Mark an order as "Full Payment" on Sage 200 - sage-erp

I am inserting orders on Sage 200 through an application using the client side, C# and APIs.
I would like to check the "Full payment" checkbox on the "Payment with order" tab.
Currently, I am setting the PaymentType property, which is not working.
order.PaymentType = Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderPaymentTypeEnum.EnumSOPOrderPaymentTypeFull;
order is an instance of Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrder.
Do you know how I can check that property?

The following method should supply the required results.
private static void SetPaymentWithOrder(Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrder sopOrder)
// Indicate that order has payment
sopOrder.PaymentWithOrder = true;
// This is full payment order
sopOrder.PaymentType = Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderPaymentTypeEnum.EnumSOPOrderPaymentTypeFull;
// Fetch the the Payment Methods. SOPPaymentMethods contructor accepts the boolean flag whether to fetch payment methods including card processing method or not.
Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPPaymentMethods paymentMethodsCollection = new Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPPaymentMethods(false);
// Set the first payment method of the collection to the order
sopOrder.PaymentMethod = paymentMethodsCollection.First;

dont know if you ever managed to figure this one out or not.
Not sure if you knew this, but you cannot modify the Sales Order on the view form, or at least shouldn't be trying to do so.
Using either of the Enter/Amend Sales Order forms will allow you to do so.
What is potentially happening, is that the properties that the controls are bound to are not updating the UI after your code has run.
You can simply force this to happen using the following
Fetching the underlying bound object
public Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderReturn SOPOrderReturn
//Loop over the boundobjects collection
//check if the bound object is of the type we want - e.g. SOPOrderReturn
//if correct type, return this object
Sage.Common.Collections.BoundObjectCollection boundObjects = this.form.BoundObjects;
if (boundObjects != null)
foreach (object boundObject in boundObjects)
if (boundObject is Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderReturn)
this._sopOrderReturn = boundObject as Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderReturn;
return this._sopOrderReturn;
Fetch the correct underlying form type that the amendable form is, suspending the databinding,
perform your changes,
resuming the databinding
Sage.MMS.SOP.MaintainOrderForm maintainOrderForm = this.form.UnderlyingControl as Sage.MMS.SOP.MaintainOrderForm;
this.SOPOrderReturn.PaymentWithOrder = true;
this.SOPOrderReturn.PaymentType = Sage.Accounting.SOP.SOPOrderPaymentTypeEnum.EnumSOPOrderPaymentTypeFull;
should do the trick.


MSCRM Retrieve Multiple PlugIn limits the other Retrievemultiple uery

In my scenario, there is a plugin (Retrieve Multiple) on Annotation. This plugin is nothing just a part of BLOB Storage solution(used for Attachment Management solution provided by Microsoft). So, it is clear that in our CRM, MicrosoftlLabsAzureBlobstorage is being used.
Now, I am executing a console app which retrieves multiple annotations through Query Expression. When it tries to fetch records around 500 or 600, it throws below error.
{The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Hosts are currently
available. Please check that you have a Sandbox server configured and
that it is running.\r\nSystem.ServiceModel.CommunicationException:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for
administrators or support: #AFF51A0F"}
When I fetch specific records or very less records, it executes fine.
So, I my question is that is there any limitation in number for Rerieve Multiple Query ? if retrievemultiple PlugIn exists ?
Is there any other clue that I am not able to find ?
To work around this conflict, in your console application code you may want to try retrieving smaller pages of annotations, say 50 at a time, and loop through the pages to process them all.
This article provides sample code for paging a QueryExpression.
Here's the abridged version of that sample:
// The number of records per page to retrieve.
int queryCount = 3;
// Initialize the page number.
int pageNumber = 1;
// Initialize the number of records.
int recordCount = 0;
// Create the query expression
QueryExpression pagequery = new QueryExpression();
pagequery.EntityName = "account";
pagequery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("name", "emailaddress1");
// Assign the pageinfo properties to the query expression.
pagequery.PageInfo = new PagingInfo();
pagequery.PageInfo.Count = queryCount;
pagequery.PageInfo.PageNumber = pageNumber;
// The current paging cookie. When retrieving the first page,
// pagingCookie should be null.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = null;
while (true)
// Retrieve the page.
EntityCollection results = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(pagequery);
if (results.Entities != null)
// Retrieve all records from the result set.
foreach (Account acct in results.Entities)
Console.WriteLine("{0}.\t{1}\t{2}", ++recordCount, acct.Name,
// Check for more records, if it returns true.
if (results.MoreRecords)
// Increment the page number to retrieve the next page.
// Set the paging cookie to the paging cookie returned from current results.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = results.PagingCookie;
// If no more records are in the result nodes, exit the loop.
This page has more info and another sample.

