Can I build openTok(tokbox) hybrid application with ionic framework? - ionic-framework

I am building mobile app which having secure video conference. I found Ionic framework which can support corodova. Can I build openTok hybrid app in Ionic framework? If yes can I know what are the pro and cons or limitation over android and iOS?

I just wanted to add an update to this. I spoke with a few (very helpful) people over at TokBox and they have forked and released an updated version of the Song Zheng's (SONGZ) plugin. We were having issues with the older reliance on the outdated version, but this one is updated to 2.12.
Although it is not officially supported by TokBox, You are no longer forced to use the older 2.8.3 iOS SDK!
Much thanks to Manik over there

The short answer is yes.
But as always, things are slightly more complicated than that.
WebRTC works perfectly fine on Android, so will work in Cordova or even just Chrome. However Apple's Safari (which uses WebKit) does not currently support WebRTC.
I have had some success using which provides a shim for WebRTC and allows you to use the OpenTok.js SDK on both platforms. There are a few pain points around sizing, and overlaying controls though.
There is also: and which I have not tried yet, but should work perfectly well. I believe the former wraps the native SDKs provided by TokBox, whilst the latter uses iosrtc.

Brad, thanks for sharing the plugin!
I've moved over the updated Cordova Plugin to the OpenTok GitHub organization as an OpenTok Labs project so please feel free to contribute!
The plugin is currently compatible with OpenTok iOS & Android 2.12.0 SDKs. I've introduced some changes such as OT.initPublisher not requiring the API Key (similar to the OpenTok JS SDK) and have added more publisher properties:
Here are some resourceful links:
Cordova OpenTok Plugin:
Cordova Samples:
Ionic Samples:


Track Events using Facebook SDK on Nativescript App using nativescript-facebook plugin

I am trying to connect the an app built with Nativescript-Vue with Facebook to set up ads and track the performance. I am reading through the documentation of but have not found how should I implement the tracking features (specifically Track App Installs and App Opens). Does the plugin work for events? Thanks.-
I also see that the official facebook Quick Start for iOS SDK tutorial, includes some xml for iOS that it is not included in the plugin docs:
Any idea why?
The plugin do not implement events yet. But you may do it by accessing the native apis on the iOS / Android SDK.
Learn more about accessing native apis for iOS / Android from JavaScript in the docs.

Using native SDK in React Native or Ionic

I intend to develop an app for our site but one of the main worry is that I need to use a 3rd party payment gateway that only provides SDK for android in Java and iOS in Objective-C.
I want to know if it is appropriate to use React-Native or Ionic for the app. I am not sure which of these framework supports integration of native integrated and work flawlessly.
Hope someone with experience can help advise on this.
For react-native you can write your native modules for both android(JAVA) and ios(OBJECTIVE-C). It provides you right to write code in module and then register the module for your further use inside your application.
You can read the complete docs from :-
For android
and for ios

Does Ionic compile the Code to Native?

I've searched some times here but could't find an Answer to this.
Does someone know this and can explain how Ionic handles it?
Does Ionic compile the Code to Native? NO
Ionic is for developing Hybrid apps.
What are Hybrid apps?
Hybrid apps are essentially websites embedded in a mobile app through
what we call a webview. They are developed using HTML5, CSS, and
Javascript, and execute the same code regardless of the platform in
which they run. They can, with tools like PhoneGap and Cordova, use
the native features of a device, like GPS or camera.
What are Native apps?
Native apps are developed in the language required by the platform it
targets, Objective-C or Swift for iOS, Java for Android, etc. The code
written is not shared across platforms and their behavior varies. They
have direct access to all features offered by the platform without any
Here is a nice article about it.
Cordova converts the project into a native which has only ONE Page, that is a WebView (WKV WEB View in iOS, etc). And all of the ionic code is run on that webview. Basically an ionic/cordova app is a website which looks like an app!

Apple / Android pay in nativeScript

what is the best way to use Apple / Android pay in nativeScript for in App purchase? Is there any plugin around? Can anyone give me a direction?
Check out this one:
Currently, it is only supporting IOS, but guessing will have Android support soon.
nativescript-purchase currently supports both android and iOS.
And it is constantly being updated.
As far as I know there is no such plugin at the moment however you can create easily new one by using some already available cocoa pod for example for iOS:
You can use this repo to get started with Google Pay:
Here is also more info how to create {N} plugins:

Which is the best framework to develop for Firefox Os

I am trying to develop in Firefox Os, but which is the best (fast, structured) framework for that. I try with Sencha Touch, but unfortunately It doesn't work with firefox yet.
Any suggestion?
All frontend frameworks that support Firefox work on FxOS. AngularJS, Backbone, etc should bring you the view abstraction you need.
More options are being released, like Lungo, an HTML5 app and component framework. jQuery Mobile is another UI-component framework working well on Firefox OS.
I'm pretty new to App-development, but, for what it's worth, I would recommend Enyo. With this framework you can develop 'platform-agnostic' apps, and also Firefox OS is supported:
I'm afraid that - at the moment - there are no fast/all-in-one mobile application framework solutions, that already support Firefox OS development. PhoneGap in a recent blog post announced, that PhoneGap support for "Firefox OS and Ubuntu are coming soon." - but it's not there yet.*
I would recommend trying the conventional approach, and building an app from scratch, the resources discussed here should help in that.
Update: As of March 4th, 2014 version 3.4+ of the PhoneGap framework does indeed support building for Firefox OS
The most recent version of Sencha Touch (2.3.1) does support firefox, and also Internet Explorer. Maybe you could take another look at Sencha Touch.