Access 2010 with MS SQL Server 2008 r2, VAB Code - sql-server-2008-r2

here is another question:
Private Sub cboKundennummer_AfterUpdate()
' Kundenname aus Abfrage Kundennummer
Me.kunde_name = Me![cboKundennummer].Column(1)
Me.lieferant_name = Me![cboKundennummer].Column(3)
Me.lieferant_nummer = Me![cboKundennummer].Column(2)
End Sub
You see, i want to call a query to fill three textboxes in the Access 2010 form. When i call the query all columns are there. But when i set a breakpoint in Editor, than only Me.kunde_name = "A Name". Both other Me... = "Null"
Why that?
Private Sub cboNames_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtFirstName = Me![cboNames].column(1)
Me.txtLastName = Me![cboNames].column(2)
Me.txtTitle = Me![cboNames].column(3)
End Sub
Here's my SQL code:
SELECT A.kunde_nummer, A.kunde_name, A.lieferant_nummer, A.lieferant_name
FROM dbo_View_Teilestamm_Lieferschein AS A
INNER JOIN dbo_tblRetoureStamm AS B
ON A.lieferschein_nummer = B.lieferschein_nummer;
When i change the first Me to the second, the first work but the second don't...
Please help :-)

So hello again :-)
Now I know it!!!! Yes!!! You must create the Combobox manually wiht the Combo Box Wizard!!! And "Store that value in this field:"!!! I was changed my TextBox into a Combobox!!! That was the fault!!! And then the code locks:
Private Sub cboLieferscheinnummer_Change()
Me.txtkunde_nummer.Value = Me![cboLieferscheinnummer].Column(1)
Me.txtkunde_name.Value = Me![cboLieferscheinnummer].Column(2)
Me.txtlieferant_name.Value = Me![cboLieferscheinnummer].Column(3)
Me.txtlieferant_nummer.Value = Me![cboLieferscheinnummer].Column(4)
End Sub
So the code populates all four textfields!!!
Thank you.


In LibreOffice Calc, how do I change through LibreOffice Basic the value of a cell with an event listener set to it without crashing the program?

