How to simplify A + 0 > 0 into A > 0? - coq

I'm just a beginner with Coq, and I've been trying to prove a few elementary theorems about natural numbers. I've done a few already, not very elegantly, but completed nether the less. However I'm totally stuck on completing this theorem:
Theorem add_increase: (forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b).
intros A.
intros B.
intros H.
case B.
Entering this in, I get this output:
2 subgoals
A, B : nat
H : A > 0
A + 0 > 0
forall n : nat, A + S n > S n
Obviously, the first goal is pretty trivial to simplify to hypothesis H. However, I just can't figure out how to make this straightforward simplification.

One way to simplify this is to use a rather boring lemma
Lemma add_zero_r : forall n, n + 0 = n.
intros n. induction n. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
and next use this to rewrite your goal:
Theorem add_increase: (forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b).
intros A.
intros B.
intros H.
case B.
rewrite (add_zero_r A).
To finish the other proof case I've used a little lemma and a tactic that eases the task of proving stuff with inequalities over naturals.
First, I've imported Omega library.
Require Import Omega.
Prove another boring fact.
Lemma add_succ_r : forall n m, n + (S m) = S (n + m).
intros n m. induction n. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
and going back to add_increase prove we have the following goal:
A, B : nat
H : A > 0
forall n : nat, A + S n > S n
That can be solved by:
intros C.
rewrite (add_succ_r A C).
Again, I've used the previous proved lemma to rewrite the goal. The omega tactic is a very useful one since it is a complete decision procedure for the so called quantifier free Presburger arithmetic, and based on your context, it can solve the goal automagically.
Here's the complete solution to your proof:
Require Import Omega.
Lemma add_zero_r : forall n, n + 0 = n.
intros n. induction n. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
Lemma add_succ_r : forall n m, n + (S m) = S (n + m).
intros n m. induction n. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
Theorem add_increase: (forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b).
intros A.
intros B.
intros H.
case B.
rewrite (add_zero_r A).
intros C.
rewrite (add_succ_r A C).

Several common lemmas such as a + 0 = a etc. are put in the hint database arith. With them, auto can usually solve many simple goals of this kind, so use auto with arith.
Require Import Arith.
Theorem add_increase: (forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b).
destruct a; intros b H.
- inversion H. (* base case, H: 0 > 0 *)
- simpl. auto with arith.
To see which lemmas auto used, you can Print add_increase. In this case, auto used three lemmas, and they can alternatively be given explicitly to auto by auto using gt_le_S, le_lt_n_Sm, le_plus_r.
In general, when you need a lemma that you think ought to have already been proven, you can search for it with SearchAbout. Use _ as a wild card, or ?a as a named wild-card. In your case above you wanted something about adding a zero on the right, so
SearchAbout ( _ + 0 = _ ).
plus_0_r: forall n : nat, n + 0 = n
NPeano.Nat.add_0_r: forall n : nat, n + 0 = n
You can even find a lemma in the library that is close to what you want to prove.
SearchAbout ( _ > _ -> _ + _ > _ ).
plus_gt_compat_l: forall n m p : nat, n > m -> p + n > p + m
which is pretty close to add_increase.
Theorem add_increase: (forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b).
pose (plus_gt_compat_l a 0 b H) as A.
repeat rewrite (plus_comm b) in A.
apply A.

Another solution using a different natural numbers library ssrnat and the ssreflect proof language (which is needed by the library):
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Theorem add_increase a b : 0 < a -> b < a + b.
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[b]add0n ltn_add2r. Qed.
The ltn_add2r : (m + p < n + p) = (m < n) lemma is proved by induction on p, directly by induction on p plus commutativity and other easy properties of addition.

Note that if we're invoking the omega tactic, we could've just done:
Theorem add_increase : forall a b: nat, a > 0 -> a + b > b.
Proof. intros a b. omega. Qed.


What does IH cannot be used as a hint. in Coq mean when using eauto giving it the induction hypothesis directly?

