Use of chomp in this Perl script - perl

I am trying to learn Perl here and the tutorial suggests the following code snippet after reading some file:
my $team_number = 42;
my $filename = 'input.txt';
open(my $fh, '<', $filename) or die "cannot open '$filename' $!";
my $found;
while(<$fh>) {
last if($_ eq "Team $team_number");
die "cannot find 'Team $team_number'" if(eof $fh);
I don't quite understand why we need chomp, though. chomp removes the new line. So in each loop we remove the new line at the end of the line, but why? The script does throw an error if you remove the chomp, but I don't understand why.
I understand what chomping does, but I didn't get why that was necessary to match since we're already looping through all the lines - why would you then need to remove the new line? It was only after reading Kallol's post that I realised that eq would fail if not chomped, because the actual string that is looped, then, is Team 42\n. So that's why my question is different from other chomp questions: I didn't know why my code wasn't working without chomp and someone pointed me in the right direction.

It is reasonable that you don't want the new line when you load text and are working with it. The new lines organize text into a file, in memory you have arrays or other data structures. You don't have to chomp it, you generally want to.
Why the code doesn't do what you intended without the chomp has been explained by Kallol and Sobrique: a new-line remains in $_ which thus doesn't match (the string without a new line) so the file is read to the end and eof returns true. See
chomp (orperldoc -f chomp). I don't see that the script "throws an error" though, as you say. It doesn't for me, with or without `chomp'; it just never matches.
And there is another error even with chomp, as noted by 123: if the matching string is the last line in the file, by the time the match is found the file has been read so eof returns true and you get a statement that the string was not found. That you could fix by using a flag, for example (which you have right there), in which case you wouldn't be deciding via eof any more.
That would be a very good thing, because what you have now has a little twisted (and rather brittle!) logic -- which is precisely how this last-line-error came about, of course.

You would just need to change the match to include a new line if you don't chomp.
while(<$fh>) {
last if($_ eq "Team $team_number\n");

Chomp removes new line character from the end of the line as you are looping through each line of the file. Since you are matching the line with a text without new line, there is no match found and the file is read until the end. So the last condition to check End-Of-File is true and the "die" statement is executed.


Reading a file line by line in Perl

I want to read a file by one line, but it's reading just the first line. How to read all lines?
My code:
open(file_E, $file_E);
while ( <file_E> ) {
print $line1;
Let's start by looking at your code.
open(file_E, $file_E);
while ( <file_E> ) {
print $line1;
On the first line you open a file named in $file_E using the bareword filehandle file_E. This should work so long as the file successfully opens. It would be better to also check the success of this operation one of two ways: Either put use autodie; at the top of your script (but then risk applying its semantics in places where your code is incompatible with this level of error handling), or change your open to look like this:
open(file_E, $file_E) or die "Failed to open $file_E: $!\n";
Now if you fail to open the file you will get an error message that will help track down the problem.
Next lets look at the while loop, because it's here where you have an issue that is causing the bug you are experiencing. On the first line of the while loop you have this:
while ( <file_E> ) {
By consulting perldoc perlsyn you will see that line is special-cased to actually do this:
while (defined($_ = <file_E>)) {
So your code is implicitly assigning each line to $_ on successive iterations. Also by consulting perldoc perlop you'll find that when the match operator (/.../ or m/.../) is invoked without binding the match explicitly using =~, the match will bind against $_. Still then, so far so good. However, you are not actually doing anything useful with the match. The match operator will return Boolean truth / falsehood for whether or not the match succeeded. And because your pattern contains capturing parenthesis, it will capture something into the capture variable $1. But you are never testing for match success, nor are you ever referring to $1 again.
On the line that follows, you do this: print $line1. Where, in your code, is $line1 being assigned a value? Because it is never being assigned a value in what you've shown us.
I can only guess that your intent is to iterate over the lines of the file, capture the line but without the trailing newline, and then print it. It seems that you wish to print it without any newlines, so that all of the input file is printed as a single line of output.
open my $input_fh_e, '<', $file_E or die "Failed to open $file_E: $!\n";
while(my $line = <$input_fh_e>) {
chomp $line;
print $line;
close $input_fh_e or die "Failed to close $file_E: $!\n";
No need to capture anything -- if all that the capture is doing is just grabbing everything up to the newline, you can simply strip off the newline with chomp to begin with.
In my example I used a lexical filehandle (a file handle that is lexically scoped, declared with my). This is generally a better practice in modern Perl as it avoids using a bareword, avoids possible namespace collisions, and assures that the handle will get closed as soon as the lexical scope closes.
I also used the 'three arg' version of open, which is safer because it eliminates the potential for $file_E to be used to open a pipe or do some other nefarious or simply unintended shell manipulation.
I suggest also starting your script with use strict;, because had you done so, you would have gotten an error message at compiletime telling you that $line1 was never declared. Also start your script with use warnings, so that you would get a warning when you try to print $line1 before assigning a value to it.
Most of the issues in your code will be discussed in perldoc perlintro, which you can arrive at from your command line simply by typing perldoc perlintro, assuming you have Perl installed. It typically takes 20-40 minutes to read through perlintro. If ever there were a document that should constitute required reading before getting started writing Perl code, that reading would probably include perlintro.
Another alternative, note that $_ will include newline so you will need to chomp it if you don't want the newline in $line:
open(file_E, $file_E);
while ( <file_E> ) {
my $line = $_;
print $line;