I am trying to create two tables which mirror changes made to any of them to one another automatically.
To that end, I added event listeners which are triggered when the cells of these tables are edited by the user.
Unfortunately, editing one of the tables causes LibreOffice to crash, even though the changes are indeed reflected correctly, as seen upon reopening the file.
I thought the crash might be due to a never-ending circular reference, but it still crashes after it has been made non-circular (by commenting out the relevant parts of the code so that changes are reflected only one way rather than both ways).
I noticed the code worked fine when writing to a cell that didn't have an event listener set to it.
How can I write to one of the cells with event listeners set to them without causing LibreOffice to crash?
You may want to download the following file. Please run Main and then try editing the cell C3 of the Planning sheet. The arbitrary string "C" should be written in the cell C4 of the Services sheet.
Here is a simplified version of the code :
REM ***** BASIC *****
Type cellStruct
columnNumber As Integer
rowNumber As Integer
End Type
Sub UpdateServicesSheet(editedCell As cellStruct, newValue As String)
Dim oSheets
Dim servicesSheet
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
servicesSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(SERVICESSHEET_NUMBER)
servicesSheet.getCellByPosition(SERVICESSHEET_SERVICES_COLUMN, 3).setString(newValue)
End Sub
Private oListener, cellRange as Object
Sub AddListener
Dim sheet, cell as Object
sheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0) 'get leftmost sheet
servicesSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(2)
cellRange = sheet.getCellrangeByName("C3")
oListener = createUnoListener("Modify_","") 'create a listener
cellRange.addModifyListener(oListener) 'register the listener
cellRange = servicesSheet.getCellrangeByName("C4")
oListener = createUnoListener("Modify_","") 'create a listener
cellRange.addModifyListener(oListener) 'register the listener
End Sub
global CircularReferenceAllowed As boolean
Sub Modify_modified(oEv)
Dim editedCell As cellStruct
Dim newValue As String
editedCell.columnNumber = 2
editedCell.rowNumber = 2
If CircularReferenceAllowed Then
CircularReferenceAllowed = false
UpdateServicesSheet(editedCell, "C")
End If
End Sub
Sub Modify_disposing(oEv)
End Sub
Sub RmvListener
End Sub
Sub Main
CircularReferenceAllowed = true
End Sub
Crossposted to :
OpenOffice forums
LibreOffice discourse platform
It seems like the event trigger is within another event's function is causing the crash. In any case, the solution is to remove the listener, then add it back after modifying the other cell.
You do need to global the Listener and the Cell objects to make this work.
This code is simplified to work on C3 and C15 on the first sheet. It would also output some information on C14, which isn't really necessary for your purpose, but I use it to see what's happening. You need to adopt the according to what you need.
global goListener as Object
global goListener2 as Object
global goCellR as Object
global goCellR2 as Object
global goSheet as Object
global giRun as integer
global giUpd as Integer
Sub Modify_modified(oEv)
Dim sCurStr$
Dim sNewStr As String
'xRay oEv
giRun = giRun + 1
sCurStr = oEv.source.string
oCell = goSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 14)
If (oCell.getString() <> sCurStr) Then
' only update if it's different.
giUpd = giUpd + 1
End If
sNewStr =sCurStr & " M1 Run=" & giRun & " Upd=" & giUpd
goSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 13).setString(sNewStr)
End Sub
Sub Modify2_modified(oEv)
Dim sCurStr$
Dim sNewStr As String
Dim oCell as Object
'xRay oEv
giRun = giRun + 1
sCurStr = oEv.source.string
oCell = goSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 2)
If (oCell.getString() <> sCurStr) Then
' only update if it's different.
giUpd = giUpd + 1
End If
sNewStr =sCurStr & " M2 Run=" & giRun & " Upd=" & giUpd
goSheet.getCellByPosition(2, 13).setString(sNewStr)
End Sub
Sub Modify_disposing(oEv)
MsgBox "In Modify_disposing"
End Sub
Sub Modify2_disposing(oEv)
MsgBox "In Modify2_disposing"
End Sub
Sub RmvListener
MsgBox "In RmvListener"
End Sub
Sub AddListener
goSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0) 'get leftmost goSheet
'servicesSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(2)
goCellR = goSheet.getCellrangeByName("C3")
goListener = createUnoListener("Modify_","") 'create a listener
goCellR.addModifyListener(goListener) 'register the listener
goCellR2 = goSheet.getCellrangeByName("C15")
goListener2 = createUnoListener("Modify2_","") 'create a listener
goCellR2.addModifyListener(goListener2) 'register the listener
End Sub
Sub Main
giRun = 0
giUpd = 0
End Sub

Sub- or Function Procedure not defined

I am writing my first macro for Libre Office right now and I have come into a bit of a problem: My code throws the error: BASIC Runtime error; Sub- or Function procedure not defined.
The line with the "If Cells (RowCnt,ChkCol......) throws the error.
I've looked through other entries on here, but I could not find the error... can anyone help me?
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub Zeilennausblenden_Nullsummen
EndRow = 46
ChkCol= D
For RowCnt = BeginRow To EndRow step 1
If Cells(RowCnt,ChkCol).Value > 1 Then
Cells(RowCnt,ChkCol).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End if
End Sub
PS: The function should hide all rows in which an integer higher than "1" appears in column "D"
Thanks in advance
Here is what the code looks like in LibreOffice Basic (aka StarBasic):
Sub Zeilennausblenden_Nullsummen
EndRow = 46
ChkCol= 3
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
For RowCnt = BeginRow To EndRow step 1
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(ChkCol,RowCnt)
If oCell.Value > 1 Then
oRow = oSheet.getRows().getByIndex(RowCnt)
oRow.IsVisible = False
End if
End Sub
I wasn't sure if BeginRow should be 3 or 4, because it's zero-based. You can test it and decide.
Note that a macro is not necessary in order to accomplish this task. The easiest way is to go to Data -> More Filters -> Standard Filter.
That's because CELLS isn't a StarBasic function.
It's VBA (different programming language). Some versions of OpenOffice support the use of it if a statement (Option VBASupport 1) is put in first line of source code.
Check the net for Andrew Pitonyak's "OpenOffice Macros Explained" document - very good for learning and available in German translation, too.