How can I automatically apply model filters to GET requests in Sails

I want all all the HTTP GET requests to the API generated by Sails to be restricted. So how can I apply a filter to all incoming API GET requests.
More specifically, most of my models have an attribute called publicityLevel. This tells whether a model is public or not. So I want all my models to automatically apply a filter (like publicityLevel: 'public') for all incoming GET requests.
Even more advanced, I'd like to write some code which decides whether the user can see a specific model or not. So if a user is an admin, don't apply this filter. If the user isn't an admin, apply this filter.
I had similar problem to solve with blueprints and I solved it.
If we are talking about BLUEPRINTS:
You can get modelName from req.options.model when you are using Blueprints.
I was using it to check if user belongs to the same group as element.
Unfortunately you can't use this[modelName] as option is giving you model name starting with small letter, so first you have to upper case first letter with e.g. var modelName = req.options.model.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + req.options.model.slice(1);
and then you are free to use this[modelName].whateverYouNeed
I used it for generic policy to let user editing only his own group elements.
var modelName = req.options.model.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + req.options.model.slice(1)
var elementID = null
if ( { // To handle DELETE, PUT
elementID =
if ( { // To handle POST
elementID =
id: elementID
}).exec(function(err, contextElement) {
if(err) {
return res.serverError(err)
if( {
sails.log('accessing own: ' + modelName)
return next()
else {
return res.forbidden('Tried to access not owned object')

Logic for tracking entity framework property value changes in MVC

I think I am missing something in my understanding of tracking property value changes in entity framework.
I have an application where i store service requests. Whenever a team value in changed in the service request record, I want to create a team history record in a related teamhistory entity.
I have created the app in MVC using the standard scaffolding for controllers and views.
In the (post)edit task in the controller, the standard logic generated has the following code
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(serviceRequest).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(serviceRequest);
I have modified that to include the creating of the teamhistory record and an individualhistory record for individual assigned within team. The code for creating these related records work, BUT i want these records only created when the values on team or member(individual) change from what they were previously.
So far the conditions i have specified due not trigger this correctly because I havent gotten the condition right. Below is the current code:
//string teamorig = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).OriginalValue.ToString();
//string teamcurr = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).CurrentValue.ToString();
//if (teamorig != teamcurr)
var TeamIsModified = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Team).IsModified;
if (TeamIsModified)
serviceRequest.TeamAssignmentHistories.Add(new TeamAssignmentHistory()
DateAssigned = DateTime.Now,
AssignedBy = User.Identity.Name,
ServiceRequest = serviceRequest.Id,
Team = serviceRequest.Team
// if individual assigned has changed add individual history record========================
var IndividualIsModified = db.Entry(serviceRequest).Property(u => u.Member).IsModified;
if (IndividualIsModified)
serviceRequest.IndividualAssignmentHistories.Add(new IndividualAssignmentHistory()
DateAssigned = DateTime.Now,
AssignedBy = User.Identity.Name,
ServiceRequest = serviceRequest.Id,
AssignedTo = serviceRequest.Member.Value,
The var teamismodified logic doesnt work. When I save the page without making any changes on it- the logic kicks off because in debugging it thinks the field has been modified.
When I comment out that code and uncomment the code above it for original and currentvalues- ie the teamorig and teamcurr logic, teamcurr and teamorig have the same values in debug, even when they have been forced into a change on the save in the MVC view page. Because they have the same values, the if condition is false so the team history record is not created.
The above code has been sandwiched in between
db.Entry(serviceRequest).State = EntityState.Modified;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
What am I not understanding about entity framework tracking changes in mvc? Why does think its modified when i make not changes to team, and why are teamorig and teamcurr the same when I do make the changes?
Any advice would be welcome. Thanks