Splitting one txt file into multiple txt files based on delimiter and naming them with a specific character

I have a text file that looks like this
This file is contained of different entries that are divided with //. I think I have almost found the way how to divide txt file into multiple txt files whenever this specific pattern appears, but I still don't know how to name them after dividing and how to print them in specific directory. I would like that each file that is divided carries specific ID which is a first line nut second column in each entry.
This is the code that I have wrote so far:
mkdir "spliced_files"; #directory where I would like to put all my splitted files
$/="//\n"; # divide them whenever //appears and new line after this
open (IDS, 'example.txt') or die "Cannot open"; #example.txt is an input file
my #ids = <IDS>;
close IDS;
my $entry = 25444; #number of entries or //\n characters
my $i=0;
while ($i eq $entry) {
print $ids[$i];
I am still having problem with finding how to split all entries from 'example.txt' file whenever "//\n" and to print all this seperated files into directory spliced_files. In addition I would have to name all of these seperated files with the ID that is specific for each of these files or entries (which appears in the first row, but only a second column).
So I expect output to be number of files in spliced_files directory, and each of them are named with their ID (first row, but only second column). For example name of the first file wiould be TNFA_HUMAN, od the second would be ERBB2_HUMAN and so on..)
You still look like you're programming by guesswork. And you haven't made use of any of the advice you have been given in answers to your previous questions. I strongly recommend that you spend a week working through a good beginners book like Learning Perl and come back when you understand more about how Perl works.
But here are some comments on your new code:
open (IDS, 'example.txt') or die "Cannot open";
You have been told that using lexical variables and the three-arg version of open() is a better approach here. You should also include $! in your error message, so you know what has gone wrong.
open my $ids_fh, '<', 'example.txt'
or die "Cannot open: $!";
Then later on (I added the indentation in the while loop to make things clearer)...
my $i=0;
while ($i eq $entry) {
print $ids[$i];
The first time you enter this loop, $i is 1 and $entry is 25444. You compare them (as strings! You probably want ==, not eq) to see if they are equal. Clearly they are different, so your while loop exits. Once the loop exits, you increment $i.
This code bears no relation at all to the description of your problem. I'm not going to give you the answer, but here is the structure of what you need to do:
mkdir "spliced_files";
local $/ = "//\n"; # Always localise changes to special vars
open my $ids_fh, '<', 'example.txt'
or die "Cannot open: $!";
# No need to read the whole file in one go.
# Process it a line at a time.
while (<$ids_fh>) {
# Your record (the whole thing, not just the first line) is in $_.
# You need to extract the ID value from that string. Let's assume
# you've stored in it $id
# Open a file with the right name
open my $out_fh, '>', "spliced_files/$id" or die $!;
# Print the record to the new file.
print $out_fh $_;
But really, you need to take the time to learn about programming before you attack this task. Or, if you don't have the time for that, pay a programmer to do it for you.

