How to convert datatype in SPARK SQL to specific datatype but RDD result to a specifical class - scala

I am reading a csv file and need to create a RDDSchema
I read the file by using the sqlContext.csvFile
val testfile = sqlContext.csvFile("file")
I wanted to change the pick some of the fields and return an RDD type of those fields
For example : class Test(ID: String, order_date: Date, Name: String, value: Double)
Using sqlContext.sql("Select col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM ...)
val testfile = sqlContext.sql("Select col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM testtable).collect
Class[_ <: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]] = class [Lorg.apache.spark.sql.Row;
So I wanted to change col1 to double, col2 to a date , and column3 to string?
Is there a way to do this in the sqlContext.sql or I have to run a map function to the result and then turn it back to RDD..
I tried to do the do the item in one statement and I got this error:
val old_rdd : RDD[Test] = sqlContext.sql("SELECT col, col2, col3,col4 FROM testtable") => (t(0) : String ,dateFormat.parse(dateFormat.format(1)),t(2) : String, t(3) : Double))
The issue I am having is the assignment does not result on RDD[Test] where Test is a class defined
The error is saying that the map command is coming out as an Array Class and not an RDD Class
found : Array[edu.model.Test]
[error] required: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[edu.model.Test]

Lets say you have a case class like this:
case class Test(
ID: String, order_date: java.sql.Date, Name: String, value: Double)
Since you load your data with csvFile with default parameters it doesn't perform any schema inference and your data is stored as plain strings. Lets assume that there are no other fields:
val df = sc.parallelize(
("ORD1", "2016-01-02", "foo", "2.23") ::
("ORD2", "2016-07-03", "bar", "9.99") :: Nil
).toDF("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4")
Your attempt to use map is wrong for more than one reason:
function you use annotates individual values with incorrect types. Not only Row.apply is of type Int => Any but also your data table contains shouldn't contain any Double values
since you collect (which doesn't makes sense here) you fetch all data to the driver and result is local Array not RDD
finally, if all previous issues were resolved, (String, Date, String, Double) is clearly not a Test
One way to handle this:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val casted =
val tests: RDD[Test] = {
case Row(id: String, date: java.sql.Date, name: String, value: Double) =>
Test(id, date, name, value)
You can also try to use new Dataset API but it is far from stable:[Test].rdd


Aggregating all Column values within a Map after groupBy in Apache Spark

I've been trying this all day long with a Dataframe but no luck so far. Already did it with a RDD but it isn't really readable, so this approach would be much better when it comes to code readability.
Take this initial and result DF, both the starting DF and what I would like to obtain after peforming .groupBy().
case class SampleRow(name:String, surname:String, age:Int, city:String)
case class ResultRow(name: String, surnamesAndAges: Map[String, (Int, String)])
val df = List(
SampleRow("Rick", "Fake", 17, "NY"),
SampleRow("Rick", "Jordan", 18, "NY"),
SampleRow("Sandy", "Sample", 19, "NY")
val resultDf = List(
ResultRow("Rick", Map("Fake" -> (17, "NY"), "Jordan" -> (18, "NY"))),
ResultRow("Sandy", Map("Sample" -> (19, "NY")))
What I've tried so far is performing the following .groupBy...
val resultDf = df
However, the following is prompt into console.
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: expression '`surname`' is neither present in the group by, nor is it an aggregate function. Add to group by or wrap in first() (or first_value) if you don't care which value you get.;;
However, doing that would result in a single entry per surname and I would like to accumulate those in a single Map as you can see in resultDf. Is there an easy way to achieve this using DFs?
you can achieve it with a single UDF to convert your data to map:
val toMap = udf((keys: Seq[String], values1: Seq[String], values2: Seq[String]) => {
val myResultDF = df.groupBy("name").agg(collect_list("surname") as "surname", collect_list("age") as "age", collect_list("city") as "city").withColumn("surnamesAndAges", toMap($"surname", $"age", $"city")).drop("age", "city", "surname").show(false)
|name |surnamesAndAges |
|Sandy|[Sample -> [19, NY]] |
|Rick |[Fake -> [17, NY], Jordan -> [18, NY]]|
If you are not concerned about typecasting the Dataframe to DataSet (In this case ResultRow you could do something like this
val grouped =df.withColumn("surnameAndAge",struct($"surname",$"age"))
Then you could create a User defined function which would look like
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val arrayToMap = udf[Map[String, String], Seq[Row]] {
array => {
case Row(key: String, value: String) => (key, value) }.toMap
Now you could use a .withColumn and call this udf
val finalData = grouped.withColumn("surnamesAndAges",arrayToMap($"surnamesAndAges"))
The Dataframe would look something like this
finalData: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string, surnamesAndAges: map<string,string>]
Since Spark 2.4, you don't need to use a Spark user-defined function:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, collect_set, map_from_entries, struct}
df.withColumn("mapEntry", struct(col("surname"), struct(col("age"), col("city"))))
You first add a column containing a Map entry from desired columns. a Map entry is merely a struct containing two columns: first column is the key and the second column is the value. You can put another struct as the value. So here your Map entry will use column surname as key, and a struct of columns age and city as value:
struct(col("surname"), struct(col("age"), col("city")))
Then, you collect all the Map entries grouped by your groupBy key, which is column name using function collect_set, and you convert this list of Map entries to a Map using function map_from_entries

