redshift is optimised for these scenarios, and 99% of times you don't need to optimise table scans yourself - even on tables with billion of rows scans take milliseconds to few seconds. You may need to optimise elsewhere, but that's the second step.
To get insight in the performance of scans, use STL_QUERY system table to find your query ID, and then use STL_SCAN (or SVL_QUERY_SUMMARY) table to see how fast the scan was.
Your example is actually the main use case for ALTER TABLE APPEND.
I am assuming that you are creating a new table everyday.
What you can do is:
Create a view on top of event_table_* tables. Query your data using this view.
Whenever you create or drop a table, update the view.
If you want, you can avoid #2: Instead of creating a new table everyday, create empty tables for next 1-2 years. So, no need to update the view every day. However, do remember that there is an upper limit of 9,900 tables in Redshift.
Edit: If you always need to query today's table (instead of all tables, as I assumed originally), I don't think you can do that without updating your view.
However, you can modify your design to have just one table, with date as sort-key. So, whenever your table is queried with some date, all disk blocks that don't have that date will be skipped. That'll be as efficient as having time-series tables.