Perl replacement operator doesn't work under Windows when patterns contain slashes

I want to replace a string with a path:
my $somedir = "D:/somedir/someotherdir";
system("perl -pi.bak -e \"s{STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED}{$somedir}\" $file");
but under Windows it replaces string with random symbols instead of slashes.
What's the problem?
I think it's got something to do with a syntax detail needed on Windows, but can't test now.
However, as you are in a Perl script, why go out with system and run another Perl interpreter? It is far more complex and inefficient since it involves a syscall or a shell, and starts another program. Also, it is far harder to get it right -- you need to deal with syntax details, quoting and escaping, for system, your system's command interpreter, the other instance of Perl, and the regex.
The code below reads the whole file into an array first, which is fine if files aren't huge. In general it is better to process a file line by line, and how to do what you need in that way is discussed in detail in a perlfaq5 page. See the comment at the end, with the link.
use warnings 'all';
use strict;
# your code ...
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
my #lines = <$fh>;
# Change #lines in-place. See the comment
s/STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED/$somedir/ for #lines;
open $fh, '>', $file or die "Can't open $file for write: $!";
print $fh #lines;
close $fh;
When we open the $fh the second time it is closed and re-opened, so there is no need for an explicit close. When an existing file is opened for writing ('>') it is clobbered, so this replaces it.
It's more to write but it is better.
Comment on the in-place change to #lines This uses the fact that when iterating over an array if we change the index variable, here $_, the change is made in the original element. The index variable is like an alias for the array element. It says in perlsyn
If any element of LIST is an lvalue, you can modify it by modifying VAR inside the loop. Conversely, if any element of LIST is NOT an lvalue, any attempt to modify that element will fail. In other words, the foreach loop index variable is an implicit alias for each item in the list that you're looping over.
This has the benefit of not copying data and not touching elements that don't change so it is more efficient, potentially a lot more. However, it relies on a subtle property and thus it may be tricky and error prone, so I do not recommend it as a general practice.
To copy the array, with modifications, to a new one
my #lines_new;
foreach my $line (#lines) {
$line =~ s{STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED}{$somedir};
push #lines_new, $line;
This also changes #lines. If it need be kept intact do (my $new_line = $line) =~ s/.../. Then write #lines_new to $file. Somewhere in between these two is
#lines = map { s{STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED}{$somedir}; $_ } #lines;
what was posted originally. However, since the map changes elements of #lines and copies data to build the output list, while the whole statement also overwrites the array, on reflection I think it makes more sense to do either the in-place change or an explicit copy to a new array.
In principle it is better to not read the whole file at once but rather to process line by line, unless the file is small enough. In that case open the file for reading and new one for writing, and after you copy (with changes) the file over, move the new one to rewrite $file. See the topic in perlfaq5
The copied file is temporary, to be used to overwrite $file, so it can be named using the core module File::Temp to avoid accidents. To move a file use move from the core module File::Copy.

Reading .fasta sequences to extract nucleotide data, and then writing to a TabDelimited file

