Are futures blocked in the receive method of Actors - scala

Just a question :
I have an actor that queries the db (assume that queries take some time) .
all results from db are returning a Future .
this is basically they way we do it :
case class BasePay(id:String,baseSalary)
class CalcActor(db:DB) extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = {
case BasePay(id:String,baseSalary) =>
person <- db.longQueryToFindPerson(id)
calc <- db.anotherLongQueryCallCommission(person,baseSalary)
}yield Foo(person,calc)
what happens if I get a lot of BasePay messages before the futures completes ?
is it queued ? are there other failures I should notice here ?

What happens if I get a lot of BasePay messages before the futures completes?
A lot of futures will be executed, regardless of when the first one completes.
Is it queued?
No. The only way to have it queue would be to block on the Future result. Since the Future is dispatched asynchronously, the actor is able to continue processing messages.
Are there other failures I should notice here?
This is a broad question. Since that looks like example code, it is difficult to speculate what could go wrong. You could quickly exhaust any sort of connection pool by dispatching many queries at the same time. That can be limited by creating an ExecutionContext with a limited size to throttle how many of the Futures are executed at the same time, but that would not limit the actor from accepting the messages rapidly.

the for comprehension uses a context to execute your code
person <- db.longQueryToFindPerson(id)
calc <- db.anotherLongQueryCallCommission(person,baseSalary)
}yield Foo(person,calc)
this is actually desugar into
db.longQueryToFindPerson(id).flatMap(person =>
.map(calc => Foo(person,calc))(aContext)//if no context will use implicit in this case the dispatcher assigned to the actor
but future flatmap requires a context to run, given that none is provided it will use an implicit context
in this case will be using the dispatcher assigned to your actor, therefore, your actor will be competing for threads allocation with the futures being executed. So your actor will increase its mailbox until dispatcher is able to process the futures.
you can specify another dispatcher to run the futures, there different ways.
implicit val context = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(//etc)
person <- db.longQueryToFindPerson(id)
calc <- db.anotherLongQueryCallCommission(person,baseSalary)
}yield Foo(person,calc)

if this is the default mailbox, i.e you didn't specify a mailbox in some way then its non-blocking and unbounded so its OK as long as you don't run out of memory.
check the documentation for even more info.