Saw related question Lemma cannot be used as a hint but didn't seem super useful + seemed better to ask new that ask unrelated questions to posters there. I tried doing the trivial lemma:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import ZArith.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
From Hammer Require Import Hammer.
Theorem n_plus_0_eq_n_sketch1:
forall n:nat,
n + 0 = n.
have IH: forall P : nat -> Prop, P 0 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P n.+1) -> forall n : nat, P n. by apply nat_ind. (* succeeds *)
(* close target with guessed lemmas **)
(* by sauto use: IH. *) (* fails *)
by eauto using IH. (* Gives error, IH cannot be used as a hint. *)
but the eauto tactic gives the error:
IH cannot be used as a hint.
Why is that? What's wrong with the lemma I am giving it?
I've had it work in other cases so I'm puzzled:
Theorem add_comm_eauto_using:
forall n m: nat,
n + m = m + n.
assert (H: forall n, n + 0 = n) by eauto using n_plus_zero_eq_n.
assert (H': forall n m, S (n + m) = n + S m) by eauto using Sn_plus_m_eq_n_plus_Sm.
induction n.
- eauto using H, H'.
(* auto using IHn, H, H'. *)
(* auto using IHn, H, H'. *)
rewrite IHn.
auto using H, H'.
Is it some detail of how eauto like it can't unify the goal and my lemma or something?
Lemma cannot be used as a hint
eauto works by matching head-symbols. Unfortunately the
head symbol of IH is a variable P so this is why you are getting an error (see here)
This is accepted but does not solve the goal
have IH1 := IH (fun n => n + 0 = n).
eauto using IH1.

How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has `have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto` but in Coq?

I wanted to write intermediate lemmas inside Coq proof scripts, e.g., inside SCRIPT in Proof. SCRIPT Qed. itself - similar to how one would do in Isar. How does one do this in Coq? e.g.:
have Lemma using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto.
I am aware of the exact statement and wonder if that is it...but I'd like to have the proof for the statement too like in Isar we have have by auto or using Proof. LEMMA_PROOF Qed.
To make it concrete, I was trying to do these very simple proofs:
Module small_example.
Theorem add_easy_induct_1:
forall n:nat,
n + 0 = n.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IH. reflexivity.
Theorem plus_n_Sm :
forall n m : nat,
S (n + m) = n + (S m).
intros n m.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IH. reflexivity.
Theorem add_comm :
forall n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl. rewrite -> add_easy_induct_1. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IH. simpl. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. reflexivity.
End small_example
but I wasn't sure how and it wasn't working too well.
I'm also interested in shows in Coq e.g.
shows T using lemmas by hammer.
Current answers are good in showing that the have and by statements exist in Coq. However, what is crucially missing is 1) the shows statement and 2) the using statements. I'd like to see similar constructs with those in Coq proofs -- especially the using one that works with shows's and have's.
What Isabelle seems to be good at is declaring statements as true given a proof and a list of hypothesis. So for example have name: L using l1 by metis. would create the lemma L as a new fact, give it name name but prove it using the tactic metis but crucially depending on the fact l1 as something given for that statement to succeed. So I want to be able to declare things and be checked by a tactic/ATP in Coq.
I am aware of Czar ( but that is no longer supported in Coq afaik.
You can write assert <lem> to prove an intermediate result <lem> in the middle of a proof. Other variants are assert <lem> by <tactic> to immediately prove <lem> using <tactic>, or assert (<lemname> : <lem>) to give a name to the lemma. Example:
Theorem add_comm :
forall n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl.
assert (add_easy_induct_1 : forall n, n + 0 = n) by (induction n; auto).
rewrite -> add_easy_induct_1. reflexivity.
- simpl.
assert (plus_n_Sm : forall n m, S (n + m) = n + S m) by (induction n; auto).
rewrite -> IH. simpl. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. reflexivity.
Documentation on assert:
You can use the have: construct in the ssreflect language of tactics for Coq, with pretty much the same semantics you want, plus a couple of additional nice features related to how this lemma can be used right away (e.g., for rewriting) instead of being given a name.
For a concrete code example, see
To provide an example to answer, here is some code example for have:
Theorem n_plus_zero_eq_n:
forall n:nat,
n + 0 = n.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IH. reflexivity.
Theorem Sn_plus_m_eq_n_plus_Sm:
forall n m : nat,
S (n + m) = n + (S m).
intros n m.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- auto.
- simpl. rewrite <- IH. reflexivity.
Theorem add_comm :
forall n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
induction n as [| n' IH].
- simpl. rewrite -> n_plus_zero_eq_n. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IH. rewrite -> Sn_plus_m_eq_n_plus_Sm. reflexivity.
(* have proof *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Theorem add_comm_have:
forall n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
intros. induction n.
- simpl.
have: (forall n, n+0 = n) by (apply n_plus_zero_eq_n). move=> H.
rewrite -> H. by reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHn.
have: (forall n m: nat, S (n + m) = n + (S m)) by (apply Sn_plus_m_eq_n_plus_Sm). move=> H'.
rewrite -> H'. by reflexivity.
second example based on comment:
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Theorem add_comm_have':
forall n m : nat,
n + m = m + n.
intros. induction n.
- simpl.
have -> //: forall n, n+0 = n by (apply n_plus_zero_eq_n).
- simpl. rewrite IHn.
have -> //: forall n m: nat, S (n + m) = n + (S m) by (apply Sn_plus_m_eq_n_plus_Sm).