Before I continue, I thought I'd refer readers to my previous problems with Perl, being a beginner to all of this.
These were my posts over the past few days, in chronological order:
How do I average column values from a tab-separated data... (Solved)
Why do I see no computed results in my output file? (Solved)
Using a .fasta file to compute relative content of sequences
Now as I've stated above, thanks to help from a few of you, I've managed to figure out the first two queries and I've really learnt from it. I'm truly grateful. For a person who knows nothing about this, and still feels like he doesn't, the help was practically a Godsend.
The last query remains unsolved and this is a continuation. I did have a look at some of the recommended texts, but as I'm trying to get this finished before Monday, I'm unsure if I've overlooked anything completely. Either way, I have had a go at attempting the task.
Just so you know, the task is to open and read a .fasta file (I think I've finally nailed something pretty well, hallelujah!), read each sequence, compute the relative G+C nucleotide content, and then write to a TABDelimited file and the names of the genes and their respective G+C content.
Even though I've had a go at attempting this, I know that I am no where near ready to execute the program to provide the results that I'm after, which is why I'm reaching out to you guys again for some guidance, or examples of how to go about this. As with my previous, solved queries, I'd like it to be in a similar style to what I've already done them in - even though it might not be the most convenient/efficient way. It just allows me to know what I'm doing each step of the way, even though it seems like I'm spamming it up!
Anyway, the .fasta file reads something like:
I'm unsure how to open the .fasta file, so I'm not sure what labels apply to which, but I know that the genes should be labelled either gag, pol, or env. Do I need to open the .fasta file to know what I'm doing, or can I do it 'blindly' by going with the above format?
It may be perfectly obvious, but I'm still struggling with all of this. I'm feeling like I should have caught on by now!
Anyway, the current code I have is as follows:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script reads several sequences and computes the relative content of G+C of each sequence.
use strict;
my $infile = "Lab1_seq.fasta"; # This is the file path
open INFILE, $infile or die "Can't open $infile: $!"; # This opens file, but if file isn't there it mentions this will not open
my $outfile = "Lab1_SeqOutput.txt"; # This is the file's output
open OUTFILE, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open $outfile: $!"; # This opens the output file, otherwise it mentions this will not open
my $sequence = (); # This sequence variable stores the sequences from the .fasta file
my $GC = 0; # This variable checks for G + C content
my $line; # This reads the input file one-line-at-a-time
while ($line = <INFILE>) {
chomp $line; # This removes "\n" at the end of each line (this is invisible)
foreach my $line ($infile) {
if($line = ~/^\s*$/) { # This finds lines with whitespaces from the beginning to the ending of the sequence. Removes blank line.
} elsif($line = ~/^\s*#/) { # This finds lines with spaces before the hash character. Removes .fasta comment
} elsif($line = ~/^>/) { # This finds lines with the '>' symbol at beginning of label. Removes .fasta label
} else {
$sequence = $line;
$sequence =~ s/\s//g; # Whitespace characters are removed
return $sequence;
I'm not sure if anything's correct here, but executing it left me with a syntax error ar line 35 (beyond the last line, and hence there isn't anything there!). It said at 'EOF'. That's about all I can point out. Otherwise I'm trying to figure out how to compute the quantities of the nucleotides G + C in each of the sequences, and then tabulating this properly in an output .txt file. I believe that's what is meant by a TABDelimited file?
In any case, I apologise if this query seems to be too lengthy, 'dumb' or a repeat, but in saying that, I couldn't find any information directly pertaining to this, so your help would be much appreciated, and the explanations for each step too if possible!!
You have an extra brace right near the end. This should work:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script reads several sequences and computes the relative content of G+C of each sequence.
use strict;
my $infile = "Lab1_seq.fasta"; # This is the file path
open INFILE, $infile or die "Can't open $infile: $!"; # This opens file, but if file isn't there it mentions this will not open
my $outfile = "Lab1_SeqOutput.txt"; # This is the file's output
open OUTFILE, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open $outfile: $!"; # This opens the output file, otherwise it mentions this will not open
my $sequence = (); # This sequence variable stores the sequences from the .fasta file
my $GC = 0; # This variable checks for G + C content
my $line; # This reads the input file one-line-at-a-time
while ($line = <INFILE>) {
chomp $line; # This removes "\n" at the end of each line (this is invisible)
if($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # This finds lines with whitespaces from the beginning to the ending of the sequence. Removes blank line.
} elsif($line =~ /^\s*#/) { # This finds lines with spaces before the hash character. Removes .fasta comment
} elsif($line =~ /^>/) { # This finds lines with the '>' symbol at beginning of label. Removes .fasta label
} else {
$sequence = $line;
$sequence =~ s/\s//g; # Whitespace characters are removed
print OUTFILE $sequence;
Also I edited your return line. Return will exit your loop. I suspect what you want is to print it to a file, so I have done that. You may need to do some further transformation first to get it into a tab separated format.

How can I print a matching line, one line immediately above it and one line immediately below?