Alternative to using Future.sequence inside Akka Actors

We have a fairly complex system developed using Akka HTTP and Actors model. Until now, we extensively used ask pattern and mixed Futures and Actors.
For example, an actor gets message, it needs to execute 3 operations in parallel, combine a result out of that data and returns it to sender. What we used is
declare a new variable in actor receive message callback to store a sender (since we use it can be another sender).
executed all those 3 futures in parallel using Future.sequence (sometimes its call of function that returns a future and sometimes it is ask to another actor to get something from it)
combine the result of all 3 futures using map or flatMap function of Future.sequence result
pipe a final result to a sender using pipeTo
Here is a code simplified:
case RetrieveData(userId, `type`, id, lang, paging, timeRange, platform) => {
val sen = sender
val result: Future[Seq[Map[String, Any]]] = if (paging.getOrElse(Paging(0, 0)) == Paging(0, 0)) Future.successful(Seq.empty)
else {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val profileF = profileActor ? Get(userId)
Future.sequence(Seq(profileF, getSymbols(`type`, id), getData(paging, timeRange, platform)).map { result =>"Got ${result.size} news in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - start} ms")
}.recover { case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error(s"Failure on getting data: ${ex.getMessage}", ex)
Function getAndProcessData contains Future.sequence with executing 3 futures in parallel.
Now, as I'm reading more and more on Akka, I see that using ask is creating another actor listener. Questions are:
As we extensively use ask, can it lead to a to many threads used in a system and perhaps a thread starvation sometimes?
Using much also means different thread often. I read about one thread actor illusion which can be easily broken with mixing Futures.
Also, can this affect performances in a bad way?
Do we need to store sender in temp variable send, since we're using pipeTo? Could we do only pipeTo(sender). Also, does declaring sen in almost each receive callback waste to much resources? I would expect its reference will be removed once operation in complete.
Is there a chance to design such a system in a better way, meadning that we don't use map or ask so much? I looked at examples when you just pass a replyTo reference to some actor and the use tell instead of ask. Also, sending message to self and than replying to original sender can replace working with in some scenarios. But how it can be designed having in mind we want to perform 3 async operations in parallel and returns a formatted data to a sender? We need to have all those 3 operations completed to be able to format data.
I tried not to include to many examples, I hope you understand our concerns and problems. Many questions, but I would really love to understand how it works, simple and clear
Thanks in advance
If you want to do 3 things in parallel you are going to need to create 3 Future values which will potentially use 3 threads, and that can't be avoided.
I'm not sure what the issue with map is, but there is only one call in this code and that is not necessary.
Here is one way to clean up the code to avoid creating unnecessary Future values (untested!):
case RetrieveData(userId, `type`, id, lang, paging, timeRange, platform) =>
if (paging.forall(_ == Paging(0, 0))) {
sender ! Seq.empty
} else {
val sen = sender
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val resF = Seq(
profileActor ? Get(userId),
getSymbols(`type`, id),
getData(paging, timeRange, platform),
Future.sequence(resF).onComplete {
case Success(result) =>
val dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - start"Got ${result.size} news in $dur ms")
sen ! result
case Failure(ex)
logger.error(s"Failure on getting data: ${ex.getMessage}", ex)
sen ! Seq.empty
You can avoid ask by creating your own worker thread that collects the different results and then sends the result to the sender, but that is probably more complicated than is needed here.
An actor only consumes a thread in the dispatcher when it is processing a message. Since the number of messages the actor spawned to manage the ask will process is one, it's very unlikely that the ask pattern by itself will cause thread starvation. If you're already very close to thread starvation, an ask might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Mixing Futures and actors can break the single-thread illusion, if and only if the code executing in the Future accesses actor state (meaning, basically, vars or mutable objects defined outside of a receive handler).
Request-response and at-least-once (between them, they cover at least most of the motivations for the ask pattern) will in general limit throughput compared to at-most-once tells. Implementing request-response or at-least-once without the ask pattern might in some situations (e.g. using a replyTo ActorRef for the ultimate recipient) be less overhead than piping asks, but probably not significantly. Asks as the main entry-point to the actor system (e.g. in the streams handling HTTP requests or processing messages from some message bus) are generally OK, but asks from one actor to another are a good opportunity to streamline.
Note that, especially if your actor imports context.dispatcher as its implicit ExecutionContext, transformations on Futures are basically identical to single-use actors.
Situations where you want multiple things to happen (especially when you need to manage partial failure (Future.sequence.recover is a possible sign of this situation, especially if the recover gets nontrivial)) are potential candidates for a saga actor to organize one particular request/response.
I would suggest instead of using Future.sequence, Souce from Akka can be used which will run all the futures in parallel, in which you can provide the parallelism also.
Here is the sample code:
Source.fromIterator( () => Seq(profileF, getSymbols(`type`, id), getData(paging, timeRange, platform)).iterator )
.mapAsync( parallelism = 1 ) { case (seqIdValue, row) => seqIdValue -> _ )
}.runWith( Sink.seq ).map( => idWithDTO))
This will return Future[Seq[Map[String, Any]]]

Do all futures need to be waited on to guarantee their execution?

We have a Scala Play webapp which does a number of database operations as part of a HTTP request, each of which is a Future. Usually we bubble up the Futures to an async controller action and let Play handle waiting for them.
But I've also noticed in a number of places we don't bubble up the Future or even wait for it to complete. I think this is bad because it means the HTTP request wont fail if the future fails, but does it actually even guarantee the future will be executed at all, since nothing is going to wait on the result of it? Will Play drop un-awaited futures after the HTTP request has been served, or leave them running in the background?
Play will not kill your Futures after sending the HTTP response.
Errors will not be reported if any of your Futures fail.
Long version
Your futures will not be killed when the HTTP response has been sent. You can try that out for yourself like this:
def futuresTest = Action.async { request =>
println(s"Entered futuresTest at ${}")
val ignoredFuture = Future{
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i += 1
println(s"Leaving futuresTest at ${}")
However you are right that the request will not fail if any of the futures fail. If this is a problem then you can compose the futures using a for comprehension or flatMaps. Here's an example of what you can do (I'm assuming that your Futures only perform side efects (Future[Unit])
To let your futures execute in paralell
val dbFut1 = dbCall1(...)
val dbFut2 = dbCall2(...)
val wsFut1 = wsCall1(...)
val fut = for(
_ <- dbFut1;
_ <- dbFut2;
_ <- wsFut1
) yield () => Ok)
To have them execute in sequence
val fut = for(
_ <- dbCall1(...);
_ <- dbCall2(...);
_ <- wsCall2(...)
) yield () => Ok)
does it actually even guarantee the future will be executed at all,
since nothing is going to wait on the result of it? Will Play drop
un-awaited futures after the HTTP request has been served, or leave
them running in the background?
This question actually runs much deeper than Play. You're generally asking "If I don't synchronously wait on a future, how can I guarantee it will actually complete without being GCed?". To answer that, we need to understand how the GC actually views threads. From the GC point of view, a thread is what we call a "root". Such a root is the starting point for the heap to traverse it's objects and see which ones are eligible for collection. Among roots are also static fields, for example, which are known to live throughout the life time of the application.
So, when you view it like that, and think of what a Future actually does, which is queue a function that runs on a dedicated thread from the pool of threads available via the underlying ExecutorService (which we refer to as ExecutionContext in Scala), you see that even though you're not waiting on the completion, the JVM runtime does guarantee that your Future will run to completion. As for the Future object wrapping the function, it holds a reference to that unfinished function body so the Future itself isn't collected.
When you think about it from that point of view, it's totally logical, since execution of a Future happens asynchronously, and we usually continue processing it in an asynchronous manner using continuations such as map, flatMap, onComplete, etc.

