Get progress of derby database recovery process - eclipse-rcp

I would like to create a progress bar that shows when the derby database of my elipse RCP applications is repairing itself on startup.
I read about how the general recovery proces of derby works:
Now I'm left trying to figure out if there are any hooks that I can use to show the progress of the recovery process. Are there any extensions point I could use?


Can't see Process Management in KIE workbench menu

I am running KIE Drools workbench version 7.5.0 (kie-drools-wb-7.5.0.Final-wildfly10.war) on WildFly 10. On my workbench, I can create a new project and add a new Business Process. However, I can't access the Process Management page that most tutorials show because the menu doesn't display it at all. See the screenshot to get a clearer idea of what I am saying.
My KIE Workbench shows Projects and Dashboard under Design, Deployments and Execution Servers under DevOps and Business Dashboards under Track. Most tutorials show that this menu has much more than this, atleast a Process Management option.
So the problem is I can't see the Process Management option in my menu. Can somebody help me out here?
The Kie Workbench has a few variations, the one you're trying (kie-drools-wb) is target for authoring and deploying rules only. To have access the full set process related features, please try kie-wb instead:

JBoss Developer Studio (Eclipse) Data Source Explorer - Disconnect HSQL still locked

I have a database connection to HSQL in Eclipse via the Data Source Explorer (DSE). I can browse the existing HSQL database just fine, and then I disconnect and start a web app that uses the same database. After disconnecting, my web app won't start unless I restart Eclipse because it says the HSQL database is locked.
If I start Eclipse and run my web app then it works fine.
What it looks like is that when I disconnect hte Eclipse DSE it does not actually release the lock properly.
Any ideas?
For anyone who is still looking for an answer:
HSQLDB lock file is not released from Eclipse Data source explorer when you disconnect, when you connect to file based URL. To release the lock, execute SHUTDOWN command on the DB (e.g. by opening SQL Scrapbook against the connection and executing SHUTDOWN as an SQL statement) and then disconnect. Also, this command could even be executed by starting a new session from the data source explorer itself, if you have disconnected before executing the shutdown command.

Restoring Apache Derby Database

I use Netbeans to develop a project with JSF, JPA and Java database. I can make a back up online by right clicking the database connections under services and excuting CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_BACKUP_DATABASE('c:/tem/2005-06-01') command. But how can I restore or create a database from that backup.
Several articles state that to use jdbc:derby:sample;restoreFrom=c:\mybackups\sample in the in the boot time connection URL. What is boot time connection? I tried to use it as the connection string in Netbeans new connection dialog, but that was not successful.
Please tell me how can I restore the backup.
There is a wealth of information about backing up and restoring Derby databases here:
If you're not comfortable using Derby outside of the Netbeans environment, start here:

Error when updating p2 enabled RCP application in multiuser environment

Is that possible to implement the update of my own p2 enabled RCP application in a way that it will function in multiuser environment. What I want to do is identical to eclipse, I want to have my application installed in a location that is read-only to the user. When the user runs, he gets his own writable location, usually under his home directory. The user can install additional features that are stored under this writable location. How is that possible to do. I tested my application and it doesn't work this way by default, my application tries to download updates fails and keep restarting.
Thank you in advance.
When you deploy your RCP app, follow the steps in Eclipse multi-user installs to create a configuration area that you can make read-only and then run as another user.
In theory it should be something like:
rcp.exe -initialize
make RCP application directory read-only

Restoring Ingres Database from one system to another system

We want to restore the database that we have got from the client as backup in our development environment, we are unable to restore the database successfully, can any one help us to know the steps involved in this restore process? Thanks in Advance.
Vijay, if you plan to make a new database out of checkpoints (+journals) made on another (physical) server, then I must disappoint you - it is going to be a painful process. Follow these instructions . The process is basically the same as upgradedb . However, if architecture of the development server is different (say backup has been made on a 32bit system, and development machine is, say POWER6-based) then it is impossible to make your development copy of the database using this method.
On top of all this, this method of restoring backups is not officially supported by Actian.
My recommendation is to use the 'unloaddb' tool on the production server, export the database in some directory, SCP that directory to your development server, and then use the generated '' file to create the development database. NOTE: this is the way supported by Actian, and you may find more details on this page: . This is the preferred way of migrating databases across various platforms.
It really depends on how the database has been backed up and provided to you.
In Ingres there is a snapshot (called a checkpoint) that can be restored into a congruent environment, but that can be quite involved.
There is also output from copydb and unloaddb commands which can be reloaded into another database. Things to look out for here are a change in machine architecture or paths that may have been embedded into the scripts.
Do you know how the database was backed up?