From a related question asked by Bi, I've learnt how to print a matching line together with the line immediately below it. The code looks really simple:
while ($line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Pattern/) {
print "$line";
print scalar <FH>;
I then searched Google for a different code that can print matching lines with the lines immediately above them. The code that would partially suit my purpose is something like this:
open(FH, "FILE");
while ( <FH> ) {
$my_line = "$_";
if ("$my_line" =~ /Pattern/) {
foreach( #array ){
print "$_\n";
print "$my_line\n"
if ( "$#array" > "0" ) {
Problem is I still can't figure out how to do them together. Seems my brain is shutting down. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for any help.
I think I'm sort of touched. You guys are so helpful! Perhaps a little Off-topic, but I really feel the impulse to say more.
I needed a Windows program capable of searching the contents of multiple files and of displaying the related information without having to separately open each file. I tried googling and two apps, Agent Ransack and Devas, have proved to be useful, but they display only the lines containing the matched query and I want aslo to peek at the adjacent lines. Then the idea of improvising a program popped into my head. Years ago I was impressed by a Perl script that could generate a Tomeraider format of Wikipedia so that I can handily search Wiki on my Lifedrive and I've also read somewhere on the net that Perl is easy to learn especially for some guy like me who has no experience in any programming language. Then I sort of started teaching myself Perl a couple of days ago. My first step was to learn how to do the same job as "Agent Ransack" does and it proved to be not so difficult using Perl. I first learnt how to search the contents of a single file and display the matching lines through the modification of an example used in the book titled "Perl by Example", but I was stuck there. I became totally clueless as how to deal with multiple files. No similar examples were found in the book or probably because I was too impatient. And then I tried googling again and was led here and I asked my first question "How can I search multiple files for a string pattern in Perl?" here and I must say this forum is bloody AWESOME ;). Then I looked at more example scripts and then I came up with the following code yesterday and it serves my original purpose quite well:
The codes goes like this:
chop ($query = <STDIN>);
$dir = 'f:/corpus/';
#files = <$dir/*>;
foreach $file (#files) {
open (txt, "$file");
while($line = <txt>) {
if ($line =~ /$query/i) {
print "$file \n $line";
print scalar <txt>;
In the folder "corpus", I have a lot of text files including srt pdf doc files that contain such contents as follows:
Then I dumped the body.
J'ai mis le corps dans une décharge.
I know you have a wire.
Je sais que tu as un micro.
Now I'll tell you the truth.
Alors je vais te dire la vérité.
Basically I just need to search an English phrase and look at the French equivalent, so the script I finished yesterday is quite satisfying except that it would to be better if my script can display the above line in case I want to search a French phrase and check the English. So I'm trying to improve the code. Actually I knew the "print scalar " is buggy, but it is neat and does the job of printing the subsequent line at least most of the time). I was even expecting ANOTHER SINGLE magic line that prints the previous line instead of the subsequent :) Perl seems to be fun. I think I will spend more time trying to get a better understanding of it. And as suggested by daotoad, I'll study the codes generously offered by you guys. Again thanks you guys!
It will probably be easier just to use grep for this as it allows printing of lines before and after a match. Use -B and -A to print context before and after the match respectively. See
Here's a modernized version of Pax's excellent answer:
use strict;
use warnings;
open( my $fh, '<', '')
or die "Error opening file - $!\n";
my $this_line = "";
my $do_next = 0;
while(<$fh>) {
my $last_line = $this_line;
$this_line = $_;
if ($this_line =~ /XXX/) {
print $last_line unless $do_next;
print $this_line;
$do_next = 1;
} else {
print $this_line if $do_next;
$last_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
close ($fh);
See Why is three-argument open calls with lexical filehandles a Perl best practice? for an discussion of the reasons for the most important changes.
Important changes:
3 argument open.
lexical filehandle
added strict and warnings pragmas.
variables declared with lexical scope.
Minor changes (issues of style and personal taste):
removed unneeded parens from post-fix if
converted an if-not contstruct into unless.
If you find this answer useful, be sure to up-vote Pax's original.
Given the following input file:
(1:first) Yes, this one.
(2) This one as well (XXX).
(3) And this one.
Not this one.
Not this one.
Not this one.
(4) Yes, this one.
(5) This one as well (XXX).
(6) AND this one as well (XXX).
(7:last) And this one.
Not this one.
this little snippet:
open(FH, "<");
$this_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
while(<FH>) {
$last_line = $this_line;
$this_line = $_;
if ($this_line =~ /XXX/) {
print $last_line if (!$do_next);
print $this_line;
$do_next = 1;
} else {
print $this_line if ($do_next);
$last_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
close (FH);
produces the following, which is what I think you were after:
(1:first) Yes, this one.
(2) This one as well (XXX).
(3) And this one.
(4) Yes, this one.
(5) This one as well (XXX).
(6) AND this one as well (XXX).
(7:last) And this one.
It basically works by remembering the last line read and, when it finds the pattern, it outputs it and the pattern line. Then it continues to output pattern lines plus one more (with the $do_next variable).
There's also a little bit of trickery in there to ensure no line is printed twice.
You always want to store the last line that you saw in case the next line has your pattern and you need to print it. Using an array like you did in the second code snippet is probably overkill.
