Microsoft OPEN XML sdk 2.5 on NUGET - nuget

When Installing the documentFormat.OpenXML from nuget, why does it say UNOFFICIAL packaging of Microsoft's OpenXML sdk 2.5 even though its created by Microsoft? if its Unofficial, is there an Official version?

It is unofficial because the DocumentFormat.OpenXml NuGet package was not created by Microsoft.
Whilst the Authors says Microsoft, that is just a text field that can contain anything. The owner is the more important piece of information and that is not Microsoft. NuGet packages created and owned by Microsoft typically have Microsoft as the owner:
There is also a curated NuGet package feed of Microsoft NuGet packages and those that Microsoft officially support:
There is no official Microsoft NuGet package for OpenXml currently.


Myget server show Nuget package license as UnKnown

I followed the instructions of nuget license here.
I use the following code in myproject.csproj:
<None Include="..\" Pack="true" PackagePath=""/>
The Nuget package is built correctly.
No build error or warning related to license.
The license file is included in the package correctly.
When I Inspect the nuspec file in the package, I find this xml code:
<license type="file"></license>
In MyGet feed package, it show package license as UnKnown and point to: ''.
My Question:
Why the nuspec file included in the package show deprecateLicenseUrl?
What I missed to show license in MyGet correctly?
Why the nuspec file included in the package show deprecateLicenseUrl?
Embedded licenses were added to the NuGet client in NuGet 4.9, which corresponds to Visual Studio 2017 15.9, around November 2018. Before then, only license URLs were supported. This means that Visual Studio 2017 15.8 and earlier, as well as Visual Studio 2015 and earlier do not support embedded licenses, and so the license URL pointing to the documentation is added so that they show something, allowing customers to understand why they can't see the real license and instructions on how to find the actual license for the package. Similarly, it means that NuGet feeds need to change to support embedded licenes. The NuGet client team worked with the team to make sure they both supported it at the same time, but the NuGet team has no direct influence of other NuGet feed implementations. If MyGet has not updated to support embedded licenses, it can use the lincense url backwards compatibility aimed at users of old versions of Visual Studio.
What I missed to show license in MyGet correctly?
You could use both embedded license and a custom license URL, but then NuGet will generate warnings when you pack, and your package may be rejected if you try to pubilsh to Otherwise you haven't missed anything, it just sounds like MyGet hasn't "kept up" with changes to NuGet.

Update Javascript WordAPI in older version of Microsoft Office

I'm currently using Microsoft Office Professional in version 16.0.4266.1001, and it has Word JavaScript API 1.1.
I'm wondering if I can update Word JavaScript API to 1.3 without updating my Microsoft Office Professional?
In that case I would have Microsoft Office Professional version 16.0.4266.1001 and Word Javascript API 1.3.
Thank you for reply :)
New features in the Office.js API have dependency on the updates in the product. so you need to update office if you want to use the 1.3. BTW we are now in Builds 16.0.8229, so your build is quite old, I strongly recommend you to update. thanks!
Unfortunately not; the JS APIs and the supporting host code are intricately connected.

SQLite provider in VS2017

I want to connect sqlite using EF6 in VS2017.
I installed "System.Data.SQLite" nuget package.
I also installed "sqlite-netFx46-setup-bundle-x86-2015-" from, but I cannot see the sqlite provider when adding ADO.NET data entity.
Am I missing something? or the above package not supporting VS2017 (it said it is for VS2015)
There is no DDEX provider package for VS 2017 (yet).
Basically you need to wait for: sqlite-netFx46-setup-bundle-x86-2017-1.0.1xx.0.exe
"Official" update:
The current estimate is that support for Visual Studio 2017 will
be included in the release, which should be released at
some point in the mid-June timeframe.
mistachkin added on 2017-05-28 20:41:40: At this point, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to add VS 2017 support for the design-time components (e.g. table designer, entity wizard, etc).
UPDATE: I have created a DDEX provider that enables SQLite support (for EF6 only) in Visual Studio 2017, see the how-to guide here:
The issue was solved after installing SQLite/SQL Server Compact Toolbox.
Please try.
The VS 2017 installer is really a pain in the b***.. Installing packages via an automated deployment works, but detecting installation state and such is near to impossible..
Seems like microsoft devs finally got sick of msi packages and implemented their own installer / package manager for VS2017, as other teams did for Office 365 and such..
According to the url provided by the sqlite-netFX46-bundle-win32-2015- intaller log : Visual Studio 2017 support isn't available yet
I tryied many things without any result, the worst is that I installed also a VS 2015 but cannot install because of the VS 2017 installation on my computer.

NuGet API not serving the latest version of a package

This is not the first time it has happened, so I assume it's a bug where in the pipeline of NuGet Client / Visual Studio / NuGet server. A package has just been updated on The latest version is When I went to upgrade my package it couldn't find it and it said I had the latest version. After using Fiddler to see what was going over the wire, it's clear the NuGet Server is not serving the latest information. This call returns version as the latest version.
Is that a bug on NuGet Server? Do they have a deliberate caching? Is it something the package publisher did that he didn't mark as a stable version?

Why has the package on nuget dissapeared

It was there yesterday and now its page is completely gone. A bunch of my builds straight up started failing, I didnt think that nuget removed packages.
Is there any way I can find out why its just completely gone?
Indeed. Somehow Oracle removed their nuget package causing a lot of headaches among developers relying on it.
However, you can use the package Oracle.ManagedDataAccess which offers the same functionality.
In normal situations, permanently removing a nuget package from is not supported (source). I guess Oracle explictly forced the team to remove it for reasons unknown (maybe licensing?).
I suspect that is one of the NuGet packages that Oracle asked Microsoft to remove from
Oracle identified some NuGet packages that were using their software or made it look as though they were from Oracle and asked Microsoft to remove them.
There is a Package Content and Removals blog post about this which includes information about what NuGet packages should be used instead:
If you are looking for the official Oracle software, they ask that you please download the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess package or the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework package to work with the Oracle database using Entity Framework.