Cluster data into good and bad - cluster-analysis

I need to divide data points into those that are similar to each other("good" points) and everyone else("bad" points).
It looks like some kind of clustering problem and what do I do:
I am assuming that there are at least two "good" points.
Find pairwise distance between all types of points.
Find minimum distance (minDist).
Do hierarchical clustering for all points.
Make a cut at the height of 5*minDist.
Say that all points that are in the same cluster as pair with minDist and under that cut belong to the desired "good" cluster.
And this works pretty well, but if there are two points that are very close to each other. minDist is very small and this 5*minDist cut is also small => only these 2 points are in the desired "good" cluster.
I would think that either I need to change this approach completely and here is question number 1:
[1] "What methods do exist to separate similar points from everyone else?"
Or I need to modify this 5*minDist to some other function of minDist. And question is:
[2] "What may I choose as reasonable alternative to 5*minDist?"

Instead of doing clustering, you want to do outlier detection.
There are dozens of algorithms for this (see ELKI for a large collection). Some very basic methods may solve your problem:
The number of neighbors in radius r. If +i < threshold, the point is an outlier.
Distance to the k nearest neighbor. Choose k>1 to avoid these 2 element clusters you are seeing.
Also, DBSCAN clustering could work for you. Consider all clusters to be good, and only noise to be bad!


Providing Centroids and Then Clustering

I seem to find a lot of documentation based on computing centroids and clustering, but what if I assign centroid values themselves.
Say if I provide 14 different centroid vectors. How would I go about clustering my data to those 14 different centroid values?
Maybe this is an easy question, but I haven't found an answer online, so wanted to make sure.
If the centroids are predefined, then you are doing nearest-neighbor classification, not clustering. It's only clustering if the structure is not predefined.
Not sure this belongs in the python forum, but you just need to compute the distance from each of your points to each centroid, and then assign each point to that centroid that is closest. You then have your clusters, though some may be empty (no guarantee that a centroid will have at least one data point closest to it). You can do this by iterating over all of your points, or do it much more quickly in one step using matrices with numpy. I've got some code lying around somewhere if you need an example to get started.

In DBSCAN, what does eps represent actually?

Suppose that I have already found the eps for all density. I applied the methodology from here
If you don't mind, please open page 5 and see at Proposed Algorithm section. At step 10.1, the paper tells us to calculate the number of objects in eps-neighborhood.
What does eps represent actually? It is a radius to draw a circle right? So, why the radius is so small, smaller than distances between two objects? If so, the MinPts will be 0 forever.
Yes, if used with Euclidean distance, then it is a radius.
It is not infinitely small (it does not tend to 0). It's just supposed to be small compared to the data set extends, but the authors could have named it "r" instead.
Use the original paper to understand the algorithm, not some indian journal variant of it.
In Euclidean distance, it is the radius. Selection of Eps is a little difficult.
This problem is related to model selection, i.e., the selection of a particular model and its corresponding parametrization. In the case of k-means (which requires from the user the number of clusters as input) there is a plethora of measures in the literature that can help in the selection of the best number of clusters, for instance: silhouette, c-index, dunn, davies-bouldin. These measures are the so-called relative validity criteria.
In the case of Density-based clustering algorithms, there are some measures too, for instance: CDbw and DBCV.

Finding elongated clusters using MATLAB

Let me explain what I'm trying to do.
I have plot of an Image's points/pixels in the RGB space.
What I am trying to do is find elongated clusters in this space. I'm fairly new to clustering techniques and maybe I'm not doing things correctly, I'm trying to cluster using MATLAB's inbuilt k-means clustering but it appears as if that is not the best approach in this case.
What I need to do is find "color clusters".
This is what I get after applying K-means on an image.
This is how it should look like:
for an image like this:
Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong, and what I can to do improve my results?
Note: Sorry for the low-res images, these are the best I have.
Are you trying to replicate the results of this paper? I would say just do what they did.
However, I will add since there are some issues with the current answers.
1) Yes, your clusters are not spherical- which is an assumption k-means makes. DBSCAN and MeanShift are two more common methods for handling such data, as they can handle non spherical data. However, your data appears to have one large central clump that spreads outwards in a few finite directions.
For DBSCAN, this means it will put everything into one cluster, or everything is its own cluster. As DBSCAN has the assumption of uniform density and requires that clusters be separated by some margin.
MeanShift will likely have difficulty because everything seems to be coming from one central lump - so that will be the area of highest density that the points will shift toward, and converge to one large cluster.
My advice would be to change color spaces. RGB has issues, and it the assumptions most algorithms make will probably not hold up well under it. What clustering algorithm you should be using will then likely change in the different feature space, but hopefully it will make the problem easier to handle.
k-means basically assumes clusters are approximately spherical. In your case they are definitely NOT. Try fit a Gaussian to each cluster with non-spherical covariance matrix.
Basically, you will be following the same expectation-maximization (EM) steps as in k-means with the only exception that you will be modeling and fitting the covariance matrix as well.
Here's an outline for the algorithm
init: assign each point at random to one of k clusters.
For each cluster estimate mean and covariance
For each point estimate its likelihood to belong to each cluster
note that this likelihood is based not only on the distance to the center (mean) but also on the shape of the cluster as it is encoded by the covariance matrix
repeat stages 2 and 3 until convergence or until exceeded pre-defined number of iterations
Take a look at density-based clustering algorithms, such as DBSCAN and MeanShift. If you are doing this for segmentation, you might want to add pixel coordinates to your vectors.