my $last = "";
while (my $line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Pattern/) {
print $last;
print $line;
print scalar <FH>; # next line
$last = $line;
grep -A 1 -B 1 "search line"
I am going to ignore the title of your question and focus on some of the code you posted because it is positively harmful to let this code stand without explaining what is wrong with it. You say:
code that can print matching lines with the lines immediately above them. The code that would partially suit my purpose is something like this
I am going to go through that code. First, you should always include
use strict;
use warnings;
in your scripts, especially since you are just learning Perl.
This is a pointless statement. With strict, you can declare #array using:
my #array;
Prefer the three-argument form of open unless there is a specific benefit in a particular situation to not using it. Use lexical filehandles because bareword filehandles are package global and can be the source of mysterious bugs. Finally, always check if open succeeded before proceeding. So, instead of:
open(FH, "FILE");
my $filename = 'something';
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
If you use autodie, you can get away with:
open my $fh, '<', 'something';
Moving on:
while ( <FH> ) {
$my_line = "$_";
First, read the FAQ (you should have done so before starting to write programs). See What's wrong with always quoting "$vars"?. Second, if you are going to assign the line that you just read to $my_line, you should do it in the while statement so you do not needlessly touch $_. Finally, you can be strict compliant without typing any more characters:
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
Refer to the previous FAQ again.
if ("$my_line" =~ /Pattern/) {
Why interpolate $my_line once more?
foreach( #array ){
print "$_\n";
Either use an explicit loop variable or turn this into:
print "$_\n" for #array;
So, you interpolate $my_line again and add the newline that was removed by chomp earlier. There is no reason to do so:
print "$my_line\n"
And now we come to the line that motivated me to dissect the code you posted in the first place:
if ( "$#array" > "0" ) {
$#array is a number. 0 is a number. > is used to check if the number on the LHS is greater than the number on the RHS. Therefore, there is no need to convert both operands to strings.
Further, $#array is the last index of #array and its meaning depends on the value of $[. I cannot figure out what this statement is supposed to be checking.
Now, your original problem statement was
print matching lines with the lines immediately above them
The natural question, of course, is how many lines "immediately above" the match you want to print.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
Readonly::Scalar my $KEEP_BEFORE => 4;
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my $pattern = qr/$ARGV[1]/;
open my $input_fh, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
my #before;
while ( my $line = <$input_fh> ) {
$line = sprintf '%6d: %s', $., $line;
print #before, $line, "\n" if $line =~ $pattern;
push #before, $line;
shift #before if #before > $KEEP_BEFORE;
close $input_fh;
Command line grep is the quickest way to accomplish this, but if your goal is to learn some Perl then you'll need to produce some code.
Rather than providing code, as others have already done, I'll talk a bit about how to write your own. I hope this helps with the brain-lock.
Read my previous answer on how to write a program, it gives some tips about how to start working on your problem.
Go through each of the sample programs you have, as well as those offered here and comment out exactly what they do. Refer to the perldoc for each function and operator you don't understand. Your first example code has an error, if 2 lines in a row match, the line after the second match won't print. By error, I mean that either the code or the spec is wrong, the desired behavior in this case needs to be determined.
Write out what you want your program to do.
Start filling in the blanks with code.
Here's a sketch of a phase one write-up:
# This program reads a file and looks for lines that match a pattern.
# Open the file
# Iterate over the file
# For each line
# Check for a match
# If match print line before, line and next line.
But how do you get the next line and the previous line?
Here's where creative thinking comes in, there are many ways, all you need is one that works.
You could read in lines one at a time, but read ahead by one line.
You could read the whole file into memory and select previous and follow-on lines by indexing an array.
You could read the file and store the offset and length each line--keeping track of which ones match as you go. Then use your offset data to extract the required lines.
You could read in lines one at a time. Cache your previous line as you go. Use readline to read the next line for printing, but use seek and tell to rewind the handle so that the 'next' line can be checked for a match.
Any of these methods, and many more could be fleshed out into a functioning program. Depending on your goals, and constraints any one may be the best choice for that problem domain. Knowing how to select which one to use will come with experience. If you have time, try two or three different ways and see how they work out.
Good luck.
If you don't mind losing the ability to iterate over a filehandle, you could just slurp the file and iterate over the array:
use strict; # always do these
use warnings;
my $range = 1; # change this to print the first and last X lines
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE' or die "Error: $!";
my #file = <$fh>;
close $fh;
for (0 .. $#file) {
if($file[$_] =~ /Pattern/) {
my #lines = grep { $_ > 0 && $_ < $#file } $_ - $range .. $_ + $range;
print #file[#lines];
This might get horribly slow for large files, but is pretty easy to understand (in my opinion). Only when you know how it works can you set about trying to optimize it. If you have any questions about any of the functions or operations I used, just ask.