Proof irrelevance for boolean equality

I'm trying to prove group axioms for Z_3 type:
Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
Record Z_3 : Type := Z3
n :> nat;
proof : (Nat.ltb n 3) = true
Proposition lt_0_3 : (0 <? 3) = true.
simpl. reflexivity.
Definition z3_0 : Z_3 := (Z3 0 lt_0_3).
Proposition lt_1_3 : (1 <? 3) = true.
Definition z3_1 : Z_3 := (Z3 1 lt_1_3).
Proposition lt_2_3 : (2 <? 3) = true.
Definition z3_2 : Z_3 := (Z3 2 lt_2_3).
Proposition three_ne_0 : 3 <> 0.
Lemma mod_upper_bound_bool : forall (a b : nat), (not (eq b O)) -> (Nat.ltb (a mod b) b) = true.
intros a b H. apply (Nat.mod_upper_bound a b) in H. case Nat.ltb_spec0.
- reflexivity.
- intros Hcontr. contradiction.
Definition Z3_op (x y: Z_3) : Z_3 :=
let a := (x + y) mod 3 in
Z3 a (mod_upper_bound_bool _ 3 three_ne_0).
Lemma Z3_eq n m p q : n = m -> Z3 n p = Z3 m q.
intros H. revert p q. rewrite H. clear H. intros. apply f_equal.
We are almost done:
1 subgoal (ID 41)
n, m : nat
p, q : (m <? 3) = true
p = q
What theorem should I use to prove that p = q?
Update 1
Theorem bool_dec :
(forall x y: bool, {x = y} + {x <> y}).
intros x y. destruct x.
- destruct y.
+ left. reflexivity.
+ right. intro. discriminate H.
- destruct y.
+ right. intro. discriminate H.
+ left. reflexivity.
Lemma Z3_eq n m p q : n = m -> Z3 n p = Z3 m q.
intros H. revert p q. rewrite H. clear H. intros. apply f_equal. apply UIP_dec. apply bool_dec.
You are probably interested in knowing that every two proofs of a decidable equality are equal. This is explained and proved here:
You are interested in particular in the lemma UIP_dec:
Theorem UIP_dec :
forall (A:Type),
(forall x y:A, {x = y} + {x <> y}) ->
forall (x y:A) (p1 p2:x = y), p1 = p2.
You will have then to prove that equalities of booleans are decidable (i.e. that you can write a function which says whether two given booleans are equal or not) which you should also be able to find in the standard library but which should be easily provable by hand as well.
This is a different question but since you asked: bool_dec exists and even has that name!
The easy way to find it is to use the command
Search sumbool bool.
It will turn up several lemmata, including pretty early:
Bool.bool_dec: forall b1 b2 : bool, {b1 = b2} + {b1 <> b2}
Why did I search sumbool? sumbool is the type which is written above:
{ A } + { B } := sumbool A B
You can find it using the very nice Locate command:
Locate "{".
will turn up
"{ A } + { B }" := sumbool A B : type_scope (default interpretation)
(and other notations involving "{").