How can I gather state information from a set of actors using only the actorSystem?

I'm creating an actor system, which has a list of actors representing some kind of session state.
These session are created by a factory actor (which might, in the future, get replaced by a router, if performance requires that - this should be transparent to the rest of the system, however).
Now I want to implement an operation where I get some state information from each of my currently existing session actors.
I have no explicit session list, as I want to rely on the actor system "owning" the sessions. I tried to use the actor system to look up the current session actors. The problem is that I did not find a "get all actor refs with this naming pattern" method. I tried to use the "/" operator on the system, followed by resolveOne - but got lost in a maze of future types.
The basic idea I had was:
- Send a message to all current session actors (as given to my by my ActorSystem).
- Wait for a response from them (preferably by using just the "ask" pattern - the method calling this broadcaster request/response is just a monitoring resp. debugging method, so blocking is no probleme here.
- And then collect the responses into a result.
After a death match against Scala's type system I had to give up for now.
Is there really no way of doing something like this?
If I understand the question correctly, then I can offer up a couple of ways you can accomplish this (though there are certainly others).
Option 1
In this approach, there will be an actor that is responsible for waking up periodically and sending a request to all session actors to get their current stats. That actor will use ActorSelection with a wildcard to accomplish that goal. A rough outline if the code for this approach is as follows:
case class SessionStats(foo:Int, bar:Int)
case object GetSessionStats
class SessionActor extends Actor{
def receive = {
case GetSessionStats =>
println(s"${self.path} received a request to get stats")
sender ! SessionStats(1, 2)
case object GatherStats
class SessionStatsGatherer extends Actor{
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 5 seconds, self, GatherStats)(context.dispatcher)
def receive = {
case GatherStats =>
println("Waking up to gether stats")
val sel = context.system.actorSelection("/user/session*")
sel ! GetSessionStats
case SessionStats(f, b) =>
println(s"got session stats from ${sender.path}, values are $f and $b")
Then you could test this code with the following:
val system = ActorSystem("test")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-1")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-2")
system.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], "session-3")
So with this approach, as long as we use a naming convention, we can use an actor selection with a wildcard to always find all of the session actors even though they are constantly coming (starting) and going (stopping).
Option 2
A somewhat similar approach, but in this one, we use a centralized actor to spawn the session actors and act as a supervisor to them. This central actor also contains the logic to periodically poll for stats, but since it's the parent, it does not need an ActorSelection and can instead just use its children list. That would look like this:
case object SpawnSession
class SessionsManager extends Actor{
context.system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 5 seconds, self, GatherStats)(context.dispatcher)
var sessionCount = 1
def receive = {
case SpawnSession =>
val session = context.actorOf(Props[SessionActor], s"session-$sessionCount")
println(s"Spawned session: ${session.path}")
sessionCount += 1
sender ! session
case GatherStats =>
println("Waking up to get session stats")
context.children foreach (_ ! GetSessionStats)
case SessionStats(f, b) =>
println(s"got session stats from ${sender.path}, values are $f and $b")
And could be tested as follows:
val system = ActorSystem("test")
val manager = system.actorOf(Props[SessionsManager], "manager")
manager ! SpawnSession
manager ! SpawnSession
manager ! SpawnSession
Now, these examples are extremely trivialized, but hopefully they paint a picture for how you could go about solving this issue with either ActorSelection or a management/supervision dynamic. And a bonus is that ask is not needed in either and also no blocking.
There have been many additional changes in this project, so my answer/comments have been delayed quite a bit :-/
First, the session stats gathering should not be periodical, but on request. My original idea was to "mis-use" the actor system as my map of all existing session actors, so that I would not need a supervisor actor knowing all sessions.
This goal has shown to be elusive - session actors depend on shared state, so the session creator must watch sessions anyways.
This makes Option 2 the obvious answer here - the session creator has to watch all children anyways.
The most vexing hurdle with option 1 was "how to determine when all (current) answers are there" - I wanted the statistics request to take a snapshot of all currently existing actor names, query them, ignore failures (if a session dies before it can be queried, it can be ignored here) - the statistics request is only a debugging tool, i.e. something like a "best effort".
The actor selection api tangled me up in a thicket of futures (I am a Scala/Akka newbie), so I gave up on this route.
Option 2 is therefore better suited to my needs.

