How can I change the user that I am using for smartface -

When I started the smartface ide first time I entered my email and password, Now I want to use another user, How can I do that?

There is 'Welcome ... logout' on right bottom corner.You can log out pressing 'logout' in here and log in with another user.


flutter - change password with api by typing old and new password + submit button is active when both textfields are filled

I want to change the password in the API with flutter by typing old and new password in the textfield with print success or failed. If you want to help me I would be
very grateful :)

Terminal showing ReSubScription:{} when using LiveQuery in parse_server_sdk_flutter

I followed all steps in documentation, but this function never gets called:
(value) {});
All I receive in terminal is this: "ReSubScription:{}".
I am trying to capture the event when one of my classes in the database gets a new record/entry.
If requested, I can arrange a demo codebase, but please help me get through this.
PS: I am calling this subscription.on() method in initState() method of a stateful widget, not in main().
I am sharing link of git repo of a minimal app to demonstrate what I did. Here is the link
Please see what have I done incorrect with livequery. Would be grateful for any pointers/guidance.
Please note, I've hardcoded adminId (objectId of admin logged in). Check TODO plz.
My Testing procedure:
Create a user from backend database manually using Parse Dashboard. Plz Keep username = email.
Open app. Click admin button. Go to AdminLogin page and enter your email and password.
If you are successful, app will navigate to next white screen. This confirms that auth was done successfully.
Open the app again. Click user button. Go to UserForm.
Enter name and hit subscriber button. This will create a new class in Database by the name "Subscribers" and add columns "adminId" and "name"
(plz hardcode the adminId in code bcoz you already know it)
Now open the app again and go to admin and login again to move to control panel (white screen).
Wait for the back4app to send trigger/callback. (which shows ReSubScription:{}).
The problem is related to the code below:
final ParseObject object = ParseObject('Subscribers');
final response = await object.create();
if (response.success && response.count > 0) {
final ParseObject record = response.results[0];
record.set('name', name);
record.set('adminId', adminId);
Note that first you create the object with no adminId and that's why your event is not triggered. You then set the adminId and update the object. In that moment, your enter event should be triggered. Please listen to all different events (create, enter, update, leave, delete) and you will see it happening.

Bitrix24 Reopen calling popup window

In bitrix24 when I pickup call using Phone device and refresh the web page I lost the popup answering window.Now I want to reopen the lost popup window.
Please suggest how I to achieve this
If you know the callId, you can use javascript library
BX24.callMethod('', {CALL_ID: $callId, USER_ID: $userThatShouldSeeWindowId}, function(res){
or rest api

How to redirect the user to a custom page when user click "Connect to QuickBooks" button?

So Intuit charges for each active connections to QuickBooks. Therefore, I want to restrict the QuickBooks functionality in my application to premium users only.
Ideally when any user clicks the "Connect to QuickBooks" button and my RequestOAuthToken http handler is called, I want to check if the user is allowed to use QuickBooks. If that is the case, then the normal OAuth flow continue. If the user is NOT allowed, then I want to redirect the user to the upgrade page of my app.
Given that the "Connect to QuickBooks" button opens a new window (at least on desktop, I haven't tried on phone/tablets), the window should get closed, and the main window (my app) should redirect the user to the right page. And actually this is exactly what happens if the normal OAuth flow completes.
Now, I have tried a few different approaches but I couldn't get it working.
1) In my RequestOAuthToken, return a HTTP redirect to the plan page
2) In my RequestOAuthToken, return an html page with javascript logic to redirect to page
3) In my RequestOAuthToken, return HTTP redirect to a page with javascript logic to redirect to page
4) I haven't tried that one but could I somehow intercept the javascript click handler on the Intuit button. I'm not sure if that is an accepted practice.
Here is the piece a javascript I grabbed from the .Net sample:
var parentlocation = window.parent.opener.location.hostname;
var currentlocation = window.location.hostname;
if (parentlocation != currentlocation)
window.location = plansUrl;
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;
catch (e)
window.location = plansUrl;
Help me out please.
I don't think you'll be able to do exactly what you're asking, but you can probably come close by taking a different approach.
Rather than trying to redirect them after they click the button, why not try to redirect them before they click it? e.g. when they try to get to the page that has the "Connect to QuickBooks" button it, check if they are a premium user there, and redirect them if they are not.
I don't think you'll be able to redirect them after they click the button because once they click that button, they get kicked over to Intuit's website and it's beyond your control at that point.
Clement, Keith has provided the answer we would want you to pursue. You may not alter the behavior of the Connect To QuickBooks button. It must be used as described in our documentation. Providing a link to a page that shows the Connect To QuickBooks buttons for your premium users and an upgrade message to non-premium users is the way to go.
I highly recommend that you visit and review all of the documentation there. If you develop with our guidelines and requirements in mind it will speed up the review process.
Tony Purmal
Developer Relations Engineer
Intuit Partner Platform

Watir webdriver attaching windows and waiting

I am trying to detect when a Facebook pop-up is displayed to then fill out the Facebook login form. I have tried the attach method, also the wait method, and the sleep method but it seems that as soon as I launch the new page all connection is lost:
#this output is displayed
puts "lets the game begingsx"
#this output is never displayed
puts "lets start sleep"
$b.window(:title,/Log In | Facebook/i).use do
$b.text_field(:id => 'email').when_present.set("")
Here is how you can use newly opened/pop-up window
#my_browser =
#my_browser.goto "your first url"
When you get facebook pop-up then do the following to perform actions on the pop-up window. I am assuming that you now the title on the facebook popup
#my_browser.window(:title => "facebook login popup title").use do
#my_browser.button(:id => "yout buttone id").click
I hope it will help
The problem is that you are using wrong title for Facebook login page. Page title is in html element.
So use this construct
#browser.window(:title => 'Facebook').wait_until_present
#browser.window(:title => 'Facebook').use do
Regards, Karlo.