Clustering words into groups

This is a Homework question. I have a huge document full of words. My challenge is to classify these words into different groups/clusters that adequately represent the words. My strategy to deal with it is using the K-Means algorithm, which as you know takes the following steps.
Generate k random means for the entire group
Create K clusters by associating each word with the nearest mean
Compute centroid of each cluster, which becomes the new mean
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until a certain benchmark/convergence has been reached.
Theoretically, I kind of get it, but not quite. I think at each step, I have questions that correspond to it, these are:
How do I decide on k random means, technically I could say 5, but that may not necessarily be a good random number. So is this k purely a random number or is it actually driven by heuristics such as size of the dataset, number of words involved etc
How do you associate each word with the nearest mean? Theoretically I can conclude that each word is associated by its distance to the nearest mean, hence if there are 3 means, any word that belongs to a specific cluster is dependent on which mean it has the shortest distance to. However, how is this actually computed? Between two words "group", "textword" and assume a mean word "pencil", how do I create a similarity matrix.
How do you calculate the centroid?
When you repeat step 2 and step 3, you are assuming each previous cluster as a new data set?
Lots of questions, and I am obviously not clear. If there are any resources that I can read from, it would be great. Wikipedia did not suffice :(
As you don't know exact number of clusters - I'd suggest you to use a kind of hierarchical clustering:
Imagine that all your words just a points in non-euclidean space. Use Levenshtein distance to calculate distance between words (it works great, in case, if you want to detect clusters of lexicographically similar words)
Build minimum spanning tree which contains all of your words
Remove links, which have length greater than some threshold
Linked groups of words are clusters of similar words
Here is small illustration:
P.S. you can find many papers in web, where described clustering based on building of minimal spanning tree
P.P.S. If you want to detect clusters of semantically similar words, you need some algorithms of automatic thesaurus construction
That you have to choose "k" for k-means is one of the biggest drawbacks of k-means.
However, if you use the search function here, you will find a number of questions that deal with the known heuristical approaches to choosing k. Mostly by comparing the results of running the algorithm multiple times.
As for "nearest". K-means acutally does not use distances. Some people believe it uses euclidean, other say it is squared euclidean. Technically, what k-means is interested in, is the variance. It minimizes the overall variance, by assigning each object to the cluster such that the variance is minimized. Coincidentially, the sum of squared deviations - one objects contribution to the total variance - over all dimensions is exactly the definition of squared euclidean distance. And since the square root is monotone, you can also use euclidean distance instead.
Anyway, if you want to use k-means with words, you first need to represent the words as vectors where the squared euclidean distance is meaningful. I don't think this will be easy or maybe not even possible.
About the distance: In fact, Levenshtein (or edit) distance satisfies triangle inequality. It also satisfies the rest of the necessary properties to become a metric (not all distance functions are metric functions). Therefore you can implement a clustering algorithm using this metric function, and this is the function you could use to compute your similarity matrix S:
-> S_{i,j} = d(x_i, x_j) = S_{j,i} = d(x_j, x_i)
It's worth to mention that the Damerau-Levenshtein distance doesn't satisfy the triangle inequality, so be careful with this.
About the k-means algorithm: Yes, in the basic version you must define by hand the K parameter. And the rest of the algorithm is the same for a given metric.

Measuring density for three dimensional data (in Matlab)

I have a dataset consisting of a large collection of points in three dimensional euclidian space. In this collection of points, i am trying to find the point that is nearest to the area with the highest density of points.
So my problem consists of two steps:
1: Determine where density of the distribution of points is at its highest
2: Determine which point is nearest to the point found in 1
Point 2 i can manage, but i'm not sure how to solve point 1. I know there are a lot of functions for density estimation in Matlab, but i'm not sure which one would be the most suitable, or straightforward to use.
Does anyone know?
My command of statistics is a little bit rusty, but as far as i can tell, this type of problem calls for multivariate analysis. Someone suggested i use multivariate kernel density estimation, but i'm not really sure if that's the best solution.
Density is a measure of mass per unit volume. On the assumption that your points all have the same mass then you are, I suppose, trying to measure the number of points per unit volume. So one approach is to divide your subset of Euclidean space into lots of little unit volumes (let's call them voxels like everyone does) and count how many points there are in each one. The voxel with the most points is where the density of points is at its highest. This is, of course, numerical integration of a sort. If your points were distributed according to some analytic function (and I guess they are not) you could solve the problem with pencil and paper.
You might make this approach as sophisticated as you like, perhaps initially dividing your space into 2 x 2 x 2 voxels, then choosing the voxel with most points and sub-dividing that in turn until your criteria are satisfied.
I hope this will get you started on your point 1; you seem to be OK with point 2 so I'll stop now.
It looks as if triplequad might be what you are looking for.