What Encoder choose when using StreamReader - c#-3.0

I'm trying to fix a piece of code for a task that runs daily, and uses a StreamReader with no encoder defined to read a file that contains english and french text. So I'm getting a character � instead when french accents are found.
If I set Encoding.Default the problem is fixed, but here they don't recommend using it. So I'd like to know what would be the right approach.
Any help is appreciated.


CSV in bad Encoding

We have uploaded a file with bad encoding now when downloading it again all the "strange" French characters are mixed up.
Example of the bad text:
Now when opening the CSV with Openoffice we tried all of the encodings in the Dropdown none of them seem to work.
Anyone have a way to fix the encoding to the correct one that we can view the chars?
Links to file https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwgeuQK3LAFRWkJuNHd2TlF2WjQ/view?usp=sharing
Sadly there is no way to automatically fix the linked file. Consider the two words afectación and sécurité. In the file they have been converted incorrectly to afectaci?n and s?curit?. There is no way to convert the question marks back because sometimes they're ó and other times é.
(Actually instead of question marks the file uses the unicode replacement character, but that doesn't change the problem).
Hopefully you have an earlier version of the file that has not been converted incorrectly.
Next time try to use a consistent encoding. This question gives some suggestions for how to do this.
If the original data cannot be obtained, there is one thing that could be done outside of retyping the whole thing. It is possible to use dictionary lookups to guess the missing words. However this would be a difficult project, and there would be mistakes where incorrect guesses were made. It's probably not worth it.

The File Encoding Is utf8 but is in Windows-1256 readable

I am working on files with unknown encoding at first but I get the encoding with this lines in JAVA:
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("D:\\lbl2\\1 (26).LBL"));
InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(in);
and we get UTF8 in output.
but the problem is that when I try to see file content with the browser or text editor like Notpad++ I can't see character correctly. Instead when I change the encoding to Windows-1256 all of characters view correct and readable.
Do i do any mistake?
Java does not attempt to detect the encoding of a file. getEncoding returns the encoding that was selected in the InputStreamReader constructor. If you don't use one of the constructors that take a character set parameter, you get the 'platform default charset', according to Oracle's documentation.
This question discusses what the platform default charset is, and how you can change it.
If you know in advance that this file is Windows-1256, you can use:
InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(in, "Windows-1256");
Attempting to detect the encoding of a file usually fails - see for example the Bush hid the facts issue in Windows Notepad.
Unfortunately there is no 100% reliable way to detect the encoding of a file and as the other answer points out Java by default doesn't try. It simply assumes the platform's default encoding.
If you know the files are all in a single encoding then great, you can just specify that encoding and life is good.
If you know that some files are in UTF-8 and some files are in a single legacy encoding then you can generally get away with trying a strict* UTF-8 decode first. If the strict UTF-8 decode errors out then you move on to your legacy encoding.
If you have a wider mix of encodings things get considerablly harder, you may have to resort to some quite complex language processing to sort them out.
* I belive to get a strict decode in Java you need to first get the "Charset", then get a "CharsetDecoder" and then use the "onMalformedInput" method to set it to strict mode.

