How do I decode a .pwi file? - unicode

I want to decode a file that has the extension .pwi but I am not having any luck at all. It looks like white squares and other characters.. An example is down below. I really want to decode it, I have searched Google now for hours but still can't find the solution.. Decoding it to Hex, MD5 or whatever Google says I have to do doesn't work. I know that it's from my notes on my old Windows phone. But I don't have one anymore.


Decoding a base64 / base64url from a url in the browser

First of all I would like to mention that I have no prior experience with this, so please bare over if the question sounds stupid.
I have a URL that creates some sort of query, but it's encoded as either base64 or base64url. I'm not sure which one of them.
The url itself looks like the following:
From my basic web understanding I assume that & is a new parameter in the url.
I've tried various base64 / base64url tools online to help me decode it, but have been unsuccessful so far. I assume this is the encoded part? 0-0S97kzhT60089CUZpOmkXlD7sCrhHI8BJ6fAw2IFucwKe2ggnNAZ9iuaWEoK7ziIRnau3to3KmtrJGBW8ubXIPltFm-W8FTcgriA==&rnd=50000.794176&c=50000
The various tools i've tried returns that it's not UTF-8 or just rubbish text
Can anyone help me with various resources I should look into or share their knowledge.

Progress URL encoding

What's the best way to encode a URL in progress. I want to build an encoded URL and don't want to write my own encoding function. Is there a command that can be run or a function that someone else already wrote? one/
See: for the list of things that need to be encoded
There is an article on the Progress website, which Google found me with very little effort...
Note the disclaimers at the top of the article.

OCR reconizes stranges characters. Why?

I'm using OCR to develop an Android Application using the Tesseract Libs, with the tess-two project, as I saw here:
The app worked fine, but I'm repairing that string returned with the content of a photo, sometimes, comes with strangers characters. Example: I'm reading this: and receiving something like this: r ' . ,wlñzf . 94' kzl 5. vsmNs/.caelumcombr
Searching, I've configured this: baseApi.setVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
But I think that becomes worst.
I want to read texts in Portuguese and English. So, I downloaded the traineddata for each language and using it as I wish, but these strangers characters have something to do with the encoding project ?
Thanks for help :)
Tesseract recognizes text only for images that contains text and only text. Images that contains only text will be accurately recognized by it and you can get good accuracy too.
However Tesseract gives garbled output for image + text recognition.
I didn't worked on this recognition so can't help further.
So your question should be as to how to crop the image part so that you get only the text part out from image. Like that Tesseract can recognize fine and give desired text in ouput.

c/c++/objective-c library for encoding mpegs

I am looking to encode a jpg sequence into an mpeg format on an iphone project I am working on. My google searches are coming up pretty short. Does anyone happen to know of a library that would let me do something like this?
have a look at ffmpeg
(more characters required)

get text coordinates from pdf on iphone

Is there a way to retrieve text coordinates from PDF file on iPhone?
More details: I'm trying to get words from pdf file and highlight them. While it's a pretty simple task in Mac OS X, which has a PDFKit, it's not that trivial on iPhone, which has Quartz set of functions to present and get information from pdf file. So far I tried and succeed in following - get words list from pdf file scanning its content and using Tj and TJ operators (see how to search text in pdf). While Tj gives a string and I can get words from it, TJ is an array of glyphs probably, since most of its members come as a single characters, but connecting them together still gives a string and I can get words from there.
My problem now is to highlight found words, which may be can be done by finding a TD/Td operators and trying to calculate character boxes by myself, but for this I need probably to get a font/style and other characteristics of glyphs to be able to calculate glyph boxes properly. And probably somehow to build a transformation matrix or something like this... Anybody can shed some light?
solved with open source poppler library
I have been trying to do the same but it's too technical to build a parser myself. Then I found FastPDFKit open source sdk recently. There is a free version with sample iOS project that includes search and highlight.
After reading the other answers I will start exploring Poppler too. If someone has a sample project please let me know :)