Z_3: left id proof

I am close to ending the proof for Z_3 left id. Here is what I have so far
Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
Require Import Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Record Z_3 : Type := Z3
n :> nat;
proof : (Nat.ltb n 3) = true
Proposition lt_0_3 : (0 <? 3) = true.
simpl. reflexivity.
Definition z3_0 : Z_3 := (Z3 0 lt_0_3).
Proposition lt_1_3 : (1 <? 3) = true.
Definition z3_1 : Z_3 := (Z3 1 lt_1_3).
Proposition lt_2_3 : (2 <? 3) = true.
Definition z3_2 : Z_3 := (Z3 2 lt_2_3).
Proposition three_ne_0 : 3 <> 0.
Lemma mod_upper_bound_bool : forall (a b : nat), b <> O -> (a mod b <? b) = true.
intros a b H. apply (Nat.mod_upper_bound a b) in H. case Nat.ltb_spec0.
- reflexivity.
- intros Hcontr. contradiction.
Definition Z3_op (x y: Z_3) : Z_3 :=
let a := (x + y) mod 3 in
Z3 a (mod_upper_bound_bool _ 3 three_ne_0).
Lemma Z3_eq n m p q : n = m -> Z3 n p = Z3 m q.
intros H. revert p q. rewrite H. clear H. intros. apply f_equal. apply UIP_dec. apply bool_dec.
Proposition Z3_left_id' : forall x: Z_3, (Z3_op z3_0 x) = x.
intro. unfold Z3_op. destruct x as [n proof]. apply Z3_eq.
1 subgoal (ID 46)
n : nat
proof : (n <? 3) = true
(z3_0 + {| n := n; proof := proof |}) mod 3 = n
I found the following theorems that could be useful:
: forall x y : nat, reflect (x < y) (x <? y)
Nat.mod_small: forall a b : nat, a < b -> a mod b = a
Is it possible to get rid of profs in the goal, convert proof from bool to Prop, and then use Nat.mod_small?
Proposition Z3_left_id' : forall x: Z_3, (Z3_op z3_0 x) = x.
intro. unfold Z3_op. destruct x as [vx proof]. apply Z3_eq. unfold n, z3_0. rewrite plus_O_n. apply Nat.mod_small.
1 subgoal (ID 67)
vx : nat
proof : (vx <? 3) = true
vx < 3
You need the coercion to execute. Unfortunately,
by naming the bound variable of your proof n and the projection from Z_3 to nat n, you painted yourself in a corner.
Here are four solutions:
1/ this one I mention just for the record: you can talk about the constant n that was defined in this file by using the file name as a module qualifier.
unfold user4035_oct_16.n.
user4035_oct_16 is the name of the current file, this is ugly.
2/ you could call a computation function that computes everything, however computation of modulo leaves unsightly terms in the goal, so you could decide to not compute that particular part.
cbn -[Nat.modulo].
I like this one, but it requires that you spend sometime learning how to use cbn.
3/ You can avoid the name clash by renaming variables in the goal.
rename n into m.
unfold n, Z3_0.
Not very nice either.
4/ Just go back in your script and replace destruct x as [n proof] with destruct x as [vx proof], then you can type:
unfold n, z3_0.
you will be able to use the lemmas you suggest.
Proposition Z3_left_id : forall x: Z_3, (Z3_op z3_0 x) = x.
intro. unfold Z3_op. destruct x as [vx proof]. apply Z3_eq. unfold n, z3_0. rewrite plus_O_n. apply Nat.mod_small. apply Nat.ltb_lt in proof. assumption.

How can I prove `false` and by extension anything from Coq hypothesis 'd=d+1'?

Goal forall (d : nat), d + 1 = d -> False.
intros d H.
How can I prove False from H? inversion H is just replicating it.
Here is how you can discover some helpful lemmas to do derive a contradiction from your context. First of all we need to import a module containing them, otherwise the Search command won't be able to discover those lemmas:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Let's check if we have exactly the lemma we need (recall that x <> y is a notation for not (eq x y), and not A stands for A -> False):
Search (?x + _ <> ?x).
No luck this time. Ok, addition is commutative, let's trying it this way:
Search (_ + ?x <> ?x).
Nothing again. But we certainly should have something like that:
Search (S ?x <> ?x).
Finally we have the following lemma:
Nat.neq_succ_diag_l: forall n : nat, S n <> n
which we can use like so:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Goal forall (d : nat), d + 1 = d -> False.
intros d H.
rewrite Nat.add_comm in H.
now apply Nat.neq_succ_diag_l in H.
The proof follows by induction on d and uses:
: forall n m : nat, S n = S m -> n = m
The base case is 0 = 1 which by inversion leads to False, this concluding the case. The inductive case you have d + 1 = d -> False as the induction hypothesis and S d + 1 = S d -> False as your goal. We know that x + 1 = y + 1 -> x + y from eq_add_S, so we rewrite our goal and apply the induction hypothesis.
Complete proof:
Goal forall (d : nat), d + 1 = d -> False.
induction d.
- inversion H.
- intros H.
erewrite <- eq_add_S in H; eauto.