problem while parsing the CDATA

<text><![CDATA[øCu·l es tu principal reto, objetivo o problema?]]></text>
while parsing the above tag, its crashing.
how to parse the CDATA
the same line is appearing in windows like this...
<text><![CDATA[¿Cuál es tu principal reto, objetivo o problema?]]></text>
due to the special chars the parser is crashing.
why they are converted into special chars in Mac..?
how to solve this?
Well for one, the string as you post it here looks like something has gone wrong with the encoding. "ø" is not a Spanish character.
What xml parser are you using? I would guess that somewhere in that string is a character, possibly hidden, or maybe it's "ø" which makes your parser crash.
Edit (in response to the OP's comment)
I will try to guess what is happening and hope you can use my guess to resolve what is actually happening. So when you created the xml file you used some editor. This editor used a particular encoding. This means that it transferred the characters on your screen into bytes on your disk using a particular mapping from character into bytes (it encoded the characters into bytes). There are many different encodings, one common encoding is called Latin-1. So let's assume the file was encoded using Latin-1. After creating it, you transferred the file onto another machine where you opened it in a different editor. Now, how does the new editor know the encoding of the file? The answer is that it probably tried to guess the encoding. Now here is where the problem arises: it guessed wrong and interpreted the bytes using an encoding other than Latin-1.
While you have your (garbled) file open in an editor try selecting different encodings from the menu. The one that displays all your special characters correctly is likely to be the one used when the file was created.
Edit 2
But my other question remains: what xml parser are you using?
Edit 3
Ok, so now when you write "crashing", do you actually mean crashing or does it just return? Do you get an error message? If yes, what? Can you do the following:
Remove the funny characters from this line and run your code on the following:
<text><![CDATA[l es tu principal reto, objetivo o problema?]]></text>
Does it still crash?

Apostrophe issue in RTF

I have a function within a custom CRM web application (old VB.Net circa 2003) that takes a set of fields from a database and merges them with palceholders in a set of RTF based template documents. These generate merged letters and documentation. The code essentially loops through each line of the RTF template file and replaces any instances of the placeholder values with text from a database record. The issue I'm having is that users have pasted a certain type of apostrophe into the web app (and therefore into the database) that is not rendering correctly in the resulting RTF file. It is rendering like this - ’.
I need a way to spot this invalid apostrophe in the code and replace it with a valid one. Unfortunately when I paste the invalid apostrophe into the Visual Studio editor it gets converted into the correct one. So I need another way to express this invalid apostrophe's value. Unfortunately I do not know a great deal about unicode and other encodings so I'm calling out for help with this.
Any ideas?
If you really just want to figure out what the character is you might want to try and paste it into a text editor like ultraedit. It has a hex mode that you can flip to to see the actual underlying bytes.
In order to do the replace once you've figured out the character you'd do something like this in Vb,
text.Replace(ChrW(2001), "'")
Note that you might not be able to figure it out easily using the text editor because it might also get mangled by paste from the clipboard. You might want to either print some debug of the ascii values from code. You can use the AscW function to do that.
I can't help but think that it may actually simply be a case of specifying the correct encoding to use when you write out the stream though. Assuming you're using a StreamWriter you can specify it on the constructor. I'm guessing you actually want ASCII given your requirement.
oWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(path, False, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
It looks like you probably want to encode characters out of the 8 bit range (>255).
You can do that using \uNNNN according to the wikipedia article.

Using Tcl encoding command to convert from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese

I support a website written in Tcl which displays data in Traditional Chinese (big5). We then have a Java servlet, using the translation code from mandarintools.com, to translate a page request into Simplified Chinese. The conversion as specified to the translation code is from UTF-8 to UTF-8S; Java is apparently correctly translating the data to UTF-8 as it comes in.
The Java translation code works but is slow, and since the website is written in Tcl someone on another list suggested I try using that. Unfortunately, Tcl doesn't support UTF-8S and I have been unable to figure out what translation to use in its place. I've tried gb2312, gb2312-raw,gb1988, euc-cn... all result in gibberish. My assumption is that Tcl is also translating to UTF-8 as it comes in, though I have tried converting from big5 first and it doesn't help.
My test code looks like this:
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 $page_body]
ns_write $translated_page_body
I have also tried
set page_body [ns_httpget http://www.mysite.com]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 [encoding convertfrom big5 $page_body]]
ns_write $translated_page_body
But it didn't change anything.
Does anyone out there have enough experience with this to help me figure it out?
FYI for completeness' sake, I've been told by Tcl experts that you can't do the conversion this way, it has to be done via character replacement.
By any chance, are you grabbing your data from Oracle?
If so, see if you can use the CONVERT function to convert to from "utf8" to "al32utf8", which is the true Utf8 standard and which Tcl should work-with seamlessly.
If not, well, I guess I'll wait for you comment(s).