Recordset Addnew modifies first record in a table

I'm currently having problems with adding a new record in a table through VBA in Access. The VBA is used through a Button in a Form which has 2 Combination fields and 2 date fields.
Private Sub Schlussel_hinzufügen_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim R As Recordset
Set R = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Schluesselhistorie")
' Normally data is added to the record between these two
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Couldn't save record!", vbCritical
End Sub
As soon as the R.AddNew is called the first record of the table is modified with the Data from the combination and date fields. A completely new record at the end of the table is created as well when
R![SLH_Schluessel_ID] = Me.Kombinationsfeld13.Value
R![SLH_Kontakt_ID] = Me.Kombinationsfeld15.Value
R![SLH_Datum_Ausgabe] = Me.SLH_Datum_Ausgabe.Value
R![SLH_Datum_Rueckgabe_Soll] = Me.SLH_Datum_Rueckgabe_Soll.Value
is called though. I am kinda irritated as the former (first row event) shouldn't happen as I know and when code is added above both the first row is modified and a new record with these values is added.
The table is externally linked and the field names are in German.
Are there restrictions to the DAO where the Recordset used can't specify which line the Addnew should use. Or does the Addnew take the values of the Form to automatically add the Values to the table?
You should use the recordsetclone of the form:
Private Sub Schlussel_hinzufügen_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim R As DAO.Recordset
Set R = Me.RecordsetClone
' Normally data is added to the record between these two
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Couldn't save record!", vbCritical
End Sub

Using Variable Names inside Functions in Matlab

I am trying to add a column called "Lifespan" into the dataset in my workspace entitled "options_20020208".
I need to do this multiple times via a loop (Since there are multiple tables)
My problem is that I need to insert "Name" and have matlab process it as "options_20020208":
Name = options_20020208
Start = cellstr(Name(:,5))
End = cellstr(Name(:,3))
Start = datenum(Start)
End = datenum(End)
Lifespan = wrkdydif(Start,End)
Name.Lifespan = nominal(Lifespan)
I need to make it such that matlab reads the above code is read as :
Start = cellstr(options_20020208(:,5))
End = cellstr(options_20020208(:,3))
Start = datenum(Start)
End = datenum(End)
Lifespan = wrkdydif(Start,End)
options_20020208.Lifespan = nominal(Lifespan)
This is a fairly basic question, I know.. but I'm a newbie and not really sure how to approach it.
Any advice would help!!
Name_string = 'options_20020208';
eval([Name_string,'.Lifespan = nominal(Lifespan);']);
For a better answer, please show the exact line defining Name in your actual code.

Execute code when form is closed in VBA (Excel 2007)

I would like to execute some code when a user closes a form using the x button in the top right corner of the window (I have the form load when the excel spreadsheet is opened, and it hides Excel. I want to exit excel once the form is closed, or at least show excel again so the user may exit it manually)
Looking at the form properties, the Unload property is not present, nor am I able to figure out how to make a function which executes when the form is closed.
Unfortunately, coding this in VB is not an option, it must be VBA.
I'm aware of the code needed to unhide Excel or quit it outright, just not how to tie it to the unload event.
You can use QueryClose event of the UserForm as follows:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = 0 Then
' Your codes
' Tip: If you want to prevent closing UserForm by Close (×) button in the right-top corner of the UserForm, just uncomment the following line:
' Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
You can also use vbFormControlMenu like this:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
'Your code goes here
End If
End Sub
A colleague was able to provide the answer, including example here for everybody else
Private Sub userform_terminate()
'Code goes here
End Sub
You can use Unload Me in VBA to close a form. Just put the code to close Excel immediately following that.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim msgRes As VbMsgBoxResult
msgRes = MsgBox("Exit form ?", vbYesNo)
If msgRes = vbYes Then
'optional code
ElseIf msgRes = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
I was able to prevent the form from closing when the X button was click using the following:
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Cancel = MsgBox("Please confirm cancellation", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion) = vbCancel
End Sub
try something like this:-
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender as Object, e as FormClosingEventArgs) _
Handles Form1.FormClosing
//Code you want to execute
End Sub