Caused by java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.postgresql.core.BaseConnection.getEncoding()Lorg/postgresql/core/Encoding; - postgresql

I'm with a problem, my project uses postgreslq-jdbc jar and postgis-jdbc jar. I put it on my maven pom, and now I can't connect to database. I updated the postgreslq-jdbc.jar version to 9.4 the same as my Postgre.
Any suggestion?
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.postgresql.core.BaseConnection.getEncoding()Lorg/postgresql/core/Encoding;
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2ResultSet.getInt(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2ResultSet.getInt(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type.IntegerTypeHandler.getResult(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.result.ResultMap.getPrimitiveResultMappingValue(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.result.ResultMap.getResults(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor.handleResults(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor.handleMultipleResults(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.execution.SqlExecutor.executeQuery(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.MappedStatement.sqlExecuteQuery(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.MappedStatement.executeQueryWithCallback(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.MappedStatement.executeQueryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapSessionImpl.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapSessionImpl.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapClientImpl.queryForList(
at com.ibatis.dao.client.template.SqlMapDaoTemplate.queryForList(

Probably you use the wrong version of class
Also you could use the wrong version of code that calls this class.


Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory

I've a gradle project which uses hibernate > 4 . If I run my war file in Apache tomcat, I don't get any error. But when I'm deploying it in Wildfly 8.2 , I get the following exception
Caused by: org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Error while parsing file: /G:/wildfly-8.2.0.Final/bin/content/mywar-1.0.war/WEB-INF/classes/com/mysite/
at org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl.buildHibernateConfiguration( [hibernate-ent
at org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl$4.perform( [hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Fi
at org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl$4.perform( [hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Fi
at org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.internal.ClassLoaderServiceImpl.withTccl( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.
at [hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Final.
at [jipijapa-hibernate4-3-1.0.1.Final.jar:]
at$1$ [wildfly-jpa-8.2.0.Final.jar:8.2.0.Final]
... 8 more
Caused by: org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Unable to read XML
at org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.MappingReader.legacyReadMappingDocument( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.MappingReader.readMappingDocument( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.add( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.add( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.add( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream( [hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar:4.3.7.Final]
at org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl.buildHibernateConfiguration( [hibernate-ent
... 14 more
Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory Nested exception: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot
be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory
at [dom4j-1.6.1.jar:1.6.1]
I just added a exclude in my Gradle file like
runtime.exclude group: "dom4j"
Now when I run gradle build, dom4j.jar is not created in the war file. Now I can run my deploy and run my project successfully on Wildfly 8.2 without any error. But the real problem starts here.
One of the feature in my project is that, it'll copy a file.xlsm to anotherfile.xlsm where I'm using jars like Apache Poi for those purposes. Here, Apache Poi is trying to access a method in dom4j.jar during file processing, it results in the following error
18:40:13,261 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-29) UT005023: Exception handling request to /app/parentPath/myAction: org.springframework.web.util.NestedSe
rvletException: Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/dom4j/DocumentException
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.triggerAfterCompletionWithError( [spring-webmvc-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar:4.1.4
Any ideas how I can permanently use dom4j.jar inside my classpath? I've searched for many question and most of them suggested to remove dom4j from classpath. I do successfully run my program by removing it from classpath but it results in the above error during excel file processing. Wasted more than a day on this..!! IS it possible to include dom4j.jar in my classpath?
I've done a little trick in MANIFEST.MF file.
I've opened
mywar.war > META-INF > MANIFEST.MF
and added
Dependencies: org.dom4j export
at the end of the file and saved it. So if I deploy my war file, I'm successfully running it without any error.
Can someone explain where I've to add this kind of property in my src/ file so that it will be automatcially added to MANIFEST.MF after gradle build..
This exception on wildfly usually occurs when you include a hibernate lib in your war that's different from the wildfly one, since you are deploying to wildfly it already include hibernate so you can set you live as provided in gradle aka compileProvided and deploy without exporting the dependence.
If you still got the same error try declaring the hibernate dependency on manifest but keep the lib as provided it should work fine.
I had this same problem and i know how frustrating this one can be. I was able to resolve this problem. see my answer here. Hope this help

Getting IncompatibleClassChangeError while running shark-0.9.0 with hadoop 2.2.0

I am getting the following error while running shark 0.9.0.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps, but interface was expected
at shark.SharkCliDriver$.main(SharkCliDriver.scala:82)
at shark.SharkCliDriver.main(SharkCliDriver.scala)
Any solution regarding the problem is highly appreciable.
Its a backward compatibility issue.
This exception is raised when the version of scala-library.jar is different during compilation and execution. Make sure that you use the same library version during compiling and executing.
if you are using hadoop 2.x version, do the below steps
find path to shark installation folder -name hadoop-core-1.0.4.jar
remove all the hadoop-core-1.0.4.jar
check this

cassandra client hector api java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4/Level

I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4/Level.
I'm not a java guy but can read code. What should i do to get rid of this exception?
This exception really have nothing to do with cassandra hector api, why is it bothering me?
You are missing the log4j jar on your classpath. Specify the classpath with the -cp option on the java command when you run your app.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()

I am getting this error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled()
at the runtime in eclipse. However, eclipse shows the method on doing intelligence search, but at runtime it fails to identify it.
I am using the latest log4j1.2.16 jar and it is added in the classpath.
Any suggestions?

NoSuchMethod exception thrown in GWT

I'm starting to get my feet wet in the latest Google Web Toolkit using the Eclipse plugin on OS X 10.5.8. So far I've been able to get the client up and running, which is great.
The server, though, is a different matter. I'm trying to link to a .jar file that has some classes I want to use in a server ServiceImpl class, but it seems to have glommed onto a previous iteration of the .jar - I've added a method, rebuilt the jar, removed the jar from the libraries tab on the GWT project's build path (as well as on the exports) and reincluded the jar. No luck - I'm still getting:
[WARN] Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Service method 'public abstract org.gwtapplication.client.LWDocument org.gwtapplication.client.DocumentService.getDocument()' threw an unexpected exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.externalmodel.MyReallyValidClass.toSomething()Ljava/lang/String;
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.externalmodel.MyReallyValidClass.toSomething()Ljava/lang/String;
at org.application.server.DocumentServiceImpl.getDocument(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
Eclipse's code sense has no problems resolving the MyReallyValidClass.toSomething() call, and there are no errors with other calls into the externalmodel classes. Any clue where I should be looking?
In your DocumentServiceImpl class, adding the following log:
should tell you where this jar is being picked up.