Updating MongoDB in Meteor Router Filter Methods

I am currently trying to log user page views in meteor app by storing the userId, and timestamp when a user clicks on other pages.
createLog: function(page){
var timeStamp = Meteor.user().lastActionTimestamp;
//Set variable to store validation if user is logging in
var hasLoggedIn = false;
//Checks if lastActionTimestamp of user is more than an hour ago
if(moment(new Date().getTime()).diff(moment(timeStamp), 'hours') >= 1){
hasLoggedIn = true;
console.log("this ran");
var log = {
submitted: new Date().getTime(),
userId: Meteor.userId(),
page: page,
login: hasLoggedIn
var logId = Userlogs.insert(log);
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$set: {lastActionTimestamp: log.submitted}});
return logId;
//router.js This method runs on a filter on every page
'checkLoginStatus': function(page) {
//Logs the page that the user has switched to'createLog', page);
return page;
}else if(Meteor.loggingIn()) {
return 'loading';
}else {
return 'loginPage';
However this does not work and it ends up with a recursive creation of userlogs. I believe that this is due to the fact that i did a Collection.find in a router filter method. Does anyone have a work around for this issue?
When you're updating Meteor.users and setting lastActionTimestamp, Meteor.user will be updated and send the invalidation signal to all reactive contexts which depend on it. If Meteor.user is used in a filter, then that filter and all consecutive ones, including checkLoginStatus will rerun, causing a loop.
Best practices that I've found:
Avoid using reactive data sources as much as possible within filters.
Use Meteor.userId() where possible instead of Meteor.user()._id because the former will not trigger an invalidation when an attribute of the user object changes.
Order your filters so that they run with the most frequently updated reactive data source first. For example, if you have a trackPage filter that requires a user, let it run after another filter called requireUser so that you are certain you have a user before you track. Otherwise if you'd track first, check user second then when Meteor.logginIn changes from false to true, you'd track the page again.
This is the main reason we switched to meteor-mini-pages instead of Meteor-Router because it handles reactive data sources much easier. A filter can redirect, and it can stop() the router from running, etc.
Lastly, cmather and others are working on a new router which is a merger of mini-pages and Meteor.Router. It will be called Iron Router and I recommend using it once it's out!

KRL - How do you get the value of a watched field?

I am watching a field on a page with a change.
How do you get the new value of the field in the rule that fires after it changes?
I have a rule like this
rule get_update is active {
select when web change "#searchbox"
I cannot find out how to get the new value. I cannot use watch it with a submit.
I am going to guess what I think you are trying to do:
You have an input on a page and when a user types in the input, you want to be able to raise an event and get the new value from the input that the user was typing into so you can react to what ever it is that they typed in.
Based on the assumptions I have made:
The watch action is not what you really want to use because it only raises an event on the action that it is watching and doesn't send any other data along with the event. You will want to write some of your own custom JavaScript to
watch for the user typing
get the new value from the input
raise web event with the new value as a parameter
Here is some sample code taken from that illustrates raising a web event with a parameter in JavaScript
ruleset a60x488 {
meta {
name "raising-custom-web-events"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule run_on_a_pageview {
select when pageview ".*"
notify("Hello","I ran on a pageview") with sticky = true;
emit <|
app = KOBJ.get_application("a60x488");
app.raise_event("custom_event_just_for_me", {"answer":42});
rule respond_to_custom_event_raised_from_emitted_js {
select when web custom_event_just_for_me
pre {
answer = event:param("answer");
notify("What is the answer?",answer) with sticky = true;