Spark SQL convert dataset to dataframe

How do I convert a dataset obj to a dataframe? In my example, I am converting a JSON file to dataframe and converting to DataSet. In dataset, I have added some additional attribute(newColumn) and convert it back to a dataframe. Here is my example code:
val empData ="header", "true").option("inferSchema", "true").option("multiline", "true").json(filePath)
import sparkSession.implicits._
val res =[Emp]
//for (i <- res.take(4)) println( + " ->" + i.newColumn)
val s = res.toDF();
case class Emp(name: String, gender: String, company: String, address: String) {
val newColumn = if (gender == "male") "Not-allowed" else "Allowed"
But I am expected the new column name newColumn added in s.printschema(). output result. But it is not happening? Why? Any reason? How can I achieve this?
The schema of the output with Product Encoder is solely determined based on it's constructor signature. Therefore anything that happens in the body is simply discarded.
You can => (x, x.newColumn)).toDF("value", "newColumn")

How to create NULLable Flink table columns from Scala case classes that contain Option types

I would like to create a DataSet (or DataStream) from a collection of case classes that contain Option values.
In the created table columns resulting from Option values should either contain NULL or the actual primitive value.
This is what I tried:
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.ExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.types.Row
object OptionExample {
case class Event(time: Timestamp, id: String, value: Option[Int])
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env)
val data = env.fromCollection(Seq(
Event(Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 00:01:00"), "a", Some(3)),
Event(Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 00:03:00"), "a", None),
Event(Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 00:03:00"), "b", Some(7)),
Event(Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 00:02:00"), "a", Some(5))
val table = tEnv.fromDataSet(data)
// root
// |-- time: Timestamp
// |-- id: String
// |-- value: Option[Integer]
val result = table
.select('id, 'value.avg as 'averageValue)
// Print results
val ds: DataSet[Row] = result.toDataSet
But this causes an Exception in the aggregation part...
org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Expression avg('value) failed on input check: avg requires numeric types, get Option[Integer] here with this approach Option does not get converted into a numeric type with NULLs as described above.
How can I achieve this with Flink?
(I'm coming from Apache Spark, there Datasets created from case classes with Options have this behaviour. I would like to achieve something similar with Flink)

Spark DataFrame not supporting Char datatype

I am creating a Spark DataFrame from a text file. Say Employee file which contains String, Int, Char.
created a class:
case class Emp (
Name: String,
eid: Int,
Age: Int,
Sex: Char,
Sal: Int,
City: String)
Created RDD1 using split, then created RDD2:
val textFileRDD2 = => Emp(
And Final RDDS as:
finalRDD = textFileRDD2.toDF
when I create final RDD it throws the error:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: No Encoder found for scala.Char"
can anyone help me out why and how to resolve it?
Spark SQL doesn't provide Encoders for Char and generic Encoders are not very useful.
You can either use a StringType:
attributes(3).slice(0, 1)
or ShortType (or BooleanType, ByteType if you accept only binary response):
attributes(3)(0) match {
case 'F' => 1: Short
case _ => 0: Short

How to handle dates in Spark using Scala?

I have a flat file that looks like as mentioned below.
1,Alex,Business Manager,2016-01-01
I am using the Spark Context to read this file as follows.
val myFile = sc.textFile("file.txt")
I want to generate a Spark DataFrame from this file and I am using the following code to do so.
case class Record(id: Int, name: String,desg:String,tdate:String)
val myFile1 =>x.split(",")).map {
case Array(id, name,desg,tdate) => Record(id.toInt, name,desg,tdate)
This is giving me a DataFrame with id as int and rest of the columns as String.
I want the last column, tdate, to be casted to date type.
How can I do that?
You just need to convert the String to a java.sql.Date object. Then, your code can simply become:
import java.sql.Date
case class Record(id: Int, name: String,desg:String,tdate:Date)
val myFile1 =>x.split(",")).map {
case Array(id, name,desg,tdate) => Record(id.toInt, name,desg,Date.valueOf(tdate))