Scala how to use akka actors to handle a timing out operation efficiently

I am currently evaluating javascript scripts using Rhino in a restful service. I wish for there to be an evaluation time out.
I have created a mock example actor (using scala 2.10 akka actors).
case class Evaluate(expression: String)
class RhinoActor extends Actor {
override def preStart() = { println("Start context'"); super.preStart()}
def receive = {
case Evaluate(expression) ⇒ {
sender ! "complete"
override def postStop() = { println("Stop context'"); super.postStop()}
Now I run use this actor as follows:
def run {
val t = System.currentTimeMillis()
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[RhinoActor])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(50 milliseconds)
val future = (actor ? Evaluate("10 + 50")).mapTo[String]
val result = Try(Await.result(future, Duration.Inf))
println(System.currentTimeMillis() - t)
actor ! PoisonPill
Is it wise to use the ActorSystem in a closure like this which may have simultaneous requests on it?
Should I make the ActorSystem global, and will that be ok in this context?
Is there a more appropriate alternative approach?
EDIT: I think I need to use futures directly, but I will need the preStart and postStop. Currently investigating.
EDIT: Seems you don't get those hooks with futures.
I'll try and answer some of your questions for you.
First, an ActorSystem is a very heavy weight construct. You should not create one per request that needs an actor. You should create one globally and then use that single instance to spawn your actors (and you won't need system.shutdown() anymore in run). I believe this covers your first two questions.
Your approach of using an actor to execute javascript here seems sound to me. But instead of spinning up an actor per request, you might want to pool a bunch of the RhinoActors behind a Router, with each instance having it's own rhino engine that will be setup during preStart. Doing this will eliminate per request rhino initialization costs, speeding up your js evaluations. Just make sure you size your pool appropriately. Also, you won't need to be sending PoisonPill messages per request if you adopt this approach.
You also might want to look into the non-blocking callbacks onComplete, onSuccess and onFailure as opposed to using the blocking Await. These callbacks also respect timeouts and are preferable to blocking for higher throughput. As long as whatever is way way upstream waiting for this response can handle the asynchronicity (i.e. an async capable web request), then I suggest going this route.
The last thing to keep in mind is that even though code will return to the caller after the timeout if the actor has yet to respond, the actor still goes on processing that message (performing the evaluation). It does not stop and move onto the next message just because a caller timed out. Just wanted to make that clear in case it wasn't.
In response to your comment about stopping a long execution there are some things related to Akka to consider first. You can call stop the actor, send a Kill or a PosionPill, but none of these will stop if from processing the message that it's currently processing. They just prevent it from receiving new messages. In your case, with Rhino, if infinite script execution is a possibility, then I suggest handling this within Rhino itself. I would dig into the answers on this post (Stopping the Rhino Engine in middle of execution) and setup your Rhino engine in the actor in such a way that it will stop itself if it has been executing for too long. That failure will kick out to the supervisor (if pooled) and cause that pooled instance to be restarted which will init a new Rhino in preStart. This might be the best approach for dealing with the possibility of long running scripts.

How to create non-blocking methods in Scala?

What is a good way of creating non-blocking methods in Scala? One way I can think of is to create a thread/actor and the method just send a message to the thread and returns. Is there a better way of creating a non-blocking method?
Use scala.actors.Future:
import actors._
def asyncify[A, B](f: A => B): A => Future[B] = (a => Futures.future(f(a)))
// normally blocks when called
def sleepFor(seconds: Int) = {
Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000)
val asyncSleepFor = asyncify(sleepFor)
val future = asyncSleepFor(5) // now it does NOT block
println("waiting...") // prints "waiting..." rightaway
println("future returns %d".format(future())) // prints "future returns 5" after 5 seconds
Overloaded "asyncify" that takes a function with more than one parameter is left as an exercise.
One caveat, however, is exception handling. The function that is being "asyncified" has to handle all exceptions itself by catching them. Behavior for exceptions thrown out of the function is undefined.
Learn about actors.
It depends on your definition of "blocking." Strictly speaking, anything that requires acquisition of a lock is blocking. All operations that are dependent on an actor's internal state acquire a lock on the actor. This includes message sends. If lots of threads try to send a message to an actor all-at-once they have to get in line.
So if you really need non-blocking, there are various options in java.util.concurrent.
That being said, from a practical perspective actors give you something that close enough to non-blocking because none of the synchronized operations do a significant amount of work, so